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Payne JC  Rous BW  Tenderholt AL  Godwin HA 《Biochemistry》2003,42(48):14214-14224
Zinc binding to the two Cys(4) sites present in the DNA-binding domain (DBD) of nuclear hormone receptor proteins is required for proper folding of the domain and for protein activity. By utilizing Co(2+) as a spectroscopic probe, we have characterized the metal-binding properties of the two Cys(4) structural zinc-binding sites found in the DBD of human estrogen receptor alpha (hERalpha-DBD) and rat glucocorticoid receptor (GR-DBD). The binding affinity of Co(2+) to the two proteins was determined relative to the binding affinity of Co(2+) to the zinc finger consensus peptide, CP-1. Using the known dissociation constant of Co(2+) from CP-1, the dissociation constants of cobalt from hERalpha-DBD were calculated: K(d1)(Co) = 2.2 (+/- 1.0) x 10(-7) M and K(d2)(Co) = 6.1 (+/- 1.5) x 10(-7) M. Similarly, the dissociation constants of Co(2+) from GR-DBD were calculated: K(d1)(Co) = 4.1 (+/- 0.6) x 10(-7) M and K(d2)(Co) = 1.7 (+/- 0.3) x 10(-7) M. Metal-binding studies conducted in which Zn(2+) displaces Co(2+) from the metal-binding sites of hERalpha-DBD and GR-DBD indicate that Zn(2+) binds to each of the Cys(4) metal-binding sites approximately 3 orders of magnitude more tightly than Co(2+) does: the stoichiometric dissociation constants are K(d1)(Zn) = 1 (+/- 1) x 10(-10) M and K(d2)(Zn) = 5 (+/- 1) x 10(-10) M for hERalpha-DBD and K(d1)(Zn) = 2 (+/- 1) x 10(-10) M and K(d2)(Zn) = 3 (+/- 1) x 10(-10) M for GR-DBD. These affinities are comparable to those observed for most other naturally occurring structural zinc-binding sites. In contrast to the recent prediction by Low et. al. that zinc binding in these systems should be cooperative [Low, L. Y., Hernández, H., Robinson, C. V., O'Brien, R., Grossmann, J. G., Ladbury, J. E., and Luisi, B. (2002) J. Mol. Biol. 319, 87-106], these data suggest that the zincs that bind to the two sites in the DBDs of hERalpha-DBD and GR-DBD do not interact.  相似文献   
Salmonella spp. are reported to have an increased heat tolerance at low water activity (a(w); measured by relative vapor pressure [rvp]), achieved either by drying or by incorporating solutes. Much of the published data, however, cover only a narrow treatment range and have been analyzed by assuming first-order death kinetics. In this study, the death of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 when exposed to 54 combinations of temperature (55 to 80 degrees C) and a(w) (rvp 0.65 to 0.90, reduced using glucose-fructose) was investigated. The Weibull model (LogS = -bt(n)) was used to describe microbial inactivation, and surface response models were developed to predict death rates for serovar Typhimurium at all points within the design surface. The models were evaluated with data generated by using six different Salmonella strains in place of serovar Typhimurium DT104 strain 30, two different solutes in place of glucose-fructose to reduce a(w), or six low-a(w) foods artificially contaminated with Salmonella in place of the sugar broths. The data demonstrate that, at temperatures of > or =70 degrees C, Salmonella cells at low a(w) were more heat tolerant than those at a higher a(w) but below 65 degrees C the reverse was true. The same patterns were generated when sucrose (rvp 0.80 compared with 0.90) or NaCl (0.75 compared with 0.90) was used to reduce a(w), but the extent of the protection afforded varied with solute type. The predictions of thermal death rates in the low-a(w) foods were usually fail-safe, but the few exceptions highlight the importance of validating models with specific foods that may have additional factors affecting survival.  相似文献   
Death by apoptosis regulates cell numbers in metazoan tissues and it is mediated by activation of caspases and results in characteristic morphological and biochemical changes. We report here that the malaria protozoan, Plasmodium berghei, exhibits features typical of metazoan apoptotic cells including condensation of chromatin, fragmentation of the nuclear DNA and movement of phosphatidylserine from the inner to the outer lamellae of the cell membrane. In addition, proteins with caspase-like activity were identified in the cytoplasm of the ookinete suggesting that the cellular mechanism of cell death may be similar to that of multicellular eukaryotes. Our data show that more than 50% of the mosquito midgut stages of the parasite die naturally by apoptosis before gut invasion. Cell death was prevented by a caspase inhibitor, treatment resulting in a doubling of parasite intensity. All these features also occur in vitro. Cell suicide thus plays a major and hitherto unrecognised role in controlling parasite populations and could be a novel target for malaria control strategies.  相似文献   
The purpose of the pilot study reported here was to evaluate serum and fecal total and allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) responses to dietary change in five Maltese x beagle dogs with suspected food hypersensitivity, compared with those of five clinically normal dogs. Clinical parameters (pruritus, otitis, and diarrhea) improved in the Maltese x beagle dogs during feeding of a novel diet, and signs were exacerbated by oral allergen provocation. Relative concentrations of serum and fecal wheat-, corn-, and milk-specific IgE were determined by use of an ELISA. The onset of clinical signs of disease was accompanied by an increase in serum allergen-specific IgE concentrations. In contrast, changes in clinical signs of disease or allergen-specific IgE values were not seen in the control group undergoing the same regimen. Total serum IgE concentration was measured by use of the ELISA, and comparison with known quantities of a monoclonal IgE allowed absolute values to be reported. Values were high in the Maltese x beagle colony (7 to 34 microg/ml), compared with those in the control dogs (0.7 to 6 microg/ml). Total serum and total fecal IgE concentrations did not change in either group during the study. Although allergen-specific IgE was detected in the feces of both groups, significant interassay variability made interpretation of the results difficult. The authors concluded that these Maltese x beagle dogs satisfied the currently recognized clinical criteria for the diagnosis of canine food hypersensitivity. Furthermore, the clinical and serologic responses seen in these dogs in response to oral allergen provocation suggest that this may be a useful model for the study of spontaneous food hypersensitivity.  相似文献   
Simultaneous binary population biofilm formation by a bacterium and filamentous fungus was demonstrated by time-lapse image analysis in a flow cell system. The accumulation of attached bacterial cells followed an S-shaped graph similar to batch culture bacterial growth, with continual attachment, detachment, rotation, and movement of bacteria over the surface. An extensive hyphal network formed on the surface of the flow cell, protruding into the bulk flow, which subsequently detached. Multiple species mixed fungal–bacterial model biofilms were tested for isothiazolone biocide susceptibility. Biofilms were less susceptible to biocide treatment than planktonic cells of the same organisms. Mixed species biofilms, particularly for the bacterial species, offered greater protection against the action of the biocide compared to single species biofilms. Microbial loss as a result of biocide activity was shown by reduced cell surface coverage in electron micrographs. Received 11 March 2002/ Accepted in revised form 08 August 2002  相似文献   
Flt3 ligand (FL) and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) are important growth factors for dendritic cells (DC). Substantial numbers of DC can be generated in vivo following the administration of either factor. We sought to extend our knowledge of the functional properties of these cells including their ability to prime na?ve CD8(+) T cells. In addition, we compared the nature of the DC generated in vivo with the single cytokines to those generated with the combination of FL+polyethylene glycol-modified GM-CSF (pGM-CSF). Treatment with FL+pGM-CSF yielded greater numbers of both CD11b(low) and CD11b(high) DC than with either cytokine alone, and these DC were more efficient at antigen (Ag) capture. The FL+pGM-CSF-generated CD11b(low) DC lacked expression of CD8alpha. Following treatment with LPS in vivo, all DC subsets upregulated CD40, CD80, CD86, and MHC class II expression, but surprisingly Ag capture was not downregulated and some DC subsets retained expression of intracellular MHC class II vesicles. Thus, even after activation in vivo with LPS, DC retained Ag capture properties of immature DC, and Ag presentation/costimulation properties of mature DC. Though all DC subsets stimulated CD4(+) T cell proliferation equivalently, FL-generated DC were more efficient at priming Ag-specific CD8(+) cytolytic T cells than DC generated with either pGM-CSF alone or FL+pGM-CSF, and CD11b(high) DC were more efficient at priming CD8(+) T cells than CD11b(low) DC.  相似文献   
Brenner RM  Slayden OD  Nayak NR  Baird DT  Critchley HO 《Steroids》2003,68(10-13):1033-1039
In women and nonhuman primates, treatment with progesterone antagonists suppresses estrogen-dependent mitotic activity in the endometrial glands. This antiproliferative effect is paradoxical, because progesterone antagonists do not bind to the estrogen receptor (ER). While this phenomenon has been termed a "functional noncompetitive antiestrogenic effect," it does not occur in all species or in all regions of the primate reproductive tract, so is best referred to as an "endometrial antiproliferative effect." Recent studies of ours in both women and macaques revealed that the endometrial androgen receptor (AR) was increased by progesterone antagonist treatment. Because androgens are known to suppress estrogen-dependent endometrial proliferation, we hypothesized that the AR was involved in the antiproliferative effects induced by progesterone antagonists. In a test of this hypothesis, we administered the antiandrogen, flutamide, along with progesterone antagonists to ovariectomized, estrogen-treated macaques. Flutamide counteracted the suppressive effects of the progesterone antagonists on endometrial wet weight, thickness, stromal compaction, and mitotic index. Hyaline degeneration of the spiral arteries was also blocked by flutamide. These data implicate the AR as a functional component of the mechanism through which progesterone antagonists induce endometrial antiproliferative effects in the presence of estrogens.  相似文献   
Antiprogestins as a model for progesterone withdrawal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Critchley HO  Kelly RW  Brenner RM  Baird DT 《Steroids》2003,68(10-13):1061-1068
The key physiological function of the endometrium is preparation for implantation; and in the absence of pregnancy, menstruation and repair. The withdrawal of progesterone is the initiating factor for breakdown of the endometrium. The modulation of sex steroid expression and function with pharmacological agents has provided an invaluable tool for studying the functional responses of the endometrium to sex steroids and their withdrawal. By administration of the antiprogestin mifepristone, it is possible to mimic progesterone withdrawal and study local events in early pregnancy decidua that may play a role in the process of early pregnancy failure. Our data indicate that antagonism of progesterone action at the receptor level results in an up-regulation of key local inflammatory mediators, including NF-kappaB, interleukin-8 (IL-8), monocyte chemotactic peptide-1 (MCP-1), cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) and others in decidua. Bleeding induced by mifepristone in the mid-luteal phase of the cycle is associated with changes in the endometrium similar to those that precede spontaneous menstruation including up-regulation of COX-2 and down-regulation of PGDH. Administration of antagonists of progesterone provide an excellent model to study the mechanisms involved in spontaneous and induced abortion as well as providing information which may help devise strategies for treating breakthrough bleeding associated with hormonal contraception.  相似文献   
Functional genomics of wood quality and properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genomics promises to enrich the investigations of biology and biochemistry. Current advancements in genomics have major implications for genetic improvement in animals, plants, and microorganisms, and for our understanding of cell growth, development, differentiation, and communication. Significant progress has been made in the understanding of plant genomics in recent years, and the area continues to  相似文献   
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