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The Tamjin River which flows from Jangheung-gun via Gangjin-gun to the South Sea was reported to be a highly endemic area of Metagonimus yokogawai infection in 1977 and 1985. However, there were no recent studies demonstrating how much change occurred in the endemicity, in terms of prevalence and worm burden, of metagonimiasis in this river basin. Thus, a small-scale epidemiological survey was carried out on some residents along the Tamjin River basin in order to determine the current status of M. yokogawai infection. A total of 48 fecal samples were collected and examined by the Kato-Katz thick smear and formalin-ether sedimentation techniques. The egg positive rate of all helminths was 50.0%, and that of M. yokogawai was 37.5%, followed by C. sinensis 22.9% and G. seoi 4.2%. To obtain the adult flukes of M. yokogawai, 6 egg positive cases were treated with praziquantel 10 mg/kg in a single dose and purged with magnesium sulfate. A total of 5,225 adult flukes (average 871 specimens per person) of M. yokogawai were collected from their diarrheic stools. Compared with the data reported in 1977 and 1985, the individual worm burdens appeared to have decreased remarkably, although the prevalence did not decrease at all. It is suggested that the endemicity of M. yokogawai infection along the Tamjin River has been reduced. To confirm this suggestion, the status of infection in snail and fish intermediate hosts should be investigated.  相似文献   
Thlaspi caerulescens L. is well known as a Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator. The genetic manipulation of T. caerulescens through transgenic technology can modify plant features for use in phytoremediation. Here, we describe the efficient transformation of T. caerulescens using Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA105 harboring a binary vector pBI121 with the nptII gene as a selectable marker, the gus gene as a reporter and a foreign catalase gene. Based on the optimal concentration of growth regulators, the shoot cluster regeneration system via callus phase provided the basis of the genetic transformation in T. caerulescens. The key variables in transformation were examined, such as co-cultivation period and bacterial suspension density. Optimizing factors for T-DNA delivery resulted in kanamycin-resistant transgenic shoots with transformation efficiency more than 20%, proven by histochemical GUS assay and PCR analysis. Southern analysis of nptII and RT-PCR of catalase gene demonstrated that the foreign genes were integrated in the genome of transformed plantlets. Moreover, the activity of catalase enzyme in transgenic plants was obviously higher than in wild-type plants. This method offers new prospects for the genetic engineering of this important hyperaccumulator species.  相似文献   
A complete protocol of in vitro selection and greenhouse screening for glyphosate-tolerant variants in manilagrass (Zoysia matrella [L.] Merr) was established in this study. Newly subcultured calli of more than 5?years?? old were transferred to selection medium containing 2?mM glyphosate. After two rounds of selection, 220 calli survived out of 840 and were transferred to regeneration medium without glyphosate. Regenerated plantlets were then transferred to regeneration medium containing 0.5?mM glyphosate to select tolerant plantlets. After 1-month growth, there were plantlets remained green and new shoots formed beside or on discolored explants. These surviving organisms were then transferred to fresh regeneration medium for further growth. Fully developed plantlets were transferred to a green house and then subjected to greenhouse screening by foliar spraying with 0.05?% glyphosate solution. Six glyphosate-tolerant plantlets, TP1-TP6, were obtained and proliferated for determination of sod-tolerance using morphological and physiological measurements. Fourteen days after foliar application with 0.1?% glyphosate, only TP5 showed enhanced sod-tolerance. The dark green color index value of TP5 was significantly higher than CK2, demonstrating that TP5 suffered less injury from glyphosate than CK2. Different physiological characters were also observed in CK1, CK2 and TP5. Significantly higher chlorophyll a content and catalase activity were observed in TP5 than in CK1. Fourteen days after treatment (DAT), the ion leakage, proline content and ascorbate peroxidase activity of CK2 and TP5 increased significantly, but the ion leakage of TP5 was significantly lower than that of CK2. The guaiacol peroxidase activity of TP5 increased significantly 14 DAT, and was significantly higher than that of CK1 and CK2. No change in shikimate content was observed in CK2 or TP5 14 DAT.  相似文献   
The gene encoding acyl-CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT1-2) is a key quantitative trait locus that controls oil content and oleic acid composition in maize kernels. Here we re-sequenced the DGAT1-2 region responsible for oil variation in a maize landrace set and in 155 inbred lines (35 high-oil and 120 normal lines). The high-oil DGAT1-2 allele was present in most Northern Flint and Southern Dent populations but was absent in five of eight Corn Belt Dent open-pollinated populations and in most of the earlier inbred lines. Loss of the high-oil DGAT1-2 allele possibly resulted from genetic drift in the early twentieth century when a few Corn Belt Dent populations were selected for the development of high-grain-yield inbred lines. Association analysis detected significant effects of two PCR-based functional markers (HO06 and DGAT04; developed based on DGAT1-2 polymorphisms) on kernel oil content and oleic acid composition using the 155 inbred lines. Zheng58 and Chang7-2, the parent inbred lines of elite hybrid Zhengdan958, were used to transfer the favorable allele from the high-oil line By804 using marker-assisted backcrossing with the two functional markers. In BC5F2:3 populations, oil content of the three genotypes (−/−, +/−, and +/+) was, respectively, 3.37, 4.20, and 4.61% (Zheng58 recipient line) and 4.14, 4.67, and 5.25% (Chang7-2 recipient line). Oil content of homozygous kernels containing the high-oil DGAT1-2 allele increased by 27–37% compared with recurrent parents. Hence, these functional markers can be used to re-introduce the high-oil DGAT1-2 allele into modern inbred lines for increased oil content through marker-assisted backcrossing.  相似文献   
An ultrasensitive bioassay system for the detection of N-acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs) was constructed in Agrobacterium tumefaciens by using the T7 expression system to overproduce the AHL receptor TraR. This strain detected many diverse AHLs, some at extremely low concentrations. We used this strain to detect for the first time AHLs made by Mesorhizobium huakuii, which symbiotically fixes nitrogen in association with the legume Astragalus sinicus, a source of green manure throughout eastern Asia.  相似文献   
A novel protease with a molecular mass of 15 kDa was purified from fresh fruiting bodies of the wild mushroom Amanita farinosa. The purification protocol entailed anion exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, affinity chromatography on Affi-gel blue gel, cation exchange chromatography on SP-Sepharose, and gel filtration by fast protein liquid chromatography on Superdex 75. The protease was unadsorbed on DEAE-cellulose but adsorbed on Affi-gel blue gel and SP-Sepharose. It demonstrated a single 15-kDa band in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS/PAGE) and a 15-kDa peak in gel filtration. The optimal pH and optimal temperature of the protease were pH 8.0 and 65 °C, respectively. Proliferation of human hepatoma HepG2 cells was inhibited by the protease with an IC(50) of 25 μM. The protease did not have antifungal or ribonuclease activity.  相似文献   
The rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) plays an important role in the integration of cardiovascular functions. We examined the effect of asphyxia on cardiovascular responses, on sympathetic vertebral nerve activity (VNA) and nitric oxide (NO) formation in the RVLM, on hemodynamics, and on plasma concentrations of catecholamines, blood gas partial pressures and carbohydrate metabolites. Using 16 anesthetized cats we found that the systemic arterial pressure (SAP), VNA, NO formation and the release of plasma catecholamine components of norepinephrine and epinephrine were increased during asphyxia. The onset of NO production was significantly earlier than that of SAP and VNA. The venous partial pressure of O2 decreased, while the partial pressure of CO2 increased. Furthermore, metabolism of glucose and lactate increased, as did the blood concentrations of white and red blood cells, hemoglobin and platelets. Thus, asphyxia increased SAP, VNA and NO formation. It increased the plasma catecholamines, blood gases, carbohydrate metabolites and blood cells.  相似文献   
Using a splanchnic nerve-spinal cord preparation in vitro that could spontaneously generate sympathetic nerve discharge (SND), we investigated the roles of intraspinal GABA(B) receptors in the regulation of SND. Despite an age-dependent difference in sensitivity, bath applications of baclofen (Bac; GABA(B)-receptor agonist) consistently reduced SND in a concentration-dependent manner. The drug specificity of Bac in activation of GABA(B) receptors was verified by application of its antagonist saclofen (Sac) or CGP-46381 (CGP). Sac or CGP alone did not change SND. However, in the presence of Sac or CGP, the effects of Bac on SND inhibition were reversibly attenuated. The splanchnic sympathetic preganglionic neuron (SPN) was recorded by blind whole cell, patch-clamp techniques. We examined Bac effects on electrical membrane properties of SPNs. Applications of Bac reduced excitatory synaptic events, induced membrane hyperpolarizations, and inhibited SPN firing. In the presence of 12 mM Mg2+ or 0.5 microM TTX to block Ca2+- or action potential-dependent synaptic transmissions, applications of Bac induced an outward baseline current that reversed at -29 +/- 6 mV. Because the K+ equilibrium potential in our experimental conditions was -100 mV, the Bac-induced currents could not simply be attributed to an alteration of K+ conductance. On the other hand, applications of Bac to Cs+-loaded SPNs reduced Cd2+-sensitive and high-voltage-activated inward currents, indicating an inhibition of voltage-gated Ca2+ currents. Our results suggest that the activation of intraspinal GABA(B) receptors suppresses SND via a mixture of ion events that may link to a change in Ca2+ conductance.  相似文献   
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