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1. The effect of all-trans-retinoic acid (RA) on cell cycle kinetics, RNA content, and expression of the 35 kDa cytoskeletal protein p35 in exponentially-growing Friend erythroleukemia (FL) cells was compared with the prototypic differentiation-inducer dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). 2. Two G1 phase populations of RA-treated FL cells were identified: one with an intermediate RNA content (T-cells) similar to G1 cells in near-plateau-phase control cultures and the other with a very low RNA content (Q-cells) similar to DMSO-differentiated cells; although quiescent, RA-treated cells remained undifferentiated as evidenced by the absence of late-stage markers of erythroid maturation. 3. Decreases in the cellular content of p35 occurred in both DMSO- and RA-treated FL cells, correlating with the onset of accumulation of cells into G1, and stabilized by 48 hr after initial exposure to either inducer. 4. Down-regulation in the cellular p35 content, thus, appears to be linked to entrance of FL cells into a quiescent substrate and independent of the subsequent capacity for erythroid differentiation.  相似文献   
1. The subcellular distribution of particular cytoskeletal (CSK) and cell-substrate adhesive elements was assessed during the morphologic response of cultured tumor cells to the shape modulating agent sodium butyrate (NaB). 2. NaB induced marked increases in cellular and CSK actin content and in the matrix-associated proteins fibronectin and p52. 3. Subcellular fractionation indicated disproportionate increases in the actin content of the substrate-attached cellular residue (SAM fraction) which contains the majority of cell-substrate adhesive elements. 4. Augmented cell spreading and substrate attachment characteristic of NaB-treated cells is likely due to increased elaboration of cell-to-substrate adhesive structures and reflected in an enhanced deposition of actin into the CSK and SAM compartments.  相似文献   
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a fatal neurodegenerative disease that causes degeneration of motoneurons. Mutation of Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) is one cause for this disease. In mice, expression of mutant protein causes motoneuron degeneration and paralysis resembling the human disease. Morphological change, indicative of mitochondrial damage, occurs at early stages of the disease. To determine whether mitochondrial function changes during the course of disease progression, enzyme activities of mitochondrial electron transport chain in spinal cords from mice at different disease stages were measured using three different methods: spectrophotometric assay, in situ histochemical enzyme assay, and blue native gel electrophoresis combined with in-gel histochemical reaction. The enzyme activities were decreased in the spinal cord, particularly in the ventral horn, beginning at early disease stages. This decrease persisted throughout the course of disease progression. This decrease was not detected in the spinal cords of non-transgenic animals, of mice expressing the wild-type protein, and in cerebellum and dorsal horn of the spinal cords from mice expressing mutant protein. These results demonstrate a functional defect in mitochondria in the ventral horn region and support the view that mitochondrial damage plays a role in mutant SOD1-induced motoneuron degeneration pathway.  相似文献   
Expression of SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine), a 43-kDa extracellular matrix-associated glycoprotein involved in tissue remodeling, was quantitated during normal human keratinocyte (NHK) growth in culture and as a function of sodium n-butyrate (NaB)-induced differentiation to mature enucleate cornified envelopes (CEs). Low levels of SPARC expression were observed in the basal-like cells of control NHKs, with isolated cells showing intense SPARC expression on the ventral surface. After addition of NaB, SPARC expression increased and the pattern of expression shifted to one involving predominantly suprabasal cells (i.e., spinous cells, pre-CEs, and mature CEs). Dense deposits of SPARC often surrounded the mature CEs. Flow cytometric analysis indicated that approximately 13% of NHKs expressed SPARC within 24 h of seeding into culture. This fraction of SPARC+ cells increased with time and peaked immediately postconfluence (31.3 ± 6.3% SPARC+). Cellular SPARC expression then decreased to baseline levels during entrance into plateau phase growth. SPARC was detectable in all phases of the cell cycle. SPARC levels were more intense and heterogeneous within the G2/M and G1 phases while S phase cells exhibited relatively homogeneous, low intensity, SPARC expression. During NaB-induced NHK differentiation, SPARC intracellular content increased prior to the onset of CE formation (i.e., 2 days after its addition) followed by a period of extracellular accumulation which coincided with the time of maximal CE generation (i.e., Days 4 and 5 after NaB addition). Correlation of cell size with anti-SPARC immunoreactivity revealed a predominance of SPARC expression in cells with a suprabasal phenotype. NHKs cultured on fibronectin (FN), an established modulator of epidermal cell maturation in vitro, showed a similar response to NaB. In general, however, the level of NaB-induced SPARC expression was considerably reduced in FN cultures correlating with a lower efficiency of CE formation. Induced SPARC expression was, in large part, dependent on autocrine transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) production since incubation in the presence of NaB + neutralizing antibodies to TGF-β inhibited both the expression of SPARC by 72% and development of mature CEs.  相似文献   
The transverse distribution of phospholipids in the membranes of subfractions of the Golgi complex was investigated by using phospholipase C and 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid as probes. In trans-enriched Golgi membranes, 26% of the phosphatidylethanolamine is available for reaction with trinitrobenzenesulphonate or for hydrolysis by phospholipase C, and 72% of the phosphatidylcholine is hydrolysed by phospholipase C. In cis-enriched Golgi membranes, 45% of the phosphatidylethanolamine is available for reaction with trinitrobenzenesulphonate and for hydrolysis by phospholipase C, and 95% of the phosphatidylcholine is hydrolysed by phospholipase C. Under the conditions used with either probe the contents of the Golgi vesicles labelled with either [3H]palmitic acid or [14C]leucine were retained. Galactosyltransferase activity of the membrane vesicles was partially inhibited by the experimental procedures used to investigate the transverse distribution of phospholipids. However, the residual activity was latent, suggesting that the vesicles remained closed. Trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid caused no detectable morphological change in either Golgi fraction. Phospholipase C treatment caused morphological changes, including fusion of vesicles and the appearance of 'signet-ring' profiles in some vesicles; however, the vesicles remained closed and the bilayer was retained. It appears, therefore, that neither probe causes major disruption of the Golgi vesicles nor gains access to the inner surface of the membrane bilayer. These observations suggest that phospholipids have a transverse asymmetry in Golgi membranes, that this distribution differs in trans and cis membranes, and that the phospholipid structure of Golgi membranes is inconsistent with a simple flow of membrane bilayer from endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi membranes to plasma membrane.  相似文献   
The competitiveness of a Rhizobium leguminosarum strain was investigated at two separate locations in field inoculation studies on commercially grown peas. The soil at each location (sites I and II) contained an indigenous R. leguminosarum population of ca. 3 × 104 rhizobia per g of soil. At site I it was necessary to use an inoculum concentration as large as 4 × 107 CFU ml−1 (2 × 106 bacteria seed−1) to establish the inoculum strain in the majority of nodules (73%). However, at site II the inoculum strain formed only 33% of nodules when applied at this (107 CFU ml−1) level. Establishment could not be further improved by increasing the inoculum concentration even as high as 109 CFU ml−1 (9.6 × 107 bacteria seed−1). The inoculum strain could be detected at both sites 19 months after inoculation. Analysis by intrinsic antibiotic resistance patterns and plasmid DNA profiles indicated that a dominant strain(s) and plasmid pool existed among the indigenous population at site II. Competition experiments were carried out under laboratory conditions between a dominant indigenous isolate and the inoculum strain. Both strains were shown to be equally competitive.  相似文献   
The field of biomarkers is a growing one, particularly in osteoarthritis (OA). OA is the most common disabling condition in older persons and a major cause of morbidity. While the debate continues about which of the involved tissues - cartilage, bone or synovium - is the most important in OA aetiology, there is no doubt that the three develop abnormalities in concert; perhaps a truly useful biomarker will reflect just that. While efforts continue to identify reliable biomarkers useful for characterising the status, prognosis and measurement of treatment response in OA, combining existing biomarkers to improve their accuracy looks promising.  相似文献   
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