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Summary Electron microscopical studies were made of the thyroid gland of an adult lamprey, Lampetra japonica, in the upstream migration period.The thyroid consists of many usual follicles containing the colloid in their lumina, and a large parafollicle without colloid. The paper concerns only the usual follicle.The follicle cells found in the usual follicle wall are classified into three types; 1. a non-ciliated taller cell, 2. a ciliated taller one, and 3. a non-ciliated cuboidal one. From their cytoplasmic fine structure, it is considered that all these cells are essentially identical and differences among them are due to their functional state.All these type cells are characterized by irregularly developed interdigitations and aggregates of tonofilaments throughout the cytoplasm, especially in the perinuclear region. Although the rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus are fairly well developed in the first and second type cells, the cisternae are not so large-vacuolated but flattened, and the cytoplasm is more compact as compared with that of the higher vertebrate. In the third type cell, the cytomembranes are poorly developed.Large dense inclusion-bodies consisting of heterogeneously dense materials, of lamellar structures, and of less dense vacuoles, which are found often in taller follicle cells, are also characteristic for the lamprey thyroid. The body which might be intimately related to the Golgi apparatus is considered to be a kind of lysosomes and it perhaps corresponds to the yellow pigment observed by light microscopy.In the apical part of the cytoplasm in taller cells, there are three kinds of granules or vesicles; numerous small vesicles considered to be derived from the Golgi apparatus, a few small dense granules which seem to originate from the Golgi region, and a few large less-dense granules.In the third type cell, the cytomembranes are not so well developed as those of the first and second type cells. The large heterogeneously dense bodies and the cytoplasmic granules are very few in number.Around the follicle of the lamprey thyroid, there are a dense basement membrane and a relatively compact connective tissue with few blood capillaries. Characteristic fat cells are found in the connective tissue.  相似文献   
Vibrio cholerae O139 isolated from different countries, as well as from different locations within a country, were examined using macrorestriction DNA analysis to determine the clonality of the O139 strains. NotI digests of genomic DNA of representative strains from Nepal, India, Bangladesh, China, Thailand, and Malaysia revealed very similar but not identical patterns. Examinations of the banding patterns generated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of strains isolated within countries revealed complete homogeneity. These results further reiterate the spread of an identical clone of V. cholerae O139 although it appears that genetic polymorphism among the O139 strains is becoming apparent.  相似文献   
To identify the type of Verotoxins (VT) produced by Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC), a sensitive bead-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and polymerase chain reaction with common and specific primers to various VTs (VT1, VT2, VT2vha, VT2vhb, and VT2vp1) were developed. Together with colony hybridization tests with oligo- and polynucleotide probes, these methods were applied to VTEC isolates to type the VT produced. The toxin types of 26 of 37 strains were identified, but the reaction profiles in assays of the remaining 11 strains suggested the existence of new VT2 variants. The application of these identification procedures may be useful as a tool for clinical and epidemiological studies of VTEC infection.  相似文献   
The gene encoding a Verotoxin 2 variant, VTvp1, was mutated by oligonucleotide-directed site-specific mutagenesis. Among 6 mutant toxins encoded by the mutated genes, E167Q-R170L (glutamic acid at position 167 and arginine at position 170 from N-terminus of the A subunit were replaced by glutamine and leucine, respectively) was found to have markedly decreased activities; inhibition of protein synthesis, Vero cell cytotoxicity and mouse lethality of the purified E167Q-R170L were 1/1,900, 1/125,000 and 1/2,000, respectively, of those of the purified wild-type VT2vp1. Since the antigenic property of the E167Q-R170L was demonstrated to be similar to that of the wild-type VT2vp1 by Ouchterlony double gel diffusion test and by neutralization test of Vero cell cytotoxicity of the VT2vp1, a possibility to use the mutant VT2vp1, E167Q-R170L, as a toxoid is discussed.  相似文献   
The growth yields for glucose and glutamine of murine hybridoma cells entrapped in collagen gel particles were examined during the growth phase. The immobilized hybridoma cells were cultivated in a fluidized bed fermenter where the medium was circulating to supply oxygen separately. Procedures to supply an alkaline solution for adjusting the pH level strongly affected the growth yields. A direct supply of the alkaline solution to the cultivation system reduced both the growth yields for glucose and glutamine, probably due to a local increase in pH level. On the other hand, when fresh medium in which the pH was adjusted to around 8.5 was added to the cultivation system, the growth yields were unchanged even at the same pH level as when direct alkaline supply was used. These results suggest that an indirect alkaline supply could be recommended to ajust the pH level when using medium-circulating-fermenters.  相似文献   
To sequence a DNA segment inserted into a cosmid vector underthe directed sequencing strategy, we established a simple andrapid method for generating nested deletions which uses thein vitro packaging system of bacteriophage T3 DNA. The principleis based on the previous finding that this system can translocateany linear double-stranded DNA up to 40 kb into the phage capsidin a time-dependent manner and the encapsulated DNA becomesDNase-resistant. For this purpose, we constructed a cosmid vectorthat carries two different antibiotic selection markers at bothsides of the multiple cloning site, and after insertion of aDNA segment, the clone was linearized by -terminase at the cossite. After the packaging reaction in vitro followed by DNasetreatment, the encapsulated DNA was introduced into Escherichiacoli cells to give clones with unidirectional deletions by differentialantibiotic selection. Restriction and sequence analyses of deletionclones demonstrated that an ordered set of clones with nesteddeletions, ranging from less than 1 kb to 25 kb, was createdfrom either the end of the DNA segment. Thus, nested deletionclones that cover the entire region of a 40-kb cosmid insertcan be obtained by a single packaging reaction, and its restrictionmap can be simultaneously obtained.  相似文献   
Abstract A novel mycoplasmal species designated as Mycoplasma penetrans has recently been isolated from patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus. The 16S rRNA gene from this mycoplasma was cloned and its nucleotide sequence determined. This sequence was aligned with previously published homologous sequences from several mycoplasmas and with related Gram-positive bacteria and a phylogenetic tree was constructed. The results indicate that M. penetrans belongs to the evolutionary group Pneumoniae.  相似文献   
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