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Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1), a mammalian ortholog of Drosophila Polo, is a serine-threonine protein kinase implicated in the regulation of multiple aspects of mitosis. The protein level, activity, and localization of Plk1 change during the cell cycle, and its proper subcellular localization is thought to be crucial for its function. Although localization of Plk1 to the centrosome has been established, nuclear localization or nucleocytoplasmic translocation of Plk1 has not been fully addressed. Here we show that Plk1 accumulates in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm in addition to its localization to the centrosome during S and G(2) phases. Our results identify a conserved region in the kinase domain of Plk1 (residues 134-146) as a functional bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) sequence that regulates nuclear translocation of Plk1. The identified NLS is necessary and sufficient for directing nuclear localization of Plk1. This bipartite NLS has an unusually short spacer sequence between two clusters of basic amino acids but is sensitive to RanQ69L, a dominant negative form of Ran, similar to ordinary bipartite NLS. Remarkably, the expression of an NLS-disrupted mutant of Plk1 during S phase was found to arrest the cells in G(2) phase. These results suggest that the bipartite NLS-dependent nuclear localization of Plk1 before mitosis is important for ensuring normal cell cycle progression.  相似文献   
Cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) is a reproductive phenotype induced by bacterial endosymbionts in arthropods. Measured as a reduction in egg hatchability resulting from the crossing of uninfected females with bacteria-infected males, CI increases the frequency of bacteria-infected hosts by restricting the fertilization opportunities of uninfected hosts in populations. Wolbachia, a type of alpha-proteobacteria, is well known as a CI inducer in a wide range of arthropod species, while Cardinium, a member of the phylum Bacteroidetes, is known to cause CI in one wasp and three spider mite species. In this study, dual infection with Cardinium and Wolbachia induced strong CI in a single host, Sogatella furcifera (Horváth), a planthopper species that is naturally infected with both bacteria. Specifically, infection with Cardinium alone was found to cause a 76 % reduction in egg development, and dual infection with Cardinium and Wolbachia a 96 % reduction, indicating that Cardinium induces CI and the dual infection raises the CI level. This study was the first to document reproductive alteration by Cardinium in a diploid host species.  相似文献   
Stable isotopes (13C, D) and radiocarbon weremeasured in methane bubbles emitted from rice paddies and swamps in southernThailand. Methane emitted from the Thai rice paddies was enriched in13C (mean 13C; –51.5 ±7.1 and–56.5 ± 4.6 for mineral soil and peat soil paddies,respectively)relative to the reported mean value of methane from temperate rice paddies(– 63 ± 5). Large seasonal variation was observed in13C(32) in the rice paddies, whereas variationinD was much more smaller (20), indicating that variation in13C is due mainly to changes in methane production pathways.Values of 13C were lower in swamps (–66.1 ±5.1)than in rice paddies. The calculated contribution of acetate fermentation from13C value was greater in rice paddies (mineral soils:62–81%, peat soils: 57–73%) than in swamps (27–42%). Din methane from Thai rice paddies (–324± 7 (n=46)) isrelativelyhigher than those from 14 stations in Japanese rice paddies ranging from–362 ± 5 (Mito: n=2) to –322 ± 8(Okinawa: n=3), due tohigher D in floodwaters. 14C content in methane produced fromThai rice paddies (127±1 pMC) show higher 14Cactivity compared with previous work in paddy fields and those from Thai swamps(110±2 pMC).  相似文献   


Foodborne diseases are globally important, resulting in considerable morbidity and mortality. Parasitic diseases often result in high burdens of disease in low and middle income countries and are frequently transmitted to humans via contaminated food. This study presents the first estimates of the global and regional human disease burden of 10 helminth diseases and toxoplasmosis that may be attributed to contaminated food.

Methods and Findings

Data were abstracted from 16 systematic reviews or similar studies published between 2010 and 2015; from 5 disease data bases accessed in 2015; and from 79 reports, 73 of which have been published since 2000, 4 published between 1995 and 2000 and 2 published in 1986 and 1981. These included reports from national surveillance systems, journal articles, and national estimates of foodborne diseases. These data were used to estimate the number of infections, sequelae, deaths, and Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs), by age and region for 2010. These parasitic diseases, resulted in 48.4 million cases (95% Uncertainty intervals [UI] of 43.4–79.0 million) and 59,724 (95% UI 48,017–83,616) deaths annually resulting in 8.78 million (95% UI 7.62–12.51 million) DALYs. We estimated that 48% (95% UI 38%-56%) of cases of these parasitic diseases were foodborne, resulting in 76% (95% UI 65%-81%) of the DALYs attributable to these diseases. Overall, foodborne parasitic disease, excluding enteric protozoa, caused an estimated 23.2 million (95% UI 18.2–38.1 million) cases and 45,927 (95% UI 34,763–59,933) deaths annually resulting in an estimated 6.64 million (95% UI 5.61–8.41 million) DALYs. Foodborne Ascaris infection (12.3 million cases, 95% UI 8.29–22.0 million) and foodborne toxoplasmosis (10.3 million cases, 95% UI 7.40–14.9 million) were the most common foodborne parasitic diseases. Human cysticercosis with 2.78 million DALYs (95% UI 2.14–3.61 million), foodborne trematodosis with 2.02 million DALYs (95% UI 1.65–2.48 million) and foodborne toxoplasmosis with 825,000 DALYs (95% UI 561,000–1.26 million) resulted in the highest burdens in terms of DALYs, mainly due to years lived with disability. Foodborne enteric protozoa, reported elsewhere, resulted in an additional 67.2 million illnesses or 492,000 DALYs. Major limitations of our study include often substantial data gaps that had to be filled by imputation and suffer from the uncertainties that surround such models. Due to resource limitations it was also not possible to consider all potentially foodborne parasites (for example Trypanosoma cruzi).


Parasites are frequently transmitted to humans through contaminated food. These estimates represent an important step forward in understanding the impact of foodborne diseases globally and regionally. The disease burden due to most foodborne parasites is highly focal and results in significant morbidity and mortality among vulnerable populations.  相似文献   
The role of HOM/C homeobox genes on rat embryonic lung branching morphogenesis was investigated using the lung bud explant culture system in an air/liquid interface. Knock down of homeobox b3 and b4 expression by antisense oligonucleotide treatment repressed airway branch formation, while antisense oligonucleotide against homeobox a3 showed no effect. Addition of antisense Hoxb3 oligonucleotide resulted in upregulation of collagen type III mRNA and fibroblast growth factor 10 mRNA, while that of the T-box regulatory factor-4 was decreased. Consequently, expression of Clara cell-specific secretory protein was decreased. These results suggest a critical role for homeobox b3 and b4 genes in lung airway branching morphogenesis.  相似文献   
We tested the effectiveness of distribution-prediction models for four rare herbaceous wetland species in the Watarase wetland, Japan, based on data obtained from aerial images. We used visible and near-infrared aerial images from three seasons, and elevations and vegetation heights derived from the images. Because spatial autocorrelation in species distribution data often biases the estimated effects of certain variables and reduces the prediction accuracy of distribution models, we compared the predictions of an intrinsic conditional autoregressive (CAR) model, which accounts for spatial autocorrelation, with those of a standard logistic regression model. The four study species had different distribution patterns: Ophioglossum namegatae and Impatiens ohwadae had aggregated distributions, whereas Galium tokyoense and Thalictrum simplex var. brevipes had scattered distributions. Predictions based on remote sensing images performed well for O. namegatae with the intrinsic CAR model and for I. ohwadae with both the logistic and CAR models; performance was poor for G. tokyoense and T. simplex var. brevipes with both models. Prediction accuracy improved by the CAR model in comparison to the logistic model most in O. namegatae and least in I. ohwadae. Impatiens ohwadae’s distribution was explained well by ground height. In contrast, the apparent improvement in the prediction for O. namegatae resulted from a substantial spatial random effect, suggesting the presence of determinants that could not be detected by remote sensing. The number of explanatory variables with large effects decreased in the intrinsic CAR model in three species possibly by avoiding spatial pseudoreplication, but not for T. simplex var. brevipes.  相似文献   
Oviposition response of Ideopsis similis (L.) (Lepidoptera: Danaidae) was examined for 12 phenanthroindolizidine alkaloids present in its host plant, Tylophora tanakae (Maxim.) (Asclepiadaceae). At least five alkaloids, i.e. (+)‐isotylocrebrine (3,4,6,7‐tetramethoxyphenanthroindolizidine; l ), (+)‐3‐demethyliso‐ tylocrebrine ( 3 ), (+)‐isotylocrebrine N‐oxide ( 5 ), (+)‐6‐demethyltylocrebrine ( 8 ) and (–)‐7‐demethyltylophorine ( 10 ), were found to individually stimulate oviposition by females. Of these, compounds 1, 3 and 10 were regarded as key components most responsible for host recognition or preference. However, female egg‐laying was much higher in response to a mixture of the five alkaloids. In two‐choice bioassays, more eggs were deposited on samples comprising the five alkaloids than on samples consisting of a single alkaloid. This suggests strongly that host selection by the butterfly is mediated by the synergistic action of several phenanthroindolizidine alkaloids present in the host plant.  相似文献   
Ras activates Raf, leading to the extracellular-regulated kinase (ERK)-mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway, which is involved in a variety of cellular, physiological, and pathological responses. Thus, regulators of this Ras-Raf interaction play crucial roles in these responses. In this study, we report a novel regulator of the Ras-Raf interaction named DA-Raf1. DA-Raf1 is a splicing isoform of A-Raf with a wider tissue distribution than A-Raf. It contains the Ras-binding domain but lacks the kinase domain, which is responsible for activation of the ERK pathway. As inferred from its structure, DA-Raf1 bound to activated Ras as well as M-Ras and interfered with the ERK pathway. The Ras-ERK pathway is essential for the negative regulation of myogenic differentiation induced by growth factors. DA-Raf1 served as a positive regulator of myogenic differentiation by inducing cell cycle arrest, the expression of myogenin and other muscle-specific proteins, and myotube formation. These results imply that DA-Raf1 is the first identified competent, intrinsic, dominant-negative antagonist of the Ras-ERK pathway.  相似文献   
Inbred strains of the brine shrimp were developed from dry dormant cysts of wild-type Artemia franciscana produced in the Great Salt Lake, U.S.A. The established strains were named GSL2, 4, and 7. They were raised in 2% natural sea salt solution at 28 degrees C under a long-day condition, and fed on food sold for Artemia. Ovoviviparous offspring (free-swimming nauplii) in each brood derived from full sib (sister x brother) matings were used for succeeding generations. The ordinal number of the filial generation increased at a rate of ten generations per year. The number was over 60, and the lineage was recorded. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analyses of the inbred strains revealed the uniqueness, homogeneity, and genetic similarity among them. Their life span, the time required to become sexually mature, brood size, mode of reproduction, and adaptation and tolerance to salinity changes were investigated. The inbred strains usually released free-swimming nauplii rather than spawning encysted gastrulae (dormant cysts). On the other hand, the opposite results were obtained from wild-type Artemia under the same conditions. Both adults and nauplii of the inbred strains appeared to be less adaptive and less tolerant to salinity changes compared to those of the wild type. The established inbred strains should provide a wider and deeper scope for Artemia biology in particular, and the life sciences in general.  相似文献   
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