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Abstract A susceptibility of 63 clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae to inorganic and organic mercuric compounds was determined. 18 of them were found to be resistant to fluorescein mercuric acetate (FMA) and merbromin (MB). Moreover, all the resistant strains inactivate the antibacterial effect of FMA. The changes in the amount of organic mercury at the time of inactivation of the drug and the structures of the end products were examined in detail with the plasmid-bearing strain JK9 and its transconjugants of Escherichia coli .
The results showed that FMA was inactivated by an intracellular enzyme produced inducively and was degraded to fluorescein (sodium salt, uranine), which led to the sedimentation of metallic mercury. The discovery of the genes conferring inducible organic mercury-inactivating enzymes determined by plasmids was the next step and their application in the recovery of metallic mercury from organomercurials is now imminent.  相似文献   
Although the sequencing of the human genome is complete, identification of encoded genes and determination of their structures remain a major challenge. In this report, we introduce a method that effectively uses full-length mouse cDNAs to complement efforts in carrying out these difficult tasks. A total of 61,227 RIKEN mouse cDNAs (21,076 full-length and 40,151 EST sequences containing certain redundancies) were aligned with the draft human sequences. We found 35,141 non-redundant genomic regions that showed a significant alignment with the mouse cDNAs. We analyzed the structures and compositional properties of the regions detected by the full-length cDNAs, including cross-species comparisons, and noted a systematic bias of GENSCAN against exons of small size and/or low GC-content. Of the cDNAs locating the 35,141 genomic regions, 3,217 did not match any sequences of the known human genes or ESTs. Among those 3,217 cDNAs, 1,141 did not show any significant similarity to any protein sequence in the GenBank non-redundant protein database and thus are candidates for novel genes. Received: 18 January 2001 / Accepted: 17 May 2001  相似文献   
Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are established from the inner cell mass of preimplantation embryos, are capable of self‐renewal, and exhibit pluripotency. Given these unique properties, ESCs are expected to have therapeutic potential in regenerative medicine and as a powerful tool for in vitro differentiation studies of stem cells. Various growth factors and extracellular matrix components regulate the pluripotency and differentiation of ESC progenies. Thus, the cell surface receptors that bind these regulatory factors are crucial for the precise regulation of stem cells. To identify membrane proteins that are involved in the regulation of pluripotent stem cells, the membrane proteins of murine ESCs cultured with or without leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) were purified and analyzed by quantitative proteomics. 2‐D PAGE‐based analysis using fluorescently labeled proteins and shotgun‐based analysis with isotope‐labeled peptides identified 338 proteins, including transmembrane, membrane‐binding, and extracellular proteins, which were expressed specifically in pluripotent or differentiated murine ESCs. Functions of the identified proteins revealed cell adhesion molecules, channels, and receptors, which are expected to play important roles in the maintenance of murine ESC pluripotency. Membrane proteins that are expressed in pluripotent ESCs but not in differentiated cells such as Slc16a1 and Bsg could be useful for the selection of the stem cells in vitro.  相似文献   
Lactosaminoglycan glycopeptides were isolated from human PA1 embryonal carcinoma cells and their structures were elucidated. The glycopeptides were digested by Escherichia freundii endo-beta-galactosidase before and after the modifications by exoglycosidases. The core glycopeptides and oligosaccharides thus obtained and the intact glycopeptides were analyzed by methylation, fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry, and high-performance liquid chromatography. Based on these experiments, the structures of PA1 lactosaminoglycans were found to have the following unique features. 1) Three lactosaminoglycan fractions of different molecular weights were isolated by Sephadex G-50 gel filtration. Lactosaminoglycans of the highest molecular weight (GpI) have tetra-antennary cores, those of intermediate molecular weight (GpII) have triantennary cores and those of low molecular weight (GpIII) have triantennary and tetra-antennary cores. 2) GpI is composed of 22-26 lactosaminyl units and 7-9 branched galactose residues, GpII is composed of 16-22 lactosaminyl units and 5-7 branched galactose residues, and GpIII is composed of 12-16 lactosaminyl units and 3-4 branched galactose residues. 3) Each branch is short and is composed of the Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----6 structure. 4) Sialic acid is preferentially linked to nonreducing terminal regions and a significant amount of the novel disialosyl structure, NeuNAc alpha 2----9NeuNAc alpha 2----3/6Gal, is present at the terminals of the longer polylactosaminyl side chains. 5) These lactosaminoglycans are carried by cell surface glycoproteins of Mr = 80,000 approximately 120,000, as evidenced by lectin-agarose chromatography.  相似文献   
Terrestrial animals must have frequent contact with water to survive, implying that environmental DNA (eDNA) originating from those animals should be detectable from places containing water in terrestrial ecosystems. Aiming to detect the presence of terrestrial mammals using forest water samples, we applied a set of universal PCR primers (MiMammal, a modified version of fish universal primers) for metabarcoding mammalian eDNA. The versatility of MiMammal primers was tested in silico and by amplifying DNAs extracted from tissues. The results suggested that MiMammal primers are capable of amplifying and distinguishing a diverse group of mammalian species. In addition, analyses of water samples from zoo cages of mammals with known species composition suggested that MiMammal primers could successfully detect mammalian species from water samples in the field. Then, we performed an experiment to detect mammals from natural ecosystems by collecting five 500‐ml water samples from ponds in two cool‐temperate forests in Hokkaido, northern Japan. MiMammal amplicon libraries were constructed using eDNA extracted from water samples, and sequences generated by Illumina MiSeq were subjected to data processing and taxonomic assignment. We thereby detected multiple species of mammals common to the sampling areas, including deer (Cervus nippon), mouse (Mus musculus), vole (Myodes rufocanus), raccoon (Procyon lotor), rat (Rattus norvegicus) and shrew (Sorex unguiculatus). Many previous applications of the eDNA metabarcoding approach have been limited to aquatic/semiaquatic systems, but the results presented here show that the approach is also promising even for forest mammal biodiversity surveys.  相似文献   
The O-linked oligosaccharides attached to human erythrocyte glycophorins were extensively characterized. In addition to the previously described disialylated tetrasaccharide, NeuNAc alpha 2----3Gal beta 1----3 (Neu-NAc alpha 2----6)GalNAcOH and monosialylated trisaccharide, NeuNAc alpha 2----3Gal beta 1----3GalNAcOH, novel trisialylated oligosaccharides were isolated. Methylation analysis, fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry, and enzymatic degradation were used to elucidate the following novel structures: formula; see text: These results suggest that O-linked oligosaccharides with a disialosyl group, NeuNAc alpha 2----8NeuNAc alpha 2----, may be present in various tissues.  相似文献   
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