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We recently reported the establishment of transgenic mouse lines carrying the mouse metallothionein/ret fusion gene in which severe melanosis and melanocytic tumors developed. In the present study, we demonstrate that a significant number of pigmented hairs developed in Wv/Wv mice crossed to one of the transgenic mouse lines. The pigmented hair of Wv/Wv mice carrying the ret oncogene did not lose color during aging and reappeared after shaving, indicating that the melanocytes in the hair follicle function. The melanocytic tumors also developed in these mice, although the incidence was lower than that in the wild transgenic mice. Furthermore, the neural tube culture of mouse embryos indicated that neural crest cells of the transgenic mice gave rise to a cell population that autonomously produced melanin even in the absence of melanocyte stimulating hormone. These results strongly suggested that the introduced ret oncogene could compensate for the defect of c-kit in Wv mice during both embryogenesis and postnatal life and induce a high level of melanin synthesis in the process of melanocyte development.  相似文献   
In the course of studying the secretory products of microglia, we detected protease activity in the conditioned medium. Various proteins (casein, histone, myelin basic protein, and extracellular matrix) were digested. The protease activity was characterized by using purified myelin basic protein as a substrate. Maximal activity was observed at neutral pH levels (7-8), which was different from the optimum pH level of proteolytic activity observed in the cell homogenate. The activity was inhibited approximately 60 and 50% by 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride and 40 microM elastatinal, respectively. In gel filtration, the major activity, which was inhibited in the presence of N-methoxysuccinyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-Val-methyl chloride, eluted at a position corresponding to a molecular mass of approximately 25 kDa. These results suggest that the major protease present in microglial conditioned medium is elastase or an elastase-like protease. This suggestion was confirmed by the finding that the 25-kDa protein band was stained with anti-elastase antiserum by western blotting. De novo synthesis of elastase in microglia was supported by [35S]methionine incorporation. In the presence of lipopolysaccharide, the secretory elastase decreased. These results demonstrate that microglia secrete proteases, one of which was identified as elastase. The significance of this enzyme production in physiological and pathological conditions is discussed.  相似文献   
We report the case of a 70-year-old man who developed hypothyroidism associated with TSH receptor antibodies and severe ophthalmopathy during lithium therapy. He had received lithium therapy for more than 20 years for manic depression, when ophthalmopathy (class VI of the American Thyroid Association classification) and mild hypothyroidism developed. Orbital magnetic resonance imaging indicated marked enlargement of the superior, medial and inferior rectus muscles in the left eye. He had anti-eye muscle antibodies in his serum, detected by Western blotting and quantified by chromatoscanning, as well as anti-TSH receptor antibodies. He was treated with supplementation of levothyroxine and four cycles of methylprednisolone pulse therapy. After the pulse therapy, both anti-eye muscle antibodies and anti-TSH receptor antibodies decreased and disappeared in parallel with the improvement in eye symptoms and signs. These observations suggest the importance of anti-eye muscle antibodies as clinical markers in the development of thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy.  相似文献   
The effective resolution of human platelet cytosolic phosphoinositide-phospholipase C (PLC) revealed five distinct activity peaks by Q-Sepharose and heparin-Sepharose column chromatographies when assayed using phosphatidylinositol (PI) and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2). The results of Western blotting analysis with various antibodies against PLC isozymes showed that peak-Ia (PLC-delta type), peak-Ib (PLC-gamma 1 type), and peak-IIc (PLC-beta type) and two unidentified activity peaks (PLC-IIa and PLC-IIb) were present in human platelet cytosol. A protein with guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate-binding activity was coeluted with the PLC-IIa and was purified to homogeneity. It exhibited 86- and 42-kDa polypeptide bands upon sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis which were identified as gelsolin and actin by immunostaining, respectively. Large amounts of gelsolin/actin (1:1) complex "gelsolin complex" were detected in the PLC-delta and PLC-gamma 1 fractions. The PLC-gamma 1 and the gelsolin complex were co-immunoprecipitated by the antibody raised against PLC-gamma 1. Furthermore, the partially purified bovine brain PLC-gamma 1 fraction also was found to be associated with the gelsolin complex and the association was released by the addition of 1% sodium cholate. This finding has prompted us to examine effects of the gelsolin complex and the free gelsolin on activities of the above PLC isoforms from platelet cytosol. The gelsolin complex did not affect the PIP2 hydrolyzing activities of all PLC isoforms. In contrast, the purified gelsolin inhibited distinctly PIP2 hydrolyses by PLC-Ia (delta), PLC-Ib (gamma 1), and PLC-IIa (unidentified), whereas the inhibitory effects for PLC-IIb (unidentified) and PLC-IIc (beta) were moderate. The inhibitory effect of gelsolin on PIP2-hydrolysis by PLC-gamma 1 was diminished by a large amount of PIP2 substrate. These results suggested that the inhibition of PLC by gelsolin is due to sequestration of substrate PIP2 by its competitive binding.  相似文献   
Changes in activities of enzymes and levels of antioxidant substratesinvolved in the -detoxification system in seedlings of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Yamabiko) inresponse to variations in the oxygen environment were studied.Activities of superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, monodehydroascorbatereductase, dehydroascorbate reductase, glutathione reductaseand catalase, expressed either on the basis of fresh weightof shoots or relative to levels of soluble protein were muchlower in seedlings germinated under water for 6 days than inthose germinated in air for the same period of time. When submergedseedlings were exposed to air, the activities of these six enzymesincreased to or exceeded the levels in aerobically grown controlsduring 24 h of adaptation to air. Ascorbate and glutathione,which act as antioxidant substrates in the -detoxification system, were present in submergedseedlings at nearly the same levels as those found in aerobicallygrown controls. On exposure of submerged seedlings to air, thelevel of ascorbate in creased slightly, but the level of glutathioneshowed a rapid increase, reaching 7 times that in aerobicallygrown controls within 12 h of adaptation to air. Levels of allsix antioxidative enzymes and of two substrates involved inthe detoxification of the superoxide radical increased withincreases in oxygen tension in the environment. Moreover, thedevelopment of this system consisted of two steps, namely, arapid increase in the level of glutathione and a subsequentslow increase in the activities of antioxidative enzymes. 1 Present address: Research Institute for Bioresources, OkayamaUniversity, Kurashiki, 710 Japan.  相似文献   
The photochemical and subsequent thermal reactions of 7-cis-rhodopsin prepared from cattle opsin and 7-cis-retinal were investigated by low-temperature spectrophotometry and laser photolysis, and compared with those of 11-cis-rhodopsin prepared from cattle opsin and 11-cis-retinal. Low-temperature experiments revealed that the absorption maxima of batho and lumi intermediates from 7-cis-rhodopsin were at slightly shorter wavelengths than those of 11-cis-rhodopsin while the meta I intermediates of both rhodopsin isomers showed the same absorption maxima. Kinetic experiments of the photobleaching process of 7-cis-rhodopsin using picosecond and nanosecond laser pulses revealed the formation of intermediates corresponding to the batho, lumi, meta I, and meta II intermediates from 11-cis-rhodopsin. An intermediate of 7-cis-rhodopsin corresponding to photorhodopsin (a precursor of bathorhodopsin), however, was not detected. Batho and lumi intermediates from 7-cis-rhodopsin had shorter lifetimes (approximately 40 ns and 300 microseconds) than those of 11-cis-rhodopsin (250 ns and 800 microseconds), but the lifetime of the meta I intermediate from 7-cis-rhodopsin was identical with that from 11-cis-rhodopsin (12 ms). These results indicate that the difference in configuration of the original chromophore between 7-cis- and 11-cis-rhodopsins is a cause of different chromophore-opsin interactions in the batho and lumi stages, while in the meta I stage the difference has disappeared by the relaxation of the protein near the chromophores. A possible interaction change between the 9-methyl group of the chromophore and its neighboring protein during the lumi-meta I transition will be discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The1H NMR signals of the heme methyl, propionate and related chemical groups of cytochromec 3 fromDesulfovibrio vulgaris Miyazaki F (D.v. MF) were site-specifically assigned by means of ID NOE, 2D DQFCOSY and 2D TOCSY spectra. They were consistent with the site-specific assignments of the hemes with the highest and second-lowest redox potentials reported by Fan et al. (Biochemistry,29 (1990) 2257–2263). The site-specific heme assignments were also supported by NOE between the methyl groups of these hemes and the side chain of Val18. All the results contradicted the heme assignments forD.v. MF cytochromec 3 made on the basis of electron spin resonance (Gayda et al. (1987)FEBS Lett.,217 57–61). Based on these assignments, the interaction of cytochromec 3 withD.v. MF ferredoxin I was investigated by NMR. The major interaction site of cytochromec 3 was identified as the heme with the highest redox potential, which is surrounded by the highest density of positive charges. The stoichiometry and association constant were two cytochromec 3 molecules per monomer of ferredoxin I and 108 M–2 (at 53 mM ionic strength and 25°C), respectively.  相似文献   
A sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic method using 3-bromomethyl-6,7-dimethoxy-1-methyl-2(1H)-quinoxalinone (Br-DMEQ) as a fluorescent labeling reagent is described for the determination of benzoylecgonine (BE) and ecgonine (EC). The Br-DMEQ derivatives of BE and EC were separated on a C18 column and detected at 455 nm with excitation at 370 nm. The detection limits of the proposed method were 18.7 fmol for BE and 12.5 pmol for EC at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. Relative standard deviations of five replicate measurements were 1.94% (10 pmol) and 2.98% (50 pmol) for BE and 6.3% (250 pmol) and 5.62% (1.25 pmol) for EC. This method was applied to the determination of BE in human urine. BE was extracted from urine by solvent extraction with chloroform—isopropyl alcohol (9:1, v/v) solution. Levels of 2.5 · 10−8 M BE in urine (25 pmol/ml) could be determined.  相似文献   
In the spermatozoa of Asterias amurensis , patterns of changes in the respiratory rate and motility following dilution of dry sperm in sea water varied among batches and were classified into three types. The type I spermatozoa were immotile and exhibited quite low respiratory rate. Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid made the type I spermatozoa motile and elevated their respiratory rate. The type II spermatozoa were also immotile and the respiratory rate remained quite low for about 5 min after the dilution. Thereafter, they spontaneously became motile and the respiratory rate increased. The type III spermatozoa became motile upon their dilution and exhibited high respiratory rate. Differences in the motility and respiratory rate of spermatozoa among batches probably result from degree of their maturation. In moving spermatozoa, the ADP and AMP levels increased at the expense of ATP. 2,4-Dinitrophenol elevated the respiratory rate only in immotile spermatozoa, which showed a high ATP level and quite low ADP level, but did not made them motile. Oligomycin inhibited the respiration of both motile and immotile spermatozoa. Probably, the respiratory rate is made low by a shortage of ADP in immotile spermatozoa and is enhanced by ADP production due to the initiation of their movement.  相似文献   
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