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Multilayer planar membranes applicable to ion-transport measurements were constructed from egg yolk lecithin, egg yolk lecithin-cholesterol mixture, and 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine between two tightly stretched cellulose sheets. While most of the phospholipids in the membranes were found by a spin label technique to be uniformly oriented with their long hydrocarbon chains perpendicular to the surfaces of the cellulose sheets, a small fraction of phospholipids were isotropically oriented in multilayer membranes. The amount of phospholipids with isotropic orientations decreased with increasing content of cholesterol in membranes and became zero in membranes of egg yolk lecithin-cholesterol mixture (molar ratio of 1: 0.67). The degree of orientation, S, of uniformly oriented phospholipids in membranes was also increased by adding cholesterol to the membranes. The orientation of phospholipids in membranes was rather stable in distilled water and in aqueous calcium chloride (1, 10, 100 mM), while a marked disordering of oriented phospholipids was induced in a aqueous solutions containing thymol, isopropanol, or butanol beyond certain specific concentrations. The membranes can be used for measurements of calcium permeation. An appreciable barrier function to calcium permeation was detected with these multilayer planar membranes as compared with control experiments using only cellulose sheets as membranes. A preliminary investigation suggested that changes in the orientational structure of phospholipids in the multilayer planar membranes are correlated with permeability properties of the membranes.  相似文献   
In frontal gel chromatography on Bio-Gel P-2, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) at the concentrations below its critical micelle concentration (cmc) showed anomalously high partition coefficients (Kav obs) indicative of strong interactions with the swollen gel phase; further, Kav obs was found to increase with concentration and temperature. This preferential partition of SDS in the Bio-Gel phase was analyzed in terms of the transfer free energy of SDS from the mobile phase (0.1 M NaCl) to the swollen Bio-Gel phase. The results showed that the overall transfer process is primarily governed by hydrophobic free energy arising from the anomalous nature of hydrated water in the gel matrix; that is, in highly hydrated water "iceberg" formation is evidently limited and the hydrophobic free energy is accordingly lowered, resulting in the preferential partition of SDS in the swollen Bio-Gel phase. The increase in the negativity of transfer free energy with concentration, though relatively small, indicated a definite tendency for the formation of SDS clusters in the gel phase. Finally, a model illustrating the states of SDS molecules in the gel matrix is presented, which may also be pertinent to SDS-protein and SDS-amylose complexes.  相似文献   
Outer membranes, almost free from peptidoglycan components, were prepared from a moderately halophilic gram-negative bacterium grown in a medium containing 2 M NaCl. The outer membrane was easily released, leaving mureinoplasts, by mild desalting in a 20% sucrose solution containing 50 mM tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane-HCl buffer, pH 7.8. The membrane was recovered by treatment with DNase I and CsCl buoyant density centrifugation. Chemical analyses revealed that the outer membrane was mainly composed of 31% protein, about 20% extractable lipids (mainly phospholipids), and lipopolysaccharides. The proteins had about 18 mol % excess of acidic over basic amino acids. The phospholipids comprised phosphatidyl ethanolamine, phosphatidyl glycerol, cardiolipin, and an unidentified phospholipid containing glucose, which seemed mainly associated with the outer membrane. The content of lipopolysaccharides in the outer membrane was calculated arbitrarily as 30% from the heptose content. A unique feature of these lipopolysaccharides seemed to be higher lipid content than found in lipopolysaccharides of other gram-negative bacteria. The major fatty acids of bound lipids of the outer membrane resembled those of the lipopolysaccharides obtained from cell envelope preparation and contained high concentrations of 3-hydroxy lauric acid.  相似文献   
A glucosyl group from uridine diphosphate [U-14C]glucose is incorporated into a phosphoglycolipid, probably a glucosylphosphatidylglycerol, by a disrupted membrane enzyme preparation from a gram-negative, moderately halophilic bacterium, Pseudomonas halosaccharolytica ATCC 29423. The conversion of [14C]phosphatidylglycerol into phosphoglycolipid by the particulate preparation was also enhanced in the presence of non-labelled UDP-glucose. A chemical degradation study of labelled phosphoglycolipid showed the bulk of the radioactivity from UDP[U-14C]glucose to be associated with the glucose moiety, which also appeared to be attached to the hydroxyl group of a second glycerol.  相似文献   
Based on the assumption of nonidentical two heads of myosin it is pointed out that a strong motive force is generated in actomyosin pair only when ATP-decomposition occurs co-operatively at the both heads and that the tension-independent part of shortening heat is liberated when an ATP molecule is decomposed only at the burst head. These two actions of actomyosin pair are related to the two states of force-generator in Huxley-Simmons' model. Elementary cycles at different positions in a sarcomere are interacted each other through feedback loop via sliding motion of muscular filaments. Due to this synergetic interaction the rate constant for the rate-determining step of elementary cycle has a dependence on velocity v of shortening such as k = k ° + κv. From these functions and properties of actomyosin system in vivo, the following properties of muscle are explained consistently in a quantitative manner: (1) Hill's equation on the relationship between tension and velocity of shortening, (2) damped oscillations in tension and in muscular length around steady state, (3) Hill's energy equation improved in 1964, (4) the chemical equivalence of shortening heat, (5) the influence of tension on the incorporation of radio-active phosphate into ATP and (6) the asymmetric activation by actomyosin system only for the forward reaction, the decomposition of ATP.  相似文献   
The stimulation of dopaminergic receptors, inhibition of serotonin synthesis or blockade of muscurinic receptors by various modifiers led to inhibition of morphine analgesia in mice. Blockade of dopaminergic receptors or the increase in serotonergic or cholinergic activity resulted in the enhancement of morphine analgesia. Serotonergic and cholinergic systems are proposed as positive and the dopaminergic system as negative modulators of morphine analgesia. The modulation of naloxone antagonism was much more complicated than that of morphine analgesia and often the effect of biogenic amine-modifiers on antagonism differed from that on analgesia. The fact that biogenic amine-modifiers do not affect morphine analgesia and naloxone antagonism by a similar pattern suggest that interaction of narcotics and narcotic antagonists with analgesic receptors may not be exactly the same.  相似文献   
The entropy of the amino acid sequences coded by DNA is considered as a measure of diversity or variety of proteins, and is taken as a measure of evolution. The DNA or m-RNA sequence is corsidered as a stationary second-order Markov chain composed of four kinds of bases. Because of the biased nature of the genetic code table, increase of entropy of amino acid sequences is possible with biased nucleotide sequence. Thus the biased DNA base composition and the extreme rarity of the base doubletC p G of higher organisms are explained. It is expected that the amino acid composition was highly biased at the days of the origin of the genetic code table, and the more frequent amino acids have tended to get rarer, and the rarer ones more frequent. This tendency is observed in the evolution of hemoglobin, cytochrome C, fibrinopeptide, immunoglobulin and lysozyme, and protein as a whole.  相似文献   
Mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles that continuously change their shape through frequent fusion, fission and movement throughout the cell, and these dynamics are crucial for the life and death of the cells as they have been linked to apoptosis, maintenance of cellular homeostasis, and ultimately to neurologic disorders and metabolic diseases. Over the past decade, a growing number of novel proteins that regulate mitochondrial dynamics have been discovered. Large GTPase family proteins and their regulators control these aspects of mitochondrial dynamics. In this review, we briefly summarize the current knowledge about molecular machineries regulating mitochondrial fusion/fission and the role of mitochondrial dynamics in cell pathophysiology.  相似文献   
An efficient and simple method for constructing a genomic DNA library is presented using a TA cloning vector. It is based on sonication cleavage of genomic DNA, blunting of the fragment ends with mung bean nuclease, and addition of a single 3'-deoxyadenylate with Taq DNA polymerase, followed by ligation with a TA vector. This method is useful for improving the quality of genomic libraries for organisms whose genomic DNA is not well digested with restriction enzymes owing to the presence of polysaccharides and/or DNA methylation.  相似文献   
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