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Alix (ALG-2-interacting protein X) is a 95-kDa protein that interacts with an EF-hand type Ca(2+)-binding protein, ALG-2 (apoptosis-linked gene 2), through its C-terminal proline-rich region. In this study, we searched for proteins that interact with human AlixDeltaC (a truncated form not containing the C-terminal region) by using a yeast two-hybrid screen, and we identified two similar human proteins, CHMP4a and CHMP4b (chromatin-modifying protein; charged multivesicular body protein), as novel binding partners of Alix. The interaction of Alix with CHMP4b was confirmed by a glutathione S-transferase pull-down assay and by co-immunoprecipitation experiments. Fluorescence microscopic analysis revealed that CHMP4b transiently expressed in HeLa cells mainly exhibited a punctate distribution in the perinuclear area and co-localized with co-expressed Alix. The distribution of CHMP4b partly overlapped the distributions of early and late endosomal marker proteins, EEA1 (early endosome antigen 1) and Lamp-1 (lysosomal membrane protein-1), respectively. Transient overexpression of CHMP4b induced the accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins as punctate patterns that were partly overlapped with the distribution of CHMP4b and inhibited the disappearance of endocytosed epidermal growth factor. In contrast, stably expressed CHMP4b in HEK293 cells was observed diffusely in the cytoplasm. Transient overexpression of AlixDeltaC in stably CHMP4b-expressing cells, however, induced formation of vesicle-like structures in which CHMP4b and AlixDeltaC were co-localized. SKD1(E235Q), a dominant negative form of the AAA type ATPase SKD1 that plays critical roles in the endocytic pathway, was co-immunoprecipitated with CHMP4b. Furthermore, CHMP4b co-localized with SKD1(E235Q) as punctate patterns in the perinuclear area, and Alix was induced to exhibit dot-like distributions overlapped with SKD1(E235Q) in HeLa cells. These results suggest that CHMP4b and Alix participate in formation of multivesicular bodies by cooperating with SKD1.  相似文献   
A novel mtDNA C11777A mutation in Leigh syndrome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel mitochondrial DNA point mutation, a C-to-A mutation at nucleotide position (np) 11,777, was identified in two unrelated patients out of 100 with Leigh syndrome. This mutation converted a highly evolutionary conserved arginine to a serine at codon 340 in ND4 gene. This codon was also converted by a G-to-A mutation at np 11,778, the most common mutation associated with Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), but the amino acid replacement was different (R340S vs. R340H). Cybrid study revealed that the percentage of heteroplasmy was correlated with complex I function and that the novel mutation caused a much more deleterious effect than the np 11,778 LHON mutation in complex I activity.  相似文献   
Oligodeoxynucleotides with RNA cleavage activity 1) were conjugated with amines and peptides by solid phase fragment condensation (SPFC). It was found that 29 mer DNA enzyme conjugated with spermine at its 5'-end showed higher affinity to the target RNA sequence and 40 times higher activity of cleavage than native DNA enzyme. It is also to be noted that conjugate DNA enzymes showed increased resistance against nuclease digestion.  相似文献   
Many cell surface proteins are anchored to a membrane via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI), which is attached to the C termini in the endoplasmic reticulum. The inositol ring of phosphatidylinositol is acylated during biosynthesis of GPI. In mammalian cells, the acyl chain is added to glucosaminyl phosphatidylinositol at the third step in the GPI biosynthetic pathway and then is usually removed soon after the attachment of GPIs to proteins. The mechanisms and roles of the inositol acylation and deacylation have not been well clarified. Herein, we report derivation of human and Chinese hamster mutant cells defective in inositol acylation and the gene responsible, PIG-W. The surface expressions of GPI-anchored proteins on these mutant cells were greatly diminished, indicating the critical role of inositol acylation. PIG-W encodes a 504-amino acid protein expressed in the endoplasmic reticulum. PIG-W is most likely inositol acyltransferase itself because the tagged PIG-W affinity purified from transfected human cells had inositol acyltransferase activity and because both mutant cells were complemented with PIG-W homologs of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The inositol acylation is not essential for the subsequent mannosylation, indicating that glucosaminyl phosphatidylinositol can flip from the cytoplasmic side to the luminal side of the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   
The diversity of autoimmune responses poses a formidable challenge to the development of antigen-specific tolerizing therapy. We developed 'myelin proteome' microarrays to profile the evolution of autoantibody responses in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a model for multiple sclerosis (MS). Increased diversity of autoantibody responses in acute EAE predicted a more severe clinical course. Chronic EAE was associated with previously undescribed extensive intra- and intermolecular epitope spreading of autoreactive B-cell responses. Array analysis of autoantigens targeted in acute EAE was used to guide the choice of autoantigen cDNAs to be incorporated into expression plasmids so as to generate tolerizing vaccines. Tolerizing DNA vaccines encoding a greater number of array-determined myelin targets proved superior in treating established EAE and reduced epitope spreading of autoreactive B-cell responses. Proteomic monitoring of autoantibody responses provides a useful approach to monitor autoimmune disease and to develop and tailor disease- and patient-specific tolerizing DNA vaccines.  相似文献   
Human extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) was purified to homogeneity from lung tissue and the nature of the binding of heparin to EC-SOD was investigated. The enzyme was purified using three column chromatographic steps, and 127 μg of purified EC-SOD was obtained. A specific anti-human EC-SOD antibody was obtained by immunization with the purified enzyme. Western blot analysis of the heparin affinity chromatography product indicated that the presence of the inter-subunit disulfide bond affects the affinity of EC-SOD for heparin. The affinity of EC-SOD for heparin is a very important feature of the enzyme because it controls the distribution of the enzyme in tissues. The present study suggests that, not only the processing of the C-terminal region but inter-subunit disulfide bonds also play a role in determining the tissue distribution of EC-SOD. Moreover, the results obtained here also suggest that the redox state of the tissues might regulate the function of the EC-SOD.  相似文献   
The bacteriophage lambda integrase protein (lambda Int) belongs to a family of tyrosine recombinases that catalyze DNA rearrangements. We have determined a crystal structure of lambda Int complexed with a cleaved DNA substrate through a covalent phosphotyrosine bond. In comparison to an earlier unliganded structure, we observe a drastic conformational change in DNA-bound lambda Int that brings Tyr342 into the active site for cleavage of the DNA in cis. A flexible linker connects the central and the catalytic domains, allowing the protein to encircle the DNA. Binding specificity is achieved through direct interactions with the DNA and indirect readout of the flexibility of the att site. The conformational switch that activates lambda Int for DNA cleavage exposes the C-terminal 8 residues for interactions with a neighboring Int molecule. The protein interactions mediated by lambda Int's C-terminal tail offer a mechanism for the allosteric control of cleavage activity in higher order lambda Int complexes.  相似文献   
We have found a 14 kbp double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) in many cultivars of japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) but not in any cultivars of indica rice. This dsRNA is an RNA replicon with plasmid-like properties and is proposed to be a novel dsRNA virus, Oryza sativa endornavirus (OSV). Reciprocal crosses between the OSV-carrier japonica variety (Nipponbare) and the OSV-free indica variety (IR 26 or Kasalath) were performed to investigate whether OSV can be transmitted to F1 hybrids. When IR 26 and Nipponbare were used, efficient transmission of OSV from ova (93%) and pollen (89%) was observed. When Kasalath and Nipponbare were used, the OSV transmission efficiency to F1 progeny was 68% from ova and 20% from pollen. The transmission of OSV to F2 progeny plants was also complicated, showing non-Mendelian inheritance. These results suggest that the dsRNA replicon (OSV) is unstable in indica rice plants.  相似文献   
Liver regeneration and cholestasis are associated with adaptive changes in expression of gap and tight junctions through signal transduction. The roles of stress responsitive MAP-kinase, p38 MAP-kinase, in the signaling pathway for gap junction protein, Cx32, and tight junction protein, claudin-1, were examined in rat liver in vivo and in vitro, including regeneration following partial hepatectomy and cholestasis after common bile duct ligation. Changes in the expression and function of Cx32 and claudin-1 in hepatocytes in vivo were studied using the p38 MAP-kinase inhibitor SB203580. Following partial hepatectomy and common bile duct ligation, down-regulation of Cx32 protein was inhibited by SB203580 treatment. Up-regulation of claudin-1 protein was enhanced by SB203580 treatment after partial hepatectomy but not common bile duct ligation. However, no change of the Ki-67 labeling index (which is a marker for cell proliferation) in the livers treated with SB203580, was observed compared to that without SB203580 treatment. In primary cultures of rat hepatocytes, however, treatment with a p38 MAP-kinase activator, anisomycin, decreased Cx32 and claudin-1 protein levels. p38 MAP-kinase may be an important signaling pathway for regulation of gap and tight junctions in hepatocytes. Changes of gap and tight junctions during liver regeneration and cholestasis are shown to be in part controlled via the p38 MAP-kinase signaling pathway and are independent of cell growth.  相似文献   
Tight junctions of hepatocytes form the intercellular barrier between the blood circulation and bile flow. We focused on early stages of common bile duct ligation to observe changes in tight junctions without the irreversible changes seen after lengthy ligation. Common bile ducts of 12-week-old male rats were ligated for 6 h because, at this time point, no histological changes were observed. Serum bilirubin and bile acid levels began to increase 3 h after ligation and were restored to the control level immediately after surgical removal of the ligation. To examine the barrier of hapatocytes, horseradish peroxidase was injected via the femoral vein, and bile was collected for the first 10 min. A four-fold elevation of the secretion and concentration was observed in the bile of ligated rats compared with that of control animals. We next examined lanthanum permeability by perfusion fixation of the liver. At 6 h after ligation, both dilation of the bile canaliculi and partial loss of microvilli were commonly observed. There were dense deposits of lanthanum in almost all bile canaliculi of ligated rats. In control animals, neither dilation of the bile canaliculi nor loss of microvilli was detected, and only 44% of bile canaliculi exhibited deposits. An apparent increase of occludin mRNA expression was detected in livers after 6 h ligation, whereas the expression of claudin-1, -2, and -3 was not influenced by ligation. These results indicate that regulation of occludin gene expression is different from that of claudin-1, -2, and -3. The early phase of bile stasis employed in this study is thought to be an indispensable approach for understanding the precise regulation of tight junctions.  相似文献   
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