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The inhibitory effect of capsaicin on axoplasmic transport in cultured dorsal root ganglion cells was analyzed by video-enhanced contrast microscopy. Capsaicin inhibited particle transports in a dose-dependent manner, irrespective of the diameter of axons. The effect of capsaicin was reversible at low concentrations. Capsaicin affected both the anterograde and retrograde transport. Large organelles were more sensitive to capsaicin than small ones in the retrograde transport. An experiment using calcium-sensitive dye, Fura 2, indicated that capsaicin raised the intraneuronal free calcium concentration preceding the inhibition of the transport. Electron microscopy revealed that microtubules and neurofilaments are disorganized and disoriented by capsaicin. We reached a conclusion that capsaicin inhibits fast axoplasmic transport of both anterograde and retrograde directions in all types of somatosensory neurons in culture by disorganizing intraaxonal cytoskeletal structures, through the elevated intracellular Ca2+ concentration. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary Extensive screening of the mitogens lipopolysaccharide (LPS), pokeweed mitogen (PWM), andStaphylococcus aureus Cowan I (SAC I), alone and in combination and with and without interleukin (IL) was performed forin vitro activation of regional lymph node lymphocytes from lung cancer patients for the production of human IgG, IgM, and IgA. As assessed by electrofusion of the lymphocytes following their exposure to these agents with mouse myeloma cells and incubation of the fused hybridoma, a remarkable stimulatory effect was shown by LPS and particularly by LPS plus IL-4, which was substantially greater than that of either SAC I or PWM with or without various IL. Optimization studies indicated that the addition of PWM to LPS and IL-4 in the culture medium further stimulated the human antibody (Ab) production, and that the optimal formulation for stimulations of human IgG production was a culture medium containing 20 μg/ml of LPS, 1/500 of PWM, and 100 u/ml of IL-4.  相似文献   
Summary The -chymotrypsin-catalyzed transesterification between N-trifluoroacetyl-DL-phenylalanine trifluoroethyl ester and 1-propanol was carried out in a variety of organic solvents. The addition of small quantities of water enhanced both the rate of reaction and enantioselectivity. A high enantioselectivity was achieved in ethyl acetate (E = 120), diethyl ether (86), or acetonitrile (60). The competing hydrolysis became significant at water content higher than 0.5% (w/w).  相似文献   
Seven different restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) at the N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase (GALNS) locus were analyzed using Southern blotting and polymerase chain reaction based techniques to search for the frequency of each RFLP produced by StyI, SphI, HaeIII, StuI, HapII, XhoI, and BamHI restriction endonucleases, respectively, in 36 mutant alleles, including two sibling cases and 100 normal alleles. Calculation of heterozygosity indexes showed that these RFLPs were polymorphic, ranging from 0.31 to 0.69 in mucopolysaccharidosis IVA (MPS IVA) patients compared with 0.21 to 0.65 in normal individuals. There was some significant difference in several RFLPs and in the combination with four kinds of RFLPs (SphI, StuI, HapII, XhoI polymorphisms). The normal alleles were composed of 13 different RFLPs haplotypes; the most common among the Japanese population carrying normal alleles was haplotype 8 (bDEF1) (31.3%), the others being dispersed. The same haplotype 8 was the most frequent in the mutant alleles (44.4%), with seven further haplotypes. These findings revealed the striking variety of polymorphic haplotypes in the MPS IVA gene. By using these five kinds of RFLPs, we examined the theoretical informativity of haplotype analysis in heterozygote detection in nine unrelated MPS IVA families and ten unrelated normal families. All the members of the MPS IVA families studied were diagnosed as a patient, carrier, or noncarrier. We propose that prenatal diagnosis or family analysis in cases in which mutations have not been characterized is now feasible.  相似文献   
The fate of 3H-thymidine incorporated into newly synthesized DNA of CHO cells was analyzed by either the estimation of the incorporated radioactivity per cell or sedimentation in alkaline sucrose gradient. Under conditions in which DNA synthesis proceeded continuously, of incorporated radioactivity was periodically lost and regained during a 90 min chase, corresponding to a cyclic change in the sedimentation profiles. When DNA synthesis was inhibited by hydroxyurea no cyclic change of the incorporated radioactivity was observed. The cyclic changes were regarded as the result of an actual metabolic change in3H-labelled DNA probaly joining to one of the newly formed sister strands of DNA and the loss of radioactivity seems to require active continued DNA synthesis.  相似文献   
Mouse neuroblastoma × rat glioma NG108-15 hybrid cells contain a considerable amount of serotonin, and possess small but significant tryptophan hydroxylase activity. The results suggest that NG108-15 hybrid cells are serotonergic, in addition to the known cholinergic property.  相似文献   
Lactobacillus casei subsp. casei 2206 exhibited much lower levels of diacetyl reductase activity than Citr+Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis 3022 but two-, three-, and more than eightfold-higher levels of diacetyl synthase, lactate dehydrogenase, and NADH oxidase activities, respectively. A requirement for metal ions by the diacetyl synthases in both species was observed. The extracts of strain 2206 but not strain 3022 produced more diacetyl from pyruvate when the reaction for diacetyl synthase was aerated than when it was conducted statically.  相似文献   
In order to clarify the protective mechanism of sodium molybdate against the acute toxicity of cadmium chloride in rat, the effect of in vivo sodium molybdate pretreatment on the cytotoxic action of cadmium in isolated hepatocytes was studied. The cytosolic pH of hepatocytes isolated from untreated rats immediately decreased with incubation in either neutral Hank's balanced salt solution (HBS), pH 7.4, containing 5 µM cadmium chloride minimum or acidic HBS (pH 7.1, 6.8, 6.5, and 6.2). The presence of 5 µM cadmium in HBS adjusted to pH 7.1 aggravated cytosalic acidification induced by the acidic medium alone. Cell viability of hepatocytes incubated in HBS at pH 6.2 was significantly reduced as compared to that of control cells in HBS at pH 7.4, but the presence of cadmium in the acidic HBS had no aggravating action against such a toxic action of the acidic medium although cellular uptake of the metal in the medium increased, as compared to that in HBS at pH 7.4. Molybdenum pretreatment alleviated cytoplasmic acidification induced by the treatment with HBS at pH 7.4 or 7.1 containing cadmium or by extracellular acid load wothout cadmium. This pretreatment also prevented the loss of cell viability induced by the treatment with HBS at pH 6.2 but could not attenuate that when cadmium was present in the medium.These facts suggest that molybdenum pretreatment alleviated the acute toxicity of cadmium in rat by preventing cytoplasmic acidification caused by the harmful metal.  相似文献   
Annual production rates of reproductive organs inFagus crenata forests in the lower area of the species' range were studied using 10 litter traps in 1980–1986. The production rates of dispersed pollen were estimated by multiplying the number of fallen male inflorescences per ha per year by the mean amount of pollen per inflorescence before anthesis. Large annual fluctuations in the production rates of male and female inflorescences were recognized, whereas their annual trends were synchronized with each other. Pollen production rates were within the range 1.0–6900 (mean: 1630)×109ha−1 yr−1, the maximum/minimum ratio attaining 7000.F. crenata was the lowest producer of pollen among seven tree species studied: the number of pollen grains equivalent to a single ovule was in the range 6.0–14×104. Furthermore, the mean dry weight of a single pollen grain (3.77×10−5mg) was higher than for wind-pollinated species. Three factors seemed to cause the low seed fertility ofF. crenata. The dry-matter production rate in the best seed year reached 3252 kg ha−1 yr−1, of which pollen accounted for 259 kg ha−1 yr−1. Unproductive years with less than 10% of the maximum production occurred four times in a 7-yr period. In such years there were fewer male and female inflorescences, and more fruit dropped as a result of insect damage. Lower nut dissemination would play an important role in suppressing any increase in nut predators, and fewer flowers would be produced to avoid wastage of photosynthates in a cool-temperate climate.  相似文献   
Summary Receptive fields of individual retinular cells in the stemmata ofPapilio xuthus L. were examined electrophysiologically, and the receptive field of the complete stemmatal system was reconstructed (Fig. 8).In stemmata I-IV, proximal retinular cells have narrow receptive fields (acceptance angles of = 1.7–5 °, Fig. 5) and small inclinations of the visual axes (inclinations of = 0.7–1.5 °, Fig. 2) with respect to the axis of the stemma, while distal ones have wide fields ( =7–13 °, Fig. 5) and large inclinations of the visual axes ( = 5–10 °, Fig. 3). In stemmata V and VI, both proximal and distal retinular cells have wide receptive fields ( = 7–26 °, Fig. 6) and have large inclinations of their visual axes ( = 9–19 °) with respect to the axis of the stemma except for one proximal cell ( = 0 °) (Fig. 4).The spatial properties of distal and proximal retinular cells, combined with the finding that distal cells are homogeneous in the spectral sensitivity while proximal ones are heterogeneous (Ichikawa and Tateda 1980), suggest that the distal cells may be concerned largely with the detection of objects and proximal cells are involved with the discrimination of the color and shape of the detected objects.  相似文献   
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