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Effects of ethanol- and phenobarbital(PB)-treatment on the metabolism of benzene in vitro and in vivo, and on the benzene-induced hemotoxicity, were investigated. Ethanol consumption markedly enhanced in vitro metabolism of both benzene and phenol in rat liver, whereas PB-treatment, which enhanced the metabolism of phenol to some degree (about one-third of ethanol-induced enhancement), did not affect the metabolism of benzene. In a single exposure experiment with rats, ethanol increased benzene metabolism in vivo as evidenced by accelerated disappearance of benzene from the blood as well as by elevated urinary excretion of phenol, whereas PB produced little or no significant influence on the metabolism. In a 3-week exposure experiment, ethanol administration accelerated benzene disappearance from the blood in agreement with the single exposure experiment, but it tended to decrease urinary phenol excretion with repetition of exposure, probably due to concomitant stimulation of subsequent phenol metabolism by ethanol. Again, PB-treatment produced only a negligible effect on the metabolism of benzene. Ethanol consumption aggravated benzene-induced hemopoietic disorder as evidenced by a marked decrease in the peripheral white blood cell number. PB produced a protective effect on the toxicity. It is concluded that ethanol potentiates benzene toxicity by accelerating (1) hydroxylation of benzene, a rate-limiting step of benzene metabolism and (2) transformation of phenol into highly toxic metabolites.  相似文献   
Ontogenic development and the lymphokine responsiveness of human NK cell activity against K562 target cells in peripheral blood lymphocytes were evaluated in fetuses, premature infants, and term neonates by using a 4-hr 51Cr-release assay. Basal NK activity and NK boosting by lymphokines were comparatively assayed after an 18-hr incubation with medium alone, recombinant human IFN-gamma (1000 U/ml), and recombinant human IL 2 (25 U/ml), respectively. Lymphocytes from 20-wk-old fetuses lacked NK cell activity even after the pretreatment with IFN-gamma. Low, but significant levels of NK activity and NK boosting by IFN-gamma were observed in premature infants after 27 wk of gestation, with a progressive intrauterine maturation of these activities. Both basal NK activity and NK boosting by IFN-gamma in term neonates were still lower than those of adult controls. The grade of NK boosting by IFN-gamma appeared to depend on the development of basal NK activity. Contrary to IFN-gamma, IL 2 could induce marked NK activity even in 20-wk-old fetuses who lacked both basal and IFN-gamma inducible NK activities. NK boosting by IL 2 was much more efficient than that by IFN-gamma at any period of human life. The facts that IL 2-induced NK boosting could occur without any appreciable production of IFN-gamma in neonatal lymphocytes, and that ample neutralizing doses of anti-IFN-gamma antibody hardly suppressed IL 2-mediated NK boosting even in adult lymphocytes, indicated that the effect of IL 2 on NK boosting might be independent of IFN-gamma production. On the basis of the ontogenic differences in the development of the lymphokine responsiveness of NK cell activity and on the different NK boosting mechanisms of these lymphokines it was suggested that so-called human "pre-NK cells" might be divided into IFN-gamma sensitive and IL 2-sensitive cells. Whether these cell populations belong to different cell lineages or different maturation stages of the same cell line, however, remains unsettled.  相似文献   
To evaluate the PRL secretory mechanism in patients with PRL-secreting adenoma (PRL-oma), plasma PRL responses to dopamine (DA) were studied in these cases and in normal subjects. Plasma PRL values showed clear decreases during the infusion of DA (5 micrograms/kg/min for 90 min) in both 6 normal and 7 PRL-oma subjects (%decrease: 43.8 +/- 3.9% vs. 53.9 +/- 5.6%; NS) and postinhibitory increases after the termination. However, the postinhibitory increase occurred more promptly and markedly in PRL-oma patients than in normal subjects, i.e. the postinhibitory increase exceeded the basal level 45 min after the termination of DA infusion in PRL-oma patients, whereas the increase in normal subjects did not exceed the basal level even 90 min after the infusion. When domperidone was injected at the termination of DA infusion, the postinhibitory increases were significantly enhanced in either PRL-oma or normal subjects. The maximal increments in plasma PRL in the combination test of DA plus domperidone were significantly larger in PRL-oma patients, but were almost the same in normal controls, compared to the single domperidone test. In contrast, TRH did not modify the postinhibitory rises in 9 PRL-oma patients. These results indicate that the secretory properties and the sensitivities of lactotrophs to decreasing action of DA might be different between PRL-oma patients and normal controls. Further, the postinhibitory rebound phenomenon in PRL-oma patients is possibly determined by an overshoot of PRL storage concomitantly with a decreasing DA action.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The binding nature of mibolerone in cytosols and nuclear extracts from hypertrophic human prostate was examined in comparison with that of R 1881. The binding of mibolerone in the cytosol and nuclear extract was single and of high affinity when evaluated by the method of Scatchard (1949). Binding of mibolerone with testosterone-binding globulin was not detected. The sedimentation coefficients of the binder for mibolerone in the cytosol and nuclear extract were 10.6 S and 3.6 S, respectively. When triamcinolone acetonide was induced in the binding medium, inhibition of mibolerone binding in the cytosol by testosterone and dihydrotestosterone was potentiated and this may imply that the binding observed in the presence of triamcinolone acetonide was responsible for the binding of the androgen receptor. In the nuclear extract, the binding was attributable mainly to the androgen receptor irrespective of the presence or absence of triamcinolone acetonide. These properties of the binding observed in the hypertrophic human prostate were almost same as those of the binding with R 1881. Although maximum binding sites measured using mibolerone were correlated with those using R 1881 in the cytosols as well as in the nuclear extracts, the values obtained with mibolerone were slightly greater than those with R 1881. Thus, mibolerone seems to be a suitable ligand for measuring the androgen receptor, but when compared with R 1881 no special merits in using mibolerone were detected.  相似文献   
In the presence of phenobarbital (PB) at 3 mM, hepatocytes isolated from adult rats by a collagenase-perfusion technique survived well on plastic dishes for at least 49 days after initiation of primary culture. PB at concentrations less than 3 mM was ineffective for the maintenance of hepatocytes, and the maintenance of them was attained only in the continuous presence of 3 mM PB. The hepatocytes surviving in the presence of 3 mM PB were morphologically indistinguishable from the hepatocytes after 1-day attachment period, except for the presence of prominent nucleoli in the former. Although both the albumin secretion and tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT) activities of the cells decreased gradually up to day 7 with time in culture, both were thereafter maintained at relatively high levels at least up to day 35 of primary culture. The addition of 10 microM dexamethasone caused a 3-5-fold induction in TAT activity, and the cells were capable of responding to the hormone in this manner at least up to day 28 of primary culture. Furthermore, the cells also had glucose-6-phosphatase activity, even though the level of this enzyme activity was relatively low as compared with that of TAT activity. Survival of hepatocytes in the presence of 3 mM PB was further enhanced by simultaneous addition of dexamethasone (10 microM) and insulin (10 micrograms/ml). The sensitivity of hepatocytes to 3'-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene (0.24 mM) was remarkably reduced by treatment with PB at 3 mM. PB treatment decreased efficiently the falling rate of total cytochrome P-450 content, but did not induce P-450PB, which is the specific form of cytochrome P-450 induced by PB, in primary cultured hepatocytes. On the other hand, 3-methylcholanthrene (MC, 10 microM) caused an increase of both contents of total cytochrome P-450 and P-450MC, which is the specific form of cytochrome P-450 induced by MC, in primary cultured hepatocytes. However, MC was ineffective for the maintenance of hepatocytes in primary culture. The possible biological actions of PB on primary cultured hepatocytes are discussed on the basis of the experimental data obtained.  相似文献   
The citrate utilization determinant from transposon Tn3411 has been cloned and sequenced, and its polypeptide products have been characterized in minicell experiments. The nucleotide sequence was determined for a 2,047-base-pair BglII restriction endonuclease fragment that includes the citrate determinant. This region contains an open reading frame that would encode a 431-amino-acid very hydrophobic polypeptide and which is preceded by a reasonable ribosomal binding site. However, the single polypeptide found in minicell experiments had an apparent molecular weight of 35,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   
The permanent human cell lines preserving defects of lysosomal enzymes, GM1-1019-SV and SA-1077-SV, were established from the respective fibroblasts from patients with GMl-gangliosidosis and Sandhoff disease by transfection with replication origin-minus simian virus 40 DNA. These ceils grow rapidly without entering senescence during more than 120 population doublings. The activity of -galactosidase in GM1-1019-SV and of B-N-acetylhexosaminidase in SA-1077-SV was respectively 40- and 180-fold lower than that of normal fibroblasts.  相似文献   
The frog tongue was perfused through its artery with a Ringer solution using a peristaltic pump, and a method was developed to record stable intracellular receptor potentials of taste cells. Perfusing at 0.05 ml/min with a Ringer solution containing 5% dextran did not cause tongue edema, but perfusing at the same rate with Ringer without dextran caused edema. After perfusion at 0.05 ml/min with 100 mM K Ringer, the membrane potential of taste cells gradually decreased and reached a constant level in about 30 min, indicating that the intercellular fluid of the tongue could be replaced within this time period. While the artery of the frog tongue was perfused at 0.05 ml/min with Ringer containing 5% dextran, intracellular receptor potentials of taste cells elicited by four basic taste stimuli (1 M NaCl, 10 mM quinine-HCl (Q-HCl), 1 mM acetic acid and 1 M galactose) were similar to those obtained from the control taste cells under normal blood flow.  相似文献   
To study the virulence of Rhodococcus (Corynebacterium) equi, seven ATCC strains of different serotypes were tested for their LD50 in mice, clearance of the organism from the lungs and spleen following intravenous or intratracheal inoculation, and in vitro interaction with murine peritoneal macrophages. Strains ATCC 33704 and 33705 were virulent for mice and multiplied in the lungs and spleen, resulting in death of the animal in 5 days. The other five strains were avirulent for mice. The number of bacteria in the lungs and spleen of mice given these five strains decreased immediately. Pulmonary clearance of strains ATCC 33703, 33706, and 33707 was significantly more rapid than that of the virulent strains ATCC 33704 and 33705 12 hr after inoculation. Complete clearance of the avirulent strain ATCC 33707 occurred by day 14, while that of virulent ATCC 33704 and 33705 strains occurred by day 30. The virulent strains ATCC 33704 and 33705 were resistant not only to phagocytosis but also to intracellular killing by macrophages. Strains ATCC 33702 and 33706 were rapidly killed by macrophages although they were rather resistant to phagocytosis. Strain ATCC 33703 was easily phagocytized though resistant to killing by macrophages. The most avirulent strains, ATCC 33707 and 6939, were easily phagocytized and rapidly killed by macrophages. These results indicate that virulence appeared to be related to the ability of the organisms to resist clearance from the lungs and spleen and to resist phagocytosis and intracellular killing by macrophages.  相似文献   
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