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目的检验小鼠休眠胚胎冻融后的质量及体内外发育潜力,为胚胎休眠技术的生产应用提供必要的参考。方法采用常规冷冻方法将正常孵化期胚胎和休眠胚胎进行冷冻,之后分别进行体外复苏培养实验和胚胎移植实验。随后利用双重荧光染色的方法分别对冻融前后的小鼠休眠胚胎与正常孵化期胚胎进行细胞计数,观察两种胚胎冻融前后的质量变化。结果休眠胚胎的冷冻解冻回收率、发育率均极显著高于孵化期胚胎(72.1%vs 50.2%,P<0.01;94.2%vs 73.9%,P<0.01)。休眠胚胎的移植妊娠率显著高于孵化期胚胎(40.8%vs 30.1%,P<0.05)。休眠胚胎的内细胞团细胞数显著高于孵化期胚胎(27.83 vs 19.53,P<0.05),滋养层细胞数差异不显著。冻融培养后休眠胚胎的内细胞团数,滋养层细胞数均显著高于孵化期胚胎(25.18 vs 14.68,P<0.05;114.09 vs 73.88,P<0.05)。结论小鼠休眠胚胎冻融后胚胎质量及体内外发育潜力均优于小鼠正常孵化期胚胎。  相似文献   
监测区域植被覆盖变化并分析其驱动因子,有利于实现生态环境的可持续发展。本研究以1989—2021年Landsat 5/8遥感影像为数据源,利用像元二分模型获取宁夏贺兰山植被覆盖度,基于地理探测器量化了环境和人为等10个因子对其时空分布的影响。结果表明: 1989—2021年间,宁夏贺兰山平均植被覆盖度为35.8%,时间尺度上总体呈增加趋势,平均增幅为0.043·(10 a)-1,空间尺度上呈现从西南向东北递减的分布特征;研究区58.1%的区域植被覆盖度未来将持续性改善,但仍有30.7%的植被存在退化的潜在风险。降水是影响植被分布的主要环境因子,与单因子相比,环境因子和人为因子的交互作用对植被覆盖度的解释力更强,降水与其他因子的交互作用处于主导作用。  相似文献   
【目的】异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis是一种重要的捕食性天敌昆虫,海藻糖在异色瓢虫的变态发育、羽化等整个生命过程都起着重要的作用。本研究以前期获得的类似膜结合型海藻糖酶(TRE2-like)与膜结合型海藻糖酶(TRE2)基因为基础,探讨在异色瓢虫羽化阶段这两个海藻糖酶的潜在功能,为阐明异色瓢虫从蛹发育到成虫时海藻糖代谢机制提供参考。【方法】根据TRE2-like和TRE2基因序列设计双链RNA(dsRNA)区域片段并合成对应的dsRNA,通过RNAi将其注射到异色瓢虫2日龄蛹中。采用实时荧光定量PCR(RT-qPCR)检测RNAi处理后羽化第1天的异色瓢虫成虫糖代谢相关基因的表达;同时采用蒽酮比色法、酶标法等分别测定RNAi处理后羽化第1天的异色瓢虫成虫主要糖类物质含量及TRE活性变化,并观察异色瓢虫羽化后的表型变化。【结果】结果表明,与对照组(dsGFP注射组)相比,异色瓢虫2日龄蛹被注射TRE2-like或TRE2 dsRNA后,其新羽化成虫体内TRE2-like和TRE2表达量均极显著下调,且少数个体出现了蜕皮与翅形成困难等畸形表型。可溶性海藻糖酶活性在注射dsTRE2-like后显著降低,膜结合型海藻糖酶活性在注射dsTRE2后显著降低;注射dsTRE2后糖原含量显著下降,注射dsTRE2-like后糖原和海藻糖含量显著下降,注射dsTRE2-like+dsTRE2后糖原和葡萄糖含量显著下降,且海藻糖含量极显著下降。注射dsTRE2-like, dsTRE2和dsTRE2-like+dsTRE2后可溶性海藻糖酶基因TRE1-1和TRE1-2表达下降或显著下降,而TRE1-5表达上升或显著上升,海藻糖合成酶(trealose-6-phosphate synthase, TPS)、糖原磷酸化酶(glycogen phosphorylase, GP)、糖原合成酶(glycogen synthase, GS)基因的表达均显著下调。【结论】TRE2-like和TRE2基因表达被抑制后,异色瓢虫海藻糖等代谢受到影响。研究结果为探究异色瓢虫体内膜结合型海藻糖酶的潜在功能和调控机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   
[目的]利用CRISPR/Cas9基因敲除系统在黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster细胞中筛选并检测组蛋白甲基化修饰对蜕皮激素20-羟基蜕皮酮(20-hydroxyecdysone,20E)信号传导的调控.[方法]通过Flybase网站分析并总结黑腹果蝇组蛋白甲基转移酶及其修饰位点;将5个组蛋白甲基转...  相似文献   
甘肃东大山自然保护区岩羊生态行为的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2004年7月和8月,通过样线调查、野外直接跟踪观察和瞬间取样的方法,对东大山自然保护区岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)的种群结构和生态行为进行了初步研究。在观察到的720只岩羊中,719只组成了50个群,最大的群82只,最小的群2只,平均群大小(14.38±15.83)只(n=50)。雌雄性比为1∶0.63,成年雌体、亚成体和幼体之比是1∶0.4∶0.24。岩羊的昼间活动中,上午和下午各有一个瞬间觅食高峰,分别在6:30时和15:30时,中午有一段较长时间的休息期。通过对一个46只岩羊群连续12 d的野外跟踪观察,发现该岩羊群昼间的活动范围基本上在1.47 km2内。对152个自然死亡的雄性岩羊头骨的分析表明,东大山雄性岩羊的自然死亡年龄在7.5~11.5龄,其中9.5龄是其自然死亡的高峰。  相似文献   
副溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus)是世界范围内引起海产品相关食物中毒的主要致病菌,具有很强的生物膜形成能力。ToxR是一种膜结合调控蛋白,对副溶血弧菌生物膜形成具有一定的调控作用,但具体机制尚未见报道。c-di-GMP是一种普遍存在于细菌中重要的第二信使,参与调控细菌的多种生物学行为包括生物膜的形成。本文探究ToxR对副溶血弧菌中c-di-GMP代谢的调控作用。利用酶联免疫吸附法(enzyme linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)测定副溶血弧菌野生株(wild-type,WT)和toxR突变株(ΔtoxR)中c-di-GMP水平的差异。挑选c-di-GMP代谢相关基因scrAscrGvpa0198为进一步研究的靶标,采用实时定量qPCR实验检测靶基因在WT和ΔtoxR中的转录水平差异;将靶基因调控区DNA序列克隆入pHRP309质粒中无启动子的β半乳糖苷酶基因上游,采用lacZ报告基因融合实验进一步研究ToxR对靶基因的转录调控关系;将重组质粒分别导入含有pBAD33或pBAD33-toxR的EC100lpir中,采用lacZ报告基因融合实验研究ToxR是否能在异体宿主中调控靶基因的表达;PCR扩增靶基因上游调控区DNA序列,并纯化His-ToxR蛋白,用凝胶阻滞实验(electrophoresis mobility shift assay,EMSA)研究His-ToxR与靶基因启动子区DNA序列是否具有结合作用。ELISA结果显示ΔtoxR中c-di-GMP含量显著性高于WT中的,说明ToxR抑制c-di-GMP的产生;实时定量qPCR结果表明WT中scrAscrGvpa0198的转录水平显著性高于ΔtoxR中的,表明ToxR抑制它们的转录;lacZ报告基因融合实验结果表明ToxR可抑制副溶血弧菌和EC100lpir中scrAscrGvpa0198的启动子区活性;EMSA实验显示His-ToxR能特异性地结合到scrAscrG的上游调控区DNA序列上,而对vpa0198的上游调控区DNA序列无结合作用。综上所述,ToxR通过直接调控相关酶蛋白基因的转录来抑制副溶血弧菌内c-di-GMP的合成,从而有助于精确调控生物膜形成等细菌行为。  相似文献   
We studied mutations in the mtDNA control region (CR) using deep-rooting French-Canadian pedigrees. In 508 maternal transmissions, we observed four substitutions (0.0079 per generation per 673 bp, 95% CI 0.0023-0.186). Combined with other familial studies, our results add up to 18 substitutions in 1,729 transmissions (0.0104), confirming earlier findings of much greater mutation rates in families than those based on phylogenetic comparisons. Only 12 of these mutations occurred at independent sites, whereas three positions mutated twice each, suggesting that pedigree studies preferentially reveal a fraction of highly mutable sites. Fitting the data through use of a nonuniform rate model predicts the presence of 40 (95% CI 27-54) such fast sites in the whole CR, characterized by the mutation rate of 274 per site per million generations (95% CI 138-410). The corresponding values for hypervariable regions I (HVI; 1,729 transmissions) and II (HVII; 1,956 transmissions), are 19 and 22 fast sites, with rates of 224 and 274, respectively. Because of the high probability of recurrent mutations, such sites are expected to be of no or little informativity for the evaluation of mutational distances at the phylogenetic time scale. The analysis of substitution density in the alignment of 973 HVI and 650 HVII unrelated European sequences reveals that the bulk of the sites mutate at relatively moderate and slow rates. Assuming a star-like phylogeny and an average time depth of 250 generations, we estimate the rates for HVI and HVII at 23 and 24 for the moderate sites and 1.3 and 1.0 for the slow sites. The fast, moderate, and slow sites, at the ratio of 1:2:13, respectively, describe the mutation-rate heterogeneity in the CR. Our results reconcile the controversial rate estimates in the phylogenetic and familial studies; the fast sites prevail in the latter, whereas the slow and moderate sites dominate the phylogenetic-rate estimations.  相似文献   
A DNA gap repair assay was used to determine the effect of mutations in the DNA damage checkpoint system on the efficiency and outcome (crossover/non-crossover) of recombinational DNA repair. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae gap repair is largely achieved by homologous recombination. As a result the plasmid either integrates into the chromosome (indicative of a crossover outcome) or remains extrachromosomal (indicative of a non-crossover outcome). Deletion mutants of the MEC1 and RAD53 checkpoint kinase genes exhibited a 5-fold decrease in gap repair efficiency, showing that 80% of the gap repair events depended on functional DNA damage checkpoints. Epistasis analysis suggests that the DNA damage checkpoints affect gap repair by modulating Rad51 protein-mediated homologous recombination. While in wild-type cells only ~25% of the gap repair events were associated with a crossover outcome, Mec1-deficient cells exhibited a >80% crossover association. Also mutations in the effector kinases Rad53, Chk1 and Dun1 were found to affect crossover association of DNA gap repair to various degrees. The data suggest that the DNA damage checkpoints are important for the optimal functioning of recombinational DNA repair with multiple terminal targets to modulate the efficiency and outcome of homologous recombination.  相似文献   
The heterodimeric nuclease Mus81-Eme1 has been proposed to be a Holliday junction resolvase and has now been found to be responsible for nearly all meiotic crossovers in fission yeast. The intriguing substrate preference of this enzyme for nicked Holliday junctions opens the possibility that crossover formation may not always involve double Holliday junctions.  相似文献   
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