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Techniques were developed for genetic characterization of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 by using restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Allozyme analysis provided an index of the discrimination achieved by restriction fragment length polymorphism. Isolates from human cases of legionellosis were examined by both methods, and their profiles were compared with reference strains of L. pneumophila serogroup 1 obtained from the American Type Culture Collection. Eighteen distinct clones were evident among the isolates examined. Both methods could be used to trace the source of an outbreak of legionellosis caused by L. pneumophila serogroup 1.  相似文献   
The dexamethasone binding capacity of embryonal carcinoma cells and their differentiated derivatives was investigated. Manipulation of the embryonal carcinoma cell-culture conditions resulted in an unstable reversible expression of the glucocorticoid receptors. Stable expression of the receptors is observed when these cells are induced to differentiate. Cells grown under identical conditions were assayed for their ability to bind epidermal growth factor.  相似文献   
Moxalactam (LY127935), a novel beta-lactam antibiotic, was compared with semisynthetic penicillins, cephalosporins, and aminoglycosides by the agar dilution method against 5,317 recent clinical isolates of facultative and anaerobic bactria. At 0.5 μg/ml, moxalactam inhibited 90% of all Gram-negative bacilli tested except forPseudomonas aeruginosa (81% inhibited by 32 μg/ml) andAcinetobacter calcoaceticus (88% inhibited by 32 μg/ml). More than 90% ofBacteroides fragilis andStaphylococcus aureus were inhibited by 4 μg/ml and 8 μg/ml, respectively. Moxalactam was at least 16-fold more active by weight than cephalothin, cefamandole, and cefoxitin forEscherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, andEnterobacter species, and 2- to 4-fold more active than cefoxitin forB. fragilis. Moxalactam was 4-fold less active than cefamandole and cephalothin forS. aureus and 2- to 4-fold less active than piperacillin forP. aeruginosa. Moxalactam was as active or more active than the aminoglycosides for all facultative Gram-negative bacilli except forP. aeruginosa. Moxalactam was inhibitory (minimal inhibitory concentration <16 μg/ml) for 20/27 gentamicin-resistant isolates and 8/13 amikacin-resistant organisms. Moxalactam’s in vitro activity against Gram-negative bacilli is markedly superior to presently available cephalosporins and, except forP. aeruginosa, is comparable to the aminoglycosides.  相似文献   
The lipids and lipoproteins — cholesterol (C), triglyceride (TG) and high-density, low-density, very-low-density and sinking pre-β-lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C, LDL-C, VLDL-C and SPB-C) — in plasma samples from 1620 fasting white adults and children from the Toronto—Hamilton area were analysed. The mean concentration of HDL-C was about 45 mg/dl in men and about 60 mg/dl in women, and the levels were constant throughout adult life in both sexes. Boys had higher mean HDL-C levels than men, but girls had lower mean HDL-C levels than women. Mean LDL-C levels, like total C levels, increased with age, from about 87 mg/dl in boys to 136 mg/dl in men, and from about 91 mg/dl in girls to 145 mg/dl in women. The mean levels of VLDL-C followed the TG patterns for age and sex, rising from about 7 mg/dl in boys to 26 mg/dl in men, and from about 11 mg/dl in girls to 19 mg/dl in women. SPB-C was detectable visually in 39% of the population and with the aid of densitometry in 54%; the levels were not related to age, sex or oral contraceptive use, and the median level was 3 mg/dl.Prevalence estimates of hyperlipoproteinemia showed that type IV was the most common, and it was found more than three times as often in men as in women. This was in part due to the customary use of plasma TG cut-off points that do not reflect the large difference in TG levels between males and females. Type IIA hyperlipoproteinemia was found in about 2% of the adults and type IIb in a further 1%. Types I, III and V were all rare. The prevalence of types II and IV hyperlipoproteinemia was four times greater in women using oral contraceptives than in nonusers in the same age range.  相似文献   
Cultured neural crest cells which are freshly trypsinized require serum or purified fibronectin to attach to collagen substrates of types I–V. Furthermore, neural crest cells migrate in a Boyden chamber in response to fibronectin, and a “checkerboard” analysis demonstrates that fibronectin is both chemotactic and chemokinetic for these cells. It is proposed that collagen serves as a substrate for neural crest cells as they migrate in the early embryo. By mediating the cells' attachment to collagen, fibronectin may influence the movement of the cells. Local differences in fibronectin concentration or availability in the matrix could affect the degree of attachment of the cells to the collagen substrate and could also direct their migration by serving as a chemoattractant.  相似文献   
The present report summarizes our recent progress in the genetic dissection of an elementary genetic unit in a higher organism, the rosy locus (ry:3--52.0) in Drosophila melanogaster. Pursuing the hypothesis that the rosy locus includes a noncoding control region, as well as a structural element coding for the xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) peptide, experiments are described that characterize and map a rosy locus variant associated with much lower than normal levels of XDH activity. Experiments are described that fail to relate this phenotype to alteration in the structure of the XDH peptide, but clearly associate this character with variation in number of molecules of XDH per fly. Large-scale fine-structure recombination experiments locate the genetic basis for this variation in the number of molecules of XDH per fly to a site immediately to the left of the XDH structural element within a region previously designated as the XDH control element. Moreover, experiments clearly separate this "underproducer" variant site from a previously described "overproducer" site within the control region. Examination of enzyme activity in electrophoretic gels of appropriate heterozygous genotypes demonstrates the cis-acting nature of this variation in the number of molecules of XDH. A revision of the map of the rosy locus, structural and control elements is presented in the light of the additional mapping data now available.  相似文献   
DNA synthesized after UV irradiation is smaller than that in unirradiated cells even when pulse-labeling times are increased to compensate for the overall reduction in the rate of DNA replication. By isolating newly replicated DNA, incubating it with dimer-specific endonuclease from Micrococcus luteus, and analyzing it on alkaline sucrose gradients, we have been able to demonstrate that this DNA is synthesized in segments corresponding in size to the interdimer distance on the parental strand. In addition, the same DNA analyzed on neutral gradients shows no reduction in molecular weight as a result of UV irradiation and/or endonuclease digestion. Our data are thus inconsistent with the presence of "gaps" in newly synthesized DNA opposite the dimers on the parental strand. We suggest that if such gaps are produced as a result of delayed synthesis around dimers, they are filled before the growing point reaches the next dimer.  相似文献   
Superoxide dismutase in some obligately anaerobic bacteria   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Chondronectin interactions with proteoglycan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have investigated whether proteoglycans are involved in the attachment of embryonic chick chondrocytes to type II collagen. Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, when added exogenously, promotes the binding of chondronectin, the chondrocyte attachment factor, to type II collagen substrates and thereby stimulates chondrocyte adhesion. Blockage of endogenous proteoglycan synthesis with beta-xylosides prevents chondronectin-mediated chondrocyte attachment, confirming that proteoglycan is required. The intact proteoglycan must be present since chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycans did not promote chondronectin-mediated cell attachment but, rather, inhibited it in a dose-dependent manner. This inhibition, however, could be overcome with excess exogenous proteoglycan. Consequently, chondronectin interacts with proteoglycan and then the complex interacts with the collagen substrate and with the cell surface to promote cell adhesion. Further evidence for a direct interaction of chondronectin with the glycosaminoglycan portion of the proteoglycan is the selective binding of chondronectin to dextran-Sepharose, dextran having been shown to inhibit attachment to an extent similar to that of chondroitin sulfate.  相似文献   
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