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Global climate change has profound implications on species distributions and ecosystem functioning. In the coastal zone, ecological responses may be driven by various biogeochemical and physical environmental factors. Synergistic interactions can occur when the combined effects of stressors exceed their individual effects. The Red Sea, characterized by strong gradients in temperature, salinity, and nutrients along the latitudinal axis provides a unique opportunity to study ecological responses over a range of these environmental variables. Using multiple linear regression models integrating in situ, satellite and oceanographic data, we investigated the response of coral reef taxa to local stressors and recent climate variability. Taxa and functional groups responded to a combination of climate (temperature, salinity, air‐sea heat fluxes, irradiance, wind speed), fishing pressure and biogeochemical (chlorophyll a and nutrients ‐ phosphate, nitrate, nitrite) factors. The regression model for each species showed interactive effects of climate, fishing pressure and nutrient variables. The nature of the effects (antagonistic or synergistic) was dependent on the species and stressor pair. Variables consistently associated with the highest number of synergistic interactions included heat flux terms, temperature, and wind speed followed by fishing pressure. Hard corals and coralline algae abundance were sensitive to changing environmental conditions where synergistic interactions decreased their percentage cover. These synergistic interactions suggest that the negative effects of fishing pressure and eutrophication may exacerbate the impact of climate change on corals. A high number of interactions were also recorded for algae, however for this group, synergistic interactions increased algal abundance. This study is unique in applying regression analysis to multiple environmental variables simultaneously to understand stressor interactions in the field. The observed responses have important implications for understanding climate change impacts on marine ecosystems and whether managing local stressors, such as nutrient enrichment and fishing activities, may help mitigate global drivers of change.  相似文献   
The FDA has published guidelines by which to carry out and interpret in vitro induction studies using hepatocytes but do researchers in pharmaceutical companies actually follow these to the letter? In a survey of 30 participants in the pharmaceutical industry, 19 questions were posed regarding the species investigated, methodologies and interpretations of the data. Also addressed was the in-house decision making processes as a result of in vitro induction data. The survey showed that, although the basic methods were similar, no two researchers carried out and interpreted induction assays in exactly the same way. No single method was superior but all included enzyme activities as the major end point. Hepatocytes from animal species were used to confirm animal in vivo data but only human hepatocytes were used to predict human induction responses. If a compound was found to be positive in an in vitro induction assay, few would halt the development of the compound. The majority would consider other properties of the compound (bioavailability, clearance and therapeutic concentrations) and follow the FDA recommendation to conduct clinical drug-drug interaction studies. Overall, the results from this survey indicate that there is no standard pharmaceutical industry method or evaluation criterion by which in vitro assays are carried out. Rather than adhering to the FDA guidelines, some adapt methods and interpretation according to their own experience and need (whether screening or lead optimisation). There was general consensus that studies using human hepatocyte cultures currently provide the best indication of the in vivo induction potential of NCEs. In addition, the assessment of in vitro induction data from the literature suggest that the two-fold induction threshold and the percent of positive control criteria may not be the best methods to accurately assess the in vivo induction potential of a drug. Although the two-fold induction criterion is now obsolete, more predictive models for determining the clinical induction potential are needed. Alternative models are proposed and discussed herein.  相似文献   
Mussels in the order Unionoida comprise ~75% of the world’s freshwater bivalve species and are free-living apart from a brief larval stage that parasitizes fish. We investigated the relationships among species of North American unionid mussels and their known host fishes from a macroevolutionary perspective to test whether and how ecological and evolutionary factors correlate with patterns of host use. A subset of 69 mussel species was chosen based on data availability regarding their fish host repertoires, phylogenetic relationships, and ecology. Despite the brevity of their parasitic life stages, the mussels conformed to the right-skewed distribution of host specificity typical of parasitic taxa, in which most species are specialists and a few are generalists. Phylogenetic least squares regression models identified affinity for low-gradient and riffle habitats, and colonization of post-glacial watersheds as the best predictors for the number of fish host species per mussel. However, the second-best model identified citation number as a predictor of the number of hosts, implying that many mussel–host interactions still remain to be identified. A Multiple Regression Mantel test was performed to identify factors associated with the proportion of hosts shared between pairs of mussel species. Range overlap, citations, genetic distance, and similarity in host infection strategy were significantly correlated with the proportion of hosts shared, yet total variation as explained by the best model was low (R2?=?0.14). There was evidence of a topological association between mussels and their hosts (P?=?0.001) and a significant phylogenetic signal of host specificity (λ?=?0.81, P?=?0.003), indicating closely related mussels that overlap in range are more likely to be competing for hosts. Our results provide an initial macroevolutionary framework for studying the evolution of host infection strategies in these mussels but also highlights gaps still remaining in our fundamental ecological knowledge of this endangered clade.  相似文献   
This report describes the cloning of recombinant human Bcl-2, in which the putative disordered loop region has been replaced with a flexible linker and the hydrophobic C-terminus has been replaced with a 6xHis tag (Bcl-2(6-32)-AAAA-Bcl-2(86-206)-HHHHHH, abbreviation rhBcl-2; amino acid numbering excludes the initiating methionine). This protein was expressed in Escherichia coli where it accumulated in insoluble form in inclusion bodies. After lysis the washed inclusion bodies were solubilized and an l-arginine assisted protein refolding route was employed to obtain biologically active protein. rhBcl-2 was purified further by nickel chelate chromatography to give protein of >95% purity, with an overall yield of 5 mg per g of E. coli cell paste. Edman sequencing showed that approximately 90% of the rhBcl-2 retained the initiating methionine residue. Analytical size exclusion chromatography suggested that the refolded and purified rhBcl-2 was monomeric in nondenaturing solution. Purified protein had an affinity for a Bax BH3 domain peptide comparable to that for in vivo folded recombinant human Bcl-2 and suppressed caspase activation in a cell-free assay for apoptosis. 1H NMR spectroscopy of rhBcl-2, both free and complexed with the Bax BH3 domain peptide, provided further evidence for the structural and functional integrity of the refolded protein. These findings parallel and extend those of Muchmore et al., who found that a loop deletion mutant of human Bcl-XL retained anti-apoptotic function.  相似文献   
Genetic consequences of climatic oscillations in the Quaternary   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
An appreciation of the scale and frequency of climatic oscillations in the past few million years is modifying our views on how evolution proceeds. Such major events caused extinction and repeated changes in the ranges of those taxa that survived. Their spatial effects depend on latitude and topography, with extensive extinction and recolonization in higher latitudes and altitudinal shifts and complex refugia nearer the tropics. The associated population dynamics varied with life history and geography, and the present genetic constitution of the populations and species carry attenuated signals of these past dynamics. Phylogeographic studies with DNA have burgeoned recently and studies are reviewed from the arctic, temperate and tropical regions, seeking commonalities of cause in the resulting genetic patterns. Arctic species show distinct shallow genetic clades with common geographical boundaries. Thus Beringia is distinct phylogeographically, but its role as a refugial source is complex. Arctic taxa do not show the common genetic pattern of southern richness and northern purity in north-temperate species. Temperate refugial regions in Europe and North America show relatively deep DNA divergence for many taxa, indicating their presence over several Ice Ages, and suggesting a mode of speciation by repeated allopatry. DNA evidence indicates temperate species in Europe had different patterns of postglacial colonization across the same area and different ones in previous oscillations, whereas the northwest region of North America was colonized from the north, east and south. Tropical montane regions contain deeply diverged lineages, often in a relatively small geographical area, suggesting their survival there from the Pliocene. Our poor understanding of refugial biodiversity would benefit from further combined fossil and genetic studies.  相似文献   
Composite tissue (hand) allotransplantation: are we ready?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
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