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We combined two existing datasets of vegetation aboveground biomass (AGB) (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108 , 2011, 9899; Nature Climate Change, 2 , 2012, 182) into a pan‐tropical AGB map at 1‐km resolution using an independent reference dataset of field observations and locally calibrated high‐resolution biomass maps, harmonized and upscaled to 14 477 1‐km AGB estimates. Our data fusion approach uses bias removal and weighted linear averaging that incorporates and spatializes the biomass patterns indicated by the reference data. The method was applied independently in areas (strata) with homogeneous error patterns of the input (Saatchi and Baccini) maps, which were estimated from the reference data and additional covariates. Based on the fused map, we estimated AGB stock for the tropics (23.4 N–23.4 S) of 375 Pg dry mass, 9–18% lower than the Saatchi and Baccini estimates. The fused map also showed differing spatial patterns of AGB over large areas, with higher AGB density in the dense forest areas in the Congo basin, Eastern Amazon and South‐East Asia, and lower values in Central America and in most dry vegetation areas of Africa than either of the input maps. The validation exercise, based on 2118 estimates from the reference dataset not used in the fusion process, showed that the fused map had a RMSE 15–21% lower than that of the input maps and, most importantly, nearly unbiased estimates (mean bias 5 Mg dry mass ha?1 vs. 21 and 28 Mg ha?1 for the input maps). The fusion method can be applied at any scale including the policy‐relevant national level, where it can provide improved biomass estimates by integrating existing regional biomass maps as input maps and additional, country‐specific reference datasets.  相似文献   
Dry Matter Production in a Tomato Crop: Measurements and Simulation   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Heuvelink  E. 《Annals of botany》1995,75(4):369-379
Simulation of dry matter production by the explanatory glasshousecrop growth model SUKAM (Gijzen, 1992, Simulation Monographs),based on SUCROS87 (Spitters, Van Keulen and Van Kraalingen,1989, Simulation and systems management in crop protection),was validated for tomato. In the model, assimilation rates arecalculated separately for shaded and sunlit leaf area at differentcumulative leaf area in the canopy, taking into account thedifferent interception of direct and diffuse components of light.Daily crop gross assimilation rate (Pgd) is computed by integrationof these rates over total crop leaf area and over the day. Leafphotochemical efficiency and potential gross assimilation rateat saturating light depend on temperature and CO2 concentrationand are approximated as being identical in the whole canopy.Crop growth results from Pgd minus maintenance respiration rate(Rm; dependent on temperature and crop dry weight), multipliedby the conversion efficiency (carbohydrates to structural drymatter; Cf). Growth experiments (periodic destructive harvest) with differentplanting dates and plant densities and two data-sets from commerciallygrown crops, were used for model validation. Hourly averagesfor global radiation outside the glasshouse, glasshouse temperatureand CO2 concentration, together with measured leaf area index,dry matter distribution (for calculation of Cf) and organ dryweights (for calculation of Rm) were the inputs to the model. Dry matter production (both level and dynamic behaviour) wassimulated reasonably well for most experiments, but final drymatter production was under-estimated by about 27% for the commerciallygrown crops. At low irradiance and with large crop dry weight,growth rate was under-estimated, probably as a result of over-estimationof Rm. This could almost completely explain the large under-estimationfor the commercially grown crops, which had large dry weight.Final dry matter production was over-estimated by 7-11% if dailyaverages instead of hourly input of climatic data were used. It is concluded that SUKAM is a reliable model for simulatingdry matter production in a tomato crop, except for those situationswhere Rm has a large influence on crop growth rate (low irradianceand large crop dry weight). An improved estimate of Rm wouldtake into account the influence of metabolic activity. A preliminaryattempt to relate maintenance costs to relative growth rate(a measure for metabolic activity), showed promising results.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Crop growth, dry matter production, glasshouse, maintenance respiration, metabolic activity, model, relative growth rate, respiration, simulation, tomato, model validation  相似文献   
In a recirculation aquaculture system the drumfilter effluent can be used as substrate for heterotrophic bacterial production, which can be recycled as feed. Because the bacteria might contain pathogens, which could reduce its suitability as feed, it is important to characterize these communities. Bacteria were produced in growth reactors under different conditions: 7 h hydraulic retention time (HRT) vs. 2 h, sodium acetate vs. molasses, and ammonia vs. nitrate. The community of the drumfilter effluent was different from those found in the reactors. However, all major community components were present in the effluent and reactor broths. HRT influenced the bacteria community, resulting in a DGGE profile dominated by a band corresponding to an Acinetobacter sp.-related population at 2 h HRT compared to 7 h HRT, where bands indicative of alpha-proteobacterial populations most closely related to Rhizobium and Shinella spp. were most abundant. Molasses influenced the bacterial community. It was dominated by an Aquaspirillum serpens-related population. Providing total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) in addition to nitrate led to the occurrence of bacteria close to Sphaerotilus spp., Flavobacterium mizutaii and Jonesia spp. It was concluded from these results that a 6-7 h HRT is recommended, and that the type of substrate is less important, and results in communities with a comparably low pathogenic risk.  相似文献   
To better understand the poor regulation of water loss after leaf development at high relative air humidity (RH), the relative importance of the physiological and anatomical components was analyzed focusing on cultivars with a contrasting sensitivity to elevated RH. The stomatal responsiveness to three closing stimuli (desiccation, abscisic acid feeding, light/dark transition), as well as several stomatal features (density, index, size and pore dimensions) and the cuticular transpiration rate (CTR) were determined in four rose cultivars, grown under moderate (60%) and high (95%) RH. Moreover, the effects of changes in stomatal density and pore dimensions on the stomatal conductance (gs) were quantified using a modified version of the Brown and Escombe equation. Higher water loss, as a result of plant growth at high RH, was primarily caused by an increase in residual gs, and to a lesser extent due to higher CTR. It was estimated that in leaflets subjected to desiccation the enhanced gs in high RH- as compared to moderate RH-grown plants was mostly due to poor stomatal functionality and to a lesser extent the combined result of higher stomatal density and longer pore length. It is concluded that the reduced degree and, specially, the reduced rate of stomatal closure are the primary causes of the large genotypic variation in the control of water loss in high RH-grown plants. Furthermore, it was found that although changes in stomatal length have no influence on stomatal functionality, changed anatomical features per se represent a significant and direct contribution to the increased water loss.  相似文献   
AIMS: To investigate phenotypic and genotypic aspects of sorbitol-negative or slow-fermenting Escherichia coli, suspected to belong to O157 serogroup, isolated in Italy. METHODS AND RESULTS: Milk samples originating from goats and cows were screened for the presence of E. coli O157 with cultural methods. Sorbitol-negative or slow-fermenting strains were subjected to phenotypic characterization, antibiotic resistance profiles, PCR reactions for detection of toxins (stx(1) and stx(2)) and intimin (eae(GEN) and eae(O157)) genes and clustering by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Only one strain revealed to be O157. Susceptibility to 11 antibiotics highlighted the high resistance to tetracycline (50%), sulfonamide and streptomycin (33%). The stx(2) gene was detected in two strains; only the strain identified as O157 exhibited an amplicon for both eae genes. PFGE identified seven distinct XbaI macrorestriction patterns at a similarity level of 41%. CONCLUSIONS: The use of sorbitol fermentation as cultural method is not sufficient for STEC discrimination while PCR assay proved to be a valuable method. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The study reports presence of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli in raw milk, signalling a potential risk for humans.  相似文献   
Fruit phenotype is a resultant of inherent genetic potential in interaction with impact of environment experienced during crop and fruit growth. The aim of this study was to analyze the genetic and physiological basis for the difference in fruit size between a small (‘Brioso’) and intermediate (‘Cappricia’) sized tomato cultivar exposed to different fruit temperatures. It was hypothesized that fruit heating enhances expression of cell cycle and expansion genes, rates of carbon import, cell division and expansion, and shortens growth duration, whereas increase in cell number intensifies competition for assimilates among cells. Unlike previous studies in which whole‐plant and fruit responses cannot be separated, we investigated the temperature response by varying fruit temperature using climate‐controlled cuvettes, while keeping plant temperature the same. Fruit phenotype was assessed at different levels of aggregation (whole fruit, cell and gene) between anthesis and breaker stage. We showed that: (1) final fruit fresh weight was larger in ‘Cappricia’ owing to more and larger pericarp cells, (2) heated fruits were smaller because their mesocarp cells were smaller than those of control fruits and (3) no significant differences in pericarp carbohydrate concentration were detected between heated and control fruits nor between cultivars at breaker stage. At the gene level, expression of cell division promoters (CDKB2, CycA1 and E2Fe‐like) was higher while that of the inhibitory fw2.2 was lower in ‘Cappricia’. Fruit heating increased expression of fw2.2 and three cell division promoters (CDKB1, CDKB2 and CycA1). Expression of cell expansion genes did not corroborate cell size observations.  相似文献   
In the obligate short‐day potato Solanum tuberosum group Andigena (Solanum andigena), short days, or actually long nights, induce tuberization. Applying a night break in the middle of this long night represses tuberization. However, it is not yet understood how this repression takes place. We suggest a coincidence model, similar to the model explaining photoperiodic flowering in Arabidopsis. We hypothesize that potato CONSTANS (StCOL1), expressed in the night of a short day, is stabilized by the light of the night break. This allows for StCOL1 to repress tuberization through induction of StSP5G, which represses the tuberization signal StSP6A. We grew S. andigena plants in short days, with night breaks applied at different time points during the dark period, either coinciding with StCOL1 expression or not. StCOL1 protein presence, StCOL1 expression and expression of downstream targets StSP5G and StSP6A were measured during a 24‐h time course. Our results show that a night break applied during peak StCOL1 expression is unable to delay tuberization, while coincidence with low or no StCOL1 expression leads to severely repressed tuberization. These results imply that coincidence between StCOL1 expression and light does not explain why a night break represses tuberization in short days. Furthermore, stable StCOL1 did not always induce StSP5G, and upregulated StSP5G did not always lead to fully repressed StSP6A. Our findings suggest there is a yet unknown level of control between StCOL1, StSP5G and StSP6A expression, which determines whether a plant tuberizes.  相似文献   
The DIF concept states that equal internode length can be achieved with the same difference between day and night temperature irrespective of the mean 24 h temperature. However, the physiological background of the DIF concept is unclear. An attempt to model internode elongation is presented based on three plausible processes, namely (1) the accumulation of elongation requirements during the day, (2) elongation during the night using elongation requirements and (3) the limitation of internode length due to low turgor pressure unable to counter cell wall elasticity. Each reaction rate constant, one per process, depends on temperature according to Arrhenius' Law. The resulting process-based model describes internode elongation in time and was calibrated on a chrysanthemum data set. Chrysanthemum plants were grown in growth chambers with rigorously defined day and night temperatures. In total, 16 temperature treatments were applied, resulting from the combination of four day and four night temperatures (16, 20, 24 and 28 degrees C). Internode elongation was measured for the tenth internode in ten plants per treatment. The percentage variance accounted for, R2adj, was almost 91%. Transferability of model parameters was shown to exist by cross validation. Simulation of the internode length in time as function of mean 24 h temperature and DIF showed that the DIF concept is not apparent after a growing period of 10 d, but is visible after 20 d. This model structure for describing internode elongation might also be applicable for other plants that show the DIF concept.  相似文献   
Fruit‐set involves a series of physiological and morphological changes that are well described for tomato and Arabidopsis, but largely unknown for sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum). The aim of this paper is to investigate whether mechanisms of fruit‐set observed in Arabidopsis and tomato are also applicable to C. annuum. To do this, we accurately timed the physiological and morphological changes in a post‐pollinated and un‐pollinated ovary. A vascular connection between ovule and replum was observed in fertilized ovaries that undergo fruit development, and this connection was absent in unfertilized ovaries that abort. This indicates that vascular connection between ovule and replum is an early indicator for successful fruit development after pollination and fertilization. Evaluation of histological changes in the carpel of a fertilized and unfertilized ovary indicated that increase in cell number and cell diameter both contribute to early fruit growth. Cell division contributes more during early fruit growth while cell expansion contributes more at later stages of fruit growth in C. annuum. The simultaneous occurrence of a peak in auxin concentration and a strong increase in cell diameter in the carpel of seeded fruits suggest that indole‐3‐acetic acid stimulates a major increase in cell diameter at later stages of fruit growth. The series of physiological and morphological events observed during fruit‐set in C. annuum are similar to what has been reported for tomato and Arabidopsis. This indicates that tomato and Arabidopsis are suitable model plants to understand details of fruit‐set mechanisms in C. annuum.  相似文献   
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