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The aim of this work was to investigate whether parthenocarpicfruit growth could avoid flushing, i.e. an irregular yield pattern,in sweet pepper. Plants were grown in a greenhouse compartmentfrom April until August. Half of the plants were grown withouta fruit set treatment (control), whereas parthenocarpic fruitswere allowed to develop on the other plants by preventing self-pollinationand applying auxin to the stigma. For node positions 3 to 17,fruit set per node varied between 21 and 55% for control plants[coefficient of variation (CV) = 11%], whereas auxin-treatedplants showed much less variation in fruit set (41–57%;CV = 5%) and average fruit set was higher. In agreement withfruit set, fruit yield was also much more regular in the auxin-treatedplants. Fruit fresh yield varied between 0.2 and 1.0 kg m-2forcontrol plants (CV = 20%), and between 0.4 and 0.8 kg m-2forauxin-treated plants (CV = 9%). Results showed that developingseeds in sweet pepper fruits are the main cause of the abortionof new flowers, and irregular fruit set and yield. Parthenocarpicfruit growth resulted in flatter, 30% smaller fruits, becauseof a reduction in fruit growth rate; the duration of fruit growthwas 1 week longer than for fruits from control plants. Parthenocarpicfruits were hardly affected by blossom-end rot (BER) with only1% of fruits being affected compared to 31% in the control.Total dry mass production was the same for treated and controlplants; however, in auxin-treated plants, 50% of the total drymass was allocated to the fruits, compared to 58% in controlplants. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Abortion, auxin, BER, blossom-end rot, Capsicum annuum L., flushing, fruit set, irregular yield pattern, parthenocarpy, sweet pepper  相似文献   

Background and Aims

The growth of crops in a mixture is more variable and difficult to predict than that in pure stands. Light partitioning and crop leaf area expansion play prominent roles in explaining this variability. However, in many crops commonly grown in mixtures, including the forage species alfalfa, the sensitivity and relative importance of the physiological responses involved in the light modulation of leaf area expansion are still to be established. This study was designed to assess the relative sensitivity of primary shoot development, branching and individual leaf expansion in alfalfa in response to light availability.


Two experiments were carried out. The first studied isolated plants to assess the potential development of different shoot types and growth periods. The second consisted of manipulating the intensity of competition for light using a range of canopies in pure and mixed stands at two densities so as to evaluate the relative effects on shoot development, leaf growth, and plant and shoot demography.

Key Results

Shoot development in the absence of light competition was deterministic (constant phyllochrons of 32·5 °Cd and 48·2 °Cd for primary axes and branches, branching probability of 1, constant delay of 1·75 phyllochron before axillary bud burst) and identical irrespective of shoot type and growth/regrowth periods. During light competition experiments, changes in plant development explained most of the plant leaf area variations, with average leaf size contributing to a lesser extent. Branch development and the number of shoots per plant were the leaf area components most affected by light availability. Primary axis development and plant demography were only affected in situations of severe light competition.


Plant leaf area components differed with regard to their sensitivity to light competition. The potential shoot development model presented in this study could serve as a framework to integrate light responses in alfalfa crop models.  相似文献   
This work aims to predict time courses of leaf area index (LAI) based on dry matter partitioning into the leaves and on specific leaf area of newly formed leaf biomass (SLA(n)) for year-round cut chrysanthemum crops. In five glasshouse experiments, each consisting of several plant densities and planted throughout the year, periodic destructive measurements were conducted to develop empirical models for partitioning and for SLA(n). Dry matter partitioning into leaves, calculated as incremental leaf dry mass divided by incremental shoot dry mass between two destructive harvests, could be described accurately (R(2 )= 0.93) by a Gompertz function of relative time, R(t). R(t) is 0 at planting date, 1 at the start of short-days, and 2 at final harvest. SLA(n), calculated as the slope of a linear regression between periodic measurements of leaf dry mass (LDM) and LAI, showed a significant linear increase with the inverse of the daily incident photosynthetically active radiation (incident PAR, MJ m(-2 )d(-1)), averaged over the whole growing period, the average glasshouse temperature and plant density (R(2 )= 0.74). The models were validated by two independent experiments and with data from three commercial growers, each with four planting dates. Measured shoot dry mass increase, initial LAI and LDM, plant density, daily temperature and incident PAR were input into the model. Dynamics of LDM and LAI were predicted accurately by the model, although in the last part of the cultivation LAI was often overestimated. The slope of the linear regression of simulated against measured LDM varied between 0.95 and 1.09. For LAI this slope varied between 1.01 and 1.12. The models presented in this study are important for the development of a photosynthesis-driven crop growth model for cut chrysanthemum crops.  相似文献   
The influence of the distance (transport resistance) betweensource and sink on dry matter distribution between fruits andvegetative parts in tomato was studied. In two glasshouse experiments,a control treatment (single-shoot plants, no truss removal)was conducted, together with two double-shoot treatments: double-shootplants with no trusses removed from one shoot and all trussesremoved at anthesis from the other shoot (100–0) and double-shootplants with every second truss removed from both shoots (50–50).Plant growth and dry matter distribution was recorded by periodicaldestructive harvests, during a period of about 100 d after anthesisof the first truss. In experiment 2, plants were probably sink-limited.At the end of both experiments, 58–60% of dry matter wasin the fruits for control plants, whereas for both double-shoottreatments this was 43% (Experiment 1) or 38% (Experiment 2).Until 60–65 d after first flowering, vegetative growthof the individual shoots in both double-shoot treatments wasthe same. Results supported the assumption of one common assimilatepool and showed no significant influence of distance (transportresistance) between source and sink on dry matter partitioning. Key words: Allocation, distance, dry matter distribution, one assimilate pool, partitioning, transport resistance, tomato  相似文献   
Relative changes in cell turgor of leaves of well‐watered tomato plants were evaluated using the leaf patch clamp pressure probe (LPCP) under dynamic greenhouse climate conditions. LPCP changes, a measure for relative changes in cell turgor, were monitored at three different heights of transpiring and non‐transpiring leaves of tomato plants on sunny and cloudy days simultaneously with whole plant water uptake. Clear diel patterns were observed for relative changes of cell turgor of both transpiring and non‐transpiring leaves, which were stronger on sunny days than on cloudy days. A clear effect of canopy height was also observed. Non‐transpiring leaves showed relative changes in cell turgor that closely followed plant water uptake throughout the day. However, in the afternoon the relative changes of cell turgor of the transpiring leaves displayed a delayed response in comparison to plant water uptake. Subsequent recovery of cell turgor loss of transpiring leaves during the following night appeared insufficient, as the pre‐dawn turgescent state similar to the previous night was not attained.  相似文献   
Influence of Sink-Source Interaction on Dry Matter Production in Tomato   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sink-source ratio in tomato was manipulated, in six glasshouseexperiments, by fruit pruning (trusses pruned to two to sevenfruits immediately after fruit set of each truss), truss pruning(removal of every other truss at anthesis) and truss pruningin plants with two shoots. Periodic destructive harvest wereconducted for about 100 d after flowering of the first truss.Dry matter production was not influenced by sink-source ratio,whereas dry matter distribution between fruits and vegetativeparts was greatly affected. The fraction of dry matter distributedto the fruits at the end of the fruit pruning experiments (Ffruits)could be described accurately as a saturation-type functionof number of fruits retained per truss (Nf): Ffruits = 0.660(l-e-0.341Nf). Specific leaf area and internode length decreasedand plant leaf area increased when sink-source ratio was reduced.Removal of every other truss at anthesis did reduce dry matterpartitioning into the fruits, but it did not influence internodelength. Plant development (number of visible leaves at the endof the experiments) was not influenced by sink-source ratio.In four experiments some plants were pruned to one fruit pertruss. Final dry matter production was 8-24% lower for theseplants, compared with plants with more than one fruit per truss.This was, at least party, the result of less light interceptionby these plants, which had strongly curled leaves pointing downwards. Results indicate that effects of sink demand on dry matter productionper unit of intercepted radiation and probably on leaf photosyntheticrate in commercial tomato production can be ignored.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Dry matter production, feedback control, glasshouse, growth analysis, Lycopersicon esculentum, pruning, sink demand, sink-source ratio, tomato  相似文献   
Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) is a vigorous microorganism which causes incurable chronic enteritis, Johne’s disease (JD) in cattle. A target of control programmes for JD is to accurately detect MAP-infected cattle early to reduce disease transmission. The present study evaluated the efficacy of two different cultural procedures and a TaqMan real-time PCR assay for detection of subclinical paratuberculosis in dairy herds. Therefore, sixty-one faecal samples were collected from two Dutch dairy herds (n = 40 and n = 21, respectively) which were known to be MAP-ELISA positive. All individual samples were assessed using two different cultural protocols in two different laboratories. The first cultural protocol (first laboratory) included a decontamination step with 0.75% hexadecylpyridinium chloride (HPC) followed by inoculation on Herrold’s egg yolk media (HEYM). The second protocol (second laboratory) comprised of a decontamination step using 4% NaOH and malachite green-oxalic acid followed by inoculation on two media, HEYM and in parallel on modified Löwenstein-Jensen media (mLJ). For the TaqMan real-time PCR assay, all faecal samples were tested in two different laboratories using TaqMan® MAP (Johne’s) reagents (Life Technologies). The cultural procedures revealed positive reactions in 1.64% of the samples for cultivation protocol 1 and 6.56 and 8.20% of the samples for cultivation protocol 2, respectively. The results of the TaqMan real-time PCR performed in two different laboratories yielded 13.11 and 19.76% positive reaction. The kappa test showed proportional agreement 0.54 between the mLJ media (second laboratory) and TaqMan® real-time PCR method (second laboratory). In conclusion, the TaqMan real-time PCR could be a strongly useful and efficient assay for the detection of subclinical paratuberculosis in dairy cattle leading to an improvement in the efficiency of MAP control strategies.  相似文献   
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