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Genetic linkage of Ly-6 and Thy-1 loci in the mouse   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Recent studies have provided an unprecedented view of the microbial communities colonizing captive mice; yet the host and environmental factors that shape the rodent gut microbiota in their natural habitat remain largely unexplored. Here, we present results from a 2-year 16 S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing-based survey of wild wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) in two nearby woodlands. Similar to other mammals, wild mice were colonized by 10 bacterial phyla and dominated by the Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria. Within the Firmicutes, the Lactobacillus genus was most abundant. Putative bacterial pathogens were widespread and often abundant members of the wild mouse gut microbiota. Among a suite of extrinsic (environmental) and intrinsic (host-related) factors examined, seasonal changes dominated in driving qualitative and quantitative differences in the gut microbiota. In both years examined, we observed a strong seasonal shift in gut microbial community structure, potentially due to the transition from an insect- to a seed-based diet. This involved decreased levels of Lactobacillus, and increased levels of Alistipes (Bacteroidetes phylum) and Helicobacter. We also detected more subtle but statistically significant associations between the gut microbiota and biogeography, sex, reproductive status and co-colonization with enteric nematodes. These results suggest that environmental factors have a major role in shaping temporal variations in microbial community structure within natural populations.  相似文献   
In response to short-term fluctuations in atmospheric CO(2) concentration, c(a), plants adjust leaf diffusive conductance to CO(2), g(c), via feedback regulation of stomatal aperture as part of a mechanism for optimizing CO(2) uptake with respect to water loss. The operational range of this elaborate control mechanism is determined by the maximum diffusive conductance to CO(2), g(c(max)), which is set by the size (S) and density (number per unit area, D) of stomata on the leaf surface. Here, we show that, in response to long-term exposure to elevated or subambient c(a), plants alter g(c(max)) in the direction of the short-term feedback response of g(c) to c(a) via adjustment of S and D. This adaptive feedback response to c(a), consistent with long-term optimization of leaf gas exchange, was observed in four species spanning a diverse taxonomic range (the lycophyte Selaginella uncinata, the fern Osmunda regalis and the angiosperms Commelina communis and Vicia faba). Furthermore, using direct observation as well as flow cytometry, we observed correlated increases in S, guard cell nucleus size and average apparent 1C DNA amount in epidermal cell nuclei with increasing c(a), suggesting that stomatal and leaf adaptation to c(a) is linked to genome scaling.  相似文献   
Guard cell actin reorganization has been observed in stomatal responses to a wide array of stimuli. However, how the guard cell signaling machinery regulates actin dynamics is poorly understood. Here, we report the identification of an allele of the Arabidopsis thaliana ACTIN-RELATED PROTEIN C2/DISTORTED TRICHOMES2 (ARPC2) locus (encoding the ARPC2 subunit of the ARP2/3 complex) designated high sugar response3 (hsr3). The hsr3 mutant showed increased transpirational water loss that was mainly due to a lesion in stomatal regulation. Stomatal bioassay analyses revealed that guard cell sensitivity to external stimuli, such as abscisic acid (ABA), CaCl(2), and light/dark transition, was reduced or abolished in hsr3. Analysis of a nonallelic mutant of the ARP2/3 complex suggested no pleiotropic effect of ARPC2 beyond its function in the complex in regard to stomatal regulation. When treated with ABA, guard cell actin filaments underwent fast disruption in wild-type plants, whereas those in hsr3 remained largely bundled. The ABA insensitivity phenotype of hsr3 was rescued by cytochalasin D treatment, suggesting that the aberrant stomatal response was a consequence of bundled actin filaments. Our work indicates that regulation of actin reassembly through ARP2/3 complex activity is crucial for stomatal regulation.  相似文献   
Stomatal pores of higher plants close in response to decreases in atmospheric relative humidity (RH). This is believed to be a mechanism that prevents the plant from losing excess water when exposed to a dry atmosphere and as such is likely to have been of evolutionary significance during the colonization of terrestrial environments by the embryophytes. We have conducted a genetic screen, based on infrared thermal imaging, to identify Arabidopsis genes involved in the stomatal response to reduced RH. Here we report the characterization of two genes, identified during this screen, which are involved in the guard cell reduced RH signaling pathway. Both genes encode proteins known to be involved in guard cell ABA signaling. OST1 encodes a protein kinase involved in ABA-mediated stomatal closure while ABA2 encodes an enzyme involved in ABA biosynthesis. These results suggest, in contrast to previously published work, that ABA plays a role in the signal transduction pathway connecting decreases in RH to reductions in stomatal aperture. The identification of OST1 as a component required in stomatal RH and ABA signal transduction supports the proposition that guard cell signaling is organized as a network in which some intracellular signaling proteins are shared among different stimuli.  相似文献   
Coiffard, C. & Gomez, B. 2009: The rise to dominance of the angiosperm kingdom: dispersal, habitat widening and evolution during the Late Cretaceous of Europe. Lethaia, Vol. 43, pp. 164–169. The earliest fossil records of angiosperms in Europe occur in the Barremian and consist of freshwater wetland plants. From the Barremian onwards, angiosperms show a stepwise widening of their ecological range with the result that they inhabited most environments by the Cenomanian. Nevertheless, most angiosperms had still restricted habitats, while a few angiosperm trees were confined to disturbed environments, such as channel margins. A Wagner’s Parsimony Method analysis performed on a fossil plant and locality database from the Turonian to the Campanian of Europe indicates continued decrease in richness of ferns and gymnosperms compared with angiosperms, turnover between conifer and palm trees in freshwater‐related swamps at about the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary, and spreading of angiosperm trees through the floodplains. The ecological range of angiosperm trees was increased, being recorded in channel margins from the Cenomanian and spreading over floodplains (e.g. Platanaceae) and swamps (e.g. Arecaceae) by the Campanian. These new ecological ranges and successions went with innovative architectures, such as dicot trees and palm trees. Most living core angiosperm families had their earliest representatives in the Late Cretaceous, which should be considered as the dawn of modern angiosperm forests. □Core angiosperms, Europe, Late Cretaceous, palms, Wagner’s Parsimony Method.  相似文献   
To identify loci in Arabidopsis involved in the control of transpirational water loss and transpiration efficiency (TE) we carried out an infrared thermal imaging-based screen. We report the identification of a new allele of the Arabidopsis CesA7 cellulose synthase locus designated AtCesA7(irx3-5) involved in the control of TE. Leaves of the AtCesA7(irx3-5) mutant are warmer than the wild type (WT). This is due to reduced stomatal pore widths brought about by guard cells that are significantly smaller than the WT. The xylem of the AtCesA7(irx3-5) mutant is also partially collapsed, and we suggest that the small guard cells in the mutant result from decreased water supply to the developing leaf. We used carbon isotope discrimination to show that TE is increased in AtCesA7(irx3-5) when compared with the WT. Our work identifies a new class of genes that affects TE and raises the possibility that other genes involved in cell wall biosynthesis will have an impact on water use efficiency.  相似文献   
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