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Defective FUS metabolism is strongly associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia (ALS/FTD), but the mechanisms linking FUS to disease are not properly understood. However, many of the functions disrupted in ALS/FTD are regulated by signalling between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria. This signalling is facilitated by close physical associations between the two organelles that are mediated by binding of the integral ER protein VAPB to the outer mitochondrial membrane protein PTPIP51, which act as molecular scaffolds to tether the two organelles. Here, we show that FUS disrupts the VAPB–PTPIP51 interaction and ER–mitochondria associations. These disruptions are accompanied by perturbation of Ca2+ uptake by mitochondria following its release from ER stores, which is a physiological read‐out of ER–mitochondria contacts. We also demonstrate that mitochondrial ATP production is impaired in FUS‐expressing cells; mitochondrial ATP production is linked to Ca2+ levels. Finally, we demonstrate that the FUS‐induced reductions to ER–mitochondria associations and are linked to activation of glycogen synthase kinase‐3β (GSK‐3β), a kinase already strongly associated with ALS/FTD.  相似文献   
The impact of individual and community behavioral changes in response to an outbreak of a disease with high mortality is often not appreciated. Response strategies to a smallpox bioterrorist attack have focused on interventions such as isolation of infectives, contact tracing, quarantine of contacts, ring vaccination, and mass vaccination. We formulate and analyze a mathematical model in which some individuals lower their daily contact activity rates once an epidemic has been identified in a community. Transmission parameters are estimated from data and an expression is derived for the effective reproduction number. We use computer simulations to analyze the effects of behavior change alone and in combination with other control measures. We demonstrate that the spread of the disease is highly sensitive to how rapidly people reduce their contact activity rates and to the precautions that the population takes to reduce the transmission of the disease. Even gradual and mild behavioral changes can have a dramatic impact in slowing an epidemic. When behavioral changes are combined with other interventions, the epidemic is shortened and the number of smallpox cases is reduced. We conclude that for simulations of a smallpox outbreak to be useful, they must consider the impact of behavioral changes. This is especially true if the model predictions are being used to guide public health policy.  相似文献   
A predator-prey model with infected prey   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A predator-prey model with logistic growth in the prey is modified to include an SIS parasitic infection in the prey with infected prey being more vulnerable to predation. Thresholds are identified which determine when the predator population survives and when the disease remains endemic. For some parameter values the greater vulnerability of the infected prey allows the predator population to persist, when it would otherwise become extinct. Also the predation on the more vulnerable prey can cause the disease to die out, when it would remain endemic without the predators.  相似文献   
Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (gamma HV-68; also referred to as MHV-68) is a gammaherpesvirus which infects murid rodents. Previous studies showed that CD8 T cells are important for controlling gamma HV-68 replication during the first 2 weeks of infection and suggested a role for B cells in latent or persistent gamma HV-68 infection. To further define the importance of B cells and CD8 T cells during acute and chronic gamma HV-68 infection, we examined splenic infection in mice with null mutations in the transmembrane domain of the mu-heavy-chain constant region (MuMT; B-cell and antibody deficient) or in the beta2-microglobulin gene (beta2 -/-; CD8 deficient). Immunocompetent mice infected intraperitoneally with gamma HV-68 demonstrated peak splenic titers 9 to 10 days postinfection, cleared infectious virus 15 to 20 days postinfection, and harbored low levels of latent virus at 6 weeks postinfection. Beta2-/- mice showed peak splenic gamma HV-68 titers similar to those of normal mice but were unable to clear infectious virus completely from the spleen, demonstrating persistent infectious virus 6 weeks postinfection. These data indicate that CD8 T cells are important for clearing infectious gamma HV-68 from the spleen. Infected MuMT mice did not demonstrate detectable infectious gamma HV-68 in the spleen at any time after infection, indicating that mature B lymphocytes are necessary for acute splenic infection by gamma HV-68. Despite the lack of measurable acute infection, MuMT spleen cells harbored latent virus 6 weeks postinfection at a level about 100-fold higher than that in normal mice. These data demonstrate establishment of latency by a herpesvirus in an organ in the absence of acute viral replication in that organ. In addition, they demonstrate that gamma HV-68 can establish latency in a cell type other than mature B lymphocytes.  相似文献   
Distribution and conservation of mobile elements in the genus Drosophila   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
Essentially nothing is known of the origin, mode of transmission, and evolution of mobile elements within the genus Drosophila. To better understand the evolutionary history of these mobile elements, we examined the distribution and conservation of homologues to the P, I, gypsy, copia, and F elements in 34 Drosophila species from three subgenera. Probes specific for each element were prepared from D. melanogaster and hybridized to genomic DNA. Filters were washed under conditions of increasing stringency to estimate the similarity between D. melanogaster sequences and their homologues in other species. The I element homologues show the most limited distribution of all elements tested, being restricted to the melanogaster species group. The P elements are found in many members of the subgenus Sophophora but, with the notable exception of D. nasuta, are not found in the other two subgenera. Copia-, gypsy-, and F-element homologues are widespread in the genus, but their similarity to the D. melanogaster probe differs markedly between species. The distribution of copia and P elements and the conservation of the gypsy and P elements is inconsistent with a model that postulates a single ancient origin for each type of element followed by mating-dependent transmission. The data can be explained by horizontal transmission of mobile elements between reproductively isolated species.   相似文献   
Population size dependent incidence in models for diseases without immunity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Epidemiological models of SIS type are analyzed to determine the thresholds, equilibria, and stability. The incidence term in these models has a contact rate which depends on the total population size. The demographic structures considered are recruitment-death, generalized logistic, decay and growth. The persistence of the disease combined with disease-related deaths and reduced reproduction of infectives can greatly affect the population dynamics. For example, it can cause the population size to decrease to zero or to a new size below its carrying capacity or it can decrease the exponential growth rate constant of the population.  相似文献   
Many infants whose mothers have rubella infections during their first trimester of pregnancy have birth defects called congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). China does not routinely vaccinate against rubella in the public sector, but may need to start as its 'one child per couple' policy changes the population age distribution and the dynamics of rubella epidemiology, so that the incidence of rubella in pregnant women increases. Computer simulations with demographic transitions and rubella transmission dynamics predict that, with no or limited rubella vaccination, CRS incidence in China in the 30 years after 2020 will be more than twice the level in 2005. Comparisons of rubella vaccination strategies using computer simulations show that routine vaccination of over 80% of 1-year-old children would be effective in reducing total CRS cases in 2005-2051 and eliminating rubella in China by 2051. Routine immunizations at higher levels and the addition of early mass vaccinations of 2-14-year-old children and women of childbearing ages would further reduce total CRS cases and speed up the elimination of rubella.  相似文献   


Integrons are genetic elements capable of the acquisition, rearrangement and expression of genes contained in gene cassettes. Gene cassettes generally consist of a promoterless gene associated with a recombination site known as a 59-base element (59-be). Multiple insertion events can lead to the assembly of large integron-associated cassette arrays. The most striking examples are found in Vibrio, where such cassette arrays are widespread and can range from 30 kb to 150 kb. Besides those found in completely sequenced genomes, no such array has yet been recovered in its entirety. We describe an approach to systematically isolate, sequence and annotate large integron gene cassette arrays from bacterial strains.  相似文献   
Thresholds, equilibria, and their stability are found for SIQS and SIQR epidemiology models with three forms of the incidence. For most of these models, the endemic equilibrium is asymptotically stable, but for the SIQR model with the quarantine-adjusted incidence, the endemic equilibrium is an unstable spiral for some parameter values and periodic solutions arise by Hopf bifurcation. The Hopf bifurcation surface and stable periodic solutions are found numerically.  相似文献   
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