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Background The aim of the study was to compare the effect of naphthylmedetomidine to medetomidine on the behavior of orangutans and chimpanzees. Methods The immobilization was performed as part of a medical examination in five chimpanzees and three orangutans. Following pre‐medication with midazolam (0.70–1.20 mg/kg p.o.), naphthylmedetomidine (50–70 μg/kg), or medetomidine (20–30 μg/kg) was given with ketamine (3 mg/kg) and hyaluronidase (150 M.U.) into musculus deltoideus. Results We observed the distinct anti‐aggressive effect of naphthylmedetomidine. The immobilization with naphthylmedetomidine was shallower and the influence on cardiac frequency less substantial compared to medetomidine. The overall sedative effect of naphthylmedetomidine lasted for less time, and its effect was incompletely antagonized with atipamezole in comparison to medetomidine. Conclusions Naphthylmedetomidine could replace medetomidine for inducing immobilization and sedation. A combination of naphthylmedetomidine–ketamine is suitable for relocating animals to other cages or for painless medical examinations.  相似文献   
The kinetics of acetylcholine receptor-mediated flux of 22sodium ions from microsacs has been measured in the presence of activators (carbamylcholine and decamethonium) and an inhibitor (d-tubocurarine) of neural transmission. The dependence of the first-order rate constant, kobs, for 22sodium ion efflux on either decamethonium or carbamylcholine concentration does not exhibit cooperativity. The apparent cooperativity observed by Kasai and Changeux in dose-response curves for 22sodium flux from the same preparation is adequately accounted for by the contribution which efflux from non-excitable microsacs, the main component of the preparation, makes to the measurements. d-Tubocurarine was found to be a non-competitive inhibitor of decamethonium-activated 22sodium efflux. The results of the kinetic measurements are in agreement with equilibrium measurements of the interaction of decamethonium with the same microsac preparation, i.e. adherence to a classic Langmuir binding isotherm and separate binding sites for activators and inhibitors of neural activity. The results indicate a direct relationship between ligand binding and receptor-mediated ion flux. How these two processes contribute to electrophysiological measurements is not apparent.  相似文献   
The dependence of acetylcholine receptor-controlled transmembrane ion flux on carbamylcholine concentration was measured in the msec time region, using membrane vesicles and a quench flow technique. 4 Measurements were made: (1) transmembrane ion influx, (2) rate of inactivation of the receptor by carbamylcholine, (3) rate of recovery, and (4) ion influx mediated by “inactivated” receptor. The minimal model, based on the measurements, accounts for the time dependence of receptor-controlled ion flux over a 200-fold carbamylcholine concentration range. The maximum flux rate of 84 sec?1 indicates that we have succeeded in measuring the receptor-controlled processes which give rise to electrical signals in cells.  相似文献   
Electrospun nanofibres are an excellent cell culture substrate, enabling the fast and non‐disruptive harvest and transfer of adherent cells for microscopical and biochemical analyses. Metabolic activity and cellular structures are maintained during the only half a minute‐long harvest and transfer process. We show here that such samples can be optimally processed by means of cryofixation combined either with freeze‐substitution, sample rehydration and cryosection‐immunolabelling or with freeze‐fracture replica‐immunolabelling. Moreover, electrospun fibre substrates are equally suitable for complementary approaches, such as biochemistry, fluorescence microscopy and cytochemistry.  相似文献   
Breathing is maintained and controlled by a network of automatic neurons in the brainstem that generate respiratory rhythm and receive regulatory inputs. Breathing complexity therefore arises from respiratory central pattern generators modulated by peripheral and supra-spinal inputs. Very little is known on the brainstem neural substrates underlying breathing complexity in humans. We used both experimental and theoretical approaches to decipher these mechanisms in healthy humans and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD is the most frequent chronic lung disease in the general population mainly due to tobacco smoke. In patients, airflow obstruction associated with hyperinflation and respiratory muscles weakness are key factors contributing to load-capacity imbalance and hence increased respiratory drive. Unexpectedly, we found that the patients breathed with a higher level of complexity during inspiration and expiration than controls. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we scanned the brain of the participants to analyze the activity of two small regions involved in respiratory rhythmogenesis, the rostral ventro-lateral (VL) medulla (pre-Bötzinger complex) and the caudal VL pons (parafacial group). fMRI revealed in controls higher activity of the VL medulla suggesting active inspiration, while in patients higher activity of the VL pons suggesting active expiration. COPD patients reactivate the parafacial to sustain ventilation. These findings may be involved in the onset of respiratory failure when the neural network becomes overwhelmed by respiratory overload We show that central neural activity correlates with airflow complexity in healthy subjects and COPD patients, at rest and during inspiratory loading. We finally used a theoretical approach of respiratory rhythmogenesis that reproduces the kernel activity of neurons involved in the automatic breathing. The model reveals how a chaotic activity in neurons can contribute to chaos in airflow and reproduces key experimental fMRI findings.  相似文献   


Aspirin is a cornerstone in prevention of cardiovascular events and modulates both platelet aggregation and fibrin clot formation. Some patients experience cardiovascular events whilst on aspirin, often termed aspirin treatment failure (ATF). This study evaluated both platelet aggregation and fibrin clot structure in patients with ATF.


We included 177 stable coronary artery disease patients on aspirin monotherapy. Among these, 116 (66%) had ATF defined as myocardial infarction (MI) whilst on aspirin. Platelet aggregation was assessed by Multiplate® aggregometry and VerifyNow®, whereas turbidimetric assays and scanning electron microscopy were employed to study fibrin clot characteristics.


Enhanced platelet aggregation was observed in patients with ATF compared with non-MI patients following stimulation with arachidonic acid 1.0 mM (median 161 (IQR 95; 222) vs. 97 (60; 1776) AU*min, p = 0.005) and collagen 1.0 µg/mL (293 (198; 427) vs. 220 (165; 370) AU*min, p = 0.03). Similarly, clot maximum absorbance, a measure of fibrin network density, was increased in patients with ATF (0.48 (0.41; 0.52) vs. 0.42 (0.38; 0.50), p = 0.02), and this was associated with thinner fibres (mean ± SD: 119.7±27.5 vs. 127.8±31.1 nm, p = 0.003) and prolonged lysis time (552 (498; 756) vs. 519 (468; 633) seconds; p = 0.02). Patients with ATF also had increased levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) (1.34 (0.48; 2.94) and 0.88 (0.32; 1.77) mg/L, p = 0.01) compared with the non-MI group. Clot maximum absorbance correlated with platelet aggregation (r = 0.31–0.35, p-values<0.001) and CRP levels (r = 0.60, p<0.001).


Patients with aspirin treatment failure showed increased platelet aggregation and altered clot structure with impaired fibrinolysis compared with stable CAD patients without previous MI. These findings suggest that an increased risk of aspirin treatment failure may be identified by measuring both platelet function and fibrin clot structure.  相似文献   
Myeloid cells express the TNF family ligands BAFF/BLyS and APRIL, which exert their effects on B cells at different stages of differentiation via the receptors BAFFR, TACI (Transmembrane Activator and CAML-Interactor) and/or BCMA (B Cell Maturation Antigen). BAFF and APRIL are proteins expressed at the cell membrane, with both extracellular and intracellular domains. Therefore, receptor/ligand engagement may also result in signals in ligand-expressing cells via so-called “reverse signalling”. In order to understand how TACI-Fc (atacicept) technically may mediate immune stimulation instead of suppression, we investigated its potential to activate reverse signalling through BAFF and APRIL. BAFFR-Fc and TACI-Fc, but not Fn14-Fc, reproducibly stimulated the ERK and other signalling pathways in bone marrow-derived mouse macrophages. However, these effects were independent of BAFF or APRIL since the same activation profile was observed with BAFF- or APRIL-deficient cells. Instead, cell activation correlated with the presence of high molecular mass forms of BAFFR-Fc and TACI-Fc and was strongly impaired in macrophages deficient for Fc receptor gamma chain. Moreover, a TACI-Fc defective for Fc receptor binding elicited no detectable signal. Although these results do not formally rule out the existence of BAFF or APRIL reverse signalling (via pathways not tested in this study), they provide no evidence in support of reverse signalling and point to the importance of using appropriate specificity controls when working with Fc receptor-expressing myeloid cells.  相似文献   
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