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In a large-scale forward-genetic screen, we discovered that a limited number of genes are required for the regulation of retinal stem cells after embryogenesis in zebrafish. In 18 mutants out of almost 2000 F2 families screened, the eye undergoes normal embryonic development, but fails to continue growth from the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ), the post-embryonic stem-cell niche. Class I-A mutants (5 loci) display lower amounts of proliferation in the CMZ, while nearly all cells in the retina appear differentiated. Class I-B mutants (2 loci) have a reduced CMZ with a concomitant expansion in the retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE), suggesting a common post-embryonic stem cell is the source for these neighboring cell types. Class II encompasses three distinct types of mutants (11 loci) with expanded CMZ, in which the progenitor population is arrested in the cell cycle. We also show that in at least one combination, the reduced CMZ phenotype is genetically epistatic to the expanded CMZ phenotype, suggesting that Class I genes are more likely to affect the stem cells and Class II the progenitor cells. Finally, a comparative mapping analysis demonstrates that the new genes isolated do not correspond to genes previously implicated in stem-cell regulation. Our study suggests that embryonic and post-embryonic stem cells utilize separable genetic programs in the zebrafish retina.  相似文献   
The Natal multimammate mouse (Mastomys natalensis) is the reservoir host of Lassa arenavirus, the etiological agent of Lassa fever in humans. Because there exists no vaccine for human use, rodent control and adjusting human behavior are currently considered to be the only options for Lassa fever control. In order to develop efficient rodent control programs, more information about the host’s ecology is needed. In this study, we investigated the spatial behavior of M. natalensis and other small rodents in two capture-mark-recapture and four dyed bait (Rhodamine B) experiments in Lassa fever-endemic villages in Upper Guinea. During the capture-mark-recapture studies, 23% of the recaptured M. natalensis moved between the houses and proximate fields. While M. natalensis was found over the entire study grid (2 ha), other rodent species (Praomys daltoni, Praomys rostratus, Lemniscomys striatus, Mus spp.) were mostly trapped in the surrounding fields. Distances between recapture occasions never exceeded 100 m for all rodent species. During the dyed bait experiments, 11% of M. natalensis and 41% of P. daltoni moved from the fields to houses. We conclude that commensal M. natalensis easily moves between houses and proximate fields in Guinea. We therefore consider occasional domestic rodent elimination to be an unsustainable approach to reduce Lassa virus transmission risk to humans, as M. natalensis is likely to reinvade houses quickly from fields in which rodents are not controlled. A combination of permanent rodent elimination with other control strategies (e.g., make houses rodent proof or attract predators) could be more effective for Lassa fever control, but must be further investigated.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Rückgang der Siedlungsdichte des Trauerschnäppers im Harz 1971–1995 um fast 60% führte zu einer Senkung der Höhenverbreitung von 1000 m (Baumgrenze) auf 600 m (–40%) und dadurch zu einem Arealverlust von mindestens 450 km2 im Westharz. Im 1. Lebensjahr siedelte sich die Mehrzahl der Weibchen (88%) zwischen +200 m (aufwärts) und –200 m (abwärts) um den Geburtsort an mit einer Bevorzugung zu tieferen Lagen, maximal +310 m bzw. –360 m (im Untersuchungsgebiet höchstens 370 m möglich), Median und Mittelwert betrugen –10 m. Bei kühleren Apriltemperaturen (Ankunftszeit der Trauerschnäpper) brüteten Erstansiedler mehr als sonst in tieferen Lagen und umgekehrt. Die vertikalen Ansiedlungspfeile über Grund wiesen in alle Richtungen. 60% der Vögel blieben der Exposition des Geburtsortes treu, ein Wechsel fand um so häufiger statt, je höher und damit dichter der Geburtsort zu den Kammlagen gelegen war. Das komplexe Zusammenwirken von Einflüssen auf das Ansiedlungsverhalten im Bergland wird diskutiert.
Population development, altitudinal distribution and settling behaviour ofFicedula hypoleuca in the Harz Mountains
Between 1971 and 1995, an almost 60% decline in the population density ofFicedula hypoleuca led to a reduction of the altitudinal boundary from 1000 (tree line) to 600 m a.s.l. in the Harz region. This means a loss of 40% of the area settled so far, equalling at least 450 km2 in the Westharz. In their first year the majority of females (88%) settled within a distance of between 200 m above and 200 m below their places of birth with a marked preference for lower altitudes (range 310 m above to 360 m below). When in April temperatures were below average, birds breeding for the first time preferred lower altitudes. The preference was reversed when temperatures were above average. The vertical distribution vector pointed in all directions. In comparison to their birthplace 60% of the birds settled on the same exposure of slopes. A change of exposure was most noticeable when the birthplace was near the ridge. The interactions of factors influencing the pattern of settling mountains are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Mittels einer S35O2-Begasung von Sonnenblumen, Mais, Tabak und ?lrettich wurden Einbau und Transport des aus der Luft in die einzelnen Pflanzenorgane aufgenommenen Schwefels untersucht. W?hrend die Aufnahmeintensit?t der Pflanze für SO2 aus der Atmosph?re mit dessen Konzentration (variiert von 0–1,5 mg SO2/m3 Luft) und der Expositionsdauer (Zwischenernten der drei untersten Sonnenblumenbl?tter) stetig zunimmt, verl?uft der Einbau in die einzelnen Schwefelfraktionen unterschiedlich. Am st?rksten wurde der Sulfatschwefel angereichert, an dem die Bl?tter den h?chsten und Stengel und Wurzeln die niedrigsten Gehalte aufwiesen. Ebenso erf?hrt der organisch gebundene Schwefel mit steigender SO2-Behandlung eine Zunahme, die bei den Bl?ttern am st?rksten ausgepr?gt ist und in der h?chsten Behandlungsstufe den Wert der Kontrolle um das 3–4 fache übersteigt. Das Verh?ltnis des s?ureunl?slichen organisch gebundenen Schwefels zum s?urel?slichen organisch gebundenen Schwefel nimmt mit steigender SO2-Behandlung ab. Lediglich beim ?lrettich ist das Verh?ltnis dieser beiden S-Fraktionen in allen SO2-Steigerungsstufen wenig ver?ndert. Der destillierbare Schwefel wurde bei Sonnenblumen, Tabak und Mais nur in geringen Mengen (5–14 ppm S) gefunden, was sowohl auf einen schnellen Umbau des aufgenommenen SO2 als auch auf ein w?hrend der Trocknung eingetretenes Entweichen von noch ?u?erlich anhaftendem SO2 hindeutet. Die bei ?lrettich h?heren Gehalte an destillierbarem Schwefel dürften auf eine teilweise Miterfassung von Senf?len zurückzuführen sein. Der Gehalt an diesen erfuhr mit steigender SO2-Konzentration eine Abnahme, was auf eine Beeintr?chtigung der die Senf?lsynthese katalysierenden Enzyme durch das SO2 hinweist. Die Ergebnisse werden ausführlich diskutiert und die Bedeutung des SO2 sowohl als N?hrstoff als auch als Schadstoff herausgestellt.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung 1972–1980 wurden im Harz brutbiologische Daten der Wasseramsel gesammelt.Der Nestbau erfordert im Mittel 18 Tage (n=18). Der Legebeginn liegt im Mittel um den 21. 4. (n=83); er zeigt eine vertikale Verzögerung von 5,92 Tagen/100 m. Diese verläuft parallel zur Schneeschmelze bzw. zum Beginn der Vegetationsentwicklung (Entwicklung der Nahrung?).Die Brutdauer beträgt 16,5 Tage (n=16). Die Gelegegröße umfaßt im Mittel 4,86 Eier (n=88), sie sinkt um 0,17 Eier/Dekade und um 0,20 Eier/100 m ab.Der Bruterfolg beträgt im Mittel 3,91 Junge (n=66), das sind 80% der gelegten Eier. Er sinkt um 0,13 Junge/Dekade. Er zeigt ein Maximum bei 4–500 m und sinkt zu niedrigeren und größeren Höhen ab.Der Zweitbrutanteil beträgt 11,8%, Zweitbruten hatten im Mittel 4,38 Eier (n=8) und brachten 3,0 flügge Junge (n=5) zum Ausfliegen.In Bezug auf die Höhe liegt der Verbreitungsschwerpunkt bei 3–400 m; oberhalb sinkt die Besiedlung bei einer Höhenzunahme um jeweils 120–130 m auf die Hälfte, unterhalb ist das Vorkommen durch Talsperren und Städte reduziert.Aus dem Bruterfolg und der Überlebensrate läßt sich in einer Modellrechnung für den Westharz abschätzen, daß die Population der Wasseramsel zwischen 265 und 685 m stabil ist und die Vorkommen unterhalb und oberhalb aus dem Überschuß gestützt werden.
On the breeding biology and the altitudinal distribution of the Dipper (Cinclus c. aquaticus) in the Harz Mountains
Summary 1972–80, breeding data of the Dipper in the Harz Mountains were collected.A mean of 18 days is required for nest building (n=18). Egg-laying starts on average of April 21 and shows an altitudinal retardation of 5.92 days per 100 m. This runs parallel to the melting of snow and the beginning of vegetation development respectively.The mean breeding period is 16.5 days (n=16). The mean clutchsize is 4.86 eggs (n=88) and decreases by 0.17 eggs per ten-day period and by 0.20 eggs per 100 m.The mean breeding success amounts to 3.91 young (n=66), which is 80% of the eggs laid. This decreases by 0.13 young per ten-day period. It shows a maximum at 4–500 m and decreases at lower and higher altitudes.The amount of second broods is to 11.8%, second clutches consisted of 4.38 eggs (n=8) and 3.0 fledged young (n=5) leave the nest.With reference to the altitude, the main distribution lies at 3–400 m; above this the population density decreases for every height increase of 120–130 m to half and below the occurrence is reduced by dams and towns.A calculation for the West Harz Mountains can be assessed from the breeding success and survival rates, and that is, that the population of the Dipper is stable between 265 and 685 m and the upper and lower occurrences are based on the surplus.
Selectivity-size spectra, clearance and ingestion rates andassimilation efficiencies of Acartia clausi (Copepoda), Peniliaavirostris (Cladocera) and Doliolum denticulatum (Doliolida)from Blanes Bay (Catalan Sea, NW Mediterranean) were evaluatedin grazing experiments over a wide range of food concentrations(0.02–8.8 mm3 L–1 plankton assemblages from BlanesBay, grown in mesocosms at different nutrient levels). Acartiaclausi reached the highest grazing coefficients for large algae>70 µm (longest linear extension), P. avirostris forintermediate food sizes between 15 and 70 µm, and D. denticulatumfor small sizes from 2.5 to 15 µm. Penilia avirostrisand D. denticulatum acted as passive filter-feeders. Acartiaclausi gave some evidence for a supplementary raptorial feedingmode. Effective food concentration (EFC) decreased linearlywith increasing nutrient enrichment for D. denticulatum andfollowed domed curves for A. clausi and for P. avirostris withmaximum values at intermediate and high enrichment levels, respectively.Clearance rates of crustacean species showed curvilinear responseswith narrow modal ranges to increasing food concentration. Clearancerates of D. denticulatum increased abruptly and levelled intoa plateau at low food concentrations. Mean clearance rates were13.9, 25.5 and 64.1 mL ind.–1 day–1, respectively.No clearance could be detected for A. clausi at food concentrations<0.1 mm3 L–1 and for P. avirostris at food concentrations  相似文献   


Human cases of plague (Yersinia pestis) infection originate, ultimately, in the bacterium's wildlife host populations. The epidemiological dynamics of the wildlife reservoir therefore determine the abundance, distribution and evolution of the pathogen, which in turn shape the frequency, distribution and virulence of human cases. Earlier studies have shown clear evidence of climatic forcing on contemporary plague abundance in rodents and humans.


We find that high-resolution palaeoclimatic indices correlate with plague prevalence and population density in a major plague host species, the great gerbil (Rhombomys opimus), over 1949-1995. Climate-driven models trained on these data predict independent data on human plague cases in early 20th-century Kazakhstan from 1904-1948, suggesting a consistent impact of climate on large-scale wildlife reservoir dynamics influencing human epidemics. Extending the models further back in time, we also find correspondence between their predictions and qualitative records of plague epidemics over the past 1500 years.


Central Asian climate fluctuations appear to have had significant influences on regional human plague frequency in the first part of the 20th century, and probably over the past 1500 years. This first attempt at ecoepidemiological reconstruction of historical disease activity may shed some light on how long-term plague epidemiology interacts with human activity. As plague activity in Central Asia seems to have followed climate fluctuations over the past centuries, we may expect global warming to have an impact upon future plague epidemiology, probably sustaining or increasing plague activity in the region, at least in the rodent reservoirs, in the coming decades. See commentary: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7007/8/108  相似文献   
Advances in the phenology of organisms are often attributed to climate change, but alternatively, may reflect a publication bias towards advances and may be caused by environmental factors unrelated to climate change. Both factors are investigated using the breeding dates of 25 long-term studied populations of Ficedula flycatchers across Europe. Trends in spring temperature varied markedly between study sites, and across populations the advancement of laying date was stronger in areas where the spring temperatures increased more, giving support to the theory that climate change causally affects breeding date advancement.  相似文献   
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