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Large uncertainties exist regarding the influence of ongoing climate change to microbially mediated methane cycling in arctic lakes. Specifically, the coupled response of methanogenesis (MG) and methane oxidation (Mox) to increased temperature is poorly understood. Therefore, the effect of temperature on rates of sediment MG and water column Mox in two shallow Arctic Alaskan lakes were evaluated in 2010. To understand the capacity of Mox to offset potential increases in dissolved methane concentrations, kinetics of water column Mox were also determined. Rates of MG responded positively to increased temperature with a greater influence exerted at higher incubation temperatures. Substrate-saturated Mox significantly increased with temperature and was controlled by substrate and temperature interactions. In contrast, substrate-limited Mox was not influenced by temperature and was controlled by substrate supply. Analysis of Mox kinetics pointed to a community of water column dwelling methane oxidizing bacteria that are capable of oxidizing dissolved methane concentrations far in excess of observed levels. Assuming no diffusion limitation, our results suggest that Mox will likely offset increased MG in response to elevated temperature regimes as a function of ongoing climate change.  相似文献   
Among predicted impacts of climate change in the Arctic are greater thaw depth and shifts in vegetation patterns and hydrology that are likely to increase organic carbon and nutrient loading to lakes. We measured substrate limitation of sediment methane (CH4) flux, examined pathways of methanogenesis, and potential CH4 oxidation using stable isotope labeled acetate in intact sediment cores from arctic lake GTH 112 (68°40′20″N, 149°14′57″W). We hypothesized that the acetoclastic pathway would dominate methanogenesis, reflecting dissolved organic carbon supply from the surrounding landscape, and that sediment CH4 flux would be stimulated by addition of acetate. Experiments demonstrated acetate limitation of sediment CH4 flux with short-term CH4 flux response to availability of acetate, high rates of CH4 oxidation, and strong dominance of the acetoclastic over the hydrogenotrophic methanogenic pathway. The experiments also indicated that isotopic fractionation effects during isotope enrichment experiments are large during methanogenesis and can alter the methanogenic pathways being investigated. Under oxic conditions, CH4 oxidation at the sediment–water interface or in the water column is likely to account for much of diffusive CH4 flux, but under anoxic hypolimnetic conditions and increased substrate availability, conditions that are likely to occur with climate change, sediment CH4 flux will likely increase, with oxidation utilizing a smaller portion of sediment CH4 production.  相似文献   
The recent discovery of several nonpeptide CGRP antagonists have led to significant advances in our understanding of CGRP receptor pharmacology. Specifically, these antagonists have demonstrated a clear species selectivity with >100-fold greater affinity for human CGRP receptor compared to receptors from other species, such as rat, rabbit and guinea pig. Therefore, nonhuman primate models are required to accurately assess the in vivo activity of these antagonists. The commonly used model in marmosets involves electrical stimulation of the trigeminal ganglia and is a technically difficult and terminal procedure. In this report, we describe a noninvasive pharmacodynamic model in which topical application of capsaicin is utilized to induce the release of endogenous CGRP and a vasodilatory response which can be measured using laser Doppler imaging. Using the potent and selective CGRP antagonist Compound 3, which is an analog of the well-characterized compound BIBN4096BS, we demonstrated 62% inhibition with 300 microg/kg, i.v., in the rat. When tested in the rhesus monkey, only 30 microg/kg of Compound 3 was needed to produce complete inhibition, suggesting that the rhesus CGRP receptor shares a pharmacological profile similar to marmoset and human receptors. Two separate measurements were obtained in this model to provide an indication of both the acute inhibitory effect as well as the prophylactic effect of the CGRP antagonist. At the doses studied, Compound 3 was equally effective on both the acute and prophylactic inhibition of CGRP-mediated vasodilation in rat and rhesus. In conclusion, this is the first report to describe and validate a noninvasive model in nonhuman primates that allows rapid evaluation of CGRP antagonist activity against endogenous CGRP.  相似文献   
T5 DNA molecules resemble fragments of T2 DNA of molecular weight 84 × 106 with respect to sedimentation coefficient and susceptibility to breakage under hydrodynamic shear. The sedimentation coefficient falls by the same factor when either T2 or T5 DNA is broken at its characteristic critical shear rate. At a given high rate of shear, both DNA's are broken into fragments exhibiting the same sedimentation coefficient. It follows that 84 × 106 is a proper estimate of the molecular weight of T5 DNA, and that particles of phage T5, like those of T2, contain a single DNA molecule.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic initiation factor-3 (eIF3) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae plays a central role in initiation of translation. The eIF3 complex contains at least eight different proteins, but, as yet, little is known about the function of the individual proteins. In this study we have characterized the role of TIF34 (eIF3-p39), a recently identified WD-40 domain-containing protein of 39 kDa, in the eIF3 complex. Using temperature-sensitive mutants of TIF34 we show that this protein is required for cell cycle progression and for mating and plays an essential role in initiation of protein synthesis. By two-hybrid screening we have identified two partners that directly associate with TIF34: PRT1, a previously characterized eIF3 subunit, and a novel protein of 33 kDa (eIF3-p33) which is part of the eIF3 complex and has an RNA binding domain. TIF34 and p33 interact with each other and overexpression of p33 complements the growth defect of a tif34-ts mutant. Our results provide support for both physical and functional interactions between three subunits, TIF34, PRT1 and p33, in the eIF3 complex.  相似文献   
Methylated mercury (MeHg) can be produced by all microbes possessing the genes hgcA and hgcB, which can include sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), iron-reducing bacteria (FeRB), methane-producing archaea (MPA), and other anaerobic microbes. These microbial groups compete for substrates, including hydrogen and acetate. When sulfate is in excess, SRB can outcompete other anaerobic microbes. However, low concentrations of sulfate, which often occur in stream sediments, are thought to reduce the relative importance of SRB. Although SRB are regarded as the primary contributors of MeHg in many aquatic environments, their significance may not be universal, and stream sediments are poorly studied with respect to microbial Hg methylation. We evaluated suppression of methanogenesis by SRB and the potential contributions from SRB, MPA and other MeHg producing microbes (including FeRB) to the production of MeHg in stream sediments from the North Carolina Piedmont region. Lower methanogenesis rates were observed when SRB were not inhibited, however, application of a sulfate-reduction inhibitor stimulated methanogenesis. Greater MeHg production occurred when SRB were active. Other MeHg producing microbes (i.e., FeRB) contributed significantly less MeHg production than SRB. MPA produced MeHg in negligible amounts. Our results suggest that SRB are responsible for the majority of MeHg production and suppress methanogenesis in mid-order stream sediments, similar to other freshwater sediments. Further investigation is needed to evaluate the generality of these findings to streams in other regions, and to determine the mechanisms regulating sulfate and electron acceptor availability and other potential factors governing Hg methylation and methane production in stream sediments.  相似文献   
We have used three mammalian in vitro assays for translational initiation (globin synthesis, methionyl-puromycin synthesis, and ternary complex formation), consisting of defined components, to ask whether sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) egg and embryo translational components are active in heterologous assays for mammalian components, and to determine to what extent these activities are evolutionarily conserved. A "pH 5 enzyme" fraction prepared from unfertilized eggs and embryos efficiently replaced the rat liver pH 5 fraction in a globin synthesis assay, indicating that the elongation and termination factors and the aminoacyl-tRNAs are compatible with the mammalian translational machinery. The classical schemes for mammalian initiation factor purification yielded low or no detectable activities in the ribosomal salt washes, so a novel procedure was developed to partially purify initiation factors from sea urchin eggs and embryos before testing for activity. A 12,000 g homogenate from unfertilized eggs was fractionated by step elution from phosphocellulose at 100, 300, 600, and 1,200 mM salt. Initiation factor activities were found in each salt step as predicted for the mammalian counterparts. The following activities have been detected: eIF2, eIF3/4F, eIF4A, eIF4B, eIF4C, eIF4D, and eIF5. Further fractionation of each elution step yielded preparations enriched in specific initiation factor activities. However, denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the fractions gave complex polypeptide patterns and no clearly identifiable bands corresponding to the mammalian initiation factor polypeptides. In spite of the conservation of factor activity, crude and affinity purified polyclonal antibodies to the mammalian factors did not cross-react with the sea urchin preparations. The demonstration that initiation factor activities are sufficiently conserved to allow their being assayed is the first step in our dissection of the translational machinery of eggs and embryos, and in the complete analysis of the regulation of translation during early development.  相似文献   
F H Zucker  J W Hershey 《Biochemistry》1986,25(12):3682-3690
The interaction of initiation factor IF1 with 30S ribosomal subunits was measured quantitatively by fluorescence polarization. Purified IF1 was treated with 2-iminothiolane and N-[[(iodoacetyl)-amino]ethyl]-5-naphthylamine-1-sulfonic acid in order to prepare a covalent fluorescent derivative without eliminating positive charges on the protein required for biochemical activity. The fluorescent-labeled IF1 binds to 30S subunits and promotes the formation of N-formylmethionyl-tRNA complexes with 70S ribosomes. Analyses of mixtures of fluorescent-labeled IF1 and 30S ribosomal subunits with an SLM 4800 spectrofluorometer showed little change in fluorescence spectra or lifetimes upon binding, but a difference in polarization between free and bound forms is measurable. Bound to free ratios were calculated from polarization data and used in Scatchard plots to determine equilibrium binding constants and number of binding sites per ribosomal subunit. Competition between derivatized and nonderivatized forms of IF1 was quantified, and association constants for the native factor were determined: (5 +/- 1) X 10(5) M-1 with IF1 alone; (3.6 +/- 0.4) X 10(7) M-1 with IF3; (1.1 +/- 0.2) X 10(8) M-1 with IF2; (2.5 +/- 0.5) X 10(8) M-1 with both IF2 and IF3. In all cases, 0.9-1.1 binding sites per 30S subunit were detected. Divalent cations have little effect on affinities, whereas increasing monovalent cations inhibit binding. On the basis of the association constants, we predict that greater than 90% of native 30S subunits are complexed with all three initiation factors in intact bacterial cells.  相似文献   
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