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In this study, multilocus sequence typing (MLST) was combined with the genetic detection of six genetic markers, ansB, dmsA, ggt, cj1585c, cjj81176-1367/71 (cj1365c), and the two-gene marker tlp7 (cj0951c plus cj0952c), to assess if their presence correlated with different C. jejuni clonal groups. Using a collection of 266 C. jejuni isolates from (in decreasing order of sample size) humans, chickens, cattle, and turkeys, it was further investigated whether the resulting genotypes correlated with the isolation source. We found combinations of the six marker genes to be mutually exclusive, and their patterns of presence or absence correlated to some degree with animal source. Together with MLST results, the obtained genotypes could be segregated into six groups. An association was identified for ansB, dmsA, and ggt with the MLST-clonal complexes (MLST-CC) 22, 42, 45, and 283, which formed the most prominent group, in which chickens were the most prevalent animal source. Two other groups, characterized by the presence of cj1585c, cjj81176-1367/71, and the two-gene marker tlp7, associated with either MLST-CC 21 or 61, were overrepresented in isolates of bovine origin. Mutually exclusive marker gene combinations were observed for ansB, dmsA, and ggt, typically found in CC 45 and the related CC 22, 42, and 283, whereas the other three marker genes were found mostly in CC 21, 48, and 206. The presence of the two-gene marker tlp7, which is typical for MLST 21 and 53 as well as for MLST-CC 61, strongly correlates with a bovine host; this is interpreted as an example of host adaptation. In cases of C. jejuni outbreaks, these genetic markers could be helpful for more effective source tracking.  相似文献   
We introduce an approach to compensate for temporal distortions of repeated measurements in event-related potential research. The algorithm uses a combination of methods from nonlinear time-series analysis and is based on the construction of pairwise registration functions from cross-recurrence plots of the phase-space representations of ERP signals. The globally optimal multiple-alignment path is approximated by hierarchical cluster analysis, i.e. by iteratively combining pairs of trials according to similarity. By the inclusion of context information in form of externally acquired time markers (e.g. reaction time) into a regularization scheme, the extracted warping functions can be guided near paths that are implied by the experimental procedure. All parameters occurring in the algorithm can be optimized based on the properties of the data and there is a broad regime of parameter configurations where the algorithm produces good results. Simulations on artificial data and the analysis of ERPs from a psychophysical study demonstrate the robustness and applicability of the algorithm.  相似文献   
The serum protein fetuin‐A is essential for mineral homeostasis and shows immunomodulatory functions, for example by binding to TGF superfamily proteins. It proved neuroprotective in a rat stroke model and reduced lethality after systemic lipopolysaccharide challenge in mice. Serum fetuin‐A concentrations are highest during intrauterine life. Different species show intrauterine cerebral fetuin‐A immunoreactivity, suggesting a contribution to brain development. We therefore aimed at specifying fetuin‐A immunoreactivity in brains of newborn rats (age P0–P28) and human neonates (20–40 weeks of gestation). In humans and rats, fetuin‐A was found in cortex, white matter, subplate, hippocampus, subventricular zone, and ependymal cells which supports a global role for brain function. In rats, overall fetuin‐A immunoreactivity decreased with age. At P0 fetuin‐A immunoreactivity affected most brain structures. Thereafter, it became increasingly restricted to distinct cells of the hippocampus, cingular gyrus, periventricular stem cell layer, and ependyma. In ependymal cells the staining pattern complied with active transependymal transport from cerebrospinal fluid. Double immunofluorescence studies revealed colocalization with NeuN (mature neurons), beta III tubulin (immature neurons), GFAP (astrocytes), and CD68 (activated microglia). This points to a role of fetuin‐A in different brain functional systems. In human neonatal autopsy cases, frequently affected from severe neurological and non‐neurological diseases, fetuin‐A immunoreactivity was heterogeneous and much less associated with age than in healthy tissues studied earlier, suggesting an impact of exogeneous noxious factors on fetuin‐A regulation. Further research on the role of fetuin‐A in the neonatal brain during physiological and pathological conditions is recommended. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 73: 354–369, 2013  相似文献   
The human small-intestinal microbiota is characterised by relatively large and dynamic Streptococcus populations. In this study, genome sequences of small-intestinal streptococci from S. mitis, S. bovis, and S. salivarius species-groups were determined and compared with those from 58 Streptococcus strains in public databases. The Streptococcus pangenome consists of 12,403 orthologous groups of which 574 are shared among all sequenced streptococci and are defined as the Streptococcus core genome. Genome mining of the small-intestinal streptococci focused on functions playing an important role in the interaction of these streptococci in the small-intestinal ecosystem, including natural competence and nutrient-transport and metabolism. Analysis of the small-intestinal Streptococcus genomes predicts a high capacity to synthesize amino acids and various vitamins as well as substantial divergence in their carbohydrate transport and metabolic capacities, which is in agreement with observed physiological differences between these Streptococcus strains. Gene-specific PCR-strategies enabled evaluation of conservation of Streptococcus populations in intestinal samples from different human individuals, revealing that the S. salivarius strains were frequently detected in the small-intestine microbiota, supporting the representative value of the genomes provided in this study. Finally, the Streptococcus genomes allow prediction of the effect of dietary substances on Streptococcus population dynamics in the human small-intestine.  相似文献   
Melanoma differentiation‐associated protein 5 (MDA5) mediates the innate immune response to viral infection. Polymorphisms in IFIH1, the gene coding for MDA5, correlate with the risk of developing type 1 diabetes (T1D). Here, we demonstrate that MDA5 is crucial for the immune response to enteric rotavirus infection, a proposed etiological agent for T1D. MDA5 variants encoded by minor IFIH1 alleles associated with lower T1D risk exhibit reduced activity against rotavirus infection. We find that MDA5 activity limits rotavirus infection not only through the induction of antiviral interferons and pro‐inflammatory cytokines, but also by promoting cell death. Importantly, this MDA5‐dependent antiviral response is specific to the pancreas of rotavirus‐infected mice, similar to the autoimmunity associated with T1D. These findings imply that MDA5‐induced cell death and inflammation in the pancreas facilitate progression to autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β‐cells.  相似文献   
Thermal denaturation studies as a function of pH were carried out on wild-type iso-1-cytochrome c and three variants of this protein at the solvent-exposed position 73 of the sequence. By examining the enthalpy and Tm at various pH values, the heat capacity increment (delta Cp), which is dominated by the degree of change in nonpolar hydration upon protein unfolding, was found for the wild type where lysine 73 is normally present and for three variants. For the Trp 73 variant, the delta Cp value (1.15 +/- 0.17 kcal/mol K) decreased slightly relative to wild-type iso-1-cytochrome c (1.40 +/- 0.06 kcal/mol K), while for the Ile 73 (1.65 +/- 0.07 kcal/mol K) and the Val 73 (1.50 +/- 0.06 kcal/mol K) variants, delta Cp increased slightly. In previous studies, the Trp 73, Ile 73, and Val 73 variants have been shown to have decreased m-values in guanidine hydrochloride denaturations relative to the wild-type protein (Hermann L, Bowler BE, Dong A, Caughey WS. 1995. The effects of hydrophilic to hydrophobic surface mutations on the denatured state of iso-1-cytochrome c: Investigation of aliphatic residues. Biochemistry 34:3040-3047). Both the m-value and delta Cp are related to the change in solvent exposure upon unfolding and other investigators have shown a correlation exists between these two parameters. However, for this subset of variants of iso-1-cytochrome c, a lack of correlation exists which implies that there may be basic differences between the guanidine hydrochloride and thermal denaturations of this protein. Spectroscopic data are consistent with different denatured states for thermal and guanidine hydrochloride unfolding. The different response of m-values and delta Cp for these variants will be discussed in this context.  相似文献   
SUMMARY The environment has a strong effect on development as is best seen in the various examples of phenotypic plasticity. Besides abiotic factors, the interactions between organisms are part of the adaptive forces shaping the evolution of species. To study how ecology influences development, model organisms have to be investigated in their environmental context. We have recently shown that the nematode Pristionchus pacificus and its relatives are closely associated with scarab beetles with a high degree of species specificity. For example, P. pacificus is associated with the oriental beetle Exomala orientalis in Japan and the northeastern United States, whereas Pristionchus maupasi is primarily isolated from cockchafers of the genus Melolontha in Europe. Here, we investigate how Pristionchus nematodes identify their specific insect hosts by using chemotaxis studies originally established in Caenorhabditis elegans . We observed that P. maupasi is exclusively attracted to phenol, one of the sex attractants of Melolontha beetles, and that attraction was also observed when washes of adult beetles were used instead of pure compounds. Furthermore, P. maupasi chemoattraction to phenol synergizes with plant volatiles such as the green leaf alcohol and linalool, demonstrating that nematodes can integrate distinct chemical senses from multiple trophic levels. In contrast, another cockchafer-associated nematode, Diplogasteriodes magnus , was not strongly attracted to phenol. We conclude that interception of the insect communication system might be a recurring strategy of Pristionchus nematodes but that different nematodes use distinct chemical cues for finding their beetle hosts.  相似文献   
The human leukemic cell line (HL-60) can be induced to differentiate in vitro to granulocytic form with retinoic acid (RA), or to monocytic/macrophage form with phorbol ester (TPA). The granulocytic form acquires nuclear lobulation, nuclear envelope-limited chromatin sheets (ELCS), and cytoskeletal polarization, none of which are acquired following treatment with TPA. Immunoblotting analyses and capillary zone electrophoresis demonstrated that following RA treatment: lamins A/C and B1, and vimentin decreased to negligible amounts; LAP2 beta, lamin B2 and emerin remained essentially unchanged; lamin B receptor (LBR) increased markedly; histone subtypes H1.4 and 1.5 exhibited dephosphorylation. Following TPA treatment: lamins A/C and B1, B2 and vimentin increased in amount; LAP2 beta and emerin remained essentially unchanged; LBR increased markedly; histone subtypes H1.4 and 1.5 exhibited dephosphorylation. Emerin, which was cytoplasmic in undifferentiated or granulocytic cells, localized into the nuclear envelope following TPA. Normal human granulocytes revealed compositional differences compared to granulocytic forms of HL-60, namely increased vimentin and appearance of histone subtype H1.3. A working hypothesis for nuclear lobulation postulates a combination of: increased nuclear envelope deformability due to lamins A/C and B1 deficiency; an increase in nuclear surface area/volume; an increase in chromatin-nuclear envelope interactions.  相似文献   
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