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The ability of Salmonella typhimurium to interact with host cells is largely dependent on the function of a type III protein-secretion system encoded at centisome 63 of its chromosome. We have shown here that two targets of this protein-secretion system, SipB and SipC, are translocated into cultured intestinal Henle-407 cells. Translocation required the function of the type III secretion apparatus, as an S. typhimurium strain carrying a mutation in invA , which encodes an essential component of this system, failed to translocate the Sip proteins. Null mutations in the genes encoding SipB, SipC or SipD, prevented protein translocation, indicating that these proteins are involved in the translocation process. In contrast, mutations in sipA and sptP , which also encode secreted proteins, did not interfere with the translocation of SipC, indicating that only a subset of targets of the type III secretion system act as translocases. Externally or internally localized bacteria could direct protein translocation into Henle-407 cells as this process occurred in the presence of cytochalasin D at a concentration that prevented bacterial entry, or in the presence of gentamicin added shortly after bacterial internalization at a concentration that killed extracellular Salmonella . These results indicate that protein translocation into host cells may be a universal function of all type III secretion systems.  相似文献   
Different species of the bristletail genus Lepismachilis were collected in 14 localities in Italy and Spain and an allozyme electrophoretic survey was carried out to estimate the degree of genetic variability and differentiation at intra- and interspecific levels. Four morphological species were initially identified (L osellai, L. y-signata, L. affinis, L. targionii), but the electrophoretic analysis demonstrated the presence of two additional species among the individuals of L. targionii (Lepismachilis spl and sp2). The validity of these species and their differentiation from L targionii were demonstrated by the fixation of alternative allelic patterns at several loci (7 in Lepismachilis spl and 8 in Lepismachilis sp2), coupled with fixed, previously undetected, morphological differences. In addition, Lepismachilis sp2 was sympatric with L. targionii in three collecting sites, where the fixation of alternative allelic patterns unequivocally demonstrated reproductive isolation. Genetic variability did not seem to be correlated with local ecological factors, and differences between species should rather be explained by different historical factors. Low levels of gene flow, estimated with two different indirect methods, were observed in L. targionii and L. y-signata, and were due to high levels of structuring among populations. Genetic differentiation among conspecific populations was not correlated to their geographical arrangement and the presence of loci fixed for different alleles among them suggested that stochastic factors (such as genetic drift) may have played a role in determining genetic differentiation of geographically isolated populations. Genetic divergence values indicated that the six species are well differentiated and allozyme profiles were diagnostic for all of them. On the other hand, allozyme data did not provide adequate information to resolve evolutionary relationships among the species, nor did they confirm the validity of the two subgenera (Lepismachilis and Berlesilis) in which the genus Lepismachilis is traditionally divided.  相似文献   
Congenital syphilis has been diagnosed very seldom in ancient populations. The case that we examined comes from San Jeronimo's Church (17th and 18th centuries AD; Mexico City). Coffin 43 contained an incomplete skeleton of an approximately 2-year-old infant. The pathological lesions of this skeleton include bilateral osteochondritis, diaphyseal osteomyelitis, and osteitis and/or periostitis on the long bones. The radiographic appearance depicts symmetrical osteomyelitic foci, particularly at the proximal extremity of both tibiae (Wimberger's sign). The skull exhibits hydroceph-aly and periosteal changes on the vault, and the unerupted upper incisors evince dental hypoplasia and other pathological alterations reminiscent of Hutchinson's incisors. All these features strongly suggest a case of early Congenital syphilis. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Several reports have claimed that the mitochondrial chaperonin cpn60, or a close homolog, is also present in some other subcellular compartments of the eukaryotic cell. Immunoelectron microscopy studies, using a polyclonal serum against cpn60, revealed that the protein is exclusively localized within the mitochondria of rat liver and embryonic Drosophila cells (SL2). Furthermore, no cpn60 immunoreactive material could be found within the nucleus of SL2 cells subjected to a 1 h 37°C heat-shock treatment. In contrast to these findings, immunoelectron microscopy studies, using a cpn60 monoclonal antibody, revealed mitochondrial and extramitochondrial (plasma membrane, nucleus) immunoreactive material in rat liver cells. Surprisingly, the monoclonal antibody also reacted with fixed proteins of the mature red blood cell. The monoclonal antibody, as well as cpn60 polyclonal sera, only recognize mitochondrial cpn60 in Western blots of liver proteins. Furthermore, none of the cpn60 antibodies used in this study recognized blotted proteins from rat red blood cells. Therefore, we suggest that the reported extramitochondrial localization of cpn60 in metazoan cells may be due to cross-reactivity of some of cpn60 antibodies with conformational epitopes also present in distantly related cpn60 protein homologs that are preserved during fixation procedures of the cells. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
We have studied the presence of a cloned fragment of DNA from Drosophila melanogaster in other organisms by means of nucleic acid hybridization analysis. The isolated region is localized in polytene chromosomes at the 63F subdivision. This region includes a puff that responds within minutes to ecdysone stimulation. We have found that 63F DNA from D. melanogaster hybridizes 'in situ' to both DNA and RNA from D. simulans, D. teissieri, and D. hydei. In all these species the isolated DNA remains associated with one early-ecdysone stimulated puff. The isolated Drosophila recombinant DNA is also complementary to polyadenylated RNA from foetal and adult rat liver but fails to hybridize to the nonpolyadenylated RNA classes from both sources and to polyadenylated RNA from rat mammary glands.  相似文献   
Summary Lysolecithin:lysolecithin acyltranferase is an enzyme which in several previous studies has shown a dual behavior catalyzing two types of reaction, transacylation or hydrolysis, with the same substrate. Both activities have shown to be dependent on several environmental conditions and among them, the presence of lipids.The addition of several classes of lipids activated in all the cases the enzyme, decreasing the hydrolysis/transacylation molar ratio. This effect was higher for PC/PE/Chol mixture than for other lipids assayed. Circular dichroism spectra of the enzyme did not show any change with the addition of lipids, concluding that the effect of lipids was not due to any structural change in the protein. The hypothesis has been made of an influence of lipids on the physical state of the substrate as well as, possibly, on the enzyme-substrate interaction.The significance of these effects on the physiological role of lysolecithin:lysolecithin acyltransferase from soluble fraction of rabbit lung is discussed.Abbreviations Chol cholesterol - CMC critical micellar concentration - DPPC dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine - FA fatty acid - H/T hydrolysis/transacylation molar ratio - LPC lysophosphatidylcholine - PC phosphatidylcholine - PE phosphatidylethanolamine - TG triglyceride - UV ultraviolet  相似文献   
The F1-ATPase or BF1 factor was purified from Micrococcus lysodeikticus substrain B grown in a synthetic medium in the presence of tritiated amino acids. When analyzed in sodium dodecyl sulfate-7% polyacrylamide gels, the fresh purified preparation contained α, β, γ subunits (referred as the intrinsic subunits) and two other polypeptides (designated as X and component of relative mobility 1.0) whose status as subunits remains to be established. This overall polypeptide composition was similar to that of the F1-ATPase isolated from the same strain grown in complex medium (J. Carreira, J. M. Andreu, M. Nieto, and E. Muñoz., 1976 Mol. Cell. Biochem.10, 67–76). The distribution of 3H-labeled amino acids into purified F1-ATPase and its constituent polypeptides under different stages of growth was used to investigate the biosynthetic relationship between the different polypeptides. The incorporation of amino acids into purified BF1 factor was slower than that of cytoplasmic and other membrane proteins. In isotope-dilution and chase experiments, F1-ATPase showed one of the slowest rates of decay of the incorporated label. These results point out that F1-ATPase of M. lysodeikticus undergoes slower turnover than the overall cytoplasmic and membrane proteins. Pulse and chase experiments allowed us to conclude that the α, β, γ subunits and the components of relative mobility 1.0 are independent with differences in their turnover and therefore do not bear any apparent relation as precursors-products. The two major subunits represent seemingly the “core” of ATPase, the β subunit behaving like the most stable component. On the other hand, the γ subunit appears to be synthesized independently from this α + β complex.  相似文献   
A new species of Rhodotorula Harrison was recovered in May 1978 from Spanish powdered red pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) in Madrid, Spain. It could not be identified with any hitherto described species of yeast and it was assigned to the genus Rhodotorula Harrison as representative of a new species on the bases of both its morphological and physiological characteristics, for which the name of Rhodotorula matritense is proposed.  相似文献   
Small-angle X-ray scattering data suggest that major but reversible rearrangements of mitochondrial inner membrane structure are induced by uncouplers. Low levels of 2,4-dinitrophenol (10 μM) cause a perceptible wide-angle shift of the 20 mrad X-ray scattering maximum characteristic of intact liver mitochondria. Higher dinitrophenol concentrations (> 25 μM) reduce this scattering maximum to one-third its initial intensity. In terms of mitochondrial function, the former scattering change appears to correlate with the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation while the latter occurs in the course of dinitrophenol stimulation of mitochondrial ATPase activity.  相似文献   
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