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Tobamoviruses, mostly isolated from solanaceous plants, may represent ancient virus lineages that have codiverged with their hosts. Recently completed nucleotide sequences of six nonsolanaceous tobamoviruses allowed assessment of the codivergence hypothesis and support a third subgroup within tobamoviruses. The genomic sequences of 12 tobamoviruses and the partial sequences of 11 others have been analyzed. Comparisons of the predicted protein sequences revealed three clusters of tobamoviruses, corresponding to those infecting solanaceous species (subgroup 1), those infecting cucurbits and legumes (subgroup 2), and those infecting crucifers. The orchid-infecting odontoglossum ringspot tobamovirus was associated with subgroup 1 genomes by its coat and movement protein sequences, but with the crucifer-pathogenic tobamoviruses by the remainder of its genome, suggesting that it is the progeny of a recombinant. For four of five genomic regions, subgroup 1 and 3 genomes were equidistant from a subgroup 2 genome chosen for comparison, suggesting uniform rates of evolution. A phylogenetic tree of plant families based on the tobamoviruses they harbor was congruent with that based on rubisco sequences but had a different root, suggesting that codivergence was tempered by rare events of viruses of one family colonizing another family. The proposed subgroup 3 viruses probably have an origin of virion assembly in the movement protein gene, a large (25-codon) overlap of movement and coat protein open reading frames, and a comparably shorter genome. Codon-position- dependent base compositions and codon prevalences suggested that the coat protein frame of the overlap region was ancestral. Bootstrapped parsimony analysis of the nucleotides in the overlap region and of the sequences translated from the -1 frame (the subgroup 3 movement protein frame) of this region produced trees inconsistent with those deduced from other regions. The results are consistent with a model in which a no or short overlap organization was ancestral. Despite encoding of subgroup 2 and 3 movement protein C-termini by nonhomologous nucleotides, weak similarities between their amino acid sequences suggested convergent sequence evolution.   相似文献   
 We have studied the possibility of associating fluorescence microscopy and hematoxylin-eosin staining for the identification of elastic fibers in elastin-rich tissues. Elastic fibers and elastic laminae were consistently identified by the proposed procedure, which revealed itself to be easy and useful for the determination of such structures and their distribution. The fluorescence properties of stained elastic fibers are due to eosin staining as revealed by fluorescence analysis of the dye in solution, with no or only minor contribution by the elastin auto-fluorescence. The main advantage of this technique resides in the possibility of studying the distribution of elastic fibers in file material without further sectioning and staining. The use of the confocal laser scanning microscope greatly improved the resolution and selectivity of imaging elastic fibers in different tissues. The determination of the three-dimensional distribution and structure of elastic fiber and laminae using the confocal laser scanning microscope was evaluated and also produced excellent results. Accepted: 28 August 1996  相似文献   
Phagocytosis by polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) is accompanied by specific morphological and metabolic events which may result in the killing of internalized micro-organism. Hydrogen peroxide is produced in increased amounts during phagocytosis (17) and in combination with myeloperoxidase and halide ions constitute a potent, microbicidal mechanism (8,9,11). There can be direct iodination of micro-organisms (10), or alternatively, other intermediate reaction products, i.e. chloramines and aldehydes (21), can exert a microbicidal effect. The H2O2-peroxidase-halide system is presumed to operate within the phagocytic vacuole (12,18). Myeloperoxidase, present in the primary granules of PMN, enters the phagocytic vacuole during degranulation (1,4,7), and halide ions are probably derived from the extracellular medium or are present in the PMN (see 11, 18). For the operation of this system in intact cells, the presence of H2O2 in the phagocytic vacuole is necessary, and indeed this has been suggested by the work of several investigators (12, 18, 21). In the present investigation, the diaminobenzidine reaction of Graham and Karnovsky (5), modified to utilize endogenous myeloperoxidase and hydrogen peroxide, has been applied to actively phagocytizing PMN to demonstrate cytochemically the presence of H2O2 in the phagocytic vacuole.  相似文献   
Extant Palaemonidae occupy aquatic environments that have generated physiological diversity during their evolutionary history. We analyze ultrastructural traits in gills and antennal glands of palaemonid species from distinct osmotic niches, and employ phylogenetic comparative methods to ascertain whether transformations in their osmoregulatory epithelia have evolved in tandem, driven by salinity. Gill pillar cells exhibit apical evaginations whose surface density (Sv, μm2 plasma membrane area/μm3 cytoplasmic volume) ranges from 6.3–7.1 in Palaemon, and 0.7–38.4 in Macrobrachium. In the septal cells, Sv varies from 8.9–10.0 in Palaemon, and 3.3–21.6 in Macrobrachium; mitochondrial volumes (Vmit) range from 43.3–46.8% in Palaemon and 34.9–53.4% in Macrobrachium. In the renal proximal tubule cells, apical microvilli Sv varies from 27.0–34.3 in Palaemon, and 38.3–47.8 in Macrobrachium; basal invagination Sv ranges from 18.7–20.0 in Palaemon and 30.8–40.8 in Macrobrachium. Septal cell Sv shows phylogenetic signal; evagination height/density, apical Sv, and Vmit vary independently of species relatedness. Salt transport capability by the gill and renal epithelia has increased during palaemonid evolution, reflecting amplified membrane availability for ion transporter insertion. These traits underpin the increased osmotic gradients maintained against the external media. Gill ultrastructure and osmotic gradient have evolved in tandem, driven by salinity at the genus level. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 673–688.  相似文献   
Mineralization of the articular cartilage is a pathological condition associated with age and certain joint diseases in humans and other mammals. In this work, we describe a physiological process of articular cartilage mineralization in bullfrogs. Articular cartilage of the proximal and distal ends of the femur and of the proximal end of the tibia-fibula was studied in animals of different ages. Mineralization of the articular cartilage was detected in animals at 1 month post-transformation. This mineralization, which appeared before the hypertrophic cartilage showed any calcium deposition, began at a restricted site in the lateral expansion of the cartilage and then progressed to other areas of the epiphyseal cartilage. Mineralized structures were identified by von Kossa's staining and by in vivo incorporation of calcein green. Element analysis showed that calcium crystals consisted of poorly crystalline hydroxyapatite. Mineralized matrix was initially spherical structures that generally coalesced after a certain size to occupy larger areas of the cartilage. Alkaline phosphatase activity was detected at the plasma membrane of nearby chondrocytes and in extracellular matrix. Apoptosis was detected by the TUNEL (TDT-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end-labeling) reaction in some articular chondrocytes from mineralized areas. The area occupied by calcium crystals increased significantly in older animals, especially in areas under compression. Ultrastructural analyses showed clusters of needle-like crystals in the extracellular matrix around the chondrocytes and large blocks of mineralized matrix. In 4-year-old animals, some lamellar bone (containing bone marrow) occurred in the same area as articular cartilage mineralization. These results show that the articular cartilage of R. catesbeiana undergoes precocious and progressive mineralization that is apparently stimulated by compressive forces. We suggest that this mineralization is involved in the closure of bone extremities, since mineralization appears to precede the formation of a rudimentary secondary center of ossification in older animals.  相似文献   
Yi  D; Lee  RT; Longo  P; Boger  ET; Lee  YC; Petri  WA  Jr; Schnaar  RL 《Glycobiology》1998,8(10):1037-1043
Both the Entamoeba histolytica lectin, a virulence factor for the causative agent of amebiasis, and the mammalian hepatic lectin bind to N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) and galactose (Gal) nonreducing termini on oligosaccharides, with preference for GalNAc. Polyvalent GalNAc- derivatized neoglycoproteins have >1000-fold enhanced binding affinity for both lectins (Adler,P., Wood,S.J., Lee,Y.C., Lee,R.T., Petri,W.A.,Jr. and Schnaar,R.L.,1995, J. Biol. Chem ., 270, 5164-5171). Substructural specificity studies revealed that the 3-OH and 4-OH groups of GalNAc were required for binding to both lectins, whereas only the E.histolytica lectin required the 6-OH group. Whereas GalNAc binds with 4-fold lower affinity to the E.histolytica lectin than to the mammalian hepatic lectin, galactosamine and N-benzoyl galactosamine bind with higher affinity to the E. histolytica lectin. Therefore, a synthetic scheme for converting polyamine carriers to poly-N-acyl galactosamine derivatives (linked through the galactosamine primary amino group) was developed to test whether such ligands would bind the E.histolytica lectin with high specificity and high affinity. Contrary to expectations, polyvalent derivatives including GalN6lys5, GalN4desmosine, GalN4StarburstTMdendrimer, and GalN8StarburstTMdendrimer demonstrated highly enhanced binding to the mammalian hepatic lectin but little or no enhancement of binding to the E.histolytica lectin. We propose that the mammalian hepatic lectin binds with greatest affinity to GalNAc "miniclusters," which mimic branched termini of N-linked oligosaccharides, whereas the E.histolytica lectin binds most effectively to "maxiclusters," which may mimic more widely spaced GalNAc residues on intestinal mucins.   相似文献   
Three new species of the recently discovered, and hitherto monotypic, feather mite genus Nanopterodectes Mironov, 2009 are described: N. acutirostris n. sp. from Stymphalornis acutirostris Bornschein, Reinert & Teixeira, N. mentalis n. sp. from Dysithamnus mentalis (Temminck), and N. leucopterus n. sp. from Pyriglena leucoptera (Vieillot). This feather mite genus is currently restricted to passerine birds of the Neotropical family Thamnophilidae in Brazil. A key to the known species of Nanopterodectes is presented for both sexes.  相似文献   
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