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Amino Acids - The application of high concentrations of taurine induces long-lasting potentiation of synaptic responses and axon excitability. This phenomenon seems to require the contribution of a...  相似文献   
The CYBA gene variants have been inconsistently associated with coronary heart disease (CHD) risk. A case-control study was conducted genotyping 619 subjects to explore the contribution of C242T and A640G to CHD risk in the population. A significant risk was found associated with GG homozygosity (odds ratio (OR) 2.132, 95% confidence interval, 1.113-4.085). The C242T variant was associated with CHD risk in women. Bias due to population stratification was analysed. Phenotype changes linked to these polymorphisms were evaluated. Superoxide measurements revealed higher production as indicated by the presence of the G and T alleles. Differences in mRNA concentration in heterozygous A640G samples were analysed. Higher levels of G allele mRNA compared with A allele mRNA were found. NAD(P)H oxidase p22phox sub-unit expression was evaluated with Western blot. Experiments revealed a gradual relationship in p22phox protein expression according to genotypes of the analysed variants. Those GG TT double homozygous showed increased p22phox protein expressions regarding AA CC double homozygous. This study has demonstrated increased expression and activity of the NAD(P)H system components during atherogenesis and the results could help explain the relevance of the A640G variant as a CHD marker.  相似文献   
Poor oxygenation (hypoxia) influences important physiological and pathological situations, including development, ischemia, stroke and cancer. Hypoxia induces protein synthesis inhibition that is primarily regulated at the level of initiation step. This regulation generally takes place at two stages, the phosphorylation of the subunit α of the eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 2 and the inhibition of the eIF4F complex availability by dephosphorylation of the inhibitory protein 4E-BP1 (eukaryotic initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1). The contribution of each of them is mainly dependent of the extent of the oxygen deprivation. We have evaluated the regulation of hypoxia-induced translation inhibition in nerve growth factor (NGF)-differentiated PC12 cells subjected to a low oxygen concentration (0.1%) at several times. Our findings indicate that protein synthesis inhibition occurs primarily by the disruption of eIF4F complex through 4E-BP1 dephosphorylation, which is produced by the inhibition of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) activity via the activation of REDD1 (regulated in development and DNA damage 1) protein in a hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF1)-dependent manner, as well as the translocation of eIF4E to the nucleus. In addition, this mechanism is reinforced by the increase in 4E-BP1 levels, mainly at prolonged times of hypoxia.  相似文献   
Secondary metabolites from species of the biocontrol agent Trichoderma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trichoderma species are free-living fungi that are highly interactive in root, soil and foliar environments and have been used successfully in field trials to control many crop pathogens. Structural and biological studies of the metabolites isolated from Trichoderma species are reviewed. This review, encompassing all the literature in this field up to the present and in which 269 references are cited, also includes a detailed study of the biological activity of the metabolites, especially the role of these metabolites in biological control mechanisms. Some aspects of the biosynthesis of these metabolites and related compounds are likewise discussed.  相似文献   
Brucellosis is a worldwide zoonosis that affects livestock and humans and is caused by closely related Brucella spp., which are adapted to intracellular life within cells of a large variety of mammals. Brucella can be considered a furtive pathogen that infects professional and non-professional phagocytes. In these cells Brucella survives in a replicative niche, which is characterized for having a very low oxygen tension and being deprived from nutrients such as amino acids and vitamins. Among these vitamins, we have focused on riboflavin (vitamin B2). Flavin metabolism has been barely implicated in bacterial virulence. We have recently described that Brucella and other Rhizobiales bear an atypical riboflavin metabolic pathway. In the present work we analyze the role of the flavin metabolism on Brucella virulence. Mutants on the two lumazine synthases (LS) isoenzymes RibH1 and RibH2 and a double RibH mutant were generated. These mutants and different complemented strains were tested for viability and virulence in cells and in mice. In this fashion we have established that at least one LS must be present for B. abortus survival and that RibH2 and not RibH1 is essential for intracellular survival due to its LS activity in vivo. In summary, we show that riboflavin biosynthesis is essential for Brucella survival inside cells or in mice. These results highlight the potential use of flavin biosynthetic pathway enzymes as targets for the chemotherapy of brucellosis.  相似文献   
AIMS: The screening and initial characterization of bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from raw Tenerife goats' cheese with possible application as biopreservatives or ripening accelerators for Tenerife cheese. METHODS AND RESULTS: One hundred and eighty LAB of the genera Lactobacillus (95), Leuconostoc (64) and Lactococcus (21) isolated from raw Tenerife goats' cheese were screened for the production of antimicrobial substances. Lactobacillus plantarum TF711, which had the broadest spectrum of antimicrobial activity, was selected for further characterization. The antimicrobial compound was determined as a proteinaceous substance, as it was sensitive to proteases. The bacteriocin-like substance, which we called plantaricin TF711, was active against the Gram-positive bacteria Bacillus cereus, Clostridium sporogenes and Staphylococcus aureus; and against the Enterobacteriaceae Shigella sonnei and Klebsiella pneumoniae. It was stable to heat and to treatment with surfactants and organic solvents. Highest antimicrobial activity was found between pH 1 and 9. Plantaricin TF711 exhibited primary metabolite kinetics, a bacteriostatic mode of action and a molecular mass of c. 2.5 kDa as determined by tricine SDS-PAGE. CONCLUSIONS: Lact. plantarum TF711 produces a low molecular mass bacteriocin-like compound with a wide spectrum of activity and interesting technological properties (thermostability, good pH stability and stability against surfactants and organic solvents). SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Plantaricin TF711 was found to have potential for use as a biopreservative in the food industry.  相似文献   
The Seychelles magpie-robin's (SMR) five island populations exhibit some of the lowest recorded levels of genetic diversity among endangered birds, and high levels of inbreeding. These populations collapsed during the 20th century, and the species was listed as Critically Endangered in the IUCN Red List in 1994. An assisted translocation-for-recovery program initiated in the 1990s increased the number of mature individuals, resulting in its downlisting to Endangered in 2005. Here, we explore the temporal genomic erosion of the SMR based on a dataset of 201 re-sequenced whole genomes that span the past ~150 years. Our sample set includes individuals that predate the bottleneck by up to 100 years, as well as individuals from contemporary populations established during the species recovery program. Despite the SMR's recent demographic recovery, our data reveal a marked increase in both the genetic load and realized load in the extant populations when compared to the historical samples. Conservation management may have reduced the intensity of selection by increasing juvenile survival and relaxing intraspecific competition between individuals, resulting in the accumulation of loss-of-function mutations (i.e. severely deleterious variants) in the rapidly recovering population. In addition, we found a 3-fold decrease in genetic diversity between temporal samples. While the low genetic diversity in modern populations may limit the species' adaptability to future environmental changes, future conservation efforts (including IUCN assessments) may also need to assess the threats posed by their high genetic load. Our computer simulations highlight the value of translocations for genetic rescue and show how this could halt genomic erosion in threatened species such as the SMR.  相似文献   
Year-round continuous reproduction in tropical regions is an established paradigm in marine ecology. In this study, we tested this paradigm using the ghost shrimp Callichirus seilacheri from the tropical eastern Pacific as a model species. We also examined size-frequency distribution, sex ratio, and recruitment cycle to contribute to the biological knowledge of this species. To this end, a total of 456 individuals of C. seilacheri were collected during 12 months of sampling. Population structure was symmetrical for both sexes, and the overall sex ratio did not differ from evenness. Males outnumbered females in smaller size classes, though, revealing a potential sex-dependent mortality in small individuals. The breeding pattern followed the well-marked seasonal regime of the region, with ovigerous females registered during the rainy season. While natural variation in the seawater temperature had no influence on reproduction of this species, changes in water salinity possibly triggered the appearance of egg-bearing females in the population. Recruitment occurred throughout the year but was more intense during the dry season, following the appearance of ovigerous females. The adaptability of the life cycle of C. seilacheri to the seasonal climate provides further evidence that reproduction in tropical species is not always continuous.  相似文献   
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