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A 46,XY female patient with streak gonads and a large deletion of Yp is described. The deletion included the Y chromosomal genes SRY, ZFY, and RPS4Y. The patient did not display any Turner stigmata, such as webbing of the neck, cardiac or other abnormalities. The findings argue against an important role of RPS4Y in the prevention of Turner stigmata in males and are consistent with a role of SRY in testis differentiation in humans.  相似文献   
A 2.4 kb fragment containing the 5'-flanking region and the 5'-noncoding sequence of the Vicia faba legumin gene LeB4 mediates high level seed-specific expression in transgenic tobacco plants. Deleted derivatives of this legumin upstream sequence were fused to the npt-II reporter gene to determine the tissue-specific activity of the chimeric constructs in stably transformed tobacco plants. The results indicate the presence of positive regulatory, enhancer-like cis elements within 566 bp of the upstream sequence. Most importantly, however, these elements are only fully functional in conjunction with the core motif CATGCATG of the legumin box around position -95, since destruction of the motif by a 6 bp deletion in an otherwise intact 2.4 kb upstream sequence drastically reduces expression in seeds. At the same time, low level expression in leaves is observed. The occurrence of similar CATGCATG consensus cis elements with alternating purine and pyrimidine base pairs in front of several other plant genes suggests a functional role of the motif in a wider range of plant promoters.  相似文献   
A stable transformed cell line constitutively expressing human factor IX has been established. Wild-type Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO cells) were transformed using a polycistronic expression vector carrying a previously isolated factor IX cDNA and a selection gene encoding the Escherichia coli xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase. One clone, CHO 622.4, contains a high number of genomically integrated plasmids and secretes 1-3 mg factor IX l-1 day-1 into the culture medium with a biological activity ranging from 25% to 40%. The recombinant molecule was purified either by conventional chromatography or by immunoaffinity chromatography using antibodies specific to a calcium-induced factor IX conformer. The purified recombinant protein migrates as a single band with the same mobility as that of natural factor IX on SDS/polyacrylamide gels. N-terminal sequencing shows tow differently processed forms of recombinant factor IX: whereas the majority of the zymogen is correctly processed, approximately 20% of the purified recombinant molecule contains an 18-amino-acid NH2-extension corresponding to the precursor form of factor IX. Analysis of the 4-carboxyglutamic acid content indicates a high but incomplete carboxylation (70%) of the recombinant molecule as compared to natural factor IX. The carbohydrate composition of both the natural and recombinant molecules has been determined. Both molecules have a N-glycan structure of similar complexity, indicating that factor IX contains all the information to direct the same glycosylation pattern in human liver cells and in an unrelated cell line such as CHO-K1.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Mettnau-Reit-Illmitz-Programm (MRI-Programm) der Vogelwarte Radolfzell wurden von 1974–1983 auf drei Fangstationen in Süddeutschland, Norddeutschland und Ostösterreich (Abb. 1) 184 939 Vögel von 37 Kleinvogelarten gefangen. Die Fänge erfolgten jährlich während der gesamten Wegzugperiode von Ende Juni bis Anfang November an Durchzüglern in Japannetzen unter strikter und umfassender Standardisierung aller Fang- und Arbeitsmethoden. Die Fangzahlen (Tab. 1, Abb. 2–6) werden in fünf Regressionsanalysen (Tab. 2–9) auf systematische Änderungen untersucht.Von insgesamt 496 errechenbaren Koeffizienten waren 317 oder 63,9% negativ und nur 179 oder 38,1 % positiv. Bei 34 der 37 untersuchten Arten ließen sich signifikante Trends errechnen. Sie sind für 20 oder 54 % dieser Arten ausschließlich oder überwiegend negativ. 14 Arten zeigten mindestens auf zwei Stationen negative Trends. Nur für insgesamt 10 Arten ließen sich überwiegend positive Trends errechnen. Faßt man negative Trends und Tendenzen (Vorzeichen) zusammen, so ergibt sich für 26 oder 70 % der untersuchten Arten ein negatives Bild. Dieses stark negative Gewicht ist im statistischen Sinne keine zufällige Erscheinung. Da die Bestandszunahmen die Abnahmen nicht aufwiegen konnten, zeigten auch die jährlichen Gesamtfangzahlen aller drei Stationen negative Trends. Die mittlere jährliche Abnahme betrug auf den Stationen Mettnau, Reit und Illmitz etwa 1,6 %. Die Tendenzen und Trends der einzelnen Arten stimmen auf den drei Stationen weitgehend überein. Sie lassen für ihr Zustandekommen auf weitgehend gleichförmige Ursachen bei den durch Mitteleuropa wandernden Populationen schließen.Die Fangzahlen und Literaturdaten zeigen, daß beträchtliche Teile unserer Kleinvogelwelt von Rückgangserscheinungen betroffen sind, wie wir sie von vielen Großvogelarten seit langem kennen. Bei einer Reihe von Arten sind die Abnahmen gravierend und die jährlichen Fangzahlen inzwischen so niedrig, daß sich bei ihnen mit den in den 70er Jahren konzipierten Fanganlagen eine Reihe von Fragestellungen nicht mehr untersuchen lassen. Wir können der weiteren Entwicklung der Bestände unserer derzeit noch artenreichen Kleinvogelwelt — wie der vieler Großvögel — nur mit größter Sorge entgegensehen. Die Ursachen der Rückgänge sind weitgehend unbekannt, und demzufolge mangelt es fast vollständig an geeigneten Gegenmaßnahmen. Bisherige Schutzmaßnahmen haben die Rückgänge nicht aufhalten können. Künftiger Vogelschutz wird sich folglich weitergehender Maßnahmen bedienen müssen.
The development of songbird populations in central Europe: Analysis of trapping data
Summary In the Mettnau-Reit-Illmitz-Program (MRI-Program) of the Vogelwarte Radolfzell 184 939 birds of 37 songbird species were caught in the period 1974–1983 on three trapping stations in S. and N. Germany and E. Austria (Fig. 1). Trapping of passage migrants in mist nets occurred annually from the end of June to the beginning of November, the entire autumn migratory period. All trapping and working methods were strictly and comprehensively standardized. The trapping figures (Tab. 1, Fig. 2–6) were analyzed with respect to systematic alterations to gain information about changes in the population levels of species migrating through central Europe. The investigation is based above all on five regression analyses (Tab. 2–9).The most important individual results are: out of a total of 496 coefficients which could be calculated 317 or 63.9 % were negative and only 179 or 38.1 % positive. For 34 of the 37 investigated species significant trends could be calculated. In 20 or 54 % of these species they were (exclusively or predominately) negative. 14 species showed negative trends at least at two stations. Mainly positive trends could be found in only 10 species. Taking negative trends and tendencies (negative signs) together, 26 or 70 % of the species were included. This strongly negative bias is not accidental in a statistical sense. Since the increases could not balance the declines, the annual trapping totals of all three stations also showed negative trends. The mean annual decline in the stations Mettnau, Reit and Illmitz was about 1.6 %. Trends and tendencies of the species show a high degree of agreement for the three stations. This suggests that in the species migrating through central Europe rather uniform factors control the population levels. From the most recent literature results, it appears that most of the species with declining trapping figures in the MRI-Program demonstrate decreases elsewhere.The trapping figures of the MRI-Program and data from the literature together clearly indicate that considerable parts of our small birds are affected by declines as have been known in many large bird species for long time. In a number of species the decreases have been quite dramatic and their annual trapping totals are now so low that a number of problems can no longer be studied. We should be alarmed when considering this negative development among our small birds as we must be with respect to many large bird species. The reasons for the declines are almost unkown and thus there is lack of appropriate counter-measures. Hitherto existing efforts for conservation which are briefly discussed have not been able to prevent the decline. Consequently, bird conservation in the future has to be based on more effective methods. Proposals, briefly raised, will be discussed in a forthcoming paper.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft und gefördert mit Hilfe von Forschungsmitteln des Landes Niedersachsen. 15. Mitteilung aus dem MRI-Programm  相似文献   
A series of mouse monoclonal antibodies has been developed against a soluble form of bovine UDP-galactose:N-acetylglucosamine galactosyltransferase purified to apparent chemical homogeneity by a combination of affinity and immunoadsorption chromatography. The purified enzyme consists of two molecular mass variants of 42 and 48 kDa. Individual monoclonal antibodies were selected for by their ability to recognize immobilized affinity-purified galactosyltransferase and were not reactive against bovine alpha-lactalbumin and bovine immunoglobulins. Based on competitive binding assays and Western blot analysis with either galactosyltransferase or lactose synthetase (covalently cross-linked alpha-lactalbumin galactosyltransferase), these monoclonal antibodies can be subdivided into four groups. Group A (3 clones) recognize an epitope at or near the alpha-lactalbumin binding site. In addition, this group is cross-reactive with soluble galactosyltransferase from human milk and pleural effusion. Group B (6 clones) and D (1 clone) appear to recognize two different epitopes on the 6-kDa fragment which is released when the 48-kDa galactosyltransferase polypeptide is converted to the 42-kDa form, apparently by proteolysis. Groups A and C (1 clone) recognize epitopes found on both the 48- and 42-kDa polypeptide. Interestingly, immunofluorescence studies indicate that only two monoclonal antibody groups (C and D) are able to decorate membrane-bound galactosyltransferase (Golgi-associated) in formalin-fixed, methanol-, or detergent-permeabilized cells. Thus, these groups of monoclonal antibodies appear to identify four separate structural/functional domains on soluble galactosyltransferase, two of which are not readily accessible for binding in situ.  相似文献   
Cells subjected to the events occurring before, during, and after freezing and thawing are exposed to major changes in the osmotic pressure of the surrounding medium; i.e., the osmolalities can exceed 30. An important question in understanding the mechanisms of injury is whether cells respond as ideal osmometers to these strongly anisotonic solutions. Mouse and bovine embryos from eight-cell to blastocyst stage were used to investigate the question. They were found to behave as ideal osmometers at room temperature over a wide range of tonicities; i.e., from four times isotonic to almost 1/3 times isotonic, ideality being defined by a Boyle-van't Hoff equation. Embryo volumes increased from 40 to 200% of isotonic over this range and survivals of mouse embryos were unaffected. However, outside this range the membrane apparently becomes leaky and the survival of mouse embryos drops sharply. Osmolalities rise to high values during freezing and the paper develops the thermodynamic equations to show how computed cell volumes as a function of subzero temperature can be translated into the Boyle-van't Hoff format of cell volume as a function of the reciprocal of osmolality.  相似文献   
Summary The distribution and storage of major elements in acid soils from a spruce and a beech forest was investigated after fertilization of NH4NO3 and KCl followed by Ca and Mg fertilization by 2 liming applications. All fertilizers were applied on top of the soil without mixing. Most of the added Ca and Mg was detected in the humus layer, a significant part of it still in carbonatic form. The effect of liming on mineral soil pH is very low, and was only observed in the 0–10 cm layer. However, base saturation of the mineral soil increased. The storage of C and N of the humus layer was not affected. N fertilization increased the N storage of the soil only under beech, but was followed by heavy NO3-losses with seepage water under spruce. High leaching rates for K were also found in the spruce stand. The amount of K that was not leached increased the pool of exchangeable K in the deeper soil layer.  相似文献   
Summary Proteinases and proteinase inhibitors have become suspect in a wide variety of muscle wasting conditions that might be treatable if knowledge of the cellular locale and function of these molecules were known. Fluorescent probes have been useful in the localization of proteinases in muscle samples from human and animal specimens. These include the histochemical localization of proteinases based on the specific fluorescence of hydrolysis product derivatives, but this approach has been limited to the lysosomal proteinases because of the acidic requirements of the trapping reaction of the primary reaction product. Immunohistochemical techniques do not have the same restrictions and a number of lysosomal and nonlysosomal proteinases have been identified in muscle by this means. Unfortunately, they do not yield any information as to the activity of the enzymes. This is an important consideration since the extracellular environment contains a number of proteinase inhibitors, some of which may be internalized by the cell.  相似文献   
By use of the pressure-clamp technique, the hydraulic conductivity of the brackish-water alga Lamprothamnium was found to be 5·10-6 cm s-1 bar-1. The dimensions of the internodes are so small that it is possible, for the first time, to measure a complete volume relaxation upon clamping the turgor pressure to a preset value by a feedback control of the pressure probe. As theoretically predicted, the values of the hydraulic conductivity obtained from the initial slope of the volume relaxation induced by the pressure clamp are in agreement (within experimental error) with those obtained from the half-time of the relaxation process. The cell volume also obtained from the analysis of the volume relaxation is the osmotically effective cell volume and is therefore slightly smaller than the value obtained by taking the dimensions of the cell including the cell wall.Abbreviations and symbols Lp hydraulic conductivity - P turgor pressure - Sv initial slope of volume relaxion - T1/2 half-time of volume relaxation Dedicated to Professor Dr. H. Ziegler on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   
Methanobacterium thermoaggregans is a new thermophilic autotrophic rod-shaped methane producing bacterium. The organism likes to form aggregates during growth and utilizes only H2 and CO2 as substrates. Growth optimum is at 65°C with a doubling time of 3.5 h. Optimal growth occurs at pH-values between 7 and 7.5. The addition of yeast extract to the mineral salt medium stimulates growth. The DNA base composition is 42 mol% G+C. The organism was isolated from mud taken from a cattle pasture. Because of its optimal growth temperature and its tendency to form aggregates the nameMethanobacterium thermoaggregans is suggested.Abbreviations G+C Guanine+cytosine  相似文献   
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