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Zusammenfassung Die Verwertung von Carnitin und Carnitinderivaten (O-Acylcarnitine, Carnitincarboxyl-derivate) und strukturverwandten Trimethylammoniumverbindungen (Betaine und Stickstoffbasen) durch Acinetobacter calcoaceticus wurde anhand des Wachstums und des quantitativen Nachweises der Metabolite untersucht. Der Stamm wuchs auf l-Carnitin, l-O-Acylcarnitinen und -Butyrobetain als jeweils einziger C-Quelle. Der Verbrauch dieser Verbindungen und das Wachstum korrelierten mit der Spaltung der C-N-Bindung und mit dem gebildeten Trimethylamin. d-Carnitin wurde metabolisiert, wenn als zusätzliche C-Quelle l-Carnitin im Nährmedium vorhanden war, oder wenn die Bakterien mit l-oder dl-Carnitin vorinkubiert worden waren. Mit d-Carnitin als einziger C-Quelle wuchsen die Bakterien jedoch nicht. Die Bakterien oxidierten Cholin zu Glycinbetain in Gegenwart einer zusätzlichen C-Quelle, Glycinbetain selbst wurde nicht assimiliert. In Hinsicht auf den Abbau quaternärer Stickstoffverbindungen besitzt Acinetobacter calcoaceticus im Vergleich zu anderen Carnitin-verwertenden Bakterienarten einen für ihn charakteristischen Stoffwechselweg.
Utilization of trimethylammonium-compounds by Acinetobacter calcoaceticus
The utilization of carnitine and carnitine derivatives (O-acylcarnitines, carnitine carboxylderivatives) and structure-related trimethylammonium-compounds (betaines and nitrogen-bases) by Acinetobacter calcoaceticus was studied by means of the control of growth and the quantitative detection of metabolites. The strain grew only on l-carnitine, l-O-acylcarnitines, and -butyrobetaine as the sole carbon sources. The utilization of these compounds and the growth correlated with the cleavage of the C-N bond and thereby with the formation of trimethylamine. d-Carnitine was metabolized, if an additional carbon source, like l-carnitine, was present in the incubation mixture, or if the bacteria were preincubated with l-or dl-carnitine, but no growth was observed on d-carnitine as the sole carbon source. The bacteria oxidized choline to glycinebetaine in the presence of additional carbon sources, glycinebetaine itself was not assimilated. With regard to the catabolism of quaternary nitrogen compounds Acinetobacter calcoaceticus shows a different pathway in comparison with other bacterial species metabolizing carnitine.
The role of the AT pairs in the acid denaturation of DNA.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
It has been determined previously that the protonation of the GC pairs induces a DNA conformation change which leads to a "metastable" structure. The role of the AT pairs, however, is no well known because the protonation does not modify their spectral properties. By means of an indirect method based on the binding of proflavine, it has been determined that the AT pairs are protonated before the acid-induced denaturation and that they seem to be unable to assume a conformation change when protonated. These results would indicate that the protonated AT pairs may be responsible for the induction of the acid denaturation and not the GC pairs as it was thought previously.  相似文献   
A lectin which agglutinates Zajdela hepatoma cells; rat red cells and lymphocytes, but no normal rat liver cells, was detected in the mucus, yielded by simple saline extraction, of the two snail species Arion empiricorum (Fér.) and Arion lusitanicus (MAB). The agglutination spectrum involves also human erythrocytes and red cells of several animal species.  相似文献   
Die Seitenzweige von Cupressus sempervirens L. sind auf vier Orthostichen in scheinbar mehr oder weniger zufälligen, voneinander unabhängigen Mustern angeordnet. Eine auf L-Systeme sich berufende mathematische Konstruktion gestattet die Definition eines Morphismus. Acht Parameter, Periodizität der absoluten Wachstumsrate der zugrundeliegenden theoretischen Serien, die Väriation dieser Raten in komplementaren Unterserien und eine Schwellenreaktion sind die Hauptargumente.  相似文献   
Rhodopsin in bovine photoreceptor disk membranes was subjected to limited proteolysis by thermolysin, removing twelve amino acids from rhodopsin's carboxyl terminus. (1) The rate of proteolysis is significantly faster with rhodopsin following exposure to light than with unbleached rhodopsin, provided that the incubation conditions (pH, temperature) favor the formation of metarhodopsin II. (2) If the disk membranes are illuminated under conditions in which metarhodopsin I is the predominant photoproduct (pH 8.5, 0°C), no increase in the rate of proteolysis is observed compared to unilluminated membranes. (3) The light-induced increase in the rate of proteolysis is transient: it slowly decays in the dark to the original rate found for unbleached rhodopsin. The enhanced susceptibility to proteolysis appears to measure a conformational change at rhodopsin's cytoplasmic surface which is first exhibited at the metarhodopsin II stage. This and possibly other light-dependent changes may allow rhodopsin to mediate its signal as a light-receptor protein by binding to and activating certain rod cell enzymes.  相似文献   
Ultra-small colloidal gold (less than 1 nm), bound to Fab fragments provides the shortest practical specific marker system to date and can be used in concert with field emission scanning electron microscopes to precisely locate antigenic sites. An "in-lens" FE-SEM equipped with a highly sensitive single crystal YAG-detector for backscattered electrons, as well as the use of advanced specimen preparation techniques based on cryofixation, are among the indispensible prerequisites. A T-even type Escherichia coli bacteriophage, Tu II*-46, was chosen to study properties of the immunogold labeling system. Distinct regions on the tail fibers of this phage were labeled with Fab fragments derived from antibodies against the related phage Tu II*-6. The tail fibers are composed of pairs of homologous proteins, thus offering two identical antigenic sites at the same locus on the tail fibers. Fab fragments can be visualized in the SEM at high accelerating voltage (30 kV) without any additional marker. This permits comparison of the labeling characteristics of unmarked and colloidal gold-marked Fab fragments. Unmarked Fab fragments often bind by pairs (two singlet Fab fragments bound opposed to each other along the axis of the tail fiber). The labeling efficiency of unmarked Fab fragments was greater than that of ultra-small gold-labeled Fab fragments. Binding by pairs was not seen after labeling with ultra-small gold-Fab fragments. The conjugates used in this study exhibited one colloidal gold per Fab fragment.  相似文献   
The gene cluster that codes for feedback-resistant aspartate kinase (lysCα and lysCβ) and aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (asd) was cloned from a mutant strain of Corynebacterium glutamicum. Its functional analysis by subcloning, enzyme assays, and type of aspartate kinase regulation enabled the isolation of a fragment for separate expression of the feedback-resistant kinase without aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase expression. This was used together with other clones constructed (J. Cremer, L. Eggeling, and H. Sahm, Mol. Gen. Genet. 220:478-480, 1990) to overexpress individually each of the six genes that convert aspartate to lysine. Analysis of lysine formation revealed that overexpression of the feedback-resistant kinase alone suffices to achieve lysine formation (38 mM). Also, sole overexpression of wild-type dihydrodipicolinate synthase resulted in lysine formation but in a lower amount (11 mM). The other four enzymes had no effect on lysine secretion. With a plasmid overexpressing both relevant enzymes together, a further increase in lysine yield was obtained. This shows that of the six enzymes that convert aspartate to lysine the kinase and the synthase are responsible for flow control in the wild-type background and can be useful for construction of lysine-producing strains.  相似文献   
In view of the development of al-carnitine deficiency, the metabolism ofl-carnitine and structure-related trimethylammonium compounds was studied inSalmonella typhimurium LT2 by means of thin-layer chromatography (TLC).l-Carnitine, crotonobetaine and acetyl-l-carnitine stimulated the anaerobic growth in a complex medium significantly. The stimulation depended on the formation of -butyrobetaine. The reduction ofl-carnitine proceeded in two steps: (1) Dehydration of thel-carnitine to crotonobetaine, (2) hydrogenation of crotonobetaine to -butyrobetaine. The reduction of crotonobetaine was responsible for the growth stimulation. Terminal electron acceptors of the anaerobic respiration such as nitrate and trimethylamine N-oxide, but not fumarate, suppressed the catabolism ofl-carnitine completely. Glucose fermentation, too, inhibited the reduction ofl-carnitine but optimal growth with a high carnitine catabolism was achieved byd-ribose. The esters of carnitine with medium- and long-chain fatty acids inhibited the growth considerably because of their detergent properties.Abbreviations TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   
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