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15N NMR studies of the interaction of 15N cyanide ion with gold(I)-thiomalate (Autm) and gold(I)-thioglucose (Autg) have been carried out at pH* 7.40. The chemical shifts of the two 15N ions containing species Au(C15N)2 and RS-Au-C15N (where RS = tm or tg) were identified at 265.94 and 260.30 ppm, respectively. From the broadened 15N NMR signals, approximate life times of the RS-Au-CN species were calculated.  相似文献   
This paper describes a reversed-phase, high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for the isolation, detection, and quantification of TNP-470 (I) and one of its active metabolites, AGM-1883 (II), from plasma. These compounds are initially extracted from plasma with an organic solvent and then separated from one another on a C18 column. Those fractions eluting from the C18 column and containing either I or II are then derivatized through their epoxide moieties with sodium 8-quinolinethiolate (SQT). This derivatization produces fluorescent species that are isolated and quantified by a second reversed-phase HPLC analysis. The assay yields a lower limit of reliable quantification of 2.5 ng/ml and is linear to a concentration at least as high as 160 ng/ml. The inter-assay percent coefficient of variation is less than 18%.  相似文献   
Among 639 spontaneous abortions between the 8th and 14th week of gestation 342 (53.5%) revealed an abnormal karyotype. While the rate of trisomies distinctly increased with advancing maternal age, a decrease in the rate of 45,X conceptuses and polyploidies was observed among abortions from older women. The overall relation of XXXXXXYY among the tetraploidies was 1411 and that of XXXXXYXYY among the triploidies was 26 361. However, when the latter was related to maternal age, a reversal of the XXXXXY ratio of 12 in the younger to 21 in the older age groups became evident. Furthermore a decrease in the rate of paternally derived partial hydatidiform moles was found among the triploid abortion specimens from older women. From these observations we conclude that digyny plays a major role in the origin of triploidy in the increased maternal age groups, while diandry related to immaturity of oocytes and impairment of oocyte cortical function is more frequent in triploid abortions from younger women.  相似文献   
The N-glylycans have been removed by peptide-N-glycosidase F(PNGase F) from purified human non-secretory RNases derivedfrom kidney, liver and spleen. The spleen RNase was purifiedby two procedures, one of which did not include the usual acidtreatment step (0.25 M H2SO4, 45 min, 4C), to determine ifacid treatment alters the carbohydrate moieties. TheN-glycansof the RNases were fractionated by Bio-Gel P-4 chromatographyand analysed by 600 MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy and electrospraymass spectrometry. All four non-secretory RNase preparationscontained the following structures: The relative amounts of the trisaccharide, pentasaccharide andhexasaccharide appeared to vary slightly in the different tissueRNases. The overall results indicate: (i) that acid treatmentduring purification does not alter the N-glycans of non-secretoryRNases; (ii) that the N-glycans from kidney, liver and spleennon-secretory RNases are very similar, if not identical, toone another, but different from the N-glycan structures reportedfor secretory RNase. N-glycans non-secretory RNases  相似文献   
Galls produced by the cecidomynd Lastoptera ephedncola on Ephedia trifurca always have a black ring associated with them while galls produced by the congener L ephedrae never do Black ring material after microscopic examination and culture proved to be Aureobasidium pullulans In addition to lacking black ring material neither L ephedrae galls nor healthy stems consistently yielded Aureobasidium on culture Gall and larva size measurements indicated that continued larval presence is not necessary for gall development, suggesting fungus initiated gall formation However inoculation of healthy stems with Aureobasidium caused lesions hut not galls The mycelium m galls did not appear grazed and neither larvae nor pupae contained Aureobasidium propagules suggesting that larvae do not feed directly on fungi These data also suggest that there is no trans-pupal passage of fungus from larvae or pupae to adults Newly emerged females do not carry fungal propagules suggesting that thcy are not inoculated upon exiting the gall Gall position leaf culture and stem culture data suggest that the fungus is picked up from leaves prior to oviposition  相似文献   
A population of diploid potato (Solanum tuberosum) was used for the genetic analysis and mapping of a locus for resistance to the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis, introgressed from the wild potato species Solanum vernei. Resistance tests of 108 genotypes of a F1 population revealed the presence of a single locus with a dominant allele for resistance to G. rostochiensis pathotype Ro1. This locus, designated GroV1, was located on chromosome 5 with RFLP markers. Fine-mapping was performed with RAPD and SCAR markers. The GroV1 locus was found in the same region of the potato genome as the S. tuberosum ssp. andigena H1 nematode resistance locus. Both resistance loci could not excluded to be allelic. The identification of markers flanking the GroV1 locus offers a valuable strategy for marker-assisted selection for introgression of this nematode resistance.Abbreviations BSA bulked segregant analysis - RAPD random-amplified polymorphic DNA - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism - SCAR sequence-characterized amplified region  相似文献   
Analysis of WT1 gene expression during mouse nephrogenesis in organ culture   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The temporal and spatial expression patterns of the Wilms tumor gene, WT1, were studied during the organogenesis of the mouse kidneyin vitro. In situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry localized cellular expression of WT1 in whole kidney organ cultures to the induced metanephric mesenchyme and developing podocytes. Organ cultures were further characterized immunocytochemically with antibodies that specifically labeled the different tubular epithelial components and supporting mesenchyme of the developing nephrons. In organ cultures, the WT1 expression pattern could be visualized in induced metanephric mesenchyme and entire cell cohorts of differentiating podocytes. Expression of WT1 and cell specific markers were retained in short-term monolayer cultures of dissociated kidneys. The development of the metanephric kidneyin vitro involves a highly restricted temporal and spatial cellular expression pattern of WT1 which closely follows that observed in tissue sections from gestational kidney isolated during organogenesis in the mouse.  相似文献   
Binding protein (BiP) is a widely distributed and highly conserved endoplasmic-reticulum luminal protein that has been implicated in cotranslational folding of nascent polypeptides, and in the recognition and disposal of misfolded polypeptides. Analysis of cDNA sequences and genomic blots indicates that soybeans (Glycine max L. Merr.) possess a small gene family encoding BiP. The deduced sequence of BiP is very similar to that of other plant BiPs. We have examined the expression of BiP in several different terminally differentiated soybean organs including leaves, pods and seed cotyledons. Expression of BiP mRNA increases during leaf expansion while levels of BiP protein decrease. Leaf BiP mRNA is subject to temporal control, exhibiting a large difference in expression in a few hours between dusk and night. The expression of BiP mRNA varies in direct correlation with accumulation of seed storage proteins. The hybridization suggests that maturing-seed BiP is likely to be a different isoform from vegetative BiPs. Levels of BiP protein in maturing seeds vary with BiP mRNA. High levels of BiP mRNA are detected after 3 d of seedling growth. Little change in either BiP mRNA or protein levels was detected in maturing soybean pods, although BiP-protein levels decrease in fully mature pods. Persistent wounding of leaves by whiteflies induces massive overexpression of BiP mRNA while only slightly increasing BiP-protein levels. In contrast single-event puncture wounding only slightly induces additional BiP expression above the temporal variations. These observations indicate that BiP is not constitutively expressed in terminally differentiated plant organs. Expression of BiP is highest during the developmental stages of leaves, pods and seeds when their constituent cells are producing seed or vegetative storage proteins, and appears to be subject to complex regulation, including developmental, temporal and wounding.The mention of vendor or product does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture over vendors of similar products not mentioned.Abbreviations BiP binding protein The sequences reported in this paper have been submitted to Gen-Bank and are identified with the accession numbers BiP-A (U08384), BiP-B (U08383), BiP-C (U08382) and -1,3 glucanase (U08405).  相似文献   
The residence time of the water masses in the Westerschelde estuary was determined using a simple compartment-model that simulates the advective-diffusive transport of a conservative dissolved substance (chlorinity). The residence time of a water parcel in the upstream part of the estuary (i.e. the time needed for this water parcel to leave the estuary) varied from about 50 days in winter to about 70 days in summer. The most seaward compartment had residence times of about 10-15 days.Dispersive coefficients that are fixed in time were able to reproduce the observed salinity distributions very well in the Westerschelde. They were obtained by calibration on observed chlorinities. It is argued that the apparent relationship of dispersive coefficients with freshwater flow, which is observed in certain studies, could (partly) reflect the deviation from steady state conditions which are required assumptions to calculate these dispersive coefficients directly from salinity profiles.  相似文献   
The autotrophic production and heterotrophic consumption of organic matter in the Westerschelde, a highly turbid and eutrophic estuary in the Southwest Netherlands is examined by means of a dynamic simulation model. The model describes the ecologically relevant processes in thirteen spatial compartments and adequately fits most observed data.Three autotrophic processes are included in the model. Net pelagic photosynthetic production is relatively low (average 41 gC m–2 yr–1) and three spatial compartments near the turbidity maximum zone are respiratory sinks of phytoplankton biomass. According to the model, net phytobenthic primary production is more important than pelagic primary production in the upstream half of the Westerschelde. On the scale of the entire estuary, benthic primary production amounts to about 60% of pelagic primary production. Water-column nitrification, which is very important in the nitrogen cycle, is most pronounced near the turbidity zone where it accounts for the major autotrophic fixation of carbon (up to 27 g C m–2 yr–1). Viewed on the scale of the total estuary, however, the process is not very important.Less than 20% of total organic carbon input to the estuary is primary produced, the remainder is imported from waste discharges and from the river.The degree of heterotrophy of the Westerschelde estuary proved to be one of the highest yet reported. On average 380 g carbon per square metre is net lost per year (range 200–1200 gC m–2 yr–1). The yearly community respiration (bacterial mineralization, respiration of higher trophic levels and sedimentation) is 4 to 35 times (estuarine mean of 6) higher than the net production. This degree of heterotrophy is highest near the turbidity maximum and generally decreases from the freshwater to the seaward boundary. About 75% of all carbon losses can be ascribed to pelagic heterotrophic processes; the sediment is only locally important.Mineralisation rates are highest in the turbidity region, but as only a fraction of total carbon resides here, less than 20% of all organic carbon is lost in this part of the estuary. This result is in contradiction with a previous budget of the estuary, based on data of the early seventies, where more than 80% of all carbon was estimated to be lost in the turbidity zone. Part of this discrepancy is probably caused by changes that have occurred in the estuary since that time.Due to the high heterotrophic activity, nearly all imported and in situ produced carbon is lost in the estuary itself and the Westerschelde is an insignificant source of organic matter to the coastal zone.The model estuary acts as a trap for reactive organic matter, both from the land, from the sea or in situ produced. Internal cycling, mainly in the water column, results in the removal of most of the carbon while the more refractory part is exported to the sea.  相似文献   
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