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Glutamate Dehydrogenase 1 (GDH), encoded by the Glud1 gene in rodents, is a mitochondrial enzyme critical for maintaining glutamate homeostasis at the tripartite synapse. Our previous studies indicate that the hippocampus may be particularly vulnerable to GDH deficiency in central nervous system (CNS). Here, we first asked whether mice with a homozygous deletion of Glud1 in CNS (CNS‐Glud1 ?/? mice) express different levels of glutamate in hippocampus, and found elevated glutamate as well as glutamine in dorsal and ventral hippocampus, and increased glutamine in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). l ‐serine and d ‐serine, which contribute to glutamate homeostasis and NMDA receptor function, are increased in ventral but not dorsal hippocampus, and in mPFC. Protein expression levels of the GABA synthesis enzyme glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) GAD67 were decreased in the ventral hippocampus as well. Behavioral analysis revealed deficits in visual, spatial and social novelty recognition abilities, which require intact hippocampal‐prefrontal cortex circuitry. Finally, hippocampus‐dependent contextual fear retrieval was deficient in CNS‐Glud1 ?/? mice, and c‐Fos expression (indicative of neuronal activation) in the CA1 pyramidal layer was reduced immediately following this task. These data point to hippocampal subregion‐dependent disruption in glutamate homeostasis and excitatory/inhibitory balance, and to behavioral deficits that support a decline in hippocampal‐prefrontal cortex connectivity. Together with our previous data, these findings also point to different patterns of basal and activity‐induced hippocampal abnormalities in these mice. In sum, GDH contributes to healthy hippocampal and PFC function; disturbed GDH function is relevant to several psychiatric and neurological disorders.  相似文献   
It has been argued that the application of metabolomics to gene‐edited crops would present value in three areas: (i) the detection of gene‐edited crops; (ii) the characterization of unexpected changes that might affect safety; and (iii) building on the track record of rigorous government regulation in supporting consumer acceptance of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Here, we offer a different perspective, relative to each of these areas: (i) metabolomics is unable to differentiate whether a mutation has resulted from gene editing or from traditional breeding techniques; (ii) it is risk‐disproportionate to apply metabolomics for regulatory purposes to search for possible compositional differences within crops developed using the least likely technique to generate unexpected compositional changes; and (iii) onerous regulations for genetically engineered crops have only contributed to unwarranted public fears, and repeating this approach for gene‐edited crops is unlikely to result in a different outcome. It is also suggested that article proposing the utility of specific analytical techniques to support risk assessment would benefit from the input of scientists with subject matter expertise in risk assessment.  相似文献   
Effects of parental environment on offspring traits have been well known for decades. Interest in this transgenerational form of phenotypic plasticity has recently surged due to advances in our understanding of its mechanistic basis. Theoretical research has simultaneously advanced by predicting the environmental conditions that should favor the adaptive evolution of transgenerational plasticity. Yet whether such conditions actually exist in nature remains largely unexplored. Here, using long‐term climate data, we modeled optimal levels of transgenerational plasticity for an organism with a one‐year life cycle at a spatial resolution of 4 km2 across the continental United States. Both annual temperature and precipitation levels were often autocorrelated, but the strength and direction of these autocorrelations varied considerably even among nearby sites. When present, such environmental autocorrelations render offspring environments statistically predictable based on the parental environment, a key condition for the adaptive evolution of transgenerational plasticity. Results of our optimality models were consistent with this prediction: High levels of transgenerational plasticity were favored at sites with strong environmental autocorrelations, and little‐to‐no transgenerational plasticity was favored at sites with weak or nonexistent autocorrelations. These results are among the first to show that natural patterns of environmental variation favor the evolution of adaptive transgenerational plasticity. Furthermore, these findings suggest that transgenerational plasticity is likely variable in nature, depending on site‐specific patterns of environmental variation.  相似文献   

Newly expressed proteins in genetically engineered crops are evaluated for potential cross reactivity to known allergens as part of their safety assessment. This assessment uses a weight-of-evidence approach. Two key components of this allergenicity assessment include any history of safe human exposure to the protein and/or the source organism from which it was originally derived, and bioinformatic analysis identifying amino acid sequence relatedness to known allergens. Phosphomannose-isomerase (PMI) has been expressed in commercialized genetically engineered (GE) crops as a selectable marker since 2010 with no known reports of allergy, which supports a history of safe exposure, and GE events expressing the PMI protein have been approved globally based on expert safety analysis. Bioinformatic analyses identified an eight-amino-acid contiguous match between PMI and a frog parvalbumin allergen (CAC83047.1). While short amino acid matches have been shown to be a poor predictor of allergen cross reactivity, most regulatory bodies require such matches be assessed in support of the allergenicity risk assessment. Here, this match is shown to be of negligible risk of conferring cross reactivity with known allergens.

Aside from ornamental uses, there is growing interest in using killifishes for a multiplicity of purposes including baitfish and mosquito biocontrol. This experiment explored the spawning habits and embryonic development of the banded lampeye, Aplocheilichthys spilauchen in ex situ freshwater (0.04‰) and brackish water (5.01‰) to ascertain the captive breeding prospects for mosquito control in areas where they occur. Significantly higher number of eggs were laid in the brackish water than the freshwater (X2 = 1613.0, P < 0.05), and black mop was the most preferred spawning substrate, followed by green, blue and white mops. Microscopic monitoring of embryos revealed that cleavage occurred within the first 30 min after fertilization, organogenesis commenced on average in the 25th hour and hatching in approximately 230 h. Although freshwater eggs were relatively bigger than brackish water eggs and certain embryonic developmental stages occurred faster in the freshwater than brackish water, these differences were overall not significant and had no effects on the development and hatching. The observed outcome that A. spilauchen can be optimally propagated with black mops in brackish water offers a significant step in its use for the mosquito biocontrol programme, as well as other potential uses not yet explored.  相似文献   
Small proteins called viral protein genome‐linked (VPg), attached to the 5′‐end of the viral RNA genome are found as common structure in the large family of picornaviruses. The replication of these viruses is primed by this VPg protein linked to a single uridylyl residue. We report a general procedure to obtain such nucleoproteins employing a pre‐uridylylated tyrosine building block in an on‐line solid phase‐based approach. Copyright © 2013 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Shadoo (Sho) is a brain glycoprotein with similarities to the unstructured region of PrPC. Frameshift alleles of the Sho gene, Sprn, are reported in variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) patients while Sprn mRNA knockdown in PrP-null (Prnp0/0) embryos produces lethality, advancing Sho as the hypothetical PrP-like “pi” protein. Also, Sho levels are reduced as misfolded PrP accumulates during prion infections. To penetrate these issues we created Sprn null alleles (Daude et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 2012; 109(23): 9035–40). Results from the challenge of Sprn null and TgSprn transgenic mice with rodent-adapted prions coalesce to define downregulation of Sho as a “tracer” for the formation of misfolded PrP. However, classical BSE and rodent-adapted BSE isolates may behave differently, as they do for other facets of the pathogenic process, and this intriguing variation warrants closer scrutiny. With regards to physiological function, double knockout mice (Sprn0/0/Prnp0/0) mice survived to over 600 d of age. This suggests that Sho is not pi, or, given the accumulating data for many activities for PrPC, that the pi hypothesis invoking a discrete signaling pathway to maintain neuronal viability is no longer tenable.  相似文献   
Highlights? miR-34a regulates colon cancer stem cell asymmetric division ? miR-34a generates a sharp threshold response ? miR-34a converts Notch signaling into a toggle switch ? Binary Notch levels specify self-renewal versus differentiation  相似文献   
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the common malignant tumors worldwide. Both genetic and epigenetic changes are regarded as important factors of colorectal carcinogenesis. Loss of DACH1 expression was found in breast, prostate, and endometrial cancer. To analyze the regulation and function of DACH1 in CRC, 5 colorectal cancer cell lines, 8 cases of normal mucosa, 15 cases of polyps and 100 cases of primary CRC were employed in this study. In CRC cell lines, loss of DACH1 expression was correlated with promoter region hypermethylation, and re-expression of DACH1 was induced by 5-Aza-2'-deoxyazacytidine treatment. We found that DACH1 was frequently methylated in primary CRC and this methylation was associated with reduction in DACH1 expression. These results suggest that DACH1 expression is regulated by promoter region hypermethylation in CRC. DACH1 methylation was associated with late tumor stage, poor differentiation, and lymph node metastasis. Re-expression of DACH1 reduced TCF/LEF luciferase reporter activity and inhibited the expression of Wnt signaling downstream targets (c-Myc and cyclinD1). In xenografts of HCT116 cells in which DACH1 was re-expressed, tumor size was smaller than in controls. In addition, restoration of DACH1 expression induced G2/M phase arrest and sensitized HCT116 cells to docetaxel. DACH1 suppresses CRC growth by inhibiting Wnt signaling both in vitro and in vivo. Silencing of DACH1 expression caused resistance of CRC cells to docetaxel. In conclusion, DACH1 is frequently methylated in human CRC and methylation of DACH1 may serve as detective and prognostic marker in CRC.  相似文献   
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