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The human CD14+ monocyte compartment is composed by two subsets based on CD16 expression. We previously reported that this compartment is perturbed in tuberculosis (TB) patients, as reflected by the expansion of CD16+ monocytes along with disease severity. Whether this unbalance is beneficial or detrimental to host defense remains to be elucidated. Here in the context of active TB, we demonstrate that human monocytes are predisposed to differentiate towards an anti-inflammatory (M2-like) macrophage activation program characterized by the CD16+CD163+MerTK+pSTAT3+ phenotype and functional properties such as enhanced protease-dependent motility, pathogen permissivity and immunomodulation. This process is dependent on STAT3 activation, and loss-of-function experiments point towards a detrimental role in host defense against TB. Importantly, we provide a critical correlation between the abundance of the CD16+CD163+MerTK+pSTAT3+ cells and the progression of the disease either at the local level in a non-human primate tuberculous granuloma context, or at the systemic level through the detection of the soluble form of CD163 in human sera. Collectively, this study argues for the pathogenic role of the CD16+CD163+MerTK+pSTAT3+ monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation program and its potential as a target for TB therapy, and promotes the detection of circulating CD163 as a potential biomarker for disease progression and monitoring of treatment efficacy.  相似文献   
Nied?wiedzki, G., Gorzelak, P. & Sulej, T. 2010: Bite traces on dicynodont bones and the early evolution of large terrestrial predators. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 87–92. Dicynodont (Synapsida: Anomodontia) bones from the Late Triassic (late Norian/early Rhaetian) of Poland yield characteristic tooth marks that can be attributed to three ichnotaxa (Linichnus serratus, Knethichnus parallelum and Nihilichnus nihilicus). The general shape and dimension of these traces perfectly match the dental morphology of a co‐occurring carnivorous dinosaur. It is therefore concluded that early carnivorous dinosaurs were feeding on dicynodonts. This discovery constitutes one of the oldest evidence of dinosaur predator–prey interaction. It is suggested that an evolutionary increase in the size of dicynodonts across the Late Triassic may have been driven by selection pressure to reach a size refuge from early dinosaur predators. □Bite traces, dicynodonts, dinosaurs, predation, Triassic.  相似文献   
Adipose tissue (AT) inflammation is linked to the pathogenesis of diabetes in obesity. Here, we compare the AT inflammatory state of 2 animal models of obesity and obesity plus diabetes, respectively. Obese nondiabetic ZF rats exhibited a trend towards increased proportions of CD11b positive cells in the adipose tissue stroma vascular fraction suggesting a state of increased AT inflammation compared to their lean littermates, but no alterations in systemic inflammatory parameters. In contrast, obese diabetic ZDF rats exhibited systemic as well as local AT inflammation with elevated levels of circulating Regulated upon Activation, Normal T-cell Expressed and Secreted Protein (Rantes), interleukin 1β (IL-1β) and monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1), and an increased infiltration of adipose tissue CD11b positive cells. Our data provide a novel phenotypic characterisation of 2 common metabolic animal models and suggest an association of obesity with local inflammation in adipose tissue, and an association of diabetes with local inflammation in adipose tissue plus systemic inflammation. AT inflammation in obesity might therefore initiate a process that above a certain limits finally results in systemic inflammation and diabetes.  相似文献   
Ko?odziej, B., Golubic, S., Bucur, I.I., Radtke, G. & Tribollet, A. 2011: Early Cretaceous record of microboring organisms in skeletons of growing corals. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 34–45. A spectacularly preserved assemblage of microbial euendoliths, penetrating into skeletons of growing scleractinian corals, has been recognized in Early Aptian (Early Cretaceous) reef limestone of the Rar?u Mountains (East Carpathians, NE Romania). Microboring euendolithic filaments were found in five coral colonies of the suborder Microsolenina. They remained in part well‐preserved, often impregnated with iron oxides, which made them visible even in strongly recrystallized parts of coral skeletons. Filaments of a wide range of sizes (2–40 μm in diameter) were concentrated within medium parts of coral septa, oriented along the septa in the direction of the coral growth. The larger filaments were tubular, occurring in bundles and branched into finer, often tapering branches. Their behaviour and organization were quite similar to the modern euendolithic siphonalean chlorophyte Ostreobium. Filament diameters exceeded those reported for the modern species, but covered a similarly wide size range. Narrower frequently branching filaments, 4–8 μm in diameter, resemble distal branching patterns of modern Ostreobium quekettii. Some very thin filaments (ca. 1–2 μm) observed within skeleton or inside the large tubular filaments, sometimes associated with globular swellings, may represent euendolithic fungi. The recrystallization of coral skeleton had limited effect on preservation of euendoliths due to their impregnation with iron oxides; microbial euendoliths were subjected to different taphonomic changes. □Chlorophytes, Early Cretaceous, fungi, microbial euendoliths, Romania, scleractinian corals.  相似文献   
1. Most freshwater crustaceans of the genus Daphnia are cyclically parthenogenetic organisms that are well adapted to unstable habitats due to their short life cycle, wide phenotypic plasticity, and the ability to produce protective diapausing eggs in anticipation of environmental deterioration. Short lifespan and heterogonic reproduction are typical features of Daphnia in a broad spectrum of freshwater habitats, from small temporary pools to large permanent lakes. However, in some locations, departures may be observed from this typical life history pattern to obligate asexuality or extended lifespan. 2. A 3‐year field study in a deep ultraoligotrophic fish‐free alpine‐type lake (Czarny Staw in the Tatra mountains in southern Poland) revealed the coexistence of two closely related asexual lineages of Daphnia of the pulex complex, which differ in body colour (transparent versus orange) and in their strategies for surviving long winters. 3. The ‘transparent’ clone of European origin exhibits an ephemeral lifestyle. It completes its life cycle within a single season, forming two generations of active specimens during the short summer and producing diapausing eggs late in the season. Transparent individuals live no longer than 5–6 months in this cold lake and survive winter exclusively in the form of diapausing eggs. 4. Individuals of the ‘orange’ lineage, which are closely related to eastern Nearctic Daphnia pulicaria, exhibit a biennial lifestyle unique to this genus. They do not form diapausing eggs or produce them only occasionally. Instead, they are active throughout the year and live for up to 13–14 months. Reproduction is postponed until the second year of life when food conditions have improved. Rich lipid reserves accumulated in the first season fuel them during the long winter and permit early reproduction the following spring. 5. Possible reasons for the evolution of obligatory parthenogenesis and long lifespan in Daphnia are discussed.  相似文献   
K.S. BELL, J.C. PHILP, N. CHRISTOFI AND D.W.J. AW. 1996. Two regions in the gene coding for 16S rRNA in Rhodococcus equi were selected as species-specific primer sequences for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR using these primers was tested against 10 strains of R. equi (including the type strain) and gave positive results for all but was negative for all other tested species of Rhodococcus ; representatives of the most closely related genera and a number of other bacterial species. This method could therefore be used to identify this species which can infect the lungs or other organs of horses, pigs, humans and other animals.  相似文献   
Mucins are synthesized and secreted by many epithelia. They are complex glycoproteins that offer cytoprotection. In their functional configuration, mucins form oligomers by a biosynthetic process that is poorly understood. A family of four human gastrointestinal mucin genes (MUC2, MUC5AC, MUC5B, and MUC6) is clustered to chromosome 11p15.5. To study oligomerization of these related mucins, we performed metabolic labeling experiments with [35S]amino acids in LS174T cells, and isolated mucin precursors by specific immunoprecipitations that were analyzed on SDS-PAGE. Each of the precursors of MUC2, MUC5AC, MUC5B, and MUC6 formed a single species of disulfide-linked homo-oligomer within 1 h after pulse labeling. Based on apparent molecular masses, these oligomeric precursors were most likely dimers. Inhibition of vesicular RER-to-Golgi transport, with brefeldin A and CCCP, did not affect the dimerization of MUC2 precursors, localizing dimerization to the RER. O-Glycosylation of MUC2 followed dimerization. Inhibition of N- glycosylation by tunicamycin retarded, but did not inhibit, dimerization, indicating that N-glycans play a role in efficient dimerization of MUC2 precursors. Based on sequence homology, the ability of MUC2, MUC5AC, MUC5B and MUC6 to dimerize most likely resides in their C-terminal domains. Thus, the RER-localized dimerization of secretory mucins likely proceeds by similar mechanisms, which is an essential step in the formation of the human gastrointestinal mucus- gels.   相似文献   
The discovery of potent benzimidazole stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD1) inhibitors by ligand-based virtual screening is described. ROCS 3D-searching gave a favorable chemical motif that was subsequently optimized to arrive at a chemical series of potent and promising SCD1 inhibitors. In particular, compound SAR224 was selected for further pharmacological profiling based on favorable in vitro data. After oral administration to male ZDF rats, this compound significantly decreased the serum fatty acid desaturation index, thus providing conclusive evidence for SCD1 inhibition in vivo by SAR224.  相似文献   
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