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There are many different systems of cytology classification used in the member states of the European Union (EU) and many different languages. The following short annexe to Chapter 3 of the European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Cervical Cancer Screening provides a framework that will allow different terminologies and languages to be translated into standard terminology based on the Bethesda system (TBS) for cytology while retaining the cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) classification for histology. This approach has followed extensive consultation with representatives of many countries and professional groups as well as a discussion forum published in Cytopathology (2005;16:113). This article will describe the reporting of specimen adequacy, which is dealt with in more detail elsewhere in Chapter 3 of the guidelines, the optional general categorization recommended in TBS, the interpretation/cytology result and other comments that may be made on reports such as concurrent human papillomavirus testing and the use of automation review and recommendations for management. The main categories in TBS will be described in the context of CIN, dyskaryosis and dysplasia terminologies so that all may be translated into the same framework. These guidelines should allow European countries to adapt their terminology in such a way as to make their screening programmes comparable with each other as well as with programmes elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   
We were interested whether PKC alpha, delta, epsilon or zeta is the isoform actually employed in the activation of hypertonicity-induced cation channels (HICCs) in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes. Quantitative SDS-page and Western-blot experiments revealed that PKC alpha, delta and epsilon were stimulated by Indolactam V (as a DAG substitute for activation of c and nPKCs) but that only PKC delta and epsilon did respond to hypertonic stress. Furthermore, chelation of intracellular Ca(++) by BAPTA-AM did not alter HICC activation in cable-analysis experiments whereas Indolactam V as well as V8 (an Indolactam derivative specific for PKC delta and epsilon) activated HICC currents under isotonic conditions. Finally, by use of Rottlerin (as an inhibitor exhibiting a slight preference for PKC delta over epsilon) PKC epsilon could be identified as the most likely isoform responsible for the activation of the HICC.  相似文献   
As an alternative to primary fetal tissue, immortalized central nervous system (CNS)-derived cell lines are useful for in vitro CNS model systems and for gene manipulation with potential clinical use in neural transplantation. However, obtaining immortalized cells with a desired phenotype is unpredictable, because the molecular mechanisms of growth and differentiation of CNS cells are poorly understood. The SV40 large T antigen is commonly used to immortalize mammalian cells, but it interferes with multiple cell-cycle components, including p53, p300, and retinoblastoma protein, and usually produces cells with undifferentiated phenotypes. In order to increase the phenotypic repertoire of immortalized CNS cells and to address the molecular mechanisms underlying immortalization and differentiation, we constructed an expression vector containing a truncated SV40 large T gene that encodes only the amino-terminal 155 amino acids (T155), which lacks the p53-binding domain. Constructs were first transfected into a p53-temperature-sensitive cell line, T64-7B. Colonies expressing T155 proliferated at the growth-restrictive temperature. T155 was then transfected into primary cultures from embryonic day-14 rat mesencephalon. Two clonal cell lines were derived, AF-5 and AC-10, which co-expressed T155 and mature neuronal and astrocytic markers. Thus, the amino-terminal portion of SV40 large T is sufficient to: (1) overcome p53-mediated growth arrest despite the absence of a p53-binding region, and (2) immortalize primary CNS cells expressing mature markers while actively dividing. T155 and T155-transfectants may be useful for further studies of cell-cycle mechanisms and phenotyic expression in CNS cells or for further gene manipulation to produce cells with specific properties.  相似文献   
Summary Human red blood cell membranes were solubilized with sodium dodecylsulfate and incubated with various concentrations of14C-glucose and14C-sorbose. After gel filtration on Sephadex G-100, which separated lipoproteins of differing lipid content, it was observed that the radioactivity of the bound glucose coincided with the protein peak. Radioactivity of bound sorbose was found mainly before and after the protein peak. This distribution of bound sugars was confirmed by double labeling experiments in which3H-glucose and14C-sorbose were applied simultaneously. Infrared spectroscopy revealed differences between the membranes loaded with sorbose and glucose. Particularly, the band in the C–O–C and P=O region at 1,225 cm–1 was intensified in the sorbose-loaded membranes. Compared to serum albumin, the erythrocyte membranes were found to bind 4 times as much14C-glucose per mg of protein. It is concluded from the results obtained by gel filtration that glucose and sorbose preferentially bind at different sites of the erythrocyte membrane. The results obtained by infrared spectroscopy correspond with this conclusion.  相似文献   
DNA replication has been studied in cells (CHO) synchronized by mitotic selection from roller cultures. A study of the incorporation of 3H supplied as uridine indicates that cells cannot be blocked precisely at the beginning of the S phase, but DNA synthesis can be stopped in early S by treating with F-dU in G1. After blockage potential initiation sites continue to increase at a linear rate for atleast 13 hours after division. Incorporation of 3H-thymidine begins at most of these sites within seconds after thymidine is supplied in the medium and incorporation continues at a linear rate for 20–24 minutes. There appears to be a pause after this interval before synthesis is resumed at about two times the initial rate. 3H-bromodeoxyuridine can be substituted for thymidine without affecting the kinetic pattern over a similar period. The increased rate is probably an increase in sites of chain growth rather than a change in rate of chain growth. A study of the labeled DNA segments by band sedimentation in a preformed NaClO4 isokinetic gradient shows that two distinctly different sized segments can be released from the chromosomes by lysis at submelting conditions. One is the previously reported single chain segments averaging about one-half micron in length, but the other is a much larger segment (26S) which is native DNA with perhaps small regions of single chains presumably at the ends. Primarily single chain DNA is released after 1–2 minute pulse labeling, but after 2 minutes the larger segments (26S) contain most of the newly formed DNA except that attached to the chains of the major part of the template DNA which exhibits a discontinuous distribution, sedimenting far faster than either newly replicated segment. A consideration of the kinetics of formation of the 26S component indicates that is may contain the replicating fork. If this proves to be the correct interpretation the template chains would both have non-adjacent nicks preceeding the fork and also in a post-fork site at a mean distance of about 2 microns in both directions. The isolation of the growing points of DNA replication in chromosomes is now possible and the study of properties of the newly replicated regions should be greatly facilitated.  相似文献   
A non-linearity in the changes of viscosity with temperature was found in sonicated human erythrocyte membranes at 18–19 °C. At the same temperature, a break was observed in the viscosity of the extracted membrane lipids, the cholesterol content of which was varied by means of Sephadex LH 20 column chromatography. It is inferred that the break observed in the membranes corresponds to the transition temperature of the erythrocyte membrane lipids. The applied method of direct viscosimetry is relatively simple and cheap in comparison to the well known methods of ESR spectroscopy or differential scanning calorimetry, which have been hitherto widely used in determining thermal transition points in different systems.Viscosity measurements may be compared to light scattering or fluorescence measurements, introduced recently for the determination of phase transitions (Träuble, H. (1971) Naturwissenschaften 58, 277–284, and Lussan, C. and Faucon, J.F. (1971) FEBS Lett. 19, 186–188).  相似文献   
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