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Natural abundance 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy identified the disaccharide trehalose as the major organic osmolyte synthesized by Escherichia coli grown in continuous culture under nitrogen limitation in the presence of 0.5 M-NaCl. Trehalose accumulation was dependent on both the growth phase of the culture and the osmolality of the growth medium, but independent of the solute used to increase the osmolality as long as the solute was non-penetrant. The penetrant solute glycerol did not induce trehalose synthesis indicating that the loss of cell turgor rather than increasing medium osmolality per se was the mechanism stimulating trehalose synthesis. Under conditions of either carbon or nitrogen limitation osmoadaptation was distinctly biphasic. The initial response consisted of a rapid (within 30 min) accumulation of K+ and a concurrent synthesis of the amino acid glutamate; trehalose synthesis occurred during the second slower phase of osmoadaption. Chloramphenicol severely inhibited trehalose accumulation indicating that the enzyme(s) involved in trehalose synthesis were inducible.  相似文献   
J M Herbert  I Lamarche  F Dol 《FEBS letters》1992,301(2):155-158
The synthetic peptide, SFLLRNPNDKYEPF, has been recently described as a peptide mimicking the new amino-terminus created by cleavage of the thrombin receptor, therefore acting as an agonist of the thrombin receptor. This peptide was a potent mitogen for rabbit arterial smooth muscle cells (SMC) and exhibited the same activity as that of native alpha-thrombin. Both compounds stimulated the proliferation of growth-arrested SMCs with half-maximum mitogenic responses at 1 nM. NAPAP, a synthetic inhibitor of the enzymatic activity of thrombin, specifically inhibited thrombin-induced SMC growth (IC50 = 0.35 +/- 0.04 microM) but was without effect on the mitogenic effect of the agonist peptide. These results therefore demonstrate that the mitogenic effect of alpha-thrombin for SMCs is intimately linked to its esterolytic activity. Heparin, which inhibited fetal calf serum-induced SMC growth, was without effect on thrombin-induced SMC growth but strongly reduced the mitogenic effect of the agonist peptide (IC50 = 32 +/- 5 micrograms/ml). This effect was not related to the anti-coagulant activity of heparin but was highly dependent on molecular mass and on the global charge of the molecule and was also observed for other sulphated polysaccharides such as pentosan polysulphate.  相似文献   
Nontoxic analogs of pertussis toxin (PT), produced by in vitro mutagenesis of the tox operon, are immunogenic and protective against infection by Bordetella pertussis. The moderate levels of PT production by B. pertussis, however, make it the limiting antigen in the formulation of multicomponent, acellular, recombinant whooping cough vaccines. To increase production of the highly detoxified Lys9Gly129 PT analog by B. pertussis, additional copies of the mutated tox operon were integrated into the bacterial chromosome at the tox or fha locus by unmarked allelic exchange. Recombinant strains produced in this way secreted elevated levels of the PT analog proportional to gene dosage. The strains were stable during 10-liter fermentations, and yields of up to 80 mg of PT analog per liter were obtained under production-scale conditions. The nontoxic analog was purified and shown to be indistinguishable from material obtained from a B. pertussis strain that contained only a single copy of the toxLys9Gly129 operon. Such strains are therefore suitable for large-scale, industrial production of an acellular whooping cough vaccine containing a genetically detoxified PT analog.  相似文献   
Basic fibroblast growth factor is increasingly implicated in cellular growth, differentiation, angiogenesis and oncogenesis. In culture, basic fibroblast growth factor greatly improved the growth rate of bovine brain cortex capillary endothelial cells. Down-regulation of protein kinase C by prolonged treatment with phorbol esters prevented the mitogenic effect of basic fibroblast growth factor on capillary endothelial cells. Furthermore, staurosporine, a potent protein kinase inhibitor, showed strong antiproliferative activity against basic fibroblast growth factor-induced endothelial cell growth. Similarly, the chemotaxis effect of basic fibroblast growth factor on capillary endothelial cells was abolished by down-regulation of protein kinase C or by staurosporine treatment. Therefore, it is suggested that protein kinase C could account for part of the angiogenic effect of basic fibroblast growth factor.  相似文献   
The late Miocene North African mammalianassemblage is considered here from three viewpoints: survivals, extinctions, and immigrations. The Eurasiatic affinities of the large mammals slightly prevail over the Ethiopian affinities. Amongst the North African large mammals, 4 to 8 taxa are Eurasiatic immigrants, while 4 to 6 are of Subsaharian origin. Contrarily, the micromammalian fauna is highly endemic, with only one species, a murid (Paraethomys miocaenicus), considered here as being related to an Asiatic form (Karnimata darwini). Our study of Eurasian and African Miocene faunas reveals that during the late Astaracian-early Turolian interval, the Saharo-Arabic belt permitted very little latitudinal faunal exchanges. However, during the middle and late Turolian such faunal exchanges became frequent. The micromammal record unequivocally indicates that a brief period of faunal exchange occurred between Africa and western Europe at the end of the Miocene, corresponding with the Messinian Salinity Crisis. The increased intercontinental faunal exchange between Africa and Eurasia during the late Miocene coincides with, and counterbalances the extinction of more than 10 taxa at the Mio/Pliocene boundary.  相似文献   
Three DNA-localizing fluorochromes used in conjunction with epi (incident) UV illumination were examined for sensitivity and selectivity for the cytofluorometric determination of nuclear DNA in ten species of six algal genera: Mougeotia, Oedogonium, Sirogonium, Spirogyra and Zygnema among the green algae, and the marine red alga Polysiphonia boldii. In comparison with absorption photometry for the determination of nuclear DNA, the cytofluorometric procedure proved to be simpler and considerably more sensitive. Following staining with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), nuclei fluoresce blue-white, the fluorescence intensity of the DNA-DAPI complex being considerably greater than that of the unbound dye molecule. Algal strains stained with 2,5-bis[4'-aminopheny](1')]-1,3,4-oxadiazole (BAO) also showed brilliant blue-white nuclear fluorescence. Although the BAO schedule requires the use of freshly prepared dye and sulfite water, and careful control of hydrolysis, nuclear fluorescence of the stained specimens does not fade under irradiation of the UV beam as rapidly as it does with certain other fluorochrome procedures. A more useful fluorochrome was the fungal antibiotic mithramycin. Its staining schedule is simple and the bright orange-yellow fluorescence of the nuclei is associated with an exceptional degree of sensitivity and specificity for DNA. Forty-eight-year-old preserved filaments of Spirogyra jatobae, stained with either BAO or mithramycin, exhibited a fluorescence brilliance of nuclear and chloroplast DNA equal to that of fresh specimens of this species. The three schedules, but particularly the one with mithramycin, have proven useful in providing indirect evidence for variation in ploidy level in several of the above algal genera, and in verifying the assumed ploidy level of the gametophyte (haploid) and tetrasporophyte (diploid) of Polysiphonia boldii  相似文献   
Summary The monomeric hemoglobins ofChironomus tentans andC. pallidivittatus have been isolated and separated into their respective components by gel chromatography on Sephadex G-75 and ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel. The amino acid compositions of the purified components are given. The sequence of the 30 N-terminal amino acid residues of one of the monomeric components (Hb I fromC. pallidivittatus) was determined and found to be identical in almost all of its parts with the monomeric hemoglobins ofC. thummi (CTT III and CTT IV).Antibodies against the monomeric hemoglobins Hb I and Hb IIc and the dimeric fraction were highly specific and no cross reaction between dimeric and monomeric hemoglobins could be demonstrated. The antibodies against the monomers crossreact with the monomeric hemoglobins CTT III and CTT IV ofC. thummi. Taken together with genetic data, the immunological results indicate that divergence of monomeric from dimeric forms was an early event in the evolution of the various hemoglobins inChironomus.  相似文献   
It is increasingly recognized that exposure to electrical fields can reversibly increase the electrical permeability and conductivity of the cellular membrane. It is therefore worthwhile to determine under what circumstances the critical fields capable of affecting the cellular membrane can be reached. We have evaluated the field intensities E and the gradients of E2 in the neighborhood of the more common field electrode shapes, the sphere-sphere and cylinder-cylinder electrodes, and put these in terms of the values useful for the practical electro-fusion and dielectrophoresis (DEP) of cells. The calculations were performed using the charge-image technique. From this it was observed that gross errors (underestimations of up to 1000-fold) of the field would be made if neglect of the electrode polarization were made as in simple electrostatic calculation. The dielectric forces (in terms of (E)2) show interesting spatial character.The electrical breakdown of cellular membranes affects the exchange of information and materials between the cell and its environment, and can be used to fuse cells of the same type or of differing types. It is moreover of importance in handling cells during DEP while obtaining their spectral characteristics or in cell-sorting. It is expected that the results here will aid in the more proper use of electrical fields for such ends.  相似文献   
Isolated membranes of the cell wall-less stable protoplast L-form of Proteus mirabilis were characterized by density gradient centrifugation and by assay for their major chemical constituents, proteins, phospholipids and lipopolysaccharide, and for some specific marker enzymes of the cytoplasmic membrane. In most of the analyzed properties the L-form protoplast membrane resembled the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane, with some notable modifications. considerable amounts of lipopolysaccharide, normally an exclusive constituent of the outer membrane, were found. Furthermore, the L-form membranes contained the functions of the reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide oxidase system, of d-lactate dehydrogenase (EC and of succinate dehydrogenase (EC at specific activities comparable to, or in some cases considerably higher than, those present in cytoplasmic membranes of the bacterial form. Of two peptidoglycan DD-carboxypetidase/transpeptidases (EC and EC, which are normally present in the cytoplasmic membrane of the bacterial form of P. mirabilis, the membrane of the protoplast L-form contained only one. Electron microscopy of thin sectioned L-form protoplasts showed extensive heterogeneity of membraneous structures. In addition to the single membraneous integument, internal membrane-bounded vesicles and multiple stacks of membranes were present, as the result of unbalanced growth and membrane synthesis in the L-form state.  相似文献   
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