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Aim  Relationships between range size and species richness are contentious, yet they are key to testing the various hypotheses that attempt to explain latitudinal diversity gradients. Our goal is to utilize the largest data set yet compiled for New World woody plant biogeography to describe and assess these relationships between species richness and range size.
Location  North and South America.
Methods  We estimated the latitudinal extent of 12,980 species of woody plants (trees, shrubs, lianas). From these estimates we quantified latitudinal patterns of species richness and range size. We compared our observations with expectations derived from two null models.
Results   Peak richness and the smallest- and largest-ranged species are generally found close to the equator. In contrast to prominent diversity hypotheses: (1) mean latitudinal extent of tropical species is greater than expected; (2) latitudinal extent appears to be decoupled from species richness across New World latitudes, with abrupt transitions across subtropical latitudes; and (3) mean latitudinal extents show equatorial and north temperate peaks and subtropical minima. Our results suggest that patterns of range size and richness appear to be influenced by three broadly overlapping biotic domains (biotic provinces) for New World woody plants.
Main conclusions  Hypotheses that assume a direct relationship between range size and species richness may explain richness patterns within these domains, but cannot explain gradients in richness across the New World.  相似文献   
Knowledge of the biology of rare plant species is indispensable to aid their survival and to inform efficient conservation actions, but in many cases relevant data are lacking. In addition, while studies of conservation genetics have provided a wealth of information on the considerations arising from inbreeding, mate limitation, or local adaptation, the impact of intraspecific polyploidy remains understudied. In this study, we examined the breeding system of the rare Australian daisy Rutidosis lanata (Asteraceae) and screened ten of its populations for their ploidy level to develop recommendations for management actions, in particular, with regard to seed sourcing and genetic rescue. We found R. lanata to represent a polyploid complex, with tetraploid, pentaploid and hexaploid individuals coexisting in the same species. Crossing experiments confirmed R. lanata to be self‐incompatible. Mate availability varied from c. 49% to c. 76% across populations. Most populations showed mate availability of c. 50%–70%, suggesting that mate limitation resulting from a lack of local genetic diversity may cause or at least contribute to reduced seed set. Crossing between populations resulted in significantly higher reproductive success for all populations except one, suggesting the possibility of genetic rescue through population mixing. However, the crossing experiments also showed that pentaploids suffer from a severely reduced paternal reproductive fitness. Any additional hybrids between tetraploids and pentaploids, as would be created by mixing populations with different genome copy numbers during conservation work, would consequently exacerbate mate limitation and thus reduce population viability. We conclude that seed set and thus population viability can be maximized by mixing populations with the same number of genome copies, but that populations with different numbers should be kept spatially separated. The case of Rutidosis lanata provides an example and a potential template for examining the conservation genetics of other species that may constitute polyploid complexes.  相似文献   
Chronic infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) is associated with the majority of cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in China. Despite this, there is no effective method for the early detection of HBV-induced liver cancer. Aberrant fucosylation is known to occur during the development of HCC. We, therefore, developed a method of applying matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) to analyze the relationship between aberrant fucosylation, tumor genesis and progression of HBV-associated HCC, and to establish proteomic profiling of serum for early diagnosis of HCC. The MALDI-TOF MS was based on Lens culinaris agglutinin (LCA) lectin magnetic beads and their affinity for separation. The method was applied initially to a 'training' cohort of 111 serum samples obtained from subjects in China with no liver disease (n=26), chronic hepatitis B without cirrhosis (n=21), HBV-infected cirrhosis (n=32), or HBV-infected HCC (n=32). In contrast to previous findings, the results of our profiling analysis demonstrated defucosylation on some of the glycoproteins involved in HCC. HCC was then diagnostically classified in a 'blind test' cohort (n=96). In this group we demonstrated that, HCC could be distinguished from all serum samples, HBV-associated chronic liver disease, and HBV-associated cirrhosis with a sensitivity/specificity of 70%/70%, 78%/74%, and 81%/82%, respectively. When combined with serum alpha-fetoprotein detection (AFP>20 ng/mL), the sensitivity/specificity improved to 78%/88%, 85%/88%, and 89%/91%, respectively. In conclusion, serum glycoprotein fucosylation abnormalities have diverse forms in patients with HCC. MALDI-TOF MS profiling of aberrant serum fucosylated glycoproteins distinguished HCC from controls with high accuracy.  相似文献   
Permafrost thaw resulting from climate warming may dramatically change the succession and carbon dynamics of northern ecosystems. To examine the joint effects of regional temperature and local species changes on peat accumulation following thaw, we studied peat accumulation across a regional gradient of mean annual temperature (MAT). We measured aboveground net primary production (AGNPP) and decomposition over 2 years for major functional groups and used these data to calculate a simple index of net annual aboveground peat accumulation. In addition, we collected cores from six adjacent frozen and thawed bog sites to document peat accumulation changes following thaw over the past 200 years. Aboveground biomass and decomposition were more strongly controlled by local succession than regional climate. AGNPP for some species differed between collapse scars and associated permafrost plateaus and was influenced by regional MAT. A few species, such as Picea mariana trees on frozen bogs and Sphagnum mosses in thawed bogs, sequestered a disproportionate amount of peat; in addition, changes in their abundance following thaw changed peat accumulation. 210Pb-dated cores indicated that peat accumulation doubles following thaw and that the accumulation rate is affected by historical changes in species during succession. Peat accumulation in boreal peatlands following thaw was controlled by a complex mix of local vegetation changes, regional climate, and history. These results suggest that northern ecosystems may show responses more complex than large releases of carbon during transient warming. Received 8 August 2000; accepted 12 January 2001.  相似文献   
Terpenes are a diverse group of plant secondary metabolites that mediate a plethora of ecological interactions in many plant species. Despite increasing research into the genetic control of important adaptive traits in some plant species, the genetic control of terpenes in forest tree species is still relatively poorly studied. In this study, we use quantitative genetic and quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis to investigate the genetic control of foliar terpenes in an ecologically and commercially important eucalypt species, Eucalyptus globulus. We show a moderate to high within-family broad-sense heritability and significant genetic basis to the variation in 14 of the 16 terpenes assayed. This is the first report of QTL for terpenes in this species. Eleven QTL influenced the terpenes overall. One QTL on linkage group 6 affected six of the seven different sesquiterpenes assayed (plus one monoterpene), which, in combination with highly significant correlations between these compounds, argues that their variation is influenced by a QTL with pleiotropic effect early in the biosynthetic pathway. We examine the homology of these QTL to those found in a closely related eucalypt, Eucalyptus nitens, and provide evidence that both common and unique QTL influence terpene levels.  相似文献   
Diverse communities of fungi and bacteria in deadwood mediate wood decay. While rates of decomposition vary greatly among woody species and spatially distinct habitats, the relative importance of these factors in structuring microbial communities and whether these shift over time remains largely unknown. We characterized fungal and bacterial diversity within pieces of deadwood that experienced 6.3–98.8% mass loss while decaying in common garden ‘rotplots’ in a temperate oak-hickory forest in the Ozark Highlands, MO, USA. Communities were isolated from 21 woody species that had been decomposing for 1–5 years in spatially distinct habitats at the landscape scale (top and bottom of watersheds) and within stems (top and bottom of stems). Microbial community structure varied more strongly with wood traits than with spatial locations, mirroring the relative role of these factors on decay rates on the same pieces of wood even after 5 years. Co-occurring fungal and bacterial communities persistently influenced one another independently from their shared environmental conditions. However, the relative influence of wood construction versus spatial locations differed between fungi and bacteria, suggesting that life history characteristics of these clades structure diversity differently across space and time in decomposing wood.  相似文献   
Historically, therapeutic protein production in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells has been accomplished by random integration (RI) of expression plasmids into the host cell genome. More recently, the development of targeted integration (TI) host cells has allowed for recombination of plasmid DNA into a predetermined genomic locus, eliminating one contributor to clone-to-clone variability. In this study, a TI host capable of simultaneously integrating two plasmids at the same genomic site was used to assess the effect of antibody heavy chain and light chain gene dosage on antibody productivity. Our results showed that increasing antibody gene copy number can increase specific productivity, but with diminishing returns as more antibody genes are added to the same TI locus. Random integration of additional antibody DNA copies in to a targeted integration cell line showed a further increase in specific productivity, suggesting that targeting additional genomic sites for gene integration may be beneficial. Additionally, the position of antibody genes in the two plasmids was observed to have a strong effect on antibody expression level. These findings shed light on vector design to maximize production of conventional antibodies or tune expression for proper assembly of complex or bispecific antibodies in a TI system.  相似文献   
Wildlife models focused solely on a single strong influence (e.g., habitat components, wildlife harvest) are limited in their ability to detect key mechanisms influencing population change. Instead, we propose integrated modeling in the context of cumulative effects assessment using multispecies population dynamics models linked to landscape-climate simulation at large spatial and temporal scales. We developed an integrated landscape and population simulation model using ALCES Online as the model-building platform, and the model accounted for key ecological components and relationships among moose (Alces alces), grey wolves (Canis lupus nubilus), and woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in northern Ontario, Canada. We simulated multiple scenarios over 5 decades (beginning 2020) to explore sensitivity to climate change and land use and assessed effects at multiple scales. The magnitude of effect and the relative importance of key factors (climate change, roads, and habitat) differed depending on the scale of assessment. Across the full extent of the study area (654,311km2 [ecozonal scale]), the caribou population declined by 26% largely because of climate change and associated predator-prey response, which led to caribou range recession in the southern part of the study area. At the caribou range scale (108,378 km2), which focused on 2 herds in the northern part of the study area, climate change led to a 10% decline in the population and development led to an additional 7% decline. At the project scale (8,331 km2), which was focused more narrowly on the landscape surrounding 4 proposed mines, the caribou population declined by 29% largely in response to simulated development. Given that observed caribou population dynamics were sensitive to the cumulative effects of climate change, land use, interspecific interactions, and scale, insights from the analysis might not emerge under a less complex model. Our integrated modeling framework provides valuable support for broader regional assessments, including estimation of risk to caribou and Indigenous food security, and for developing and evaluating potential caribou recovery strategies. © 2021 The Authors. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Rats with collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) were necropsied on 14 occasions from 4 days after induction to 27 days after disease onset to evaluate the kinetics of local (joint protein extracts) and systemic (serum) levels of inflammatory and pro-erosive factors. Systemic increases in α1 acid glycoprotein and KC/GRO together with systemic and local enrichment of interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, CCL2, transforming growth factor (TGF)-β and elevated IL-1α and IL-18 in joint extracts preceded the onset of clinical disease. Systemic upregulation of IL-1β, IL-6, TGF-β CCL2, RANKL and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) during acute and/or chronic CIA coincided with systemic leukocytosis and a CD4+ T-cell increase in blood and spleen. In contrast, progression of joint erosions during clinical CIA was associated with intra-articular increases in IL-1α/β, IL-6, IL-18, CCL2, KC/GRO and RANKL, and a dramatic decline in osteoprotegerin (OPG). These data indicate that systemic and local events in inflammatory arthritis can be discrete processes, driven by multiple cellular and humoral mediators with distinct temporospatial profiles.  相似文献   
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