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In order to gain insights into the mechanistic basis of caste and behavioral differences in Polistes paper wasps, we examined abdominal lipid stores and ovary development in Polistes metricus females in four groups: foundresses, queens, workers, and gynes. Queens had the largest ovaries, followed by foundresses, workers, and gynes. Gynes had 6x higher lipid stores than the other groups, and lipid stores were lower in foragers (foundresses, workers) than non-foragers (queens, gynes). Lipid levels and ovary development were negatively correlated across the four groups, but removing gynes from the analysis revealed a significant positive correlation for foundresses, workers, and queens, suggesting different energy allocation strategies for gynes vs. other groups. Expression levels of 9 genes (including three in the insulin pathway), examined in a previous study, correlated with either lipid stores or ovary development. These correlative results suggest important relationships between nutrition, reproduction, and division of labor in primitively social insects. We also show that it is possible to assign P. metricus females to one of the four female groups on the basis of wing wear (an indicator of foraging experience), lipid stores, and ovary development, which can facilitate caste-specific collections for future studies. Received 23 May 2008; revised 6 November 2008; accepted 20 November 2008.  相似文献   
Natural selection operates via fitness components like mating success, fecundity, and longevity, which can be understood as intermediaries in the causal process linking traits to fitness. In particular, sexual selection occurs when traits influence mating or fertilization success, which, in turn, influences fitness. We show how to quantify both these steps in a single path analysis, leading to better estimates of the strength of sexual selection. Our model controls for confounding variables, such as body size or condition, when estimating the relationship between mating and reproductive success. Correspondingly, we define the Bateman gradient and the Jones index using partial rather than simple regressions, which better captures how they are commonly interpreted. The model can be applied both to purely phenotypic data and to quantitative genetic parameters estimated using information on relatedness. The phenotypic approach breaks down selection differentials into a sexually selected and a “remainder” component. The quantitative genetic approach decomposes the estimated evolutionary response to selection analogously. We apply our method to analyze sexual selection in male dusky pipefish, Syngnathus floridae, and in two simulated datasets. We highlight conceptual and statistical limitations of previous path‐based approaches, which can lead to substantial misestimation of sexual selection.  相似文献   
Phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF-2) is a major mechanism regulating protein synthesis in rabbit reticulocytes. To determine whether phosphorylation of eIF-2 alpha is a likely regulatory mechanism in the Ehrlich cell, we have measured the percent of cellular eIF-2 alpha which is phosphorylated in cells exposed to heat shock, 2-deoxyglucose, or amino acid deprivation, conditions which rapidly decrease the concentration of 40 S initiation complexes and inhibit protein synthesis. eIF-2 alpha and eIf-2 alpha (P) were separated by isoelectric focusing and were detected by immunoblotting with a monoclonal antibody we developed for this purpose. Under the above three inhibitory conditions, phosphorylation of eIF-2 alpha increased rapidly, and this increase correlated in time with the rapid inhibition of protein synthesis. In heat-shocked cells which were returned to 37 degrees C, both phosphorylation and protein synthesis remained unchanged for 10 min and then returned toward control values slowly and in parallel. The close temporal correspondence between changes in protein synthesis and phosphorylation supports an important regulatory role for phosphorylation in protein synthesis. An increase of 25-35 percentage points, to 50-60% phosphorylation from control levels of 20-30% phosphorylation, correlated with an 80-100% inhibition of protein synthesis. This steep curve of inhibition is consistent with a mechanism in which eIF-2 alpha (P) saturates and inhibits the guanine-nucleotide exchange factor.  相似文献   
Protein synthesis in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells is inhibited when cellular calcium is depleted by the addition of EGTA to the growth medium. This inhibition is at the level of polypeptide chain initiation as evidenced by a disaggregation of polyribosomes accompanied by a significant elevation in 80-S monomers. To identify direct effects of calcium on the protein synthesis apparatus we have developed a calcium-dependent, cell-free protein-synthesizing system from the Ehrlich cells by using 1,2-bis(O-aminophenoxy)-ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA), a recently developed chelator with a high (greater than 10(5)) selectivity for calcium (pKa = 6.97) over magnesium (pKa = 1.77). BAPTA inhibits protein synthesis by 70% at 1 mM and 90% at 2 mM. This effect was reversed by calcium but not by other cations tested. The levels of 43-S complexes (i.e., 40-S subunits containing bound methionyl-tRNAf.eIF-2.GTP) were significantly lower in the calcium-deprived incubations, indicating either inhibition of the rate of formation or decreased stability of 43-S complexes. Analysis of 43-S complexes on CsCl gradients showed that in BAPTA-treated lysates, 40-S subunits containing eIF-3, completely disappeared and the residual methionyl-tRNA-containing complexes were bound to 40-S subunits lacking eIF-3. Our results demonstrate a direct involvement of Ca2+ in protein synthesis and we have localized the effect of calcium deprivation to decreased binding of eIF-2 and eIF-3 to 40-S subunits.  相似文献   
金翅夜蛾亚科的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
周尧  卢筝 《昆虫学报》1978,(1):63-78
近年来,我们又获得大量金翅夜蛾亚科的标本。这些标本有的是我们区系组的同志从全国各地采集的,有的是兄弟单位赠送或借给的。 标本共77,085号,我们逐一进行了外部特征的观察,每种作了雌雄生殖器的解剖研究。除前一报告已记载的相同种类外,新增加的种类有36种。如下:  相似文献   
Somatic embryos isolated from mature seed-derived cotyledon cultures of cassava (Mannihot esculenta Crantz) underwent direct secondary somatic embryogenesis or plant development under appropriate incubation conditions. Isolated somatic embryos were subjected to a two-stage culture procedure similar to that which induced their development on cotyledon explants. This involved incubation for 24–30 days on Murashige and Skoog basal medium supplemented with 2–8 mgl-1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) (Stage I medium) before transfer to medium supplemented with 0.01 mgl-1 2,4-D and 0.1 mgl-1 6-benzylamino purine (BAP) (Stage II medium). Under these conditions, secondary somatic embryos developed directly from the cotyledons and shoot-tip region of primary somatic embryos by a developmental process morphologically very similar to that occurring on zygotic cotyledon explants. Apical shoot extension and adventitious root formation occurred when somatic embryos were isolated from parental cultures and incubated on Stage II medium. Somatic embryo-derived plants growing in greenhouse conditions appeared morphologically normal when compared with non-regenerated plants.  相似文献   
中国的广翅蜡蝉科附八新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周尧  路进生 《昆虫学报》1977,(3):314-322
广翅蜡蝉科的种类,多数为害木本植物,少数为害禾本科草本植物,有的是果树、森林和农作物的害虫。但关于广翅蜡蝉科的研究,过去很不充分,我国的种类、分布与寄主关系,至今还不清楚。1935年胡经甫的昆虫名录中列入11种(包括3种同物异名),1959年《中国果树病虫志》中列了5种。 我们根据三十年来在全国各地的采集调查,和全国兄弟单位提供的标本,共鉴定出26种。本文着重记录它们的分布及其为害植物,并记载新种8种。  相似文献   
An explant containing the primary shoot meristem was dissected from intact tomato seedlings after thawing from liquid nitrogen. Surviving explants produced shoots directly by normal meristem growth when cultured in the presence of gibberellic acid. Without gibberellic acid all surviving explants produced callus tissue and subsequently adventitious shoots, with no direct outgrowth of the primary meristem.Dimethyl sulphoxide (15%) in culture medium and a cooling rate changing continuously from 20 to 55 °C min?1 between 0 and ?120 °C were required for optimal survival.Nonfrozen material produced shoots directly without the requirement for gibberellic acid indicating that hormonal regulation of organised growth by the shoot meristem had been altered by the freeze/ thaw process.  相似文献   
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