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Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) treatment of rats decreases gain of body weight without affecting food intake; simultaneously, the activities of liver malic enzyme and cytosolic glycerol-3-P dehydrogenase are increased. In the present study experiments were conducted to test the possibility that DHEA enhances thermogenesis and decreases metabolic efficiency via trans-hydrogenation of cytosolic NADPH into mitochondrial FADH2 with a consequent loss of energy as heat. The following results provide evidence which supports the proposed hypothesis: (a) the activities of cytosolic enzymes involved in NADPH production (malic enzyme, cytosolic isocitrate dehydrogenase, and aconitase) are increased after DHEA treatment; (b) cytosolic glycerol-3-P dehydrogenase may use both NAD+ and NADP+ as coenzymes; (c) activities of both cytosolic and mitochondrial forms of glycerol-3-P dehydrogenase are increased by DHEA treatment; (d) cytosol obtained from DHEA-treated rats synthesizes more glycerol-3-P during incubation with fructose-1,6-P2 (used as source of dihydroxyacetone phosphate) and NADP+; the addition of citratein vitro further increases this difference; (e) mitochondria prepared from DHEA-treated rats more rapidly consume glycerol-3-P added exogenously or formed endogenously in the cytosol in the presence of fructose-1,6-P2 and NADP+.  相似文献   
In addition to the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC), mitochondrial outer membranes contain a cationic channel of large conductance, which is blocked by a mitochondrial addressing peptide (peptide-sensitive channel, PSC). Bovine adrenal cortex mitochondria were solubilized in 1.5% octyl -glucoside, and membrane vesicles were reconstituted by slow dilution with a low ionic strength buffer. The reconstituted vesicles contained a functional channel possessing the electrical characteristics of the cationic channel, including its sensitivity to the mitochondrial addressing peptide. Important features of the described protocol are the nature of the detergent, its concentration, and the addition of glycerol during the whole procedure. No solubilization could be observed in the presence of cholate.  相似文献   
Summary A strain of cerebral endothelial cells was established from isolated cortical microvessels of caprine brain. These cells, which are referred to as ECl cells, can be routinely subcultured to 32 passages without the loss of differentiated morphologic and immunologic traits. The ability to routinely subculture ECl cells is an important asset, given that isolated cerebral endothelial cells in mammals generally lose their differentiated traits after only 2 to 3 passages. ECl cells were shown to contain Factor VIII-related antigen, which is a specific marker for cells of endothelial origin. ECl cells morphologically demonstrated a scarcity of pinocytotic vesicles on their apical surfaces, a lack of trans-cytoplasmic vesicles, and the ability to form in culture confluent monolayers with tight junctional complexes. Therefore, ECl cells possess specific antigenic and ultrastructural features which classify them as being small vessel endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier type. Cytogenetic evaluation of ECl cells demonstrated a normal female goat 60,XX karyotype and confirmed the apparent non-transformed nature of ECl cells due to the lack of chromosome abnormalities or rearrangements. Using scanning electron microscopy, ECl cells were also shown to form confluent monolayers on mixed nitrocellulose filters, a feature that will enable the development of an in vitro system to study trans-endothelial transport. Given that ECl cells are readily subcultured and grow well on nitrocellulose filters, and that they resemble cerebral endothelium in vivo, it seems evident that ECl cells can be used as a versatile model for the study of blood-brain barrier function, regulation, and pathology.  相似文献   
Summary Taurine influx is inhibited and taurine efflux accelerated when the cell membrane of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells is depolarized. Taurine influx is inhibited at acid pH partly due to the concomitant depolarization of the cell membrane partly due to a reduced availability of negatively charged free carrier. These results are in agreement with a 2Na, 1Cl, 1taurine cotransport system which is sensitive to the membrane potential due to a negatively charged empty carrier. Taurine efflux from Ehrlich cells is stimulated by addition of LTD4 and by swelling in hypotonic medium. Cell swelling in hypotonic medium is known to result in stimulation of the leukotriene synthesis and depolarization of the cell membrane. The taurine efflux, activated by cell swelling, is dramatically reduced when the phospholipase A2 is inhibited indirectly by addition of the anti-calmodulin drug pimozide, or directly by addition of RO 31-4639. The inhibition is in both cases lifted by addition of LTD4. The swelling-induced taurine efflux is also inhibited by addition of the 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors ETH 615-139 and NDGA. It is concluded that the swelling-induced activation of the taurine leak pathway involves a release of arachidonic acid from the membrane phospholipids and an increased oxidation of arachidonic acid into leukotrienes via the 5-lipoxygenase pathway. LTD4 seems to act as a second messenger for the swelling induced activation of the taurine leak pathway either directly or indirectly via its activation of the Cl channels, i.e., via a depolarization of the cell membrane.  相似文献   
The molecular dynamics algorithm (MD), which simulates intramolecular motions on the subnanosecond timescale, has been modified to allow the investigation of slow conformational transitions that do not necessarily occur spontaneously in MD simulations. The method is designated CONTRA MD (CONformational TRAnsitions by Molecular Dynamics with minimum biasing). The method requires the prior definition of a single conformational variable that is required to vary monotonically from an initial conformation to a final target conformation. The simulation is broken up into a series of short free MD segments, and we determine, after each segment of MD, whether or not the system has evolved toward the final conformation. Those segments that do not move the system in that direction are deleted. Those that do move it toward the final conformation are patched together sequentially to generate a single representative trajectory along the transition pathway. The CONTRA MD method is demonstrated first by application to the simultaneous C2′-endo to C3′-endo repucker and anti to syn N-glycosidic torsion transitions in 2′-deoxyadenosine and then to the large-scale bending in phenylalanine transfer RNA. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Modes of DAPI banding and simultaneous in situ hybridization   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
By controlling the degree of chromatin denaturation through formamide incubation, or by heat treatment and/or by high pH, three types of high quality 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) bands can be produced sequentially on the same set of 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU)-incorporated chromosomes: first DAPI multibanding (the equivalent of Q-banding), then partial C-banding including distamycin A (DA)/DAPI banding, and finally C-banding pattern. It is assumed that the different DAPI-chromatin interactions following these treatments reflect the different chromatin structures at the chromosomal sites. Since the DAPI banding protocol is compatible with in situ hybridization, the combination of fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with DAPI banding allows the simultaneous detection of signals from the DNA probes and the identification of the chromosomal band location of the probe. We demonstrate this useful application with the localization of the cystic fibrosis and Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene probes to their appropriate bands.  相似文献   
Metabolism of therapeutic drugs in the body by the mixed function oxidase system is an important consideration in the analysis of a drug's effectiveness. P450-dependent metabolism within the brain of a neuro-specific drug may affect the drug's course of action. To determine whether cytochrome P450 was expressed in brain, RNA was isolated from the whole brains of rats treated with a variety of known hepatic P450 inducers, including amitriptyline, imipramine, isosafrole, phenobarbital, and -naphthoflavone. The RNA was analyzed for the presence of P450 isozymes by the PCR technique. Differential expression of P450IA1, P450IIB1, P450IIB2, P450IID, and P450IIE1 was detected in the brain samples, depending on the treatment. Cytochrome P450 reductase expression was also detected in the brain samples, giving strong evidence that the brain contains a competent mixed function oxidase system under all conditions studied. (Mol Cell Biochem120: 171–179, 1993)Thesis student of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston  相似文献   
A correlation between the ratio of the cell surface protease activity to phosphatase activity and the complexity of the pattern of cell surface exposed polypeptides ofLeishmania promastigotes was demonstrated for various strains grown under similar conditions. The ratio of the cell surface protease activity to acid phosphatase activity was high forL. major andL.b. panamensis and it correlates with the expression of a single polypeptide of 63 KDa on their cell surface. Intermediate and lower ratios of these enzymatic activites relate with more complex radio-iodinated patterns: two main bands inL.b. guyanensis (70 and 58 KDa) andL.b. braziliensis (72 and 60 KDa) and three main bands 65, 50, 27 KDa in allL.m. mexicana strains tested. Evidence is presented that the acid phosphatase located on theL.m. mexicana cell surface is not an artifact due to a secondary absorption of the secreted acid phosphatase from the culture medium. These results confirm theLeishmania antigen cell surface heterogeneity. The implications on the biology ofLeishmania and the clinical manifestation of leishmaniasis are discussed.  相似文献   
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