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Nine strains of Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 were examined for virulence in BALB/c mice. The possession of a 38 MDa plasmid was necessary for full virulence. Strains carrying this plasmid had LD50 values of less than 20 bacteria whilst plasmid-free strains had LD50 values of greater than 10(6) bacteria when challenged intraperitoneally. Pathogenesis of disease involved the widespread distribution of bacteria throughout the tissues. Possession of the 38 MDa plasmid could not be linked with the ability of strains to express novel outer membrane proteins, to produce toxins affecting Vero, Y1, HeLa, Henle or HEp-2 cells, or to invade HEp-2 cells. Furthermore, the 38 MDa plasmid did not encode an aerobactin-mediated iron uptake system or the production of a haemolysin. Strains of S. enteritidis PT4 isolated in 1967, 1978 or 1979 and possessing the 38 MDa plasmid showed the same virulence properties as the current plasmid-carrying strains. This suggests that the enhanced virulence of the current strains for poultry is unlikely to be the result of changes in the 38 MDa plasmid.  相似文献   
Morphological and hybridization studies were carried out in H. pubiflorum s. 1. (2n= 14). Chromosome pairing observed at MI in the hybrids was high, but indications of weak sterility barriers were observed. It is concluded that (i) hybridization is fairly easy to perform, and the populations studied belong to the same species, (ii) no divergence in the ssp. halophilum genome was observed, except in (iii) a population with at least one reciprocal translocation, (iv) the halophilum × breviaristatum hybrids had lowered pairing with an increased frequency of univalents, (v) the pairing combined with morphology suggest recognition of H. pubiflorum ssp. breviaristatum (Parodi & Nicora) C. Baden (comb. nov.).  相似文献   
An introduced social wasp Vespula vulgaris may compete with native birds for honeydew and invertebrates in New Zealand forests. Experimentally hidden mealworms (Tenebrio molitor) persisted longer at two sites following wasp poisoning that at two sites where wasps were not poisoned. Mealworms persisted longer in the morning than in the afternoon within all study sites. An unusually low mealworm removal rate during a morning trial before wasp poisoning heavily influences the results of this experiment but we have no ecological reason to ignore it. Wasps may therefore be having a heavy impact on invertebrate abundance on very short time scales (within a day following dawn emergence). They may also remove cached food items that would otherwise be retrieved by the South Island robin (Petroica australis australis) during cold or dark feeding conditions.  相似文献   
Abstract: Metabotropic glutamate receptors mediate their intracellular response by coupling to G proteins and may be divided into three subfamilies: mGluR1 and mGluR5, which stimulate phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis; mGluR2 and mGluR3, which are negatively coupled to cyclic AMP formation; and mGluR4 and mGluR6, which also inhibit forskolin-stimulated cyclic AMP formation. The mGluR4 subtypes may represent l -2-amino-4-phosphonobutyrate-sensitive presynaptic autoreceptors, and two alternatively spliced variants of the mGluR4 coding for two receptors with different C termini have been identified. Using in situ hybridization, we measured the levels of mGluR1–mGluR5 mRNA in regions of the rat brain 24 h after transient global ischemia, a time point when no neuronal damage can yet be observed morphologically. In the hippocampus, the mRNA levels for mGluR1, mGluR2, and mGluR5 were decreased, mGluR3 mRNA levels were unchanged, and the mGluR4 mRNA levels were strongly increased. The strongest increase appeared to be in the mRNA encoding mGluR4b. The mGluR4 mRNA was also increased in the parietal cortex, whereas the ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleus showed a small decrease in its mRNA content. These results suggest that vulnerable neurons react to an increased extracellular glutamate concentration by differential regulation of the mRNA for pre- and postsynaptically located metabotropic glutamate receptors.  相似文献   
Induction of Nitric Oxide Synthase in Rat C6 Glioma Cells   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
Abstract: We have examined the induction of nitric oxide syhthase (NOS) activity in the rat astrocyte-derived C6 glioma cell line. In contrast to the previous results with primary astrocyte cultures, incubation of C6 cells with bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 1 μg/ml for 24 h) did not stimulate NO2 production. However, addition of either tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-α) or interferon-γ (IFN-γ), cytokines that by themselves had no effect on NOS activity, imparted LPS responsiveness onto these cells in a dose-dependent manner (EC50 values of 39 ng/ml of TNF-α and 9.4 U/ml of IFN-γ), and the effect of TNF-α could be further potentiated (twofold) by the presence of interleukin-1β. The simultaneous presence of TNF-α and IFN-γ yielded a greater response than either cytokine alone; however, the respective EC50 values were not affected. A cytoplasmic extract from induced C6 cells catalyzed the Ca2+-independent conversion of l -arginine to l - citrulline, with an apparent K m of 51.2 n M , and this activity could be blocked by l -arginine analogues in the potency order amino > methyl > nitroarginine. Immunoblot analysis revealed an apparent molecular mass of 125 kDa for the NOS protein induced in C6 cells. These results indicate that the combination of LPS plus cytokines can induce NOS activity in C6 glioma cells with properties similar to those of the enzyme expressed in primary astrocyte cultures.  相似文献   
The mucin-type carbohydrate Tn cryptantigen (GalNAc1-O-Ser/Thr,where GalNAc is N-acetyl-D-galactosamine) is expressed in manycarcinomas, in haemopoietic disorders including the Tn syndrome,and on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) coat glycoproteins,but is not expressed on normal, differentiated cells becauseof the expression of a Tn-processing galactosyltransferase.Using Jurkat T leukaemic cells which express high levels ofTn antigen due to deficient Tn galactosylation, we have establishedthe Tn antigen-mediated gene transfer and demonstrate the considerableefficiency of this approach. We used poly(L-lysine) conjugatesof the monoclonal antibody 1E3 directed against the Tn antigento deliver the luciferase and ß-galactosidase reportergenes to Jurkat cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis. Additionof unconjugated 1E3 reduced transfection efficiency in a concentration-dependentmanner and incubation with free GalNAc abolished DNA transfercompletely, indicating that gene delivery is indeed mediatedby the Tn antigen. Pre-treatment of Jurkat cells with Vibriocholerae sialidase, which uncovers additional Tn antigens, resultedin an improvement of gene transfection. Both human and chickenadenovirus particles attached to the DNA/polylysine complexstrongly augmented transgene expression. When the ß-galactosidase(lacZ) gene was delivered to Jurkat cells by Tn-mediated endocytosis,up to 60% of the cells were positive in the cytochemical stainusing 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-ß-D-galactopyranoside(X-gal) as a chromogenic substrate. The efficiency of the transferrinreceptor-mediated DNA uptake into Jurkat cells was comparativelylow, although these cells were shown to express considerableamounts of transferrin receptor. We show here that a mucin-typecarbohydrate antigen mediates highly efficient DNA uptake byendocytosis into Jurkat T cells. This method represents a 50-foldimprovement of Jurkat cell transfection efficiency over otherphysical gene transfer techniques. Specific gene delivery toprimary cancer cells exhibiting Tn epitopes may especially bedesirable in immunotherapy protocols. adenovirus endocytosis gene transfer T cell Tn antigen  相似文献   
The effect of the cassava green mite Mononychellus tanajoa on the growth and yield of cassava Manihot esculenta was studied over a 10-month period in two field trials near Lake Victoria in Kenya. One plot was maintained free of mites by means of acaricide, while the other was artificially infested.The highest population density of M. tanajoa occurred during the dry season. A maximum leaf area index (LAI) of about 2 was reached at the onset of the dry season. The total leaf area of mite infested plants was reduced compared with uninfested plants during the dry spell. During the following rainy season infested plants recovered and attained the same leaf area as uninfested plants. A multiple regression model predicting the leaf area showed that 58% of the seasonal variation could be explained by plant age, soil water, and leaf injury.The net growth rate of infested plants was lower than that of uninfested plants. Maximum values of 21 (infested plants) and 49 (uninfested plants) g m-2 week-1 were attained at the onset of the second rainy season. No difference was found between uninfested and infested plants with respect to net assimilation rates per unit leaf area during the dry season. The net assimilation rates reached a maximum almost at the same time as the growth rates, but the infested plants peaked slightly earlier and at a lower level than the uninfested plants. M. tanajoa did not affect the relative allocation of dry matter into stems and storage roots, but the absolute allocation of dry matter declined with increasing mite injury. Thus, after 10 months the dry matter of infested plants was reduced by 29% and 21% for storage roots and stems, respectively, compared with the uninfested plants.  相似文献   
Abstract. Normal (non-transformed) human mammary epithelial cell lines derived from reduction mammoplasties were analyzed by immunocytochemistry with more than 80 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and other specific reagents to tissue-specific and developmentally regulated antigens at different passage levels. A subpopulation of poorly differentiated, proliferating epithelial cells, corresponding to the 'selected' cell type of late passages, is shown to be characterized by a new marker, the histo-blood group antigen H type 2, probably carried on a membrane-bound glycolipid. These cells also express a number of other onco-developmental carbohydrate antigens [Ley, Lex, sialosyl-Lea, precursor of Thomsen Friedenreich antigen (Tn), but not Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen and sialosyl-Tn]. Their cytokeratin (CK) phenotype, as assessed by reactivity with monospecific mAbs and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, is CK 5, 6, 14 and 17, with CK 19 being consistently absent, and varying minor amounts of CK 7, 8 and 18, as well as 15 and 16. The reactivity of these cells with a panel of 11 mAbs specific for CK 18 varies considerably even after cloning, indicating heterogeneity of epitope expression or accessibility. Our data strongly suggest that the H type 2+ cells develop from the basal cell layer of the mammary gland.  相似文献   
A close spatial relationship between specific granules containing atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and microtubules was demonstrated in primary cultures of neonatal rat cardiac myocytes. For the detection of specific granules and microtubules, the myocytes were double immunolabelled with antibodies against -ANF and -tubulin and examined by conventional fluorescence or laser scanning confocal microscopy. In addition, the ultrastructural distribution of specific granules was demonstrated by electron microscopy. In the atrial myocytes, ANF was stored in numerous specific granules that were mainly localized in the perinuclear sarcoplasm. In the ventricular myocytes, however, a minority of the cells (10%) exhibited limited ANF immunoreactivity after 4 days in culture. Microtubules were present throughout the sarcoplasm of the myocytes. They were most densely packed in the perinuclear regions. Depolymerization of the microtubules with nocodazole was followed by dispersal of ANF immunostaining both in the atrial myocytes and in the ventricular myocytes exhibiting ANF immunoreactivity. When the microtubules were allowed to recover, the perinuclear distribution of specific granules, as seen in non-treated myocytes, reappeared. Measurements of secreted immunoreactive ANF by radioimmunoassay revealed that the secretion of ANF from atrial myocytes into the medium was significantly reduced following nocodazole treatment, whereas a similar decrease in secretion from ventricular myocytes was not observed. These findings indicate that ANF-containing specific granules are closely associated with microtubules within the myocytes. It is suggested that secretion of ANF from the atrial myocytes, in contrast to the ventricular myocytes, is microtubule-dependent.  相似文献   
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