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Glycosyldisulfides can interact efficiently with carbohydrate-binding entities. This has been shown for a range of thiosaccharide dimers when tested for their effects against the lectin Concanavalin A using a modified quartz crystal microbalance-technique. Contrary to the thiosaccharide monomers, showing no significant binding up to 10 mM, several of the dimers showed IC(50)-values in the low millimolar range. Three of the glycosyldisulfides tested also displayed very high positive apparent cooperativity effects that were found to be both calcium-dependent and redox-responsive.  相似文献   
A fast and efficient microprojectile bombardment-mediated transformation protocol is reported for the grass species Brachypodium distachyon, a proposed alternative model plant to Oryza sativa for functional genomics in grasses. Embryogenic calli derived from immature embryos were transformed by a construct containing the uidA (coding for beta-glucuronidase) and bar (coding for phosphinothricin acetyl transferase) genes, and bialaphos, a non-selective herbicide, was used as the selection agent throughout all phases of the tissue culture. Average transformation efficiencies of 5.3% were achieved, and for single bombardments transformation efficiencies of up to 14% were observed. The time frame from the bombardment of embryogenic callus to the harvesting of transgenic T1 seeds was 29 weeks and 25 weeks for the diploid and two tetraploid accessions used, respectively. Since the seed-to-seed life cycle is 19 weeks for the diploid and 15 weeks for the tetraploid accessions, our B. distachyon transformation system allows testing of both the T0 and the T1 generation as well as production of T2 seeds within 1 year.  相似文献   
Berg H  Becker U  Matthies D 《Oecologia》2005,143(2):220-231
If phenotypic plasticity is under genetic control, it may vary in amount and pattern on a geographical scale, e.g. among different regions of a species distribution. It may also differ between large and small or between less and more isolated populations, due to differences in genetic diversity. In a 2-year common garden study, the responses of several traits to drought and fertilizer treatments were studied in the grassland herb Carlina vulgaris. Individuals originating from populations of different size and degree of isolation in six European countries, representing central and marginal regions, were compared. Fertilizing had a negative effect on early plant survival, as well as on flowering probability in surviving plants. However, in those plants that flowered, fertilizing strongly increased mean number of flowerheads, flowerhead area (a correlate of seed number), and seed mass. Drought had generally weaker effects but enhanced survivorship, indicating that this treatment was closer to optimal conditions than were non-drought conditions. For some traits there were significant interactions of region × fertilizer, but the geographical pattern of reaction norms was inconsistent and lent no support to the hypothesis that central and marginal populations differ in overall plasticity. Population size and isolation had hardly any influence on treatment responses, but populations within regions differed in their mean response to fertilizing with regard to survival and flowering probabilities, as well as in their response to drought with regard to survival and total flowerhead area. It is concluded that response to raised nutrient levels is highly variable within populations, ranging from death to strongly increased reproductive output, but also among populations irrespective of size or isolation. This also goes for the response to water supply, though this variation shows a more unclear pattern. There is no evidence that small or isolated/marginal populations are less plastic than large or non-isolated/central populations, and the explanation for differences in treatment responses among plant populations should be sought in other population characteristics.  相似文献   
Wood formation is a fundamental biological process with significant economic interest. While lignin biosynthesis is currently relatively well understood, the pathways leading to the synthesis of the key structural carbohydrates in wood fibers remain obscure. We have used a functional genomics approach to identify enzymes involved in carbohydrate biosynthesis and remodeling during xylem development in the hybrid aspen Populus tremula x tremuloides. Microarrays containing cDNA clones from different tissue-specific libraries were hybridized with probes obtained from narrow tissue sections prepared by cryosectioning of the developing xylem. Bioinformatic analyses using the sensitive tools developed for carbohydrate-active enzymes allowed the identification of 25 xylem-specific glycosyltransferases belonging to the Carbohydrate-Active EnZYme families GT2, GT8, GT14, GT31, GT43, GT47, and GT61 and nine glycosidases (or transglycosidases) belonging to the Carbohydrate-Active EnZYme families GH9, GH10, GH16, GH17, GH19, GH28, GH35, and GH51. While no genes encoding either polysaccharide lyases or carbohydrate esterases were found among the secondary wall-specific genes, one putative O-acetyltransferase was identified. These wood-specific enzyme genes constitute a valuable resource for future development of engineered fibers with improved performance in different applications.  相似文献   
Diseases of the cornea are extremely common and cause severe visual impairment worldwide. To explore the basic molecular mechanisms involved in corneal health and disease, the present study characterizes the proteome of the normal human cornea. All proteins were extracted from the central 7-mm region of 12 normal human donor corneas containing all layers: epithelium, Bowman's layer, stroma, Descemet's membrane, and endothelium. Proteins were fractionated and identified using two different procedures: (i) two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and protein identification by MALDI-MS and (ii) strong cation exchange or one-dimensional SDS gel electrophoresis followed by LC-MS/MS. All together, 141 distinct proteins were identified of which 99 had not previously been identified in any mammalian corneas by direct protein identification methods. The characterized proteins are involved in many processes including antiangiogenesis, antimicrobial defense, protection from and transport of heme and iron, tissue protection against UV radiation and oxidative stress, cell metabolism, and maintenance of intracellular and extracellular structures and stability. This proteome study of the healthy human cornea provides a basis for further analysis of corneal diseases and the design of bioengineered corneas.  相似文献   
Cell viability assays are important tools in oncological research and clinical practice to assess the tumor cell sensitivity of individual patients. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the comparability of 3 widely used assays (MTT, ATP, calcein assays) by principal component analysis. The study included 4 different cytostatics (cisplatin, docetaxel, doxorubicin, vinblastine) and 3 different human cancer cell lines (MCF-7, A2780, doxorubicin resistant A2780adr). Ninety-three percent of the total variance of all variables included in the principal component analysis (resulting from 3 cell lines and 3 assays) could be explained by 1 principal component. Factor loadings were > 0.937 except for the variable MTT-A2780adr, which was 0.872. These results indicate the similarity of the 3 assays. A 2nd principal component analysis included literature data and showed accordance of data from this study and the literature. The MTT assay was further improved as a high-throughput screening-capable assay. The ATP assay is able to detect effects of cytostatics already after 1 h incubation. The determination of resistance factors allowed to differentiate cytostatics into P-gp or non-P-gp substrates. In conclusion, this study provides improved microplate reader-based cell viability assays and sets a statistically solid basis for a future comparison of data obtained in different laboratories by any of the 3 assays.  相似文献   
The sequential application of protein tagging, affinity purification, and mass spectrometry enables highly accurate charting of proteomic environments by the characterization of stable protein assemblies and the identification of subunits that are shared between two or more protein complexes, termed here "proteomic hyperlinks." We have charted the proteomic environments surrounding the histone methyltransferase, Set1, in both yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Although the composition of these nonessential Set1 complexes is remarkably conserved, they differ with respect to their hyperlinks to their proteomic environments. We speculate that conservation of the core components of protein assemblies and variability of hyperlinks represents a general principle in the molecular organization of eukaryotic proteomes.  相似文献   
The transparent corneal stroma contains a population of corneal fibroblasts termed keratocytes, which are interspersed between the collagen lamellae. Under normal conditions, the keratocytes are quiescent and transparent. However, after corneal injury the keratocytes become activated and transform into backscattering wound-healing fibroblasts resulting in corneal opacification. At present, the most popular hypothesis suggests that particular abundant water-soluble proteins called enzyme-crystallins are involved in maintaining corneal cellular transparency. Specifically, corneal haze development is thought to be related to low levels of cytoplasmic enzyme-crystallins in reflective corneal fibroblasts. To further investigate this hypothesis, we have used a proteomic approach to identify the most abundant water-soluble proteins in serum-cultured human corneal fibroblasts that represent an in vitro model of the reflective wound-healing keratocyte phenotype. Densitometry of one-dimensional gels revealed that no single protein isoform exceeded 5% of the total water-soluble protein fraction, which is the qualifying property of a corneal enzyme-crystallin according to the current definition. This result indicates that wound-healing corneal fibroblasts do not contain enzyme-crystallins. A total of 254 protein identifications from two-dimensional gels were performed representing 118 distinct proteins. Proteins protecting against oxidative stress and protein misfolding were prominent, suggesting that these processes may participate in the generation of cytoplasmic light-scattering from corneal fibroblasts.  相似文献   
Small molecule inhibitors of protein kinases have become highly popular tools in signal transduction research, despite the fact that rather limited data about their respective selectivities have been available. We established an efficient chemical proteomics method to characterize the cellular targets of the widely used inhibitor SB 203580, which was deemed to be rather specific for p38 kinase. Our results revealed several protein kinases as high affinity targets of SB 203580 and therefore imply a far more complicated cellular mode of action of this inhibitor than previously assumed. This raises the important question whether a lack of selectivity is inherent to many other "specific" inhibitors of protein kinases and warrants their evaluation employing experimental approaches adapted from our described proteomic technique.  相似文献   
Locked nucleic acid (LNA) is a nucleic acid analog with very high affinity to complementary RNA and a promising compound in the field of antisense research. The intracellular localization and quantitative uptake of oligonucleotides containing LNA were found to be equivalent to those of phosphorothioate oligonucleotides (PS AONs). The antisense efficiency of LNA-containing oligonucleotides was systematically compared with standard PS AONs targeting expression of two endogenous proteins in the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7, namely, the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21(WAF1/CIP1) and the estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha). For downregulation of both target proteins, the most efficient design was achieved with oligonucleotides containing LNA monomers in the extremities and a central gap of PS-linked DNA monomers, so called LNA gapmers. Such LNA gapmers caused more potent downregulation of the targeted proteins than PS AONs, whereas fully modified LNA AONs or LNA mixmers (LNA nucleotides interspersed) were inactive.  相似文献   
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