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Abstract. Normal (non-transformed) human mammary epithelial cell lines derived from reduction mammoplasties were analyzed by immunocytochemistry with more than 80 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and other specific reagents to tissue-specific and developmentally regulated antigens at different passage levels. A subpopulation of poorly differentiated, proliferating epithelial cells, corresponding to the 'selected' cell type of late passages, is shown to be characterized by a new marker, the histo-blood group antigen H type 2, probably carried on a membrane-bound glycolipid. These cells also express a number of other onco-developmental carbohydrate antigens [Ley, Lex, sialosyl-Lea, precursor of Thomsen Friedenreich antigen (Tn), but not Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen and sialosyl-Tn]. Their cytokeratin (CK) phenotype, as assessed by reactivity with monospecific mAbs and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, is CK 5, 6, 14 and 17, with CK 19 being consistently absent, and varying minor amounts of CK 7, 8 and 18, as well as 15 and 16. The reactivity of these cells with a panel of 11 mAbs specific for CK 18 varies considerably even after cloning, indicating heterogeneity of epitope expression or accessibility. Our data strongly suggest that the H type 2+ cells develop from the basal cell layer of the mammary gland.  相似文献   
A close spatial relationship between specific granules containing atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and microtubules was demonstrated in primary cultures of neonatal rat cardiac myocytes. For the detection of specific granules and microtubules, the myocytes were double immunolabelled with antibodies against -ANF and -tubulin and examined by conventional fluorescence or laser scanning confocal microscopy. In addition, the ultrastructural distribution of specific granules was demonstrated by electron microscopy. In the atrial myocytes, ANF was stored in numerous specific granules that were mainly localized in the perinuclear sarcoplasm. In the ventricular myocytes, however, a minority of the cells (10%) exhibited limited ANF immunoreactivity after 4 days in culture. Microtubules were present throughout the sarcoplasm of the myocytes. They were most densely packed in the perinuclear regions. Depolymerization of the microtubules with nocodazole was followed by dispersal of ANF immunostaining both in the atrial myocytes and in the ventricular myocytes exhibiting ANF immunoreactivity. When the microtubules were allowed to recover, the perinuclear distribution of specific granules, as seen in non-treated myocytes, reappeared. Measurements of secreted immunoreactive ANF by radioimmunoassay revealed that the secretion of ANF from atrial myocytes into the medium was significantly reduced following nocodazole treatment, whereas a similar decrease in secretion from ventricular myocytes was not observed. These findings indicate that ANF-containing specific granules are closely associated with microtubules within the myocytes. It is suggested that secretion of ANF from the atrial myocytes, in contrast to the ventricular myocytes, is microtubule-dependent.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Natur der konzentrischen Zonen in den Stämmen von Laminarien ist lange Zeit umstritten gewesen. Nachdem aber im Jahre 1926 nachgewiesen wurde, daß das gesamte vegetative Wachstum bei den nordischen, regelmäßig blatterneuernden Laminarien periodisch und synchron in allen Teilen der Pflanzen erfolgt, war damit bewiesen, daß diese Zonen wirkliche Jahresringe darstellen, die im Zusammenhang mit dem jährlichen Blattwechsel stehen.Ebenso wie die Dendrochronologie die Jahresringe der Bäume als Grundlage für forstliche Untersuchungen über Bestockung, Alter, Produktions- und Verjüngungsverhältnisse im Waldbau benutzt, kann man aus den Jahresringen der nordischen Laminarien entsprechende Rückschlüsse ziehen.Bei der stetig steigenden Nutzbarmachung und Verwendung der Meeresalgen sind derartige Gesichtspunkte von aktuellem Interesse in der Algologie geworden.Vorliegende Arbeit ist ein Versuch, eine Bestandsanalyse in phykochronologischer Regie durchzuführen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung etwaiger Schwankungen in Assoziationen von Laminaria digitata f. stenophylla hinsichtlich Repopulation, Bestockung, Wachstumsverhältnissen und anderer damit verknüpfter biologischer Fragen.Die Untersuchung wurde in den Jahren 1955–1958 an der norwegischen Westküste vorgenommen.Es sei darauf hingewiesen, daß sowohl das vegetative Wachstum als auch die Repopulation bei der genannten Alge von Jahr zu Jahr innerhalb ausgedehnten Grenzen variieren kann und daß diese Pflanze eine nur kurze Lebensdauer hat. Exemplare von mehr als 6 Jahren wurde nicht angetroffen. Ihr Bestand wird deshalb recht rasch erneuert.Professor Dr. E. G. Pringsheim zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
Proton pumping ATPases/ATPsynthases are found in all groups of present-day organisms. The structure of V- and F-type ATPases/ATP synthases is very conserved throughout evolution. Sequence analysis shows that the V- and F-type ATPases evolved from the same enzyme already present in the last common ancestor of all known extant life forms. The catalytic and noncatalytic subunits found in the dissociable head groups of the V/F-type ATPases are paralogous subunits, i.e., these two types of subunits evolved from a common ancestral gene. The gene duplication giving rise to these two genes (i.e., encoding the catalytic and noncatalytic subunits) predates the time of the last common ancestor.Mapping of gene duplication events that occurred in the evolution of the proteolipid, the noncatalytic and the catalytic subunits, onto the tree of life leads to a prediction for the likely subunit structure of the encoded ATPases. A correlation between structure and function of V/F-ATPases has been established for present-day organisms. Implications resulting from this correlation for the bioenergetics operative in proto-eukaryotes and in the last common ancestor are presented. The similarities of the V/F-ATPase subunits to an ATPase-like protein that was implicated to play a role in flagellar assembly are evaluated.Different V-ATPase isoforms have been detected in some higher eukaryotes. These data are analyzed with respect to the possible function of the different isoforms (tissue specific, organelle specific) and with respect to the point in their evolution when these gene duplications giving rise to the isoforms had occurred, i.e., how far these isoforms are distributed.  相似文献   
Summary Absolute circulating number and functions of blood monocytes (i.e., pinocytosis, phagocytosis, and chemotaxis) were studied in 25 patients with untreated bronchogenic carcinoma and in 28 control subjects. The absolute circulating monocyte count was increased in 20 (80%) of the patients. There was no difference in the pinocytic and phagocytic activity of patient and control monocytes. In contrast, patient monocytes showed depressed chemotactic responsiveness. This defect was more severe in small cell anaplastic carcinoma than in the other histologic types of bronchogenic carcinoma (P=0.001), and may explain the difference in macrophage infiltration seen in solid tumours of the lung. There was no correlation between chemotaxis and clinical stage. Depressed chemotaxis may be related to a plasma factor, since patient plasma inhibited the chemotaxis of control monocytes as well as the activity of chemotactic agents. The defective chemotaxis and the presence of plasma inhibitory activity may interfere with the ability of blood monocytes to accumulate as macrophages in tumour sites. Abbreviations used in this paper are: MCR, monocyte chemotactic response; SAC, small cell anaplastic bronchogenic carcinoma; OBC, non-small cell bronchogenic carcinoma MEM, Eagle's minimal essential medium; CFI, chemotactic factor inhibitor(s); HSA, human serum albumin  相似文献   
The biopolymer lignin is deposited in the cell walls of vascular cells and is essential for long-distance water conduction and structural support in plants. Different vascular cell types contain distinct and conserved lignin chemistries, each with specific aromatic and aliphatic substitutions. Yet, the biological role of this conserved and specific lignin chemistry in each cell type remains unclear. Here, we investigated the roles of this lignin biochemical specificity for cellular functions by producing single cell analyses for three cell morphotypes of tracheary elements, which all allow sap conduction but differ in their morphology. We determined that specific lignin chemistries accumulate in each cell type. Moreover, lignin accumulated dynamically, increasing in quantity and changing in composition, to alter the cell wall biomechanics during cell maturation. For similar aromatic substitutions, residues with alcohol aliphatic functions increased stiffness whereas aldehydes increased flexibility of the cell wall. Modifying this lignin biochemical specificity and the sequence of its formation impaired the cell wall biomechanics of each morphotype and consequently hindered sap conduction and drought recovery. Together, our results demonstrate that each sap-conducting vascular cell type distinctly controls their lignin biochemistry to adjust their biomechanics and hydraulic properties to face developmental and environmental constraints.

During the development of each vascular cell, specific lignin chemistries control their biomechanics and water conduction properties to face environmental changes.

IN A NUTSHELL Background: Lignin comprises multiple cell wall–localized aromatic polymers that are essential for vascular plants to conduct water and strengthen their organs. It has long been thought that lignin was randomly and nonspecifically assembled to provide mechanical strengthening and waterproofing to cells by filling-up the empty spaces in the cell walls. However, the different cell types and morphotypes forming the different sap-conducting pipes and their cell wall layers (inner vs. outer layer) exhibit specific lignin chemistries that are conserved among plant species. We, therefore, investigated the function of these specific lignin chemistries at the cell and cell wall layer levels for the different sap-conducting pipes in plants. Question: What is the function of a specific lignin chemistry for the different plant sap-conducting pipe cells? Can changes in the lignin chemistry of sap-conducting cells affect their hydraulic capacity when facing environmental conditions such as drought? Findings: We answered these questions by changing lignin levels and composition, using drugs to block lignin formation, and/or genetic engineering to switch off genes, in three complementary systems: (1) isolated cells grown in test tubes that we can trigger to become sap conduits, (2) annual plants, and (3) hardwood trees. We show that lignin chemistry is specific to each cell morphotype and changes during cell maturation, modifying the amount of lignin, the chemical composition of lignin units, and the position of these units in the longer polymer. These specific lignin chemistries are required for the proper function of each cell morphotype to properly conduct the sap and strengthen plant organs. Modifying the amount, the composition, and the time when specific units with distinct chemistry are incorporated in lignin of each cell morphotype has dramatic effects, causing defects in sap conduit hydraulic and biomechanical properties. The ratio between the different chemical units of lignin needs to be fine-tuned to adjust plant sap conduction and mechanical strengthening. Thus, changes in the proportion of lignin units with distinct chemistries confer different hydraulic and mechanical properties enabling plants to better resist and/or recover from drought. We also revealed that increases in the proportion of lignin units with aldehyde modulate plant pipe hydraulic and mechanical properties. Next steps: We are now working to identify and understand the molecular mechanisms that control the formation of specific lignin chemistries in distinct sites and times during the development of the different cell wall layers in each cell type and morphotype.  相似文献   
Abstract Vero cytotoxin (VT) producing strains of Escherichia coli (VTEC), including isolates from cases of haemolytic uraemic syndrome and infantile diarrhoea, were used to determine the effect of iron availability on the production of intra- and extracellular VT, with particular interest in elevating toxin production by low-level toxin producing VTEC. Culturing bacteria under iron restriction resulted in growth retardation and a decrease in the production of VT. For the routine detection of both high- and low-level VT-producing E. coli , there was no advantage to be gained by growing bacteria under iron restriction or using disrupted bacterial cell preparations; on the contrary, testing culture supernatants from bacteria grown in iron-replete media for approximately 14 h proved to be the most sensitive and accurate method for detecting VT and the resultant identification of VTEC.  相似文献   
It is generally expected that, in environments with pronounced seasonal resource peaks, birds’ reproductive success will be maximised when nestlings’ peak food demand coincides with the timing of high food availability. However in certain birds that stay resident over winter, earlier breeding leads juveniles to join the winter flock earlier, which by the prior residence effect increases their success in breeding territory competition. This trade-off between reproduction and competition may explain why, in certain species, breeding phenology is earlier and asynchronous with the resource. This study extends a previous model of the evolution of breeding phenology in a single habitat type to a landscape with two habitat types: ‘early’ and ‘late’ resource phenology. The offspring’s natal habitat type has a carryover effect upon their competitive ability regardless of which habitat type they settle in to potentially breed. We find that, when the difference in resource phenology between habitats is small (weak carryover effect), breeding phenology in the late habitat evolves to occur earlier and more asynchronously than in the early habitat, to compensate for the competitive disadvantage to juveniles raised there. However if the difference is large (strong carryover effect), then the reproductive cost of earlier breeding outweighs the benefit of the compensation, so instead breeding phenology in the late habitat evolves to become more synchronous with the resource. Recruitment is generally asymmetric, from early to late habitat type. However if the early habitat is less frequent in the landscape or produces fewer offspring, then the asymmetry is reduced, and if there is some natal habitat-type fidelity, then recruitment can have an insular pattern, i.e. most recruits to each habitat type come from that same habitat type. We detail the different scenarios in which the different recruitment patterns are predicted, and we propose that they have implications for local adaptation.  相似文献   
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