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The aim of this work was to understand the steps controlling the biotransformation of trimethylammonium compounds into L(-)-carnitine by Escherichia coli. The high-cell density reactor steady-state levels of carbon source (glycerol), biotransformation substrate (crotonobetaine), acetate (anaerobiosis product) and fumarate (as an electron acceptor) were pulsed by increasing them fivefold. Following the pulse, the evolution of the enzyme activities involved in the biotransformation process of crotonobetaine into L(-)-carnitine (crotonobetaine hydration), in the synthesis of acetyl-CoA (ACS: acetyl-CoA synthetase and PTA: ATP: acetate phosphotransferase) and in the distribution of metabolites for the tricarboxylic acid (ICDH: isocitrate dehydrogenase) and glyoxylate (ICL: isocitrate lyase) cycles was monitored. In addition, the levels of carnitine, the cell ATP content and the NADH/NAD(+) ratio were measured in order to assess the importance and participation of these energetic coenzymes in the catabolic system. The results provided an experimental demonstration of the important role of the glyoxylate shunt during biotransformation and the need for high levels of ATP to maintain metabolite transport and biotransformation. Moreover, the results obtained for the NADH/NAD(+) pool indicated that it is correlated with the biotransformation process at the NAD(+) regeneration and ATP production level in anaerobiosis. More importantly, a linear correlation between the NADH/NAD(+) ratio and the levels of the ICDH and ICL (carbon and electron flows) and the PTA and ACS (acetate and ATP production and acetyl-CoA synthesis) activity levels was assessed. The main metabolic pathway operating during cell metabolic perturbation with a pulse of glycerol and acetate in the high-cell density membrane reactor was that related to ICDH and ICL, both regulating the carbon metabolism, together with PTA and ACS enzymes (regulating ATP production).  相似文献   
The 'Informal Consultation on the Use of Praziquantel during Pregnancy/Lactation, and Albendazole/Mebendazole in Children under 24 Months' was held 8-9 April 2002, in Geneva, Switzerland.  相似文献   
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer worldwide. Early detection would allow patients to be treated surgically and halt the progression of the disease; however, the current methods of early detection are invasive (colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy) or have low sensitivity (fecal occult blood test). The altered expression of genes in stool samples of patients with colorectal cancer can be determined by RT-PCR. This is a noninvasive and highly sensitive technique for colorectal cancer screening. According to information gathered in this review and our own experience, the use of fecal RNA to determine early alterations in gene expression due to malignancy appears to be a promising alternative to the current detection methods and owing to its low cost could be implemented in public health services.  相似文献   
Alcohol consumption is traditionally part of most human cultures, and with the onset of industrial revolution it was recognized as a health and social problem. The aim of this article is to investigate cumulative incidence of alcohol consumption in Croatia. Data were obtained from the Croatian Adult health Survey in 2003 followed by 2008. The cohort consisted of 3229 participants. Questions regarding alcohol consumption were calculated into two factors describing existence or non-existence of risk behavior. Results revealed higher incidence of risk alcohol consumption in man than in women and highest in the 35-65, age group. Due to the some study limitations results might be underestimated. Present problem of alcohol is alarming, even more so, in women's population it might be only the tip of the iceberg. Cultural and regional differences should be taken into account when educational programs are constructed, especially due to the different type of alcohol consumed.  相似文献   
Corn leafhopper, Dalbulus maidis DeLong & Wolcott (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), is a specialist herbivore on the genus Zea (Poaceae). The genera Dalbulus and Zea evolved in central Mexico. We sought to determine whether population genetic structuring is prevalent in corn leafhoppers inhabiting three of its host plants: (1) the highland species perennial teosinte (Zea diploperennis Iltis, Doebley & Guzman), (2) the mid‐ to lowland‐species Balsas teosinte (Zea mays ssp. parviglumis Iltis & Doebley), and (3) the ubiquitous domesticated maize (Zea mays ssp. mays L.). We used amplified fragment length polymorphisms to detect population structuring and genetic differentiation among corn leafhoppers on the three host plants in western‐central and ‐northern Mexico. Our results showed that corn leafhopper in Mexico is composed of at least two genetically discrete populations: an ‘Itinerant’ population associated with the annual hosts maize and Balsas teosinte, which appears to be widely distributed in Mexico, and a ‘Las Joyas’ population restricted to perennial teosinte and confined to a small mountain range (Sierra de Manantlán) in western‐central Mexico. Our results further suggested that population structuring is not due to isolation by distance or landscape features: Las Joyas and Itinerant corn leafhopper populations are genetically distinct despite their geographic proximity (ca. 4 km), whereas Itinerant corn leafhoppers separated by hundreds of kilometers (>800 km), mountain ranges, and a maritime corridor (Sea of Cortez) are not genetically distinct. Based on our results and on published ethnohistorical and archaeological data, we propose pre‐Columbian and modern scenarios, including likely ecological and anthropogenic influences, in which the observed genetic population structuring of corn leafhopper could have originated and could be maintained. Also, we hypothesize that after evolving on the lowland Balsas teosinte, corn leafhopper expanded its host range to include maize and then the highland perennial teosinte, following the domestication and spread of maize within the last 9 000 years.  相似文献   
Myometrial smooth muscle contractility is regulated predominantly through the reversible phosphorylation of MYLs (myosin light chains), catalysed by MYLK (MYL kinase) and MYLP (MYL phosphatase) activities. MYLK is activated by Ca2+-calmodulin, and most uterotonic agonists operate through myometrial receptors that increase [Ca2+]i (intracellular Ca2+ concentration). Moreover, there is substantial evidence for Ca2+-independent inhibition of MYLP in smooth muscle, leading to generation of increased MYL phosphorylation and force for a given [Ca2+]i, a phenomenon known as 'Ca2+-sensitization'. ROCK (Rho-associated kinase)-mediated phosphorylation and inhibition of MYLP has been proposed as a mechanism for Ca2+-sensitization in smooth muscle. However, it is unclear to date whether the mechanisms that sensitize the contractile machinery to Ca2+ are important in the myometrium, as they appear to be in vascular and respiratory smooth muscle. In the present paper, we discuss the signalling pathways regulating MYLP activity and the involvement of ROCK in myometrial contractility, and present recent data from our laboratory which support a role for Ca2+-sensitization in human myometrium.  相似文献   
Chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 2 (CCR2)-signaling can mediate accumulation of microglia at sites affected by neuroinflammation. CCR2 and its main ligand CCL2 (MCP-1) might also be involved in the altered metabolism of beta-amyloid (Aβ) underlying Alzheimer''s disease (AD). We therefore measured the levels of CCL2 and three other CCR2 ligands, i.e. CCL11 (eotaxin), CCL13 (MCP-4) and CCL26 (eotaxin-3), in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma of 30 controls and 119 patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) at baseline. During clinical follow-up 52 MCI patients were clinically stable for five years, 47 developed AD (i.e. cases with prodromal AD at baseline) and 20 developed other dementias. Only CSF CCL26 was statistically significantly elevated in patients with prodromal AD when compared to controls (p = 0.002). However, in patients with prodromal AD, the CCL2 levels in CSF at baseline correlated with a faster cognitive decline during follow-up (r s = 0.42, p = 0.004). Furthermore, prodromal AD patients in the highest tertile of CSF CCL2 exhibited a significantly faster cognitive decline (p<0.001) and developed AD dementia within a shorter time period (p<0.003) compared to those in the lowest tertile. Finally, in the entire MCI cohort, CSF CCL2 could be combined with CSF Tau, P-tau and Aβ42 to predict both future conversion to AD and the rate of cognitive decline. If these results are corroborated in future studies, CCL2 in CSF could be a candidate biomarker for prediction of future disease progression rate in prodromal AD. Moreover, CCR2-related signaling pathways might be new therapeutic targets for therapies aiming at slowing down the disease progression rate of AD.  相似文献   
Ludt WB  Bernal MA  Bowen BW  Rocha LA 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e38042
Sea level fluctuations during glacial cycles affect the distribution of shallow marine biota, exposing the continental shelf on a global scale, and displacing coral reef habitat to steep slopes on oceanic islands. In these circumstances we expect that species inhabiting lagoons should show shallow genetic architecture relative to species inhabiting more stable outer reefs. Here we test this expectation on an ocean-basin scale with four wrasses (genus Halichoeres): H. claudia (N?=?194, with ocean-wide distribution) and H. ornatissimus (N?=?346, a Hawaiian endemic) inhabit seaward reef slopes, whereas H. trimaculatus (N?=?239) and H. margaritaceus (N?=?118) inhabit lagoons and shallow habitats throughout the Pacific. Two mitochondrial markers (cytochrome oxidase I and control region) were sequenced to resolve population structure and history of each species. Haplotype and nucleotide diversity were similar among all four species. The outer reef species showed significantly less population structure, consistent with longer pelagic larval durations. Mismatch distributions and significant negative Fu's F values indicate Pleistocene population expansion for all species, and (contrary to expectations) shallower histories in the outer slope species. We conclude that lagoonal wrasses may persist through glacial habitat disruptions, but are restricted to refugia during lower sea level stands. In contrast, outer reef slope species have homogeneous and well-connected populations through their entire ranges regardless of sea level fluctuations. These findings contradict the hypothesis that shallow species are less genetically diverse as a consequence of glacial cycles.  相似文献   
Usher Syndrome (US), an autosomal recessive disease, is characterized by retinitis pigmentosa (RP), vestibular dysfunction, and congenital sensorineural deafness. There are three recognized clinical types of the disorder. In order to improve genetic counseling for affected families, we conducted linkage analysis and DNA sequencing in 10 Colombian families with confirmed diagnosis of US (4 type I and 6 type II). Seventy-five percent of the US1 families showed linkage to locus USH1B, while the remaining 25% showed linkage to loci USH1B and USH1C. Among families showing linkage to USH1B we found two different mutations in the MYO7A gene: IVS42-26insTTGAG in exon 43 (heterozygous state) and R634X (CGA-TGA) in exon 16 (homozygous state). All six US2 families showed linkage to locus USH2A. Of them, 4 had c.2299delG mutation (1 homozygote state and 3 heterozygous); in the remaining 2 we did not identify any pathologic DNA variant. USH2A individuals with a 2299delG mutation presented a typical and homogeneous retinal phenotype with bilateral severe hearing loss, except for one individual with a heterozygous 2299delG mutation, whose hearing loss was asymmetric, but more profound than in the other cases. The study of these families adds to the genotype-phenotype characterization of the different types and subtypes of US and facilitates genetic counseling in these families. We would like to emphasize the need to perform DNA studies as a prerequisite for genetic counseling in affected families.  相似文献   
Wetlands are large carbon pools and play important roles in global carbon cycles as natural carbon sinks. This study analyzes the variation of total soil carbon with depth in two temperate (Ohio) and three tropical (humid and dry) wetlands in Costa Rica and compares their total soil C pool to determine C accumulation in wetland soils. The temperate wetlands had significantly greater (P < 0.01) C pools (17.6 kg C m−2) than did the wetlands located in tropical climates (9.7 kg C m−2) in the top 24 cm of soil. Carbon profiles showed a rapid decrease of concentrations with soil depth in the tropical sites, whereas in the temperate wetlands they tended to increase with depth, up to a maximum at 18–24 cm, after which they started decreasing. The two wetlands in Ohio had about ten times the mean total C concentration of adjacent upland soils (e.g., 161 g C kg−1 were measured in a central Ohio isolated forested wetland, and 17 g C kg−1 in an adjacent upland site), and their soil C pools were significantly higher (P < 0.01). Among the five wetland study sites, three main wetland types were identified – isolated forested, riverine flow-through, and slow-flow slough. In the top 24 cm of soil, isolated forested wetlands had the greatest pool (10.8 kg C m−2), significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the other two types (7.9 kg C m−2 in the riverine flow-though wetlands and 8.0 kg C m−2 in a slowly flowing slough), indicating that the type of organic matter entering into the system and the type of wetland may be key factors in defining its soil C pool. A riverine flow-through wetland in Ohio showed a significantly higher C pool (P < 0.05) in the permanently flooded location (18.5 kg C m−2) than in the edge location with fluctuating hydrology, where the soil is intermittently flooded (14.6 kg C m−2).  相似文献   
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