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The effects of G?-6976, a Ca(2+)-dependent protein kinase C (PKC) isozyme inhibitor, and rottlerin, a PKC-delta isozyme/calmodulin (CaM)-dependent kinase III inhibitor, on responses to vasopressor agents were investigated in the feline pulmonary vascular bed. Injections of angiotensin II, norepinephrine (NE), serotonin, BAY K 8644, and U-46619 into the lobar arterial constant blood flow perfusion circuit caused increases in pressure. G?-6976 reduced responses to angiotensin II; however, it did not alter responses to serotonin, NE, or U-46619, whereas G?-6976 enhanced BAY K 8644 responses. Rottlerin reduced responses to angiotensin II and NE, did not alter responses to serotonin or U-46619, and enhanced responses to BAY K 8644. Immunohistochemistry of feline pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells demonstrated localization of PKC-alpha and -delta isozymes in response to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and angiotensin II. Localization of PKC-alpha and -delta isozymes decreased with administration of G?-6976 and rottlerin, respectively. These data suggest that activation of Ca(2+)-dependent PKC isozymes and Ca(2+)-independent PKC-delta isozyme/CaM-dependent kinase III mediate angiotensin II responses. These data further suggest that Ca(2+)-independent PKC-delta isozyme/CaM-dependent kinase III mediate responses to NE. A rottlerin- or G?-6976-sensitive mechanism is not involved in mediating responses to serotonin and U-46619, but these PKC isozyme inhibitors enhanced BAY K 8644 responses in the feline pulmonary vascular bed.  相似文献   
The investigation of hydrodynamic and thermodynamic properties and the determination of the molecular mass of legumin-T, the product of limited tryptic hydrolysis of the 11-S-globulin from pea seeds, was carried out to ascertain the structural relationship to globulin-T's from other legumin-like proteins. The obtained legumin-T preparation has a molecular mass M(W)=260+/-10 kDa and M(S,D)=270+/-20 kDa. The secondary structure of legumin-T is characterised by a high percentage of beta-sheet conformation, comparable to that of native legumin and a reduced percentage of helical conformation. The conformational stability of legumin-T evaluated by equilibrium unfolding in the presence of guanidinium chloride was only slightly reduced in comparison to the native legumin, whereas the calorimetrically determined denaturation enthalpy and Gibbs energy of denaturation were found to be increased for legumin-T. These physicochemical properties are very similar to those of faba bean legumin-T.  相似文献   
Sehorn MG  Slepenkov SV  Witt SN 《Biochemistry》2002,41(26):8499-8507
In this study, the effect of pH on the conformation and the reactivity of the Escherichia coli Hsp70 molecular chaperone DnaK was investigated using spectroscopic and chemical assays. DnaK exhibits negligible binding of the hydrophobic dye 1-anilino-naphthalene-8-sulfonate (ANS) between pH 7 to 5.0, whereas appreciable binding occurs between pH 4.5 to 4.0. The binding of ANS to a protein is diagnostic of the presence of accessible ordered hydrophobic surfaces. Such hydrophobic surfaces are often displayed by partially folded protein intermediates such as molten globules. Nucleotide inhibits 70% of the ANS binding at pH 4.5 but none of the ANS binding at pH 4.0. Proteolysis of nucleotide-free DnaK at pH 4.5 with cathepsin D yields detectable fragments (masses > 20 kDa) of the C-terminal peptide-binding domain but none of the N-terminal ATPase domain, thus the ATPase domain is preferentially targeted for proteolysis. In contrast, proteolysis of nucleotide-free DnaK at pH 4.0 with cathepsin D cuts near the linker region, yielding both functional domains. Our interpretation of these data is that incubation of DnaK at pH 4.5 produces a partially unfolded form of the ATPase domain, in which secondary structure is mainly intact, but tertiary structure is reduced. Incubation of the protein at pH 4.0 produces an intermediate in which both functional domains have collapsed and possibly separated. Nucleotide inhibits the conformational change that occurs at pH 4.5 but not at 4.0.  相似文献   
Caspase-mediated parkin cleavage in apoptotic cell death   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The parkin protein is important for the survival of the neurons that degenerate in Parkinson's disease as demonstrated by disease-causing lesions in the parkin gene. The Chinese hamster ovary and the SH-SY5Y cell line stably expressing recombinant human parkin combined with epitope-specific parkin antibodies were used to investigate the proteolytic processing of human parkin during apoptosis by immunoblotting. Parkin is cleaved during apoptosis induced by okadaic acid, staurosporine, and camptothecin, thereby generating a 38-kDa C-terminal fragment and a 12-kDa N-terminal fragment. The cleavage was not significantly affected by the disease-causing mutations K161N, G328E, T415N, and G430D and the polymorphism R366W. Parkin and its 38-kDa proteolytic fragment is preferentially associated with vesicles, thereby indicating that cleavage is a membrane-associated event. The proteolysis is sensitive to inhibitors of caspases. The cleavage site was mapped by site-directed mutagenesis of potential aspartic residues and revealed that mutation of Asp-126 alone abrogated the parkin cleavage. The tetrapeptide aldehyde LHTD-CHO, representing the amino acid sequence N-terminal to the putative cleavage site was an efficient inhibitor of parkin cleavage. This suggests that parkin function is compromised in neuropathological states associated with an increased caspase activation, thereby further adding to the cellular stress.  相似文献   
A new class of PARP-1 inhibitors, namely substituted fused uracil derivatives were synthesised. Starting from a derivative with an IC(50)=2microM the chemical optimisation program led to compounds with more than a 100-fold increase in potency (IC(50)<20nM). Additionally, physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties were evaluated. It could be shown that compounds bearing a piperazine or phenyl substituted betaAla-Gly side chain exhibited the best overall profile.  相似文献   
We here identify Mai1p, a homologue of the autophagy protein Aut10p, as a novel component essential for proaminopeptidase I (proAPI) maturation under non-starvation conditions. In mai1Delta cells mature vacuolar proteinases are detectable and vacuolar acidification is normal. In mai1Delta cells autophagy occurs, though at a somewhat reduced level. This is indicated by proAPI maturation during starvation and accumulation of autophagic bodies during starvation with phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride. Homozygous diploid mai1Delta cells sporulate, but with a slightly reduced frequency. Biologically active Ha-tagged Mai1p, chromosomally expressed under its native promoter, is at least in part peripherally membrane-associated. In indirect immunofluorescence it localizes to the vacuolar membrane or structures nearby. In some cells Ha-tagged Mai1p appears concentrated at regions adjacent to the nucleus.  相似文献   
Tobacco pollen tubes were used as a standard in vitro system to investigate cell growth aberrations caused by some of the Multicentre Evaluation of In Vitro Cytotoxicity (MEIC) programme chemicals and other toxic compounds. Changes in cytoskeletal pattern were observed in the tube cells by using tubulin immunofluorescence and rhodamin-phalloidin fluorescence for the localisation of microtubules and actin filaments, respectively. Four different types of cell malformation were found: screw-like growth, isodiametric tip swelling, hook formation, and pollen grain enlargement. We suggest that these malformations resulted from an interference by the chemicals with the cytosolic calcium gradient which controls tip growth and the orientation of the pollen tube. The results may contribute to a general understanding of toxicity-based cell malformations.  相似文献   
The involvement of the death adaptor protein FADD and the apoptosis-initiating caspase-8 in CD95 and TRAIL death signalling has recently been demonstrated by the analysis of the native death-inducing signalling complex (DISC) that forms upon ligand-induced receptor cross-linking. However, the role of caspase-10, the other death-effector-domain-containing caspase besides caspase-8, in death receptor signalling has been controversial. Here we show that caspase-10 is recruited not only to the native TRAIL DISC but also to the native CD95 DISC, and that FADD is necessary for its recruitment to and activation at these two protein complexes. With respect to the function of caspase-10, we show that it is not required for apoptosis induction. In addition, caspase-10 can not substitute for caspase-8, as the defect in apoptosis induction observed in caspase-8-deficient cells could not be rescued by overexpression of caspase-10. Finally, we demonstrate that caspase-10 is cleaved during CD95-induced apoptosis of activated T cells. These results show that caspase-10 activation occurs in primary cells, but that its function differs from that of caspase-8.  相似文献   
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