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Reproduction is an energetically expensive process that supposedly impairs somatic integrity in the long term, because resources are limited and have to be allocated between reproduction and somatic maintenance, as predicted by the life history trade-off model. The consequence of reduced investment in somatic maintenance is a gradual deterioration of function, i.e. senescence. However, this classical trade-off model gets challenged by an increasing number of contradicting studies. Here we report about an animal model, which adds more complexity to the ongoing debate. Ansell’s mole-rats are long-lived social subterranean rodents with only the founder pair reproducing, while most of their offspring remain in the parental burrow system and do not breed. Despite of a clear reproductive trade-off, breeders live up to twice as long as non-breeders, a unique feature amongst mammals.


We investigated mass-specific resting metabolic rates (msRMR) of breeders and non-breeders to gain information about the physiological basis underlying the reproduction-associated longevity in Ansell’s mole-rats. We assessed the thermoneutral zone (TNZ) for breeders and non-breeders separately by means of indirect calorimetry. We applied generalized linear mixed-effects models for repeated measurements using the msRMR in the respective TNZs.


TNZ differed between reproductive and non-reproductive Ansell’s mole-rats. Contrary to classical aging models, the shorter-lived non-breeders had significantly lower msRMR within the thermoneutral zone compared to breeders.


This is the first study reporting a positive correlation between msRMR and lifespan based on reproductive status. Our finding contradicts common aging theories, but supports recently introduced models which do not necessarily link reproductive trade-offs to lifespan reduction.
The abandonment of traditional pastoralism as well as the use of heath areas for military purposes has had a major impact on dry heaths in the Continental biogeographical region of Europe, causing severe degradation of its key species Calluna vulgaris (L.) HULL. The reproductive potential of this species in a Continental climate is assumed to be low, although there is yet no observational or experimental evidence for this. More knowledge is also needed about cost‐effective and sustainable measures to restore abandoned dry heaths in this biogeographical region, because traditional management options are often too expensive (e.g., sod‐cutting) or restricted due to environmental laws and the danger of unexploded ammunition (e.g., burning). Using as an example an 800 ha Continental heathland in Germany that has been abandoned for about two decades, we studied the reproductive potential (seed production, soil seed bank, and germination ability) of degenerate C. vulgaris stands. In addition, we conducted a comprehensive field experiment to test the effects of low‐intensity, year‐round grazing by Heck cattle and Konik horses as well as one‐time mowing and patchy exposure of bare soil on the generative rejuvenation (i.e., recruitment and survival) of degenerate C. vulgaris stands over 3 years. We used generalized linear mixed models for statistical analyses. Seed production of degenerate C. vulgaris stands was high as well as the germination ability of their seeds, being similar to Atlantic heathlands. However, soil seed‐bank densities were lower than those found in managed or abandoned Atlantic heaths. Overall seedling recruitment in the field was considerably lower in comparison with Atlantic heaths. Low‐intensity grazing or one‐time mowing did not induce a substantial increase in C. vulgaris recruitment, whereas an additional one‐time creation of bare soil patches or the one‐time creation of bare soil without subsequent management significantly facilitated seedling recruitment and survival in the first year. However, from the second year on, the positive effect of the creation of bare soil without subsequent management was no longer present. In the third year, survival of juveniles was significantly supported by low‐intensity grazing in combination with shallow soil disturbances as well as in combination with one‐time mowing and shallow soil disturbances, whereas mowing alone resulted in marginally significant lower survival. The extremely low seedling recruitment requires a careful choice of suitable management measures to promote the survival of sufficient numbers of Calluna individuals. Therefore, we recommend low‐intensity grazing with free‐ranging robust breeds and the combination of this with one‐time mowing as an effective means of supporting generative rejuvenation of C. vulgaris in degraded heaths. However, at the beginning of the restoration process, the creation of bare soil patches for seedling recruitment is crucial. For implementation into practice, we present different strategies to enhance the proportion of bare soil after long‐term abandonment of heaths when traditional management options are no longer feasible.  相似文献   
Divergence in phenotypic traits may arise from the interaction of different evolutionary forces, including different kinds of selection (e.g., ecological), genetic drift, and phenotypic plasticity. Sensory systems play an important role in survival and reproduction, and divergent selection on such systems may result in lineage diversification. Such diversification could be largely influenced by selection in different environments as a result of isolation by environment (IbE). We investigated this process using geographic variation in the resting echolocation frequency of the horseshoe bat species, Rhinolophus damarensis, as a test case. Bats were sampled along a latitudinal gradient ranging from 16°S to 32°S in the arid western half of southern Africa. We measured body size and peak resting frequencies (RF) from handheld individual bats. Three hypotheses for the divergence in RF were tested: (1) James’ Rule, (2) IbE, and (3) genetic drift through isolation by distance (IbD) to isolate the effects of body size, local climatic conditions, and geographic distance, respectively, on the resting frequency of R. damarensis. Our results did not support genetic drift because there was no correlation between RF variation and geographic distance. Our results also did not support James' Rule because there was no significant relationship between (1) geographic distances and RF, (2) body size and RF, or (3) body size and climatic variables. Instead, we found support for IbE in the form of a correlation between RF and both region and annual mean temperature, suggesting that RF variation may be the result of environmental discontinuities. The environmental discontinuities coincided with previously reported genetic divergence. Climatic gradients in conjunction with environmental discontinuities could lead to local adaptation in sensory signals and directed dispersal such that gene flow is restricted, allowing lineages to diverge. However, our study cannot exclude the role of processes like phenotypic plasticity in phenotypic variation.  相似文献   
It is well known that calcium (Ca2+) is involved in the triggering of neuronal death. Ca2+ cytosolic levels are regulated by Ca2+ release from internal stores located in organelles, such as the endoplasmic reticulum. Indeed, Ca2+ transit from distinct cell compartments follows complex dynamics that are mediated by specific receptors, notably inositol trisphosphate receptors (IP3Rs). Ca2+ release by IP3Rs plays essential roles in several neurological disorders; however, details of these processes are poorly understood. Moreover, recent studies have shown that subcellular location, molecular identity, and density of IP3Rs profoundly affect Ca2+ transit in neurons. Therefore, regulation of IP3R gene products in specific cellular vicinities seems to be crucial in a wide range of cellular processes from neuroprotection to neurodegeneration. In this regard, microRNAs seem to govern not only IP3Rs translation levels but also subcellular accumulation. Combining new data from molecular cell biology with mathematical modelling, we were able to summarize the state of the art on this topic. In addition to presenting how Ca2+ dynamics mediated by IP3R activation follow a stochastic regimen, we integrated a theoretical approach in an easy-to-apply, cell biology-coherent fashion. Following the presented premises and in contrast to previously tested hypotheses, Ca2+ released by IP3Rs may play different roles in specific neurological diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.  相似文献   
A sparse rabbit population in New Zealand was monitored over 3 years to assess the temporal dynamics of rabbit mortality, in particular to understand the mortality patterns due to rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD). A total of 107 deaths were recorded, of which 93 could be classified by cause. The predominant cause of mortality was predation (47% of deaths), followed by RHD (20%). Deaths due to RHD were clustered in time (within 3 weeks), predation occurred most actively from late autumn to spring, while other causes of death did not show pronounced seasonal peaks. No differences in cause-specific death risk were observed between sexes. Predation was the main cause of death in younger animals, while RHD mortality occurred mainly in older rabbits. This study has shown that the impact of RHD can vary considerably between years, indicating that a variety of risk factors are required to initiate a RHD epidemic with a high mortality rate among rabbits.  相似文献   
Vertebrates express two distinct families of SUMO proteins (SUMO1 and SUMO2/3) that serve distinct functions as posttranslational modifiers. Many proteins are modified specifically with SUMO1 or SUMO2/3, but the mechanisms for paralog selectivity are poorly understood. In a screen for SUMO2/3 binding proteins, we identified Ubiquitin Specific Protease 25 (USP25). USP25 turned out to also be a target for sumoylation, being more efficient with SUMO2/3. Sumoylation takes place within USP25's two ubiquitin interaction motifs (UIMs) that are required for efficient hydrolysis of ubiquitin chains. USP25 sumoylation impairs binding to and hydrolysis of ubiquitin chains. Both SUMO2/3-specific binding and sumoylation depend on a SUMO interaction motif (SIM/SBM). Seven amino acids in the SIM of USP25 are sufficient for SUMO2/3-specific binding and conjugation, even when taken out of structural context. One mechanism for paralog-specific sumoylation may, thus, involve SIM-dependent recruitment of SUMO1 or SUMO2/3 thioester-charged Ubc9 to targets.  相似文献   
The Neotropical genus Eigenmannia is a fish group with unknown species diversity where representatives possess a broad range of chromosomal sex determining systems namely XY/XX, X(1)X(2)Y/X(1)X(1)X(2)X(2), ZZ/ZW as well as homomorphic sex chromosomes. To test the homology of two heteromorphic XY sex chromosome systems present in two sympatric populations, reciprocal cross-species FISH experiments were performed using probes derived by microdissection of X and Y chromosomes present in analyzed specimens of Eigenmannia virescens and Eigenmannia sp.2, respectively. While X and Y paint probes hybridized to species-specific sex chromosomes, in reciprocal cross-FISH both probes hybridized exclusively to autosomes. The result suggests multiple independent origins of the XY systems in the analyzed populations.  相似文献   


Pretreatment is an essential step in the enzymatic hydrolysis of biomass and subsequent production of bioethanol. Recent results indicate that only a mild pretreatment is necessary in an industrial, economically feasible system. The Integrated Biomass Utilisation System hydrothermal pretreatment process has previously been shown to be effective in preparing wheat straw for these processes without the application of additional chemicals. In the current work, the effect of the pretreatment on the straw cell-wall matrix and its components are characterised microscopically (atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy) and spectroscopically (attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) in order to understand this increase in digestibility.  相似文献   
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