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Chip devices were introduced in chemistry and molecular biology to improve the read-out of information from molecular systems by efficient analytical procedures and to organize automated experiments. Biochips and chip reactor systems are of interest for cellular processes, too, and can be regarded as components in interfaces for the information exchange between living nature and digital electronic systems. In this minireview, different types of chip reactors for biotechnological applications like nanotiterplates, chip thermocyclers and devices for segmented flow operations are discussed. Finally, an outlook is given on the application of chip reactor systems, which are promising tools for automated experiments with highly parallelized screening procedures, for artificial microcompartmentation, cell analogue systems, micro-ecological studies, investigations on modulated morphogenesis, and for a bioanalogue molecular nanotechnology.  相似文献   
Parapoxvirus (PPV) represents a genus of the poxviridae, and particularly PPV ovis (Orf virus, OV) seems to offer several potential advantages for the use of vector vaccine. Therefore, we started to investigate the genome of the highly attenuated OV strain D1701, which was only poorly characterised until now. Due to recombination of non-homologous sequences, part of the right hand end of the D1701 genome was duplicated and translocated to the opposite end of the genome. As a consequence gene deletion had occurred and the inverted terminal repeat region is increased. Results are described to identify viral genes, which are non-essential for virus replication and potentially influence viral pathogenesis, virulence, and host immunity. In more detail, we analysed the expression and functional activity of the OV-specific vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) gene homologue. Finally the construction and production of a D1701 mutant lacking the VEGF gene homologue is reported.  相似文献   
分析克拉玛依市麻疹流行状况及预防控制措施,为消除麻疹提供依据。采用描述流行病学分析方法,对2008年克拉玛依市麻疹资料进行分析。结果显示,克拉玛依市2008年麻疹发病率为38.83/10万(138/355381),呈高度散发,较2007年有所上升。发病高峰在3~5月,发病数占全年的83.33%。年龄分布大年龄组高于小年龄组,>20岁年龄组病例占50.00%,<1岁病例占18.84%;流动人口发病占51.11%。应切实提高麻疹常规免疫接种率和做好入托、入学儿童查验预防接种证工作,加强麻疹监测,提高实验室确诊病例的比例。  相似文献   
Quorum sensing affects the regulation of more than 300 genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, influencing growth, biofilm formation, and the biosynthesis of several products. The quorum sensing regulation mechanisms are mostly described in a qualitative character. Particularly, in this study, the kinetics of N-butyryl-homoserine lactone (C4-HSL) and rhamnolipid formation in P. aeruginosa PAO1 were of interest. In this system, the expression of the rhamnolipid biosynthesis genes rhlAB is directly coupled to the C4-HSL concentration via the rhl system. Batch cultivations in a bioreactor with sunflower oil have been used for these investigations. 3-oxo-dodecanoyl-homoserine lactone (3o-C12-HSL) displayed a lipophilic character and accumulated in the hydrophobic phase. Degradation of C4-HSL has been found to occur in the aqueous supernatant of the culture by yet unknown extracellular mechanisms, and production was found to be proportional to biomass concentration rather than by autoinduction mechanisms. Rhamnolipid production rates, as determined experimentally, were shown to correlate linearly with the concentration of autoinducer C4-HSL. These findings were used to derive a simple model, wherein a putative, extracellular protein with C4-HSL degrading activity was assumed (putative C4-HSL acylase). The model is based on data for catalytic efficiency of HSL-acylases extracted from literature (k cat/K m), experimentally determined basal C4-HSL production rates (q C4?-?HSL basal), and two fitted parameters which describe the formation of the putative acylase and is therefore comparatively simple.  相似文献   
In this report, we describe the functional effects of anti-T cell receptor antibodies on a panel of MHC-restricted, influenza virus-specific CTL clones. Approximately 25 to 30% of these clones are recognized by KJ16-133, an anti-T cell receptor monoclonal antibody presumably specific for products of the V beta 8 gene family, and an antibody with similar specificity, F23.1. In contrast to most previous reports, both KJ16-133 and F23.1, over a wide range of antibody concentrations, fail to inhibit the antigen-specific effector function of these CTL. Instead, the antibodies activate the CTL to kill without regard for the MHC haplotype of the target cells or the presence of the appropriate viral antigen. This anti-T cell receptor antibody-induced cytolysis by our clones does not appear to be mediated by Fc receptors on target cells. Nuclear destruction of target cells as a result of antibody-induced lysis suggests that it occurs via a mechanism similar to antigen-specific lysis by CTL. In addition, both soluble bivalent F23.1 and F23.1 coupled-Sepharose beads are able to induce the secretion of interferon-gamma from these CTL clones.  相似文献   
An in vitro model to study the molecular control of binding of highly purified synaptic vesicles to presynaptic plasma membranes has been developed. Presynaptic plasma membranes were immobilized by dotting onto nitrocellulose, and binding of iodinated synaptic vesicle membranes was studied under varying experimental conditions. Synaptic vesicles bind to presynaptic plasma membranes in the presence of Ca2+ and ATP. Binding is reduced in the presence of EGTA and abolished by the calmodulin antagonist trifluoperazine. Vesicle binding is stimulated 5-fold after incubation--prior to dotting--of presynaptic plasma membranes with ATP in the presence of the phorbol-ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (1 microM) and 2.5-fold after preincubation with Ca2+ (50 microM). Pretreatment of plasma membranes with alkaline phosphatase strongly reduces vesicle binding. Microsomes prepared from bovine liver did not bind to presynaptic plasma membranes. Our results suggest that activation of protein kinase C and Ca2+ stimulate binding of synaptic vesicles to the presynaptic membrane. In the intact nerve terminal this interaction may represent an initial step in synaptic vesicle exocytosis.  相似文献   
Calcium-dependent exocytosis of fluorescently labeled single secretory vesicles in PC12 cells and primary embryonic telencephalon cells can be triggered by illumination with visible light and imaged by TIRF or epifluorescence microscopy. Opsin 3 was identified by quantitative PCR expression analysis as the putative light receptor molecule for light-induced exocytosis. In primary chicken telencephalon cells, light-induced exocytosis is restricted to a specific period during embryonic development, and involves fusion of rather large vesicles. Strictly calcium-dependent exocytosis starts after a delay of a few seconds of illumination and lasts for up to 2 min. We analyzed the frequency, time course and spatial distribution of exocytotic events. Exocytosis in PC12 cells and telencephalon cells occurs at the periphery or the interface between dividing cells, and the duration of single secretion events varies considerably. Our observation strongly supports the idea that light induced exocytosis is most likely a mechanism for building plasma membrane during differentiation, development and proliferation rather than for calcium-dependent neurotransmitter release.  相似文献   
PilO is an oligosaccharyl transferase (OTase) that catalyzes the O-glycosylation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1244 pilin by adding a single O-antigen repeating unit to the β carbon of the C-terminal residue (a serine). While PilO has an absolute requirement for Ser/Thr at this position, it is unclear if this enzyme must recognize other pilin features. To test this, pilin constructs containing peptide extensions terminating with serine were tested for the ability to support glycosylation. It was found that a 15-residue peptide, which had been modeled on the C-proximal region of strain 1244 pilin, served as a PilO substrate when it was expressed on either group II or group III pilins. In addition, adding a 3-residue extension culminating in serine to the C terminus of a group III pilin supported PilO activity. A protein fusion composed of strain 1244 pilin linked at its C terminus with Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase (which, in turn, contained the above-mentioned 15 amino acids at its C terminus) was glycosylated by PilO. E. coli alkaline phosphatase lacking the pilin membrane anchor and containing the 15-residue peptide was also glycosylated by PilO. Addition of the 3-residue extension did not allow glycosylation of either of these constructs. Site-directed mutagenesis of strain 1244 pilin residues of the C-proximal region common to the group I proteins showed that this structure was not required for glycosylation. These experiments indicate that pilin common sequence is not required for glycosylation and show that nonpilin protein can be engineered to be a PilO substrate.Colonization and dissemination of the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa rely to a large extent on the ability of this organism to produce functional type IV pili (26). These protein fibers, which radiate from the cell pole, are adhesion factors (51), mediate a form of surface translocation referred to as twitching motility (10, 37), and are important in biofilm formation (39). The pili of this organism are primarily composed of a monomeric subunit called pilin (PilA). Type IV pili can be differentiated into two classes (a or b) on the basis of the PilA sequence and structure (23). Although they display considerable sequence variation, the majority of the type IVa pilins of P. aeruginosa can be placed into one of three groups on the basis of primary structure and antigenicity, as well as by the presence of auxiliary pilin genes found immediately downstream from pilA (8, 33). We previously determined that pilin from P. aeruginosa 1244, which belongs to group I (8), contained an O-antigen repeating unit covalently attached to the β-hydroxyl group of a serine residing at the C terminus of this protein (7). While the specific physiological role of the pilin glycan in this organism is not clear, the presence of this saccharide influences pilus hydrophobicity and has a pronounced effect on virulence, as determined in a mouse respiratory model (47). The metabolic origin of the pilin saccharide is the O-antigen biosynthetic pathway (14), and its attachment is catalyzed by an oligosaccharyl transferase (OTase) called PilO (6). Specific regions of this cytoplasmic membrane protein necessary for glycosylation activity have been identified (42). Topological studies of PilO have shown that these regions face the periplasm, suggesting that pilin glycosylation takes place in this chamber (42). Here the glycan substrate is the O-antigen repeating unit covalently linked to the undecaprenol carrier lipid.PilO has a very relaxed glycan substrate specificity, as indicated by the evidence that it is able to utilize a number of structurally dissimilar O-antigen repeating units as substrate (14), and requires only features of the reducing end sugar to carry out pilin glycosylation (28). WaaL, the enzyme that transfers polymerized O antigen to core lipid A, from Escherichia coli also has a similar broad glycan specificity (19). Recent studies (18) provided evidence that PglL, an OTase of Neisseria meningitidis, recognized only the carrier lipid and was able to attach a variety of saccharides to the pilin of this organism. Although the glycan specificity of PilO is relaxed, this enzyme will not attach other carrier lipid-bound saccharides, such as the peptidoglycan subunit or polymerized O-antigen repeating unit, to pilin. This is indicated by the absence of pilins with increased mass in O-antigen-negative mutants or the production of multiple pilin sizes in the wild-type strain (6).In vivo analysis of mutagenized P. aeruginosa 1244 pilin showed that the C-terminal serine of this protein was a major pilin glycosylation recognition feature of PilO (27). In addition, modification (substitution of the C-terminal amino acid with a 3-residue sequence terminating in serine) of a group II pilin allowed PilO-dependent attachment of the O-antigen repeating unit (27). While these results suggested that the preponderance of pilin structural information was not required for glycosylation, it was not clear whether regions common among the P. aeruginosa pilins were needed. In the present study three types of experiments were carried out in order to answer this question. First, the glycosylation site was extended away from the pilin surface with the addition of a 15-residue peptide which terminates with serine. Second, an engineered periplasmic protein containing the glycosylation residue at its C terminus was fused with pilin and tested for PilO activity. Finally, this periplasmic protein containing no pilin common region was constructed and tested. Evidence presented in this paper suggests that PilO requires only the glycosylation target residue.The work presented also indicated that, in addition to pilins, nonpilin protein free in the periplasm or anchored to the cytoplasmic membrane could be engineered so as to serve as a PilO substrate. These results suggest that a wide range of pilins and nonpilin proteins can be engineered to serve as substrate for glycosylation, a finding that would potentially have practical value, particularly in the area of vaccine construction. In addition to elucidating the protein specificity of the PilO system, the present work determined that the peptide extension used can supply functional epitope information to the modified protein, in addition to providing a site for glycosylation. Altogether, the results presented suggest that engineering of pilins and nonpilin proteins for the biological generation of protein-peptide-saccharide constructs is a potentially important strategy in vaccine design.  相似文献   
Porcini (Boletus section Boletus: Boletaceae: Boletineae: Boletales) are a conspicuous group of wild, edible mushrooms characterized by fleshy fruiting bodies with a poroid hymenophore that is "stuffed" with white hyphae when young. Their reported distribution is with ectomycorrhizal plants throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Little progress has been made on the systematics of this group using modern molecular phylogenetic tools because sampling has been limited primarily to European species and the genes employed were insufficient to resolve the phylogeny. We examined the evolutionary history of porcini by using a global geographic sampling of most known species, new discoveries from little explored areas, and multiple genes. We used 78 sequences from the fast-evolving nuclear internal transcribed spacers and are able to recognize 18 reciprocally monophyletic species. To address whether or not porcini form a monophyletic group, we compiled a broadly sampled dataset of 41 taxa, including other members of the Boletineae, and used separate and combined phylogenetic analysis of sequences from the nuclear large subunit ribosomal DNA, the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II, and the mitochondrial ATPase subunit six gene. Contrary to previous studies, our separate and combined phylogenetic analyses support the monophyly of porcini. We also report the discovery of two taxa that expand the known distribution of porcini to Australia and Thailand and have ancient phylogenetic connections to the rest of the group. A relaxed molecular clock analysis with these new taxa dates the origin of porcini to between 42 and 54 million years ago, coinciding with the initial diversification of angiosperms, during the Eocene epoch when the climate was warm and humid. These results reveal an unexpected diversity, distribution, and ancient origin of a group of commercially valuable mushrooms that may provide an economic incentive for conservation and support the hypothesis of a tropical origin of the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis.  相似文献   
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