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In Streptococcus lactis ML3 and Streptococcus cremoris Wg2 the uptake of glutamate and glutamine is mediated by the same transport system, which has a 30-fold higher affinity for glutamine than for glutamate at pH 6.0. The apparent affinity constant for transport (KT) of glutamine is 2.5 +/- 0.3 microM, independent of the extracellular pH. The KTS for glutamate uptake are 3.5, 11.2, 77, and 1200 microM at pH 4.0, 5.1, 6.0, and 7.0, respectively. Recalculation of the affinity constants based on the concentration of glutamic acid in the solution yield KTS of 1.8 +/- 0.5 microM independent of the external pH, indicating that the protonated form of glutamate, i.e., glutamic acid, and glutamine are the transported species. The maximal rates of glutamate and glutamine uptake are independent of the extracellular pH as long as the intracellular pH is kept constant, despite large differences in the magnitude and composition of the components of the proton motive force. Uptake of glutamate and glutamine requires the synthesis of ATP either from glycolysis or from arginine metabolism and appears to be essentially unidirectional. Cells are able to maintain glutamate concentration gradients exceeding 4 X 10(3) for several hours even in the absence of metabolic energy. The t1/2s of glutamate efflux are 2, 12, and greater than 30 h at pH 5.0, 6.0, and 7.0, respectively. After the addition of lactose as energy source, the rate of glutamine uptake and the level of ATP are both very sensitive to arsenate. When the intracellular pH is kept constant, both parameters decrease approximately in parallel (between 0.2 and 1.0 mM ATP) with increasing concentrations of the inhibitor. These results suggest that the accumulation of glutamate and glutamine is energized by ATP or an equivalent energy-rich phosphorylated intermediate and not by the the proton motive force.  相似文献   
The growth (fresh and dry weight increase) of potato tuber ( Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Bintje) callus discs was stimulated by incubation in air with 500 ppm 2,5-norbornadiene (NBD, a competitive inhibitor of ethylene action) and inhibited by incubation in air with 4 000 ppm NBD. Ethylene formation by the callus was stimulated by NBD. The development of the alternative pathway, measured in isolated mitochondria was inhibited by NBD in a concentration-dependent way. The alternative pathway capacity, measured in vivo, was inhibited by 4 000 ppm NBD, but not by 500 ppm. Uninhibited in vivo respiration, which consists of cytochrome path activity and alternative path activity, was stimulated by the treatment with 500 ppm NBD. The main contribution to this stimulation was made by the cytochrome pathway. In 4 000 ppm NBD-treated callus, uninhibited respiration seemed to be unaffected as a consequence of an inhibited cytochrome path activity, which was compensated by a stimulated alternative path activity. Both in 500 and 4 OIK) ppm NBD-treated callus the alternative path activity in vivo was stimulated.
The regulatory role for endogenous ethylene in potato tuber callus is discussed in relation to: 1) The induction of respiratory pathways, 2) the supply of reduction equivalents in vivo and 3) growth.  相似文献   
The mechanism of action of lutropin on the stimulation of the synthesis of a specific lutropin-induced protein in rat testis Leydig cells was investigated. Lutropin-induced protein has a mol.wt. of approx. 21000 and is detected by labelling the Leydig-cell proteins with [35S]methionine, followed by separation by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and radioautography of the dried gel. The incorporation of 35S into lutropin-induced protein was used as an estimate for the synthesis of the protein. Incubation of Leydig cells with dibutyryl cyclic AMP or cholera toxin also resulted in the stimulation of synthesis of the protein. Synthesis of lutropin-induced protein, when maximally stimulated with 100ng of lutropin/ml, could not be stimulated further by addition of dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Addition of 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, further increased synthesis of the protein in the presence of a submaximal dose of lutropin (10ng/ml) but not in the absence of lutropin or with maximal amounts of lutropin (100 and 1000ng/ml). Actinomycin D prevented the effect of lutropin on the stimulation of lutropin-induced protein synthesis when added immediately or 1h after the start of the incubation, but not when added after 5–6h. This is interpreted as reflecting that, after induction of mRNA coding for lutropin-induced protein, lutropin had no influence on the synthesis of the protein in the presence of actinomycin D. Synthesis of the protein was also stimulated in vivo by injection of choriogonadotropin into rats 1 day after hypophysectomy, and the time course of this stimulation of lutropin-induced protein synthesis in vivo was similar to that obtained by incubating Leydig cells in vitro with lutropin. From these results it is concluded that stimulation of lutropin-induced protein synthesis by lutropin is most probably mediated by cyclic AMP and involves synthesis of mRNA.  相似文献   
Metal‐oxide‐free methylammonium lead iodide perovskite‐based solar cells are prepared using a dual‐source thermal evaporation method. This method leads to high quality reproducible films with large crystal domain sizes allowing for an in depth study of the effect of perovskite film thickness and the nature of the electron and hole blocking layers on the device performance. The power conversion efficiency increases from 4.7% for a device with only an organic electron blocking layer to almost 15% when an organic hole blocking layer is also employed. In addition to the in depth study on small area cells, larger area cells (approx. 1 cm?2) are prepared and exhibit efficiencies in excess of 10%.  相似文献   
In the absence of oxygen and nitrate, Pseudomonas aeruginosa metabolizes arginine via the arginine deiminase pathway, which allows slow growth on rich media. The conversion of arginine to ornithine, CO2, and NH3 is coupled to the production of ATP from ADP. The enzymes of the arginine deiminase pathway are organized in the arcDABC operon. The arcD gene encodes a hydrophobic polytopic membrane protein. Translocation of arginine and ornithine in membrane vesicles derived from an Escherichia coli strain harboring a recombinant plasmid carrying the arcD gene was studied. Arginine and ornithine uptake was coupled to the proton motive force with a bias toward the transmembrane electrical potential. Accumulated ornithine was readily exchangeable for external arginine or lysine. The exchange was several orders of magnitude faster than proton motive force-driven transport. The ArcD protein was reconstituted in proteoliposomes after detergent solubilization of membrane vesicles. These proteoliposomes mediate a stoichiometric exchange between arginine and ornithine. It is concluded that the ArcD protein is a transport system that catalyzes an electroneutral exchange between arginine and ornithine to allow high-efficiency energy conversion in the arginine deiminase pathway.  相似文献   
Summary From six unsaturated fatty acid auxotrophs (Ufa mutants) of the oleaginous yeast Apiotrichum curvatum blocked in the conversion of stearic to oleic acid, were isolated revertants able to grow in the absence of unsaturated fatty acids, in a search for strains that can produce cocoa butter equivalents. A broad range in the percentage of saturated fatty acids (%SFA) was observed in the lipids of individual revertants (varying from 27%–86% SFA), compared with the wild-type (44% SFA). Further analysis of fatty acid composition indicated that: (i) not all six Ufa mutants had the same genetic background and (ii) one specific Ufa mutation could be reverted in more than one way. Revertants that produced lipids with a %SFA>56%, were examined further. These strains were cultivated for 50 generations and half of them produced lipids with high %SFA after that time and were defined as stable. The viability of revertant strains with extremely high %SFA (>80%) may be explained by our finding that polar lipids, which are part of yeast membranes, contained much more polyunsaturated fatty acids and a significantly lower %SFA than neutral (storage) lipids. One revertant (R25.75) was selected that was able to produce lipids in whey permeate at a rate comparable with wild-type A. curvatum and with a fatty acid composition and congelation curve comparable with cocoa butter. Offprint requests to: A. Ykema  相似文献   
Summary In order to produce biologically active 1,6-anhydro-muropeptides in large amounts by enzymatic degradation of isolated bacterial murein polymer highly specific periplasmic murein-metabolizing enzymes from Escherichia coli are made available. The genes slt, dacB, and mepA, encoding the soluble lytic transglycosylase (Slt), the penicillin-sensitive DD-endopeptidase (PBP4), and the penicillin-insensitive murein endopeptidase A (MepA), were independently fused to the N-terminal encoding sequence of staphylococcal protein A (SpA) under control of the temperature-inducible phage p R promoter. The SpA fusion proteins were stably over-produced at high levels in E. coli upon temperature induction at 42°C and account for 3% (5 mg SpASlt/l culture), 3% (5 mg SpAPBP4/l culture), and 0.3% (0.5 mg SpAMepA/l culture) of total protein. The SpA fusion proteins, immobilized on IgG Sepharose, are proteolytically sensitive, in vitro, resulting in complete degradation of the SpA portion of the fusion proteins and release of the murein hydrolases in intact and enzymatically active form into the supernatant. Proteolytic degradation could be prevented by p-hydroxymercuribenzoic acid (PHMB) or ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) suggesting the involvement of the periplasmic protease Pi from E. coli. The immobilized fusion proteins were enzymatically active and could be used for the batch production of biologically active 1,6-anhydro-muropeptides, which were successively separated on HPLC. Isolated murein polymer was degraded quantitatively to monomeric 1,6-anhydro-muropeptides when immunoglobulin G (IgG)-SpASlt was used in combination with IgG-SpAMepA. A combination of IgG-SpASlt with IgG-SpAPBP4 left the 1,6-anhydro-dimers and oligomers being cross-linked via an LD-peptide bond (m-DAP-m-DAP) uncleaved. Correspondence to: W. Keck  相似文献   
Seed quality in tomato is associated with many complex physiological and genetic traits. While plant processes are frequently controlled by the action of small‐ to large‐effect genes that follow classic Mendelian inheritance, our study suggests that seed quality is primarily quantitative and genetically complex. Using a recombinant inbred line population of Solanum lycopersicum × Solanum pimpinellifolium, we identified quantitative trait loci (QTLs) influencing seed quality phenotypes under non‐stress, as well as salt, osmotic, cold, high‐temperature and oxidative stress conditions. In total, 42 seed quality traits were analysed and 120 QTLs were identified for germination traits under different conditions. Significant phenotypic correlations were observed between germination traits under optimal conditions, as well as under different stress conditions. In conclusion, one or more QTLs were identified for each trait with some of these QTLs co‐locating. Co‐location of QTLs for different traits can be an indication that a locus has pleiotropic effects on multiple traits due to a common mechanistic basis. However, several QTLs also dissected seed quality in its separate components, suggesting different physiological mechanisms and signalling pathways for different seed quality attributes.  相似文献   
The cause of discrepancies in the literature regarding the specificity of immobilized Candida antarctica lipase B in the acylation of oligosaccharides was examined. Molecular sieves, generally used to control the water content during acylation reactions, turned out to have an important role in this. It was proven that molecular sieves alone can catalyze the acylation of fructose oligomers using vinyl laurate, leading to multiple substitution of the oligomers. This effect was the most profound at conditions unfavorable for the enzyme, because this resulted in a relatively high concentration of the chemically produced adducts. The enzyme alone catalyzed the formation of monosubstituted oligomers. It was proven that even solvent pre-drying by molecular sieves already causes the release of catalyzing compounds to the liquid, leading to subsequent catalysis. These findings should be taken into account when applying molecular sieves in this type of reactions in the future. Molecular sieves could, moreover, be used as a catalyst when multiple substitution is desired.  相似文献   
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