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The emergence of influenza viruses resistant to existing classes of antiviral drugs raises concern and there is a need for novel antiviral agents that could be used therapeutically or prophylacticaly. Surfactant protein D (SP-D) belongs to the family of C-type lectins which are important effector molecules of the innate immune system with activity against bacteria and viruses, including influenza viruses. In the present study we evaluated the potential of recombinant porcine SP-D as an antiviral agent against influenza A viruses (IAVs) in vitro. To determine the range of antiviral activity, thirty IAVs of the subtypes H1N1, H3N2 and H5N1 that originated from birds, pigs and humans were selected and tested for their sensitivity to recombinant SP-D. Using these viruses it was shown by hemagglutination inhibition assay, that recombinant porcine SP-D was more potent than recombinant human SP-D and that especially higher order oligomeric forms of SP-D had the strongest antiviral activity. Porcine SP-D was active against a broad range of IAV strains and neutralized a variety of H1N1 and H3N2 IAVs, including 2009 pandemic H1N1 viruses. Using tissue sections of ferret and human trachea, we demonstrated that recombinant porcine SP-D prevented attachment of human seasonal H1N1 and H3N2 virus to receptors on epithelial cells of the upper respiratory tract. It was concluded that recombinant porcine SP-D holds promise as a novel antiviral agent against influenza and further development and evaluation in vivo seems warranted.  相似文献   
Ungulates, smaller mammals, and invertebrates can each affect soil biota through their influence on vegetation and soil characteristics. However, direct and indirect effects of the aboveground biota on soil food webs remain to be unraveled. We assessed effects of progressively excluding aboveground large‐, medium‐ and small‐sized mammals as well as invertebrates on soil nematode diversity and feeding type abundances in two subalpine grassland types: short‐ and tall‐grass vegetation. We explored pathways that link exclusions of aboveground biota to nematode feeding type abundances via changes in plants, soil environment, soil microbial biomass, and soil nutrients. In both vegetation types, exclusions caused a similar shift toward higher abundance of all nematode feeding types, except plant feeders, lower Shannon diversity, and lower evenness. These effects were strongest when small mammals, or both small mammals and invertebrates were excluded in addition to excluding larger mammals. Exclusions resulted in a changed abiotic soil environment that only affected nematodes in the short‐grass vegetation. In each vegetation type, exclusion effects on nematode abundances were mediated by different drivers related to plant quantity and quality. In the short‐grass vegetation, not all exclusion effects on omni–carnivorous nematodes were mediated by the abundance of lower trophic level nematodes, suggesting that omni–carnivores also depended on other prey than nematodes. We conclude that small aboveground herbivores have major impacts on the soil food web of subalpine short‐ and tall‐grass ecosystems. Excluding aboveground animals caused similar shifts in soil nematode assemblages in both subalpine vegetation types, however, mechanisms turned out to be system‐specific.  相似文献   
Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to study transients of biophysical parameters in a cucumber plant in response to environmental changes. Detailed flow imaging experiments showed the location of xylem and phloem in the stem and the response of the following flow characteristics to the imposed environmental changes: the total amount of water, the amount of stationary and flowing water, the linear velocity of the flowing water, and the volume flow. The total measured volume flow through the plant stem was in good agreement with the independently measured water uptake by the roots. A separate analysis of the flow characteristics for two vascular bundles revealed that changes in volume flow of the xylem sap were accounted for by a change in linear-flow velocities in the xylem vessels. Multiple-spin echo experiments revealed two water fractions for different tissues in the plant stem; the spin-spin relaxation time of the larger fraction of parenchyma tissue in the center of the stem and the vascular tissue was down by 17% in the period after cooling the roots of the plant. This could point to an increased water permeability of the tonoplast membrane of the observed cells in this period of quick recovery from severe water loss.  相似文献   
Seed quality in tomato is associated with many complex physiological and genetic traits. While plant processes are frequently controlled by the action of small‐ to large‐effect genes that follow classic Mendelian inheritance, our study suggests that seed quality is primarily quantitative and genetically complex. Using a recombinant inbred line population of Solanum lycopersicum × Solanum pimpinellifolium, we identified quantitative trait loci (QTLs) influencing seed quality phenotypes under non‐stress, as well as salt, osmotic, cold, high‐temperature and oxidative stress conditions. In total, 42 seed quality traits were analysed and 120 QTLs were identified for germination traits under different conditions. Significant phenotypic correlations were observed between germination traits under optimal conditions, as well as under different stress conditions. In conclusion, one or more QTLs were identified for each trait with some of these QTLs co‐locating. Co‐location of QTLs for different traits can be an indication that a locus has pleiotropic effects on multiple traits due to a common mechanistic basis. However, several QTLs also dissected seed quality in its separate components, suggesting different physiological mechanisms and signalling pathways for different seed quality attributes.  相似文献   
Methionyl aminopeptidases (MetAPs) represent a unique class of protease that are responsible for removing the N-terminal methionine residue from proteins and peptides. There are two major classes of MetAPs (type I and type II) described and each class can be subdivided into two subclasses. Eukaryotes contain both the type I and type II MetAPs, whereas prokaryotes possess only the type I enzyme. Due to the physiological importance of these enzymes there is considerable interest in inhibitors to be used as antiangiogenic and antimicrobial agents. Here, we describe the 1.15A crystal structure of the Staphylococcus aureus MetAP-I as an apo-enzyme and its complexes with various 1,2,4-triazole-based derivatives at high-resolution. The protein has a typical "pita-bread" fold as observed for the other MetAP structures. The inhibitors bind in the active site with the N1 and N2 atoms of the triazole moiety complexing two divalent ions. The 1,2,4-triazols represent a novel class of potent non-peptidic inhibitors for the MetAP-Is.  相似文献   
Wheat and alfalfa silages were examined by scanning electron microscopy and standard methods of microbial enumeration. Epiphytic microflora were present at levels of 106 to 108/g in the fresh-cut plants. This flora was initially observed microscopically primarily on the surfaces. After 4 days of fermentation, lactic acid bacteria were observed on the surface in high concentrations near open stomata and throughout the interior mesophyll air sac spaces. At 4 days, populations on interior surfaces were restricted to the exterior surfaces of the air sacs. After 8 days the mesophyllic cells showed marked deterioration, and bacteria were observed on their inner surfaces. At 32 days, the end of the fermentation, vascular bundles and epidermal cells remained intact whereas stomata and mesophyllic cells were collapsed and often contained microorganisms. It is concluded that the interior of the leaves offers substantial nutritional and environmental advantages to epiphytic flora and is an important if not major deterioration site in fermented products. Since little deterioration of exterior surfaces was observed, these sites may play a minor role in supplying nutrients for microbial growth.  相似文献   
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus RAG-1 and MR-481, two standard strains used in microbial adhesion to hydrocarbons (MATH), were characterized by contact angles, pH-dependent zeta potentials, elemental surface composition by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and molecular composition by infrared spectroscopy (IR). Negatively stained (methylamine tungstate) and ruthenium red-stained cells were studied by transmission electron microscopy to reveal the absence or presence of surface appendages. Despite the fact thatA. calcoaceticus RAG-1 is known to be extremely hydrophobic in MATH, whereas MR-481 is a completely non-hydrophobic mutant, neither XPS nor IR indicated a significant difference in chemical composition of the cell surfaces. Contact angles with polar liquids, water and formamide, were considerably higher on RAG-1 than on MR-481, in accordance with their relative hydrophobicities as measured by MATH. However, no significant differences in contact angles were observed between the two strains with apolar liquids like diiodomethane,-bromonaphthalene, and hexadecane. Fibrous extensions on RAG-1, observed after ruthenium red staining, were absent on the non-hydrophobic mutant MR-481. Tentatively, these extensions could be held responsible for the hydrophobicity ofA. calcoaceticus RAG-1.  相似文献   
The activities and kinetics of the enzymes G6PDH (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) and 6PGDH (6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase) from the mesophilic cyanobacterium Synechococcus 6307 and the thermophilic cyanobacterium Synechococcus 6716 are studied in relation to temperature. In Synechococcus 6307 the apparent K m's are for G6PDH: 80M (substrate) and 20M (NADP+); for 6PGDH: 90M (substrate) and 25M (NADP+). In Synechococcus 6716 the apparent K m's are for G6PDH: 550M (substrate) and 30M (NADP+); for 6PGDH: 40M (substrate) and 10M (NADP+). None of the K m's is influenced by the growth temperature and only the K m's of G6PDH for G6P are influenced by the assay temperature in both organisms. The idea that, in general, thermophilic enzymes possess a lower affinity for their substrates and co-enzymes than mesophilic enzymes is challenged.Although ATP, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate, NADPH and pH can all influence the activities of G6PDH and 6PGDH to a certain extent (without any difference between the mesophilic and the thermophilic strain), they cannot be responsible for the total deactivation of the enzyme activities observed in the light, thus blocking the pentose phosphate pathway.Abbreviations G6PDH glucose-6-phosphate, dehydrogenase - 6PGDH 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase - G6P glucose-6-phosphate - 6PG 6-phosphogluconate - RUDP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate - Tricine N-Tris (hydroxymethyl)-methylglycine  相似文献   
Summary From six unsaturated fatty acid auxotrophs (Ufa mutants) of the oleaginous yeast Apiotrichum curvatum blocked in the conversion of stearic to oleic acid, were isolated revertants able to grow in the absence of unsaturated fatty acids, in a search for strains that can produce cocoa butter equivalents. A broad range in the percentage of saturated fatty acids (%SFA) was observed in the lipids of individual revertants (varying from 27%–86% SFA), compared with the wild-type (44% SFA). Further analysis of fatty acid composition indicated that: (i) not all six Ufa mutants had the same genetic background and (ii) one specific Ufa mutation could be reverted in more than one way. Revertants that produced lipids with a %SFA>56%, were examined further. These strains were cultivated for 50 generations and half of them produced lipids with high %SFA after that time and were defined as stable. The viability of revertant strains with extremely high %SFA (>80%) may be explained by our finding that polar lipids, which are part of yeast membranes, contained much more polyunsaturated fatty acids and a significantly lower %SFA than neutral (storage) lipids. One revertant (R25.75) was selected that was able to produce lipids in whey permeate at a rate comparable with wild-type A. curvatum and with a fatty acid composition and congelation curve comparable with cocoa butter. Offprint requests to: A. Ykema  相似文献   
In the European coastal dunes, marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) is planted in order to control sand erosion. In the years 1986 to 1991, workers on the Wadden islands in the Netherlands planting marram grass showed lesions of skin and mucous membranes, suggesting a toxic reaction. Fusarium culmorum dominated the mycoflora of those marram grass culms that were used for planting. This plant material had been cut and stored for more than one week in the open. The Fusarium toxin deoxynivalenol (DON) was detected in the suspect marram grass culms. Isolated F. culmorum strains were able to produce DON in vitro in liquid culture as well as in experimentally inoculated wheat heads. Pathogenicity tests, toxin test as well as RAPD analysis showed that the F. culmorum strains were not specialized for marram grass but may form part of the West-European F. culmorum population infecting cereals and grasses. Storage on old sand-dunes with plant debris may have led to the high occurrence of F. culmorum and contamination with DON. Marram grass culms should be obtained from young plantings on dunes on the seaward slopes and cut culms should not be stored.  相似文献   
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