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The aim of the present study was to detect oxidant-producing sites, and to elucidate their dynamic reorganization in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) fixed with glutaraldehyde which preserves cell structure. In biochemical analyses, the detectable O2– generation in unfixed PMNs upon stimulation with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) in the presence of cytochalasin B was characterized by a lag period of approximately 10sec followed by O2– production. The maximal rate reached was 3.18±0.07nmol/min/1×106 cells (mean±S.D.; n=4) after 30sec of stimulation. PMNs exposed to PMA and cytochalasin B followed by fixation with glutaraldehyde generated O2– without a lag period at a rate of 0.35±0.05nmol/min/1×106 cells (mean±S.D.) by the addition of NADPH as substrate to the cell suspension. In the cytochemical assays, we employed both cells exposed to PMA and cytochalasin B, and then fixed with glutaraldehyde followed by incubation in the cytochemical reaction medium (pre-fixed cells) and cells incubated in the medium containing PMA and cytochalasin B followed by fixation with glutaraldehyde (post-fixed cells). Oxidant reaction in the pre-fixed cells was detected by the addition of NADPH and FAD to the reaction medium. No oxidant-reaction product was seen in pre-fixed cells stimulated for 10sec whereas the oxidant reaction was visualized in intracellular compartments of pre-fixed PMNs stimulated for 20sec. The fact that the pre-fixed PMNs stimulated for 30sec showed increased numbers of oxidant-producing structures compared to those seen in the pre-fixed cells stimulated for 20sec, demonstrates that the amount of the reaction product and the number of oxidant-producing intracellular compartments increases between 20 and 30sec after start of stimulation with PMA. These cytochemical results using the pre-fixed cells coincided with the findings obtained from the biochemical assays in the pre-fixed cells exposed to PMA and cytochalasin B. The oxidant reaction was observed in elongated tubular structures that were arranged in a radial fashion, and were associated with the plasma membrane in the pre-fixed PMNs, whereas post-fixed PMNs exhibited slender spherical or rod-shaped structures of various lengths. The present results indicate that the pre-fixed PMNs can be employed for elucidating the dynamic reorganization of oxidant-producing sites in human PMNs.  相似文献   
At the biomedical, regulatory, and public level, considerable concern surrounds the concept that inappropriate exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, especially during the prenatal and/or neonatal period, may disrupt normal reproductive tract development and adult function. The intent of this review was to 1. Describe some unique advantages of the hamster for perinatal endocrine disruptor (ED) studies, 2. Summarize the morphological and molecular consequences of exposure to the established perinatal ED, diethylstilbestrol, in the female and male hamster, 3. Present some new, histomorphological insight into the process of neonatal diethylstilbestrol-induced disruption in the hamster uterus, and 4. Introduce recent efforts and future plans to evaluate the potency and mechanism of action of other putative EDs in the hamster experimental system. Taken together, the findings indicate that the hamster represents a unique and sensitive in vivo system to probe the phenomenon of endocrine disruption. The spectrum of candidate endpoints includes developmental toxicity, neoplasia, and more subtle endpoints of reproductive dysfunction.  相似文献   
Estimates of the clonogen content (number of microcolony-forming cells) of murine intestinal crypts using microcolony assays show an apparent dependence on the radiation dose used in the assay of clonogen content. Crypt radiation survival curves often show increased curvature beyond that expected on the basis of the conventional linear-quadratic model. A novel form of crypt survival curve shape is proposed based on two contributory mechanisms of crypt killing. Six previously published sets of microcolony data were re-analysed using a dual-kill model, where target cells are killed by two contributory mechanisms, each described by a linear-quadratic function of dose. The data were analysed as two series--high-dose rate and low-dose rate irradiation. The data were fitted to the models using direct maximization of a quasi-likelihood, explicitly allowing for overdispersion. The dual-kill model can reproduce both the apparent dose-dependence of the clonogen estimates and the high-dose curvature of the dose-response curves. For both series of data the model was a significantly better fit to the data than the standard linear-quadratic model, with no evidence of any systematic lack of fit. The parameters of the clonogenic cell component of the model are consistent with other studies that suggest a low clonogen number (somewhat less than five) per crypt. The model implies that there is a secondary mechanism decreasing clonogen survival, and hence increasing clonogen number estimates, at high doses. The mechanisms underlying the modification of the dose-response are unclear, and the implied mechanisms of, for example, slow growth, induced either directly in the surviving cells or indirectly through stromal injury or bystander effects are only speculative. Nevertheless, the model fits the data well, demonstrating that there is greater kill at high doses in these experimental series than would be expected from the conventional linear-quadratic model. This alternative model, or another model with similar behaviour, needs to be considered when analysing in detail and interpreting microcolony data as a function of dose. The implied low number of < or = 5 of these regenerative and relatively radioresistant clonogenic cells is distinct from a similar number of much more radiosensitive precursor stem cells which undergo early apoptosis after doses around 1 Gy.  相似文献   
The hammerhead ribozyme is able to cleave RNA in a sequence-specific manner. These ribozymes are usually designed with four basepairs in helix II, and with equal numbers of nucleotides in the 5′ and 3′ hybridizing arms that bind the RNA substrate on either side of the cleavage site. Here guidelines are given for redesigning the ribozyme so that it is small, but retains efficient cleavage activity. First, the ribozyme may be reduced in size by shortening the 5′ arm of the ribozyme to five or six nucleotides; for these ribozymes, cleavage of short substrates is maximal. Second, the internal double-helix of the ribozyme (helix II) may be shortened to one or no basepairs, forming a miniribozyme or minizyme, respectively. The sequence of the shortened helix+loop II greatly affects cleavage rates. With eight or more nucleotides in both the 5′ and the 3′ arms of a miniribozyme containing an optimized sequence for helix+loop II, cleavage rates of short substrates are greater than for analogous ribozymes possessing a longer helix II. Cleavage of genelength RNA substrates may be best achieved by miniribozymes.  相似文献   
The amounts of protochlorophyllide (P650) and protohaem were measured in ageing dark-grown barley leaves. Maximum amounts of P650 and protohaem were found in 6- to 8-day-old material after which P650 declined rapidly and protohaem more slowly. In leaves exposed to light maximum chlorophyll was produced in 6-day-old material with progressively less the older the leaves. Haem concentrations increased in seedlings of all ages exposed to light. A lag phase was observed for both chlorophyll and haem formation in leaves given a light treatment. Haem, however, showed a slight yet sig nificant decline as chlorophyll production commenced. The results indicate that chlorophyll and haem synthesis share a common pool of δ-aminolae vulinic acid (ALA). At a certain stage of development, the magnesium porphyrin pathway diverts precursors away from haem synthesis. It is only when the ALA synthesising system is well developed that the production of ALA can satisfy pathways to both haem and chlorophyll. The observed changes in haem under certain conditions suggest that, as in animal systems, haem levels may regulate porphyrin formation (chlorophylls) by controlling the supply of ALA.  相似文献   
The cytochromes in microsomal fractions of germinating mung beans.   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Detailed studies of microsomal cytochromes from mung-bean radicles showed the presence of cytochrome P-420, particularly in dark-grown seedlings, accompanied by smaller quantities of cytochrome P-450. Similar proportions of cytochrome P-420 to cytochrome P-450 were found spectrophotometrically in vivo with whole radicles and hypocotyls. Assayed in vitro, maximum concentrations of both cytochromes were attained after 4 days of growth, before undergoing rapid degradation. Illumination of seedlings stabilized cytochrome P-450 and decreased the amount of cytochrome P-420. Three b cytochromes were present in the microsomal fraction, namely cytochromes b-562.5 (Em + 105 +/- 23 mV), b-560.5 (Em + 49 +/- 13 mV) and b5 (Em - 45 +/- 14 mV), all at pH 7.0. Of the b cytochromes, cytochrome b5 alone undergoes a rapid degradation after day 4, Changes in cytochrome b concentrations were confined to the microsomal fraction: mitochondrial b cytochrome concentrations were unaltered with age. Protohaem degradation (of exogenous methaemalbumin) was detected in microsomal fractions of mung beans. The rates of degradation were highest in extracts of young tissue and declined after day 4. The degradation mechanism and products did not resemble those of mammalian haem oxygenase.  相似文献   
There are currently no available options to promote nerve regeneration through chronically denervated distal nerve stumps. Here we used a rat model of delayed nerve repair asking of prior insertion of side-to-side cross-bridges between a donor tibial (TIB) nerve and a recipient denervated common peroneal (CP) nerve stump ameliorates poor nerve regeneration. First, numbers of retrogradely-labelled TIB neurons that grew axons into the nerve stump within three months, increased with the size of the perineurial windows opened in the TIB and CP nerves. Equal numbers of donor TIB axons regenerated into CP stumps either side of the cross-bridges, not being affected by target neurotrophic effects, or by removing the perineurium to insert 5-9 cross-bridges. Second, CP nerve stumps were coapted three months after inserting 0-9 cross-bridges and the number of 1) CP neurons that regenerated their axons within three months or 2) CP motor nerves that reinnervated the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle within five months was determined by counting and motor unit number estimation (MUNE), respectively. We found that three but not more cross-bridges promoted the regeneration of axons and reinnervation of EDL muscle by all the CP motoneurons as compared to only 33% regenerating their axons when no cross-bridges were inserted. The same 3-fold increase in sensory nerve regeneration was found. In conclusion, side-to-side cross-bridges ameliorate poor regeneration after delayed nerve repair possibly by sustaining the growth-permissive state of denervated nerve stumps. Such autografts may be used in human repair surgery to improve outcomes after unavoidable delays.  相似文献   
Many factors could influence progress towards sympatric speciation. Some of the potentially important ones include competition, mate choice and the degree to which alternative sympatric environments (resources) are discrete. What is not well understood is the relative importance of these different factors, as well as interactions among them. We use an individual-based numerical model to investigate the possibilities. Mate choice was modelled as the degree to which male foraging traits influence female mate choice. Competition was modelled as the degree to which individuals with different phenotypes compete for portions of the resource distribution. Discreteness of the environment was modelled as the degree of bimodality of the underlying resource distribution. We find that strong mate choice was necessary, but not sufficient, to cause sympatric speciation. In addition, sympatric speciation was most likely when the resource distribution was strongly bimodal and when competition among different phenotypes was intermediate. Even under these ideal conditions, however, sympatric speciation occurred only a fraction of the time. Sympatric speciation owing to competition on unimodal resource distributions was also possible, but much less common. In all cases, stochasticity played an important role in determining progress towards sympatric speciation, as evidenced by variation in outcomes among replicate simulations for a given set of parameter values. Overall, we conclude that the nature of competition is much less important for sympatric speciation than is the nature of mate choice and the underlying resource distribution. We argue that an increased understanding of the promoters and inhibitors of sympatric speciation is best achieved through models that simultaneously evaluate multiple potential factors.  相似文献   
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