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The rates and controls of ectomycorrhizal fungal production were assessed in a 22-year-old longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) plantation using a complete factorial design that included two foliar scorching (control and 95% plus needle scorch) and two nitrogen (N) fertilization (control and 5 g N m−2 year−1) treatments during an annual assessment. Ectomycorrhizal fungi production comprised of extramatrical mycelia, Hartig nets and mantles on fine root tips, and sporocarps was estimated to be 49 g m−2 year−1 in the control treatment plots. Extramatrical mycelia accounted for approximately 95% of the total mycorrhizal production estimate. Mycorrhizal production rates did not vary significantly among sample periods throughout the annual assessment (p = 0.1366). In addition, reduction in foliar leaf area via experimental scorching treatments did not influence mycorrhizal production (p = 0.9374), suggesting that stored carbon (C) may decouple the linkage between current photosynthate production and ectomycorrhizal fungi dynamics in this forest type. Nitrogen fertilization had a negative effect, whereas precipitation had a positive effect on mycorrhizal fungi production (p = 0.0292; r 2 = 0.42). These results support the widely speculated but poorly documented supposition that mycorrhizal fungi are a large and dynamic component of C flow and nutrient cycling dynamics in forest ecosystems.  相似文献   
Intracellular trafficking of organelles often involves cytoskeletal track switching. Organelles such as melanosomes are transported by multiple motors including kinesin-2, dynein, and myosin-V, which drive switching between microtubules and actin filaments during dispersion and aggregation. Here, we used optical trapping to determine the unitary and ensemble forces of kinesin-2, and to reconstitute cargo switching at cytoskeletal intersections in a minimal system with kinesin-2 and myosin-V motors bound to beads. Single kinesin-2 motors exerted forces up to ~5 pN, similar to kinesin-1. However, kinesin-2 motors were more likely to detach at submaximal forces, and the duration of force maintenance was short as compared to kinesin-1. In multimotor assays, force increased with kinesin-2 density but was not affected by the presence of myosin-V. In crossed filament assays, switching frequencies of motor-bound beads were dependent on the starting track. At equal average forces, beads tended to switch from microtubules onto overlying actin filaments consistent with the relatively faster detachment of kinesin-2 at near-maximal forces. Thus, in addition to relative force, switching probability at filament intersections is determined by the dynamics of motor-filament interaction, such as the quick detachment of kinesin-2 under load. This may enable fine-tuning of filament switching in the cell.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Glycyrrhizin (GA) and primary metabolite 18beta-glycyrrhetinic acid (GRA) are pharmacologically active components of the medicinal licorice root, and both have been shown to have antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. Although these properties are well established, the mechanisms of action are not completely understood. In this study, GA and GRA were tested for the ability to inhibit rotavirus replication in cell culture, toward a long term goal of discovering natural compounds that may complement existing vaccines. METHODS: Epithelial cells were treated with GA or GRA various times pre- or post-infection and virus yields were measured by immunofluorescent focus assay. Levels of viral proteins VP2, VP6, and NSP2 in GRA treated cells were measured by immunoblot to determine if there was an effect of GRA treatment on the accumulation of viral protein. RESULTS: GRA treatment reduced rotavirus yields by 99% when added to infected cultures post- virus adsorption, whereas virus yields in GA treated cultures were similar to mock treated controls. Time of addition experiments indicated that GRA-mediated replication inhibition likely occurs at a step or steps subsequent to virus entry. The amounts of VP2, VP6 and NSP2 were substantially reduced when GRA was added to cultures up to two hours post-entry. CONCLUSIONS: GRA, but not GA, has significant antiviral activity against rotavirus replication in vitro, and studies to determine whether GRA attenuates rotavirus replication in vivo are underway.  相似文献   
Lyme borreliosis (LB) group spirochetes, collectively known as Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, are distributed worldwide. Wild rodents are acknowledged as the most important reservoir hosts. Ixodes scapularis is the primary vector of B. burgdorferi sensu lato in the eastern United States, and in the southeastern United States, the larvae and nymphs mostly parasitize certain species of lizards. The primary aim of the present study was to determine whether wild lizards in the southeastern United States are naturally infected with Lyme borreliae. Blood samples obtained from lizards in Florida and South Carolina were tested for the presence of LB spirochetes primarily by using B. burgdorferi sensu lato-specific PCR assays that amplify portions of the flagellin (flaB), outer surface protein A (ospA), and 66-kDa protein (p66) genes. Attempts to isolate spirochetes from a small number of PCR-positive lizards failed. However, PCR amplification and sequence analysis of partial flaB, ospA, and p66 gene fragments confirmed numerous strains of B. burgdorferi sensu lato, including Borrelia andersonii, Borrelia bissettii, and B. burgdorferi sensu stricto, in blood from lizards from both states. B. burgdorferi sensu lato DNA was identified in 86 of 160 (54%) lizards representing nine species and six genera. The high infection prevalence and broad distribution of infection among different lizard species at different sites and at different times of the year suggest that LB spirochetes are established in lizards in the southeastern United States.  相似文献   


Lyme disease, caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, affects a large number of people in both the USA and Europe. The mouse is a natural host for this spirochete and is widely used as a model system to study Lyme pathogenesis mechanisms. Since disease manifestations often depend upon the spirochete burden in a particular tissue, it is critical to accurately measure the bacterial number in infected tissues. The current methods either lack sensitivity and specificity (SYBR Green), or require independent analysis of samples in parallel to quantitate host and bacterial DNA (TaqMan). We have developed a novel molecular beacon-based convenient multiplex real-time quantitative PCR assay to identify and detect small numbers of B. burgdorferi in infected mouse tissues.  相似文献   
Assessing mycorrhizal fungi production in field settings has been hindered by the inability to measure external mycelia. Recently, external mycelia production was measured in the field using a novel in-growth core technique with acid-washed sand as the in-growth matrix. Here, we tested the assumption that external mycelia production in acid-washed sand is representative of that in native soil. External mycelia production was estimated as the difference in fungal growth between closed (allowing only saprotrophic fungal production) and open (allowing mycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungal production) cores using a factorial design of soil matrices (acid-washed sand vs native) and fertilization treatments (control vs nitrogen (N)) in a longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) plantation. In native soils, the ectomycorrhizal to saprotrophic fungal biomass signal was strong and consistent facilitating the assessment of external mycelia production, which was 300% higher than corresponding rates in acid-washed sand and inversely correlated with soil N. These results demonstrate the efficacy and importance of using native soil as the in-growth matrix to measure ectomycorrhizal fungi external mycelia production in field settings.  相似文献   
Ghrelin and synthetic growth hormone secretagogues have diverse effects on the hypothalamus including effects on appetite and the growth hormone axis as well as on the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. We previously studied the effect of synthetic growth hormone secretagogues on CRH and AVP release from rat hypothalami in vitro, and now report on the effects of ghrelin on CRH and AVP release. The ghrelin protein content and ghrelin output from rat hypothalamic explants was measured using a specific novel ghrelin enzyme immunoassay. The effect of 10(-8) M to 10(-6) M ghrelin on CRH and AVP release was studied in the rat hypothalamic explants, where stimulation with des-octanoyl ghrelin was used as control. The presence of both ghrelin mRNA and protein could be shown in the rat hypothalamus. Ghrelin output was detected in the incubation fluid of rat hypothalamic explants and could be stimulated with high potassium concentrations. Our data also demonstrated a dose-dependent effect of ghrelin on both CRH and AVP release, while des-octanoylated ghrelin showed no effect on either peptide. In summary, the current data suggest that ghrelin is expressed in the hypothalamus both at RNA and the protein levels. Ghrelin stimulates the HPA axis in the rat via stimulation of both CRH, and particularly, AVP release from the hypothalamus. The local autocrine/paracrine and endocrine effects of ghrelin in the hypothalamus could influence all the hormonal systems involved in ghrelin effects, including growth hormone release, the HPA axis and appetite.  相似文献   
Cuticle segments from the thorax, abdomen, and jumping legs of the house cricket. Acheta domesticus, were examined using histological techniques for light microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and direct examination of frozen-fractured cuticle. The surface of untreated cuticle is covered by a lipid film which obscures fine surface detail. Standard EM preparative procedures, as well as washing the cuticle with ethanol before examination, remove this film exposing previously covered openings to dermal gland ducts and wax canals. An epicuticle, exocuticle, mesocuticle, endocuticle, and a deposition layer were present in all transverse sections of cuticle. Light microscopy showed that the exocuticle and mesocuticle are heavily impregnated with lipids, whereas there is little lipid associated with the endocuticle. Frozen-fractured cuticle clearly shows the ‘plywood’ structure of the meso- and endocuticle, while the exocuticle fractures as if it were a solid sheet. The epicuticle is composed of a dense homogeneous layer, cuticulin, outer epicuticle, and the outer membrane. Superficial wax was detected only in cuticle samples prepared using vinylcyclohexane dioxide as a polar dehydrant. The results were used to construct a comprehensive model of the cuticle of A. domesticus.  相似文献   
When transport between the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi complex is blocked by Brefeldin A (BFA) treatment or ATP depletion, the Golgi apparatus and associated transport vesicles undergo a dramatic reorganization. Because recent studies suggest that coat proteins such as beta-COP play an important role in the maintenance of the Golgi complex, we have used immunocytochemistry to determine the distribution of beta-COP in pancreatic acinar cells (PAC) in which ER to Golgi transport was blocked by BFA treatment or ATP depletion. In controls, beta-COP was associated with Golgi cisternae and transport vesicles as expected. Upon BFA treatment, PAC Golgi cisternae are dismantled and replaced by clusters of remnant vesicles surrounded by typical ER transitional elements that are generally assumed to represent the exit site of vesicular carriers for ER to Golgi transport. In BFA-treated PAC, beta-COP was concentrated in large (0.5-1.0 micron) aggregates closely associated with remnant Golgi membranes. In addition to typical ER transitional elements, we detected a new type of transitional element that consists of specialized regions of rough ER (RER) with ribosome-free ends that touched or extended into the beta-COP containing aggregates. In ATP-depleted PAC, beta-COP was not detected on Golgi membranes but was concentrated in similar large aggregates found on the cis side of the Golgi stacks. The data indicate that upon arrest of ER to Golgi transport by either BFA treatment or energy depletion, beta-COP dissociates from PAC Golgi membranes and accumulates as large aggregates closely associated with specialized ER elements. The latter may correspond to either the site of entry or exit for vesicles recycling between the Golgi and the RER.  相似文献   
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