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IQGAP1 is a plasma membrane-associated protein and an important regulator of the actin cytoskeleton, contributing to cell migration, polarity and adhesion. In this study, we demonstrate the nuclear translocation of IQGAP1 using confocal microscopy and cell fractionation. Moreover, we identify a specific pool of IQGAP1 that accumulates in the nucleus during late G1-early S phase of the cell cycle. The nuclear targeting of IQGAP1 was facilitated by N- and C-terminal sequences, and its ability to slowly shuttle between nucleus and cytoplasm/membrane was partly regulated by the CRM1 export receptor. The inhibition of GSK-3β also stimulated nuclear localization of IQGAP1. The dramatic nuclear accumulation of IQGAP1 observed when cells were arrested in G1/S phase suggested a possible role in cell cycle regulation. In support of this, we used immunoprecipitation assays to show that the nuclear pool of IQGAP1 in G1/S-arrested cells associates with DNA replication complex factors RPA32 and PCNA. More important, the siRNA-mediated silencing of IQGAP1 significantly delayed cell cycle progression through S phase and G2/M in NIH 3T3 cells released from thymidine block. Our findings reveal an unexpected regulatory pathway for IQGAP1, and show that a pool of this cytoskeletal regulator translocates into the nucleus in late G1/early S phase to stimulate DNA replication and progression of the cell cycle.  相似文献   
Telomeres are specialized structures at the ends of chromosomes that are required for long term chromosome stability and replication of the chromosomal terminus. Telomeric DNA consists of simple repetitive sequences with one strand G-rich relative to the other, C-rich, strand. Evolutionary conservation of this feature of telomeric repeat sequences suggests that they have specific structural characteristics involved in telomere function. Absorbance thermal denaturation, chemical modification and non-denaturing gel electrophoretic analyses showed that telomeric C-strand oligonucleotides form stable non-Watson-Crick hairpin structures containing C.C+ base pairs. Formation of such hairpins may facilitate previously reported G-strand exclusive interactions.  相似文献   
Cells of Chroomonas salina were exposed to [14C]acetate, [l4C]16:0,[14C]18:0, [14C]18:1(n-9), [14C]18:2(n–6) or [14C]18:3(n–3)for 1 h and then incubated for 24 h in non-radioactive medium.At the end of the pulse period, non-glycolipid polar lipidscontained the highest proportions of radioactivity incorporatedfrom [14C]acetate and [14C]18:3(n–3) whereas with [14C]16:0,[14C]18:1 and [14C]18:2(n–6), triacylglycerols were mosthighly labelled. 14C-18:0 was recovered mainly as non-esterifiedfatty acid. Monogalactosyldiacylglycerol initially contained17% of label incorporated from [14C]acetate but less than 3%of that from [14C]fatty acids. With all substrates, excluding[14C]18:0, a gradual transfer of label from polar lipids totriacylglycerols was observed during the chase period. Saturatesand monoenes synthesised from [14C]acetate were mostly transferedfrom phospholipids and glycolipids to neutral lipid withoutfurther desaturation. Most of the incorporated 14C-fatty acidsremained unchanged and only with [14C]18:3(n–3) was substantialamounts of label recovered in penta- and hexaenoic fatty acids.The results indicate that, under the conditions of the study,lipid synthesis in the algae was heavily dominated by triacylglycerolformation and that the mechanisms of fatty acid desaturationin this species may differ from those in higher plants. (Received December 10, 1991; Accepted March 6, 1992)  相似文献   
We examined the effects of reversible vagal cooling on respiratory muscle activities in awake chronically instrumented tracheotomized dogs. We specifically analyzed electromyographic (EMG) activity and its ventilatory correlates, end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) and diaphragmatic resting length via sonomicrometry. Elimination of phasic and tonic mechanoreceptor activity by vagal cooling doubled the EMG activity of the costal, crural, and parasternal muscles, with activation occurring sooner relative to the onset of inspiratory flow. Diaphragmatic postinspiration inspiratory activity in the intact dog coincided with a brief mechanical shortening of the diaphragm during early expiration; vagal blockade removed both the electrical activity and the mechanical shortening. Vagal blockade also doubled the EMG activity of a rib cage expiratory muscle, the triangularis sterni, but reduced that of an abdominal expiratory muscle, the transversus abdominis. Within-breath electrical activity of both muscles occurred sooner relative to the onset of expiratory flow during vagal blockade. Vagal cooling was also associated with a 12% increase in EELV and a 5% decrease in end-expiratory resting length of the diaphragm. We conclude that vagal input significantly modulates inspiratory and expiratory muscle activities, which help regulate EELV efficiently and optimize diaphragmatic length during eupneic breathing in the awake dog.  相似文献   
The cell surface cyclic AMP receptor of Dictyostelium discoideum is under study in a number of laboratories with respect to both its role in development of the organism and the physiology of excitation-response coupling. We report here that when starved amoebae are exposed to the chaotrope guanidine hydrochloride at 1.8 M, they shed a particulate cyclic AMP binding activity into the medium. This activity is due to membrane vesicles which originate from the cell surface. The vesicles are enriched up to 150-fold in cyclic AMP binding activity and up to 14-fold in phospholipid content when compared to the starting amoebae. The cyclic AMP binding activity of the membrane vesicles is identical to that of the cell surface receptor with respect to the following properties; (i) it is lacking in preparations from unstarved, vegetative amoebae; (ii) it is not inhibited by cyclic GMP and is stimulated by calcium ions; (iii) it has very rapid rates of association and dissociation of bound cyclic AMP; (iv) it has two classes of binding sites with dissociation constants similar to those of the surface receptors of whole amoebae. The binding activity of the isolated membranes is stable for several days at 4 degrees C and the lower affinity binding sites are stable up to several months when stored at -80 degrees C. Due to enrichment and stability of the receptor in this preparation, it should be highly suitable for many types of studies. The usefulness is enhanced by the fact that the preparation does not contain detectable cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase activity.  相似文献   
All retroviral nucleocapsid (NC) proteins, except those of spumaretroviruses, contain one or two copies of the conserved sequence motif C-X2-C-X4-H-X4-C. The conserved cysteine and histidine residues coordinate a zinc ion in each such motif. Rice et al. (W. G. Rice, J. G. Supko, L. Malspeis, R. W. Buckheit, Jr., D. Clanton, M. Bu, L. Graham, C. A. Schaeffer, J. A. Turpin, J. Domagala, R. Gogliotti, J. P. Bader, S. M. Halliday, L. Coren, R. C. Sowder II, L. 0. Arthur, and L. E. Henderson, Science 270:1194-1197, 1995) have described a series of compounds which inactivate human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) particles and oxidize the cysteine thiolates in the NC zinc finger. We have characterized the effects of three such compounds on Moloney murine leukemia virus (MuLV). We find that, as with HIV-1, the compounds inactivate cell-free MuLV particles and induce disulfide cross-linking of NC in these particles. The killed MuLV particles were found to be incapable of synthesizing full-length viral DNA upon infection of a new host cell. When MuLV particles are synthesized in the presence of one of these compounds, the normal maturational cleavage of the Gag polyprotein does not occur. The compounds have no effect on the infectivity of human foamy virus, a spumaretrovirus lacking zinc fingers in its NC protein. The resistance of foamy virus supports the hypothesis that the zinc fingers are the targets for inactivation of MuLV and HIV- I by the compounds. The absolute conservation of the zinc finger motif among oncoretroviruses and lentiviruses and the lethality of all known mutations altering the zinc-binding residues suggest that only the normal, wild-type structure can efficiently perform all of its functions. This possibility would make the zinc finger an ideal target for antiretroviral agents.  相似文献   
The controlled centrifugation of isolated rat hepatocytes at 260 000 g results in the formation of membrane-bounded cell fragments that we have termed 'cytospheres'. A method is described for the isolation of these cytospheres. Cytospheres are spherical, have a mean diameter of 9.2 +/- 3.2 microns (SD) and a protein content of 225 +/- 12 mg/g wet wt. About 3% of the protein from the original isolated hepatocyte suspension is recoverable. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) shows cytospheres to possess a trilaminar membrane, and a finely granular hyaloplasm generally devoid of organelles, filaments and microtubules. Freeze-fracture studies reveal a membrane structure typical of a plasma membrane. Ouabain and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-binding studies indicate that the original orientation of the plasma membrane is maintained throughout the formation of the cytospheres. The cytospheres have also been characterized biochemically. Cytospheres are enriched in the enzymes normally associated with the hyaloplasm, whereas the activities of enzymes localized in organelles are greatly diminished. Lipid analysis of the cytosphere membrane indicates that it is derived from the plasma membrane of the hepatocyte. Cytospheres are sensitive to changes in the osmolarity and ionic composition of their environment. Cytospheres should therefore prove a useful preparation for the study of hyaloplasm metabolism and of plasma membrane receptor and permeability properties.  相似文献   
Ionophores (monensin, nigericin) capable of transporting both Na+ and K+ across cell membranes down their concentration gradients reduce the rate and total magnitude of serotonin uptake by platelets. The effect of the ionophores was time dependent, so that inhibition increased progressively until eventually uptake ceased entirely. Nigericin and monensin produced loss of platelet K+ and an equivalent molar uptake of Na+ thereby abolishing the normal transmembrane Na+ and K+ gradients. The time course of these ionophore-induced cation shifts at 37° C corresponded to the rate at which inhibition of serotonin transport developed. The ionophores did not affect total ATP concentration of platelets nor the metabolic pool of ATP formed from [14C] adenine. Nigericin and monensin released about 80% of platelet 14C and endogenous serotonin over a 30 min period, without release of platelet adenine nucleotides, calcium or β-glucuronidase. The ionophores did not elicit platelet aggregation nor did they prevent maximal aggregation brought about by ADP, collagen or A23187. Replacement of Na+ in the medium by K+ abolished serotonin uptake but only 10–20% of endogenous serotonin was released. In KCl medium the Na+ gradient was initially reversed, but quickly dissipated as Na+ reequilibrated with the extracellular fluid. At 37° C the ionophores did not affect either the rate of Na+ reequilibration or the efflux of [14C] serotonin. Na+ reequilibration was slower at 20° C and the ionophores significantly increased platelet Na+ loss and strongly inhibited the efflux of [14C] serotonin. The data support a mechanism of serotonin transport due to a Na+-dependent carrier-mediated process which need not be directly dependent on metabolic energy, but which does require metabolic energy to maintain normal Na+ + K+ gradients.  相似文献   
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