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The controlled centrifugation of isolated rat hepatocytes at 260 000 g results in the formation of membrane-bounded cell fragments that we have termed 'cytospheres'. A method is described for the isolation of these cytospheres. Cytospheres are spherical, have a mean diameter of 9.2 +/- 3.2 microns (SD) and a protein content of 225 +/- 12 mg/g wet wt. About 3% of the protein from the original isolated hepatocyte suspension is recoverable. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) shows cytospheres to possess a trilaminar membrane, and a finely granular hyaloplasm generally devoid of organelles, filaments and microtubules. Freeze-fracture studies reveal a membrane structure typical of a plasma membrane. Ouabain and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-binding studies indicate that the original orientation of the plasma membrane is maintained throughout the formation of the cytospheres. The cytospheres have also been characterized biochemically. Cytospheres are enriched in the enzymes normally associated with the hyaloplasm, whereas the activities of enzymes localized in organelles are greatly diminished. Lipid analysis of the cytosphere membrane indicates that it is derived from the plasma membrane of the hepatocyte. Cytospheres are sensitive to changes in the osmolarity and ionic composition of their environment. Cytospheres should therefore prove a useful preparation for the study of hyaloplasm metabolism and of plasma membrane receptor and permeability properties.  相似文献   
Differences in the function and composition of individual ovarian follicles were noted in Booroola Merino ewes which had previously been segregated on at least one ovulation rate record of greater than 5 (FF ewes, N = 15), 3-4 (F+ ewes, N = 18) or less than 3 (++ ewes, N = 18). Follicles in FF and F+ ewes produced oestradiol and reached maturity at a smaller diameter than in ++ ewes. In FF (N = 3), F+ (N = 3) and ++ (N = 3) ewes, the respective mean +/- s.e.m. diameters for the presumptive preovulatory follicles were 3.4 +/- 0.3, 4.1 +/- 0.2 and 6.8 +/- 0.3 mm and in each of these follicles the respective mean +/- s.e.m. numbers of granulosa cells (X 10(6)) were 1.8 +/- 0.3, 2.2 +/- 0.3 and 6.6 +/- 0.3. During a cloprostenol-induced follicular phase, the oestradiol secretion rates from FF ewes with 4.8 +/- 0.4 'oestrogenic' follicles, F+ ewes with 3.2 +/- 0.2 'oestrogenic' follicles and ++ ewes with 1.5 +/- 0.02 'oestrogenic' follicles were not significantly different from one another. Moreover, the mean total numbers of granulosa cells from the 'oestrogenic' follicles from each genotype were identical, namely 5.4 X 10(6) cells. Irrespective of genotype the mean weight of each corpus luteum was inversely correlated to the ovulation rate (R = 0.91, P less than 0.001). Collectively, these findings support the notion that the maturation of greater than or equal to 5 follicles in FF ewes and 3-4 follicles in F+ ewes may each be necessary to provide a follicular-cell mass capable of producing the same quantity of oestradiol as that from 1-2 preovulatory follicles in ++ ewes.  相似文献   
Metabolic adaptations of goat mammary tissue during pregnancy and lactation were monitored in serial biopsies of the tissue. Changes in the synthetic capacity of secretory cells were studied by combining measurements of enzyme activities with short-term culture of mammary explants to measure lactose, casein and total protein synthesis. By these criteria, the main phase of mammary differentiation began in late pregnancy and was essentially complete by Week 5 of lactation, coinciding with the achievement of peak milk yield. While milk yield declined after Week 5, the activities of key enzymes expressed per mg DNA and the rates of lactose and casein synthesis in mammary explants were maintained over a considerable period. The results suggest that changes in the synthetic capacity of epithelial cells may account for much of the rise in milk yield in early lactation, but are not responsible for the declining phase of milk production characteristic of lactation in ruminants.  相似文献   
The population of sand smelt, Atherina presbyter , breeding in the Fleet, Dorset, shows a high infection of diplostomiasis. The population was studied in 1983 to clarify aspects for this parasitic condition previously analysed for the sand smelt population at Fawley, Southampton Water. All age classes showed a higher percentage infection and mean number of metacercaria per fish than at Fawley. Analysis of postlarvae and juveniles showed that infection can occur at 1 week old, and verified the hypothesis that the scales of older fish inhibit cercarial settlement. Circumstantial evidence suggests that Potamopyrgus jenkinsi may be the first vector host for this parasite, and the densities of this species and of nesting little tern colonies would account for the differential infection between these two sand smelt populations. The increase in infection of 2 fish at Fawley cannot be attributed to mixing with the Fleet population, and the different infection levels demonstrate population isolation. High levels of infection are limited to this part of the English Channel: sand smelt samples from around the coasts of the British Isles show minimal infection rates elsewhere and suggest a southerly distribution of the parasite, away from Atlantic oceanic waters.  相似文献   
Compartmentation of intracellular nucleotides in mammalian cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The important role of nucleotides in cellular metabolism requires that serious consideration be given to the question of the homogeneity or inhomogeneity of nucleotide pools in cells. The purpose of this review is to summarize the existing evidence for compartmentation of nucleotide pools, discuss the limitations of this evidence, and to discuss the implications of compartmentation for the interpretation of nucleotide concentration measurements. Evidence for nucleotide compartmentation comes from the following types of evidence: compartmentation of RNA precursors; compartmentation of deoxynucleoside triphosphates; mitochondrial compartmentation; the existence of tightly bound nucleotides; pools derived from alternative synthetic routes; compartmentation in cyclic nucleotide metabolism; channeling in the synthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides; and others. The types of evidence adduced for compartmentation will be considered critically and in detail, and alternative explanations considered, as well. Implications of the data and hypotheses on nucleotide compartmentation for the interpretation of nucleotide pool measurements in various types of experiments will be discussed.  相似文献   
Reminder letters and follow-up telephone calls were used to increase influenza vaccination acceptance by 273 well elderly registered at an urban community health centre. The net effect of the reminder letters was to increase overall coverage to 43%, from 17% in the previous year. Follow-up telephone calls to patients who had not responded to the letters increased coverage to only 55%. Calculation of costs per additional vaccination given revealed that the use of reminder letters alone was much more cost-effective than follow-up telephone calls in increasing coverage. However, with the current fee-for-service reimbursement by medical care insurance in Ontario, neither means of improving vaccination coverage would result in net practice earnings. The implications for an effective and efficient annual influenza program in Canada are discussed.  相似文献   
The regression of Epstein-Barr (EB) virus-transformed B-cell outgrowth which is seen in experimentally-infected cultures of blood mononuclear (UM) cells from healthy seropositive donors can be abolished in medium containing the T-cell-suppressive agent cyclosporin A (CSA) at concentrations of 0.05 microgram/ml and above. CSA mediates its effect within the first 4 days post-infection of the UM cells and this prevents subsequent in vitro generation of the EB virus-specific cytotoxic-T-cell response which normally brings about regression. Regression can be fully restored by supplementing the CSA-treated culture with interleukin 2 (IL-2)-containing culture supernatants or indeed with purified IL-2 itself, suggesting that CSA mediates its effect in this system through inhibiting the endogenous production of IL-2 which is required to amplify the virus-specific cytotoxic response. "Spontaneous transformation" to EB virus genome-positive lymphoblastoid cell lines in noninfected cultures of UM cells from healthy seropositive donors, though rare in normal medium, is enhanced to such a degree in the presence of CSA that, for many donors, the phenomenon becomes titratable against input cell dose across the 2.0 X 10(6)-2.5 X 10(5) cells/culture range. Cell mixing experiments suggest that the spontaneously transformed cell lines which arise with such efficiency under these conditions do so not by direct in vitro outgrowth of progenitor cells transformed by the virus in vivo, but by a two-step mechanism involving virus release and secondary infection in vitro.  相似文献   
Henderson  Robert W. 《Oecologia》1984,62(2):234-239
Summary Approximately 1590 Hispaniolan colubrid snakes representing six genera and eight species were examined for prey remains (Alsophis cantherigerus, Antillophis parvifrons, Darlingtonia haetiana, Hypsirhynchus ferox, Ialtris dorsalis, Uromacer catesbyi, U. frenatus, and U. oxyrhynchus). The snakes were collected at many localities over a span of 80 years.Of 426 prey items, 77.9% were lizards (of which 69.6% were anoles), 19% frogs, 2.6% birds and mammals, and 0.5% other snakes. Darlingtonia was the only snake that did not exploit lizards; it fed exclusively on Eleutherodactylus frogs, including egg clutches. Disregarding Darlingtonia, there is no size class of Hispaniolan colubrids between 20–90 cm SVL that does not prey primarily on Anolis. Certain prey genera are added to, or deleted from, diets depending on snake size, but the data suggest that snake SVL alone does little to dictate what prey genera (or groups) are eaten. Shannon-Wiener values (H') indicate that Darlingtonia has the narrowest trophic niche, while Alsophis and Ialtris have the widest. Values of H' are not correlated with snake SVL, but highly significant (P<0.001) correlations exist between H' and mid-body circumference, head width, and snout width, and these characters may be indicators of trophic generalists and specialists. Anolis lizards are the most ubiquitous and conspicuous vertebrates on Hispaniola, and it is not surprising that they are widely exploited as a food source. Although as some snake species grow larger, anoles play a decreasingly important role in their diets, there is no evidence to suggest that they are ever abandoned as a food source by any Hispaniolan colubrid of any size.Secretive lizards of low vagility are eaten almost exclusively by wide ranging foragers (Alsophis, Antillophis); very active prey (Ameiva) is taken by sit-and-wait strategists (Hysirhynchus, U. frenatus). Those snakes which exploit the most prey groups are active foragers. Uromacer catesbyi exhibits both foraging modes, and predictably, eats diurnally active (anoles) and diurnally quiescent (hylid frogs) prey with almost equal frequency.Within Maglio's cantherigerus species assemblage, in which an Alsophis cantherigerus-like snake was ancestral to the other species, and in which longsnouted Uromacer are the most morphologically derived, there is an obvious trend toward trophic specialization on Hispaniola. The West Indies have provided an ideal natural laboratory for the investigation of many aspects of vertebrate ecology, and an arena in which to test theories of island biogeography. The most extensively studied West Indian vertebrates have been the lizards of the iguanid genus Anolis. Conversely, the ecology of West Indian snakes has been largely ignored. This is surprising in light of the fact that much has been written about Anolis predation, but little has been written about predators of Anolis; snakes may be important, frequent consumers of anoles.Hispaniola is physiographically and ecologically the most diverse of the Greater Antilles and, concomitantly, it has the most diverse snake fauna, including six colubrid genera containing 11 described species. It has rich frog and lizard faunas, but only two endemic mammals. Study of the diets of Hispaniola's colubrid snakes was undertaken to gain initial insights into the ecology of the snakes and to determine 1) what the snakes eat; 2) what relationships exist between snake diet and snake size as well as head and body proportions; 3) what relationships exist between snake foraging mode and prey type and size; 4) if anoles, as the most ubiquitous and conspicuous vertebrates on Hispaniola, comprise an important source of food; 5) if significant geographical differences in diet exist, expecially on satellite islands; 6) if north island and south island (sensu Williams 1961) Anolis ecomorphs are preyed upon by the same snake species in similar proportions; 7) if snakes are selective or opportunistic predators.This paper, the first in a series that will address all of the above topics, will briefly describe methods, snake species and prey genera. Prey genera are analyzed in terms of what snake taxa prey upon them, what size classes of snakes prey upon them, and prey genera diversity versus snake size and proportions.  相似文献   
Mutations in the xylose-H+ transport activity of Escherichia coli K12 were isolated using Mud(ApRlac). The initial selection was for simultaneous acquisition of ampicillin and xylose resistance in an fda background. Colonies were then screened for xylose-inducible beta-galactosidase and for growth on xylose of their fda+ derivatives. Two of the xylose-positive derivatives were shown to be impaired in xylose-H+ symport in whole cells and in xylose transport into subcellular vesicles. Their xylose transport in whole cells showed increased sensitivity to arsenate. The site of prophage insertion was mapped to 91.4 min on the E. coli genome between pgi and malB. It is proposed that the gene for the xylose-H+ symport system be called xylE.  相似文献   
Two animals with XY gonadal dysgenesis both had a reproductive tract similar in size to that found in sexually immature heifers, but neither had normal testicular or ovarian tissue. All cells examined in both animals contained XY chromosomes and spinal cord neurones were sex chromatin negative. Basal LH concentrations averaged 3.1 ng/ml in Animal 1 and 2.4 ng/ml in Animal 2 but increased within 12 h of injecting oestradiol to peak concentrations of 125 and 11 ng/ml respectively. Animal 1 displayed a distinct pulsatile LH release pattern with a highly repeatable decline phase at each pulse. A GnRH injection produced a rapid rise in plasma LH in both animals, sustained in Animal 1 at greater than 500 ng/ml for more than 2 h. Each animal displayed behavioural symptoms of oestrus within 12 h of being injected with 3 mg oestradiol benzoate and was repeatedly served by a bull. These studies indicated that both animals differed from freemartins and had some hypothalamic and pituitary response patterns resembling those reported for female cattle.  相似文献   
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