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Using chronically instrumented awake tracheotomized dogs, we examined the contributions of vagal feedback to respiratory muscle activities, both electrical and mechanical, during normoxic hypercapnia (inspired CO2 fraction = 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, and 0.06) and during mild treadmill exercise (3, 4.3, and 6.4 km/h). Cooling exteriorized vagal loops eliminated both phasic and tonic mechanoreceptor input during either of these hyperpneas. At a given chemical or locomotor stimulus, vagal cooling caused a further increase in costal, crural, parasternal, and rib cage expiratory (triangularis sterni) muscles. No further change in abdominal expiratory muscle activity occurred secondary to vagal cooling during these hyperpneas. However, removal of mechanoreceptor input during hypercapnia was not associated with consistent changes in end-expiratory lung volume, as measured by the He-N2 rebreathe technique. We conclude that during these hyperpneas 1) vagal input is not essential for augmentation of expiratory muscle activity and 2) decrements in abdominal expiratory muscle activity may be offset by increments in rib cage expiratory muscle activity and contribute to the regulation of end-expiratory lung volume.  相似文献   
Effect of ascorbic acid deficiency on the in vivo synthesis of carnitine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of ascorbate deficiency on carnitine biosynthesis was investigated in young male guinea pigs. Liver and kidney carnitine levels were not affected by the deficiency, but scorbutic animals had 50% less carnitine in heart and skeletal muscle than control animals. Labeled carnitine precursors, 6-N-tri-methyl-L-lysine and 4-N-trimethylaminobutyrate, both of which require ascorbate for their enzymatic hydroxylation, were injected into the vena cava of control, pair-fed and scorbutic animals. The distribution of isotope in compounds present in the liver and kidney after 1 h was determined. The uptake of trimethyllysine by the liver was less than 2% in 1 h, while the kidney took up approx. 20% of the 14C. Control and pair-fed animals converted trimethyllysine to kidney trimethylaminobutyrate 8--10 times as well as did scorbutic animals. Trimethylaminobutyrate hydroxylase, present in the liver but almost absent from the kidney, converted nearly all of substrate taken up by the liver to carnitine in both the scorbutic and control animals.  相似文献   
Hybridization in situ was used to identify rDNA in chromosomes of the pygmy chimpanzee, mountain gorilla, and siamang gibbon. In contrast to other Pongids, and man, the gorilla has only two pairs of rDNA-containing chromosomes. The single pair in the siamang bears no resemblance to the nucleolar chromosome of the closely related lar gibbon. Pan paniscus and P. troglodytes have the same rDNA distribution, and similar karyotypes except in the structure of chromosome 23p. Grain counts over unbanded preparations show that the human, orangutan, and both chimpanzees have about the same total rDNA multiplicity.  相似文献   
Ehrlich ascites tumor cells containing radioactive ATP were incubated in vitro with a range of concentrations of 2-deoxyglucose in order to produce different rates of ATP catabolism. Concentrations of all radioactive products of ATP catabolism were measured, and apparent rates of adenylate deaminase and inosinate dehydrogenase and of adenylate and inosinate dephosphorylation were calculated. It was concluded that these processes were reggulated primarily by the rate of formation of substrate, and to a lesser extent in some cases, by substrate concentration. No evidence was obtained for regulation of these processes by the concentration of ATP. The deoxyglucose-induced catabolism of radioactive GTP was also studied. When ATP catabolism was induced by incubation with 2,4-dinitrophenol, time courses of accumulation of purine nucleoside monophosphates and rates of alternative pathways of their metabolism were quite different than when deoxyglucose was used.  相似文献   
Repair synthesis in human cells in tissue culture can be readily separated from semi-conservative DNA synthesis with the aid of a benzoylated naphthoylated DEAE cellulose (BND-cellulose) column. Cells are incubated with a radioactive DNA precursor during treatment with a repair-inducing agent. An inhibitor of semi-conservative DNA synthesis (hydroxyurea) is added to slow the progression of the DNA growing point. The cells are lysed and after treatment with ribonuclease and pronase the lysates are sheared and passed through a BND-cellulose column. Native DNA is eluted with I M NaCl. Any increase in radioactivity in the native DNA is due to repair synthesis and the specific repair activity (nucleotides inserted per mug of DNA) can be determined from radioactivity and absorbancy measurements. Repair can also be measured in the region of the DNA growing point by fractionation of the material eluted from BND-cellulose with 50% formamide. Repair was not detected in N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene (AAAF)-treated lymphoblasts derived from an individual with xeroderma pigmentosum although methyl methanesulfonate (MMS)-induced repair was observed in these cells.  相似文献   
A simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) designated SIVMne was isolated from a pig-tailed macaque with lymphoma housed at the University of Washington Regional Primate Research Center, Seattle. To better establish the relationship of SIVMne to other immunodeficiency viruses, we purified and determined the partial amino acid sequences of six structural proteins (p1, p2, p6, p8, p16, and p28) from SIVMne and compared these amino acid sequences to the translated nucleotide sequences of SIVMac and human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2 (HIV-1 and HIV-2). A total of 125 residues of SIVMne amino acid sequence were compared to the predicted amino acid sequences of the gag precursors of SIV and HIVs. In the compared regions 92% of the SIVMne amino acids were identical to predicted residues of SIVMac, 83% were identical to predicted residues of HIV-2, and 41% were identical to predicted residues of HIV-1. These data reveal that the six SIVMne proteins are proteolytic cleavage products of the gag precursor (Pr60gag) and that their order in the structure of Pr60gag is p16-p28-p2-p8-p1-p6. Rabbit antisera prepared against purified p28 and p16 were shown to cross-react with proteins of 60, 54, and 47 kilodaltons present in the viral preparation and believed to be SIVMne Pr60gag and intermediate cleavage products, respectively. SIVMne p16 was shown to contain covalently bound myristic acid, and p8 was identified as a nucleic acid-binding protein. The high degree of amino acid sequence homology between SIVs and HIV-2 around proven proteolytic cleavage sites in SIV Pr60gag suggests that proteolytic processing of the HIV-2 gag precursor is probably very similar to processing of the SIV gag precursor. Peptide bonds cleaved during proteolytic processing of the SIV gag precursor were similar to bonds cleaved during processing of HIV-1 gag precursors, suggesting that the SIV and HIV viral proteases have similar cleavage site specificities.  相似文献   
Chemotherapy of trypanosomotid infections continues to present challenges. Treatment of Trypanosoma cruzi infections is virtually impossible, while treatment of Leishmaniasis and African tryponosomiasis is, at best, difficult - often involving toxic drugs based on heavy metals such as antimony and arsenic. As with several other parasites, much recent research has focused on defining metabolic differences between parasite and host that could represent good targets for chemotherapy. As Graeme Henderson and Alan Fairlamb explain, there is something strange about glutothione in trypanosomotids - which seems to offer a very promising chemotherapeutic target.  相似文献   
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