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Predation by third instar larvae of Chrysoperla (=Chrysopa) carnea (Stephens) (Chrysopidae) did not alter the ratio of unparasitized Heliothis virescens (F.) (Noctuidae) larvae to H. virescens larvae parasitized by Microplitis croceipes (Cresson) (Braconidae) when these second instar larvae were exposed together to the predator on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., Malvaceae) in field cages. This indicates that C. carnea larvae did not prefer either parasitized or unparasitized larvae.
Prédation par Chrysopa carnea des chenilles d'Heliothis virescens parasitées par Microplitis croceipes
Résumé Les prédations de chenilles d'Heliothis virescens, parasitées ou saines, élevées sur coton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), de la variété Stoneville 213, ont été comparées, dans des cages de 10 m2 chacune placées dans la nature. Des chenilles du second stade ont été placées sur des pieds de coton dans 10 cages, à raison de 160 chenilles préalablement exposées à M. croceipes pendant leur premier stade et 40 chenilles saines par cage. Des larves du troisième stade de Chrysopa carnea ont été ajoutées dans 6 cages, à raison de 500/cage, et 4 cages ont servi de témoins pour évaluer les autres causes de mortalité. L'expérience a été répétée 2 fois. Les chenilles d'H. virescens ont été retirées au bout d'un jour dans une expérience et au bout de 2 jours dans l'autre. C. carnea n'a fait aucun choix entre chenilles parasitées ou non; la fréquence moyenne de chenilles parasitées n'a pas présenté de différence significative entre les cages avec ou sans C. carnea. Qui qu'il en soit, C. carnea a réduit significativement la survie des chenilles d'H. virescens parasitées ou non.
We applied graded resistive and elastic loads and total airway occlusions to single inspirations in six full-term healthy infants on days 2-3 of life to investigate the effect on neural and mechanical inspiratory duration (TI). The infants breathed through a face mask and pneumotachograph, and flow, volume, airway pressure, and diaphragm electromyogram (EMG) were recorded. Loads were applied to the inspiratory outlet of a two-way respiratory valve using a manifold system. Application of all loads resulted in inspired volumes decreased from control (P less than 0.001), and changes were progressive with increasing loads. TI measured from the pattern of the diaphragm EMG (TIEMG) was prolonged from control by application of all elastic and resistive loads and by total airway occlusions, resulting in a single curvilinear relationship between inspired volume and TIEMG that was independent of inspired volume trajectory. In contrast, when TI was measured from the pattern of airflow, the effect of loading on the mechanical time constant of the respiratory system resulted in different inspired volume-TI relationships for elastic and resistive loads. Mechanical and neural inspired volume and duration of the following unloaded inspiration were unchanged from control values. These findings indicate that neural inspiratory timing in infants depends on magnitude of phasic volume change during inspiration. They are consistent with the hypothesis that termination of inspiration is accomplished by an "off-switch" mechanism and that inspired volume determines the level of vagally mediated inspiratory inhibition to trigger this mechanism.  相似文献   
Multinuclear (1H and 31P) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and quasi-elastic light scattering have been used to characterize molecular aggregates formed in dilute sodium taurocholate--egg lecithin solutions. When mixed micelles (1.25 g/dL) are diluted with 150 mM aqueous sodium chloride, light-scattering measurements suggest a transformation from mixed micelles to unilamellar vesicle species. Decreased 1H NMR line widths for bile salt resonances are consistent with predominance of a monomer form. The concurrent appearance of a second phospholipid choline methyl resonance indicates two types of phospholipid environment in slow chemical exchange: this behavior is consistent with small unilamellar vesicles. The appearance of bilayer vesicles in dilute model bile solutions is confirmed by addition of a lanthanide shift reagent (Pr3+), which splits the 1H or 31P head-group peak into two components with distinct chemical shift sensitivities. These mixed micelle and vesicle aggregates are also distinguished by their susceptibility to the lipolytic enzyme phospholipase A2 from cobra venom.  相似文献   
Summary After a decrease and extinction due to deforestation the population has been reestablished by releasing captive-bred owls. Now about 40 territories are occupied with an average density of 0,8–1,0 territories/10 km2. Highest density: 17 territories/80 km2.  相似文献   
cDNA complementary to hamster mRNA encoding the CAD protein, a multifunctional protein which carries the first three enzymes of pyrimidine biosynthesis, was constructed. The longest of these recombinants (pCAD142) covers 82% of the 7.9-kilobase mRNA. Portions of the cDNA were excised and replaced by a lac promoter-operator-initiation codon segment. The resultant plasmids were transfected into an Escherichia coli mutant defective in aspartate transcarbamylase, the second enzyme of the pathway. Complementation of the bacterial defect was observed with as little as 2.2 kilobases of cDNA sequence, corresponding to the 3' region of the mRNA. DNA sequencing in this region of the hamster cDNA reveals stretches which are highly homologous to the E. coli gene for the catalytic subunit of aspartate transcarbamylase; other stretches show no homology. The highly conserved regions probably reflect areas of protein structure critical to catalysis, while the nonconserved regions may reflect differences between the quaternary structures of E. coli and mammalian aspartate transcarbamylases, one such difference being that the bacterial enzyme in its native form is allosterically regulated and the mammalian enzyme is not.  相似文献   
Patients suffering from peripheral vascular disease have been “ultima ratio”-treated with PGI2 at a rate of 5 ng/kg/min for 6 hours a day and 5 consecutive days i.v. 20 of them underwent surgery thereafter as therapy was not sufficient. A histological examination and quantification of vascular tissue revealed that the number of activated smooth muscle cells was significantly lower in treated patients vascular segments than in untreated ones in all the different age groups. A comparable suppression was found in the intima and the media as well. It is thus concluded, that PGI2 inhibits smooth muscle cell proliferation most probably by inhibiting PDGF-release from the platelets and stimulation of smooth muscle cell cAMP. To achieve a more beneficial PGI2-effect at the vascular level, a prolonged PGI2-therapy looks rather promising.  相似文献   
Regulation of end-expiratory lung volume during sleep in premature infants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To investigate the regulation of end-expiratory lung volume (EEV) in premature infants, we recorded airflow, tidal volume, diaphragm electromyogram (EMG), and chest wall displacement during sleep. In quiet sleep, EEV during breathing was 10.8 +/- 3.6 (SD) ml greater than the minimum volume reached during unobstructed apneas. In active sleep, no decrease in EEV was observed during 28 of 35 unobstructed apneas. Breaths during quiet sleep had a variable extent of expiratory airflow retardation (braking), and inspiratory interruption occurred at substantial expiratory flow rates. During active sleep, the expiratory flow-volume curve was nearly linear, proceeding nearly to the volume axis at zero flow, and diaphragm EMG activity terminated near the peak of mechanical inspiration. Expiratory duration (TE) and inspiratory duration (TI) were significantly shortened in quiet sleep vs. active sleep although tidal volume was not significantly different. In quiet sleep, diaphragmatic braking activity and shortened TE combined to maintain EEV during breathing substantially above relaxation volume. In active sleep, reduced expiratory braking and prolongation of TE resulted in an EEV that was close to relaxation volume. We conclude that breathing strategy to regulate EEV in premature infants appears to be strongly influenced by sleep state.  相似文献   
After addition of 5 mM sulfite or nitrite to glucose-metabolizing cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae a rapid decrease of the ATP content and an inversely proportional increase in the level of inorganic phosphate was observed. The concentration of ADP shows only small and transient changes. Cells of the yeast mutant pet 936, lacking mitochondrial F1ATPase, after addition of 5 mM sulfite or nitrite exhibit changes in ATP, ADP and inorganic phosphate very similar to those observed in wild type cells. They key enzyme of glucose degradation, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was previously shown to be the most sulfiteor nitrite-sensitive enzyme of the glycolytic pathway. This enzyme shows the same sensitivity to sulfite or nitrite in cells of the mutant pet 936 as in wild type cells. It is concluded that the effects of sulfite or nitrite on ATP, ADP and inorganic phosphate are the result of inhibition of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and not of inhibition of phosphorylation processes in the mitochondria. Levels of GTP, UTP and CTP show parallel changes to ATP. This is explained by the presence of very active nucleoside monophosphate kinases which cause a rapid exchange between the nucleoside phosphates. The effects of the sudden inhibition of glucose degradation by sulfite or nitrite on levels of ATP, ADP and inorganic phosphate are discussed in terms of the theory of Lynen (1942) on compensating phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in steady state glucose metabolizing yeast.Abbreviations ATP adenosine triphosphate - ADP adenosine diphosphate - AMP adenosine monophosphate - Pi inorganic orthophosphate Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Hans Grisebach on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday  相似文献   
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